V dnešnej dynamickej spoločnosti majú kvalitné informácie neoceniteľný význam nakoľko sa mnohokrát stávajú nástrojom konkurenčného boja. Dnes nie je problém získať veľké množstvo údajov z najrozličnejších informačných zdrojov. Internet a najrôznejšie bázy dát poskytujú kvantum informácii, avšak, nie všetky spĺňajú požadovanú úroveň kvality. Kvalitou pritom rozumieme hlavne relevantnosť, validitu, spoľahlivosť, efektivitu a včasnosť získaných údajov. Získať, resp. Vybrať informáciu, ktoré spĺňa predchádzajúce parametre, za účelom prijatia správneho rozhodnutia, je umením a zároveň nevyhnutnou podmienkou prežitia a úspechu dopravných podnikov v konkurenčnom prostredí a to nie len v období a podmienkach celosvetovej hospodárskej krízy.
In today's dynamic society, high-class information has invaluable consequence, because it times becomes a tool of competitor's fight. Today, it is not difficult to obtain a large amount of data from many different sources of information. Internet and various databases provide an amount of information; however, not all information meets the required level of quality. Quality means especially relevance, validity, reliability, efficiency and timeliness of the data. Get, respectively choose the correct information that meets the foregoing parameters, in order to adopt a correct decision, is masterpiece and also inevitable condition of survival and success of the transport companies in a competitive environment, not only in terms and time of global economic crisis.
Philosophy of the company, that realizes its business activities on international environment, exceeds national range. The essence of the philosophy is the orientation to wider dimensions as dimensions of the domestic market, orientation to foreign markets and positioning of the products and services on these markets, followed by major need of knowledge about the relevant market, than the domestic market requires, higher business risk, different forms of business, different organizational structures.
Transportation service as a result of production process - transport, has specific attributes. These attributes such as intangibility, inseparability, variability and finiteness determine every transport service that requires specific terminology in marketing area. This is a reason why it is necessary to exactly define basic terms in field of transport from the marketing point of view.
Usługi transportowe traktowane jako proces produkcji posiadają specyficzne cechy. Cechy te takie jak nierozdzielność, zmienność oraz skończoność charakteryzują kaSdą usługę transportową. Wymaga to podania odpowiadającej im terminologii z zakresu marketingu. Powoduje to konieczność precyzyjnego zdefiniowania podstawowych terminów występujących w obszarze transportu z punktu widzenia marketingu.
Worldwide changes such as technological advances, internationalization, computerization, deregulation, globalization, etc. in recent years have led to radical changes in the marketing environment. Consumers require higher quality products at a lower, or at least the same prices, higher consumer value and product individualization. Organizations, especially transport companies, in order to succeed in this dynamic environment, must have sufficient information. But it is not just about quantity. Currently, there is no problem to get a large amount of information from various sources. Internet and various databases provide a large amount of information, but not all meet the required quality level. To select timely and relevant information inevitable for a good marketing decision is an art.
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