The paper discusses the characteristics of an oxidising catalytic converter for a diesel engine's particulate filter system, analyzed through simulation and empirical studies. Constructed from a metal monolith, the converter has a 1.4 dm3 volume, 400 cpsi channel density, and a 2.5 g/dm3 platinum coating. Its chemical composition was examined using a scanning electron microscope, revealing platinum crystallites on a highly porous surface. Simulation tests in the AVL Boost program, utilizing real exhaust gasconcentration data, assessed the converter's efficiency in converting CO, HC, and NO2 in NOX at various engine speeds and channel conditions. An experiment on an engine dynamometer paralleled these simulations, verifying their accuracy. The study indicates that the simulation algorithm can predict the converter's performance, potentially reducing the need for extensive empirical testing and aiding in preliminary evaluations.
The aim of the work was to evaluate the possibility of monitoring the work of classical catalytic reactor by its ability to store oxygen. For this purpose, a special research reactor was developed to simulate the loss of its storage capacity of oxygen from 100% to 12.5% in increments of 12.5%. Also a test bench is described. It allows conducting experiments with research reactor, both in terms of his work on the standard, stoichiometric mixture and forced changing rich-poor mixture. In this article the impact of the reactor oxygen storage capacity loss on obtained conversion levels of CO, HC and NOX was described. Also the index of reactor oxygen storage capacity loss was defined and was referred to levels of toxic gases conversion in the catalytic reactor. On the basis of the results of research and its analysis the final conclusions were formulated.
Celem pracy było dokonanie oceny możliwości monitorowania pracy klasycznego reaktora katalitycznego za pomocą oceny jego zdolności do magazynowania tlenu. W tym celu został przygotowany specjalny reaktor badawczy pozwalający symulować utratę jego pojemności magazynowania tlenu od 100% do 12,5% z krokiem co 12,5%. Przygotowano również stanowisko badawcze pozwalające na przeprowadzenie badań eksperymentalnych reaktora zarówno w warunkach jego pracy klasycznie na mieszance stechiometrycznej, jak i na mieszance skokowo zmiennej bogata–uboga. Określono wpływ utraty pojemności magazynowania reaktora na uzyskiwane w nim poziomy konwersji CO, HC oraz NOX, a następnie wyznaczono indeks utraty pojemności magazynowania tlenu, od którego uzależniono spadek konwersji związków toksycznych spalin w reaktorze. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników badań i analiz sformułowano wnioski końcowe.
The beginning of this article describes the NEDC and WLTC test cycles and basic differences between them. The following presents, the test stand and test objects, which were bioethanol fuels E10, E40 and E85. At the end were presented and discussed results of tests of these fuels in the flex-fuel vehicle in NEDC and WLTC test cycles.
In the regulations concerning approval of light vehicles starting from September 2019 it will be necessary to conduct exhaust emissions tests both on a chassis dynamometer and for real driving emissions. It is a legislative requirement set forth in EU regulations for the purpose of the RDE (Real Driving Emissions) procedure. To decide on the RDE route for the purpose of the LV exhaust emissions tests many requirements must be fulfilled, regarding for example external temperature and the topographic height of the tests, driving style (driving dynamic parameters), trip duration, length of respective test sections (urban, rural, motorway, etc.). The works on outlining RDE routes are continued across the country in various research centres. Specifying the RDE route for test purposes, i.e. works in which the authors of this article are actively involved, has become a major challenge for future approval surveys concerning the assessment of hazardous emissions from light vehicles and for development studies focusing on - for example - the consumption of energy in electric and hybrid vehicles. The test route has been chosen to ensure that the test is performed on a continual basis. Data were recorded on a constant basis with the minimum duration of the test achieved. The test involved light vehicles and PEMS device for measuring the exhaust emissions, vehicle’s speed, completed route, etc. The device was installed in such manner as to ensure that its impact on the exhaust emissions from the tested vehicle and on the device’s operation is the least. The vehicle load was consistent with the requirements of the standard and included the aforesaid measurement device, the driver and the operator of PEMS. The tests were carried out on working days. The streets and roads used for the tests were hard-surfaced. Measurements were performed in accordance with the requirements of RDE packages (Package 1-4), i.e. taking into account - among others - the engine cold start. The article discusses the method of outlining the test route fulfilling the specific requirements for RDE testing. Chosen results of exhaust emissions from a passenger car with a spark-ignition engine along the defined RDE test route have been provided. The tests discussed in the article are introductory in the area of RDE tests and provide an introduction into further studies of exhaust emissions and energy consumption in real driving conditions in conventional vehicles and vehicles with alternative engines, e.g. hybrid and electric vehicles.
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