Separacja i oczyszczanie kwasów nukleinowych jest podstawowym etapem większości procedur i technik stosowanych w biologii molekularnej. Istnieje wiele metod izolacji DNA, w wyniku których otrzymuje się DNA biologicznie aktywny, chemicznie stabilny oraz wolny od RNA i białek. Nanocząstki magnetyczne z rdzeniem Fe3O4 pokryte otoczką aminosilanową, zostały zsyntetyzowane celem oceny ich przydatności w zakresie separacji makromolekuł (DNA). Zastosowanie nanocząstek do izolacji kwasów nukleinowych może stanowić podstawę do ustalenia nowych standardów diagnostycznych w biologii molekularnej.
The separation and purification of nucleic acids is an essential step in most of the procedures and techniques used in molecular biology. There are many procedures describing the method of DNA isolation, which result in obtaining a RNA-free DNA, proteins and other compounds that may interfere in subsequent analyzes. Magnetic nanoparticles coated by aminosilanes, were synthesized in order to assess their suitability for the separation of macromolecules (DNA). The use of nanoparticles for the isolation of nucleic acids may provide the basis for setting new standards for diagnostic molecular biology.
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The chromatographic properties and mass spectra of several synthetic nitro and aza steroids have been examined. Reversed-phase chromatography was performed with methanol, acetonitrile, or mixtures of these with aqueous phosphate buffer as mobile phases. The relationship between calculated lipophilicity and chromatographic capacity factors of the solutes was evaluated. Mass spectra were studied using soft ionization techniques. Calculated lipophilicity was a linear function of retention when methanol and methanol–phosphate buffer were used as mobile phases but not when acetonitrile and acetonitrile–phosphate buffer were used. It did not seem possible to detect intramolecular hydrogen-bond formation by use of chromatographic retention factors. Intramolecular hydrogen-bond formation affected the mass spectra, suggesting it affected the stability of the molecular ions.
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