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Reliability-oriented approach based on Monte Carlo simulations is a well-established methodology for coordinating maintenance activities of any technical system. Usually, coordination is conducted using holistic performance indicators, which are obtained from the convolution between the stochastic system availability and the system service required in a time horizon of t. Specifically, the system stochastic availability modeling is composed of the degradation process due to the system operation and the planning of the maintenance activities needed to keep the system operating at the desired standards. In the case of the degradation modeling process, given its random nature, it is addressed with predictions, which in practice, consist of generating random samples of the stochastic degradation processes from probability distributions, and the parameterization is usually estimated by fitting the distributions to historical degradation data for each technical component considered. Crucial to forecasting accurate performance indicators is the use of up-to-date information, i.e., the self-update of historical degradation data. In this paper, to address accurate performance indicators, we propose using the machine learning approach to update the adaptable model layers affected by changes in the degradation data. The paper's case study is an overhead crane system of a hot rolling mill process in a steel plant, which operates under hazardous conditions and continuously. We focus on overhead cranes because they are critical components of production processes. The paper's subject is validating the performance of a self-analysis layer, which processes the degradation data of the analyzed technical devices. The engineering solution ensures well-processed inputs for the problem of coordination of maintenance activities of overhead cranes, which is the object of the study of this research.
The paper presents an optimization model for an Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) operation capacity planning with focused to complete predicted mission. To successfully complete the mission the available resources related to the mission task we need to predict set of the device operation capacity indicator: technical status of the device structure and functions, device control strategy, access to the energetic resources type and others. Paper is focusing on device control strategy of the AGV under operation optimisation results minimizing possible gaps corresponded with the access to the energy. The scenarios are proposed by a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm, and the AGV operation is evaluated with the State of Charge (SoC) variable. The selected SoC variable allows us to describe the simulated operation in detail over time. The model output is the optimal trajectory for the AGV system considering the working environment and the satisfaction of the mission preestablished by the user. The inputs parameters of the optimization model are validated by a real environment created in a laboratory scale. The localization system, trajectories planning, workspace mapping and AGV control system concepts are briefly described, as well as the artificial intelligence used as methods and tools for AGV working control, to guide the discussion towards the contribution proposed.
An updated systematization of maintenance strategies based on selected transport device exploitation parameters, working in continuous process was presented. The presented framework provides guidelines of assessment methods and an evolution of the way-of-thinking and technological changes in the modern industry related with the maintenance strategies. The paper present also a holistic discussion about the maintenance strategies applicability on overhead operating cranes.
Zaprezentowano zmodyfikowaną metodę obsługiwania eksploatowanych w sposób ciągły środków transportowych z wykorzystaniem ich wybranych parametrów eksploatacyjnych. Przykładem zastosowania jest wybrana klasa środków transportu technologicznego: suwnice pomostowe. Przedstawiono metody oceny oraz ewolucji sposobu myślenia i zmian technologicznych we współczesnym przemyśle związanych ze strategiami utrzymania.
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