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Content available remote Rough Sets and Sorites Paradox
We discuss the rough set approach to approximation of vague concepts. There are already published several papers on rough sets and vague concepts staring from the seminal papers by Zdzisław Pawlak. However, only a few of them are discussing the relationships of rough sets with the sorites paradox. This paper contains a continuation of discussion on this issue.
Content available remote Interactive Logical Structures
We present an extension of logical structures, called interactive logical structures, for reasoning about interactive computations performed by Intelligent Systems or Complex Adaptive Systems. Reasoning based on such structures is called adaptive judgment and it goes beyond deduction, induction, and abduction. An extension of logical structures, based on complex granules, couples the abstract world and the physical world of an agent’s environment, and transmits the features of interactions of physical objects realized in the physical world to the abstract world. This allows us to consider the problems of perception and action.
Content available remote Rough Sets and Interactive Granular Computing
In several papers we have discussed a computing model, called the Interactive Granular Computing (IGrC), for interactive computations on complex granules. In this paper, we compare two models of computing, namely the Turing model and the IGrC model.
Content available remote A Classifier Based on a Decision Tree with Verifying Cuts
This article introduces a new method of a decision tree construction. Such construction is performed using additional cuts applied for a verification of the cuts' quality in tree nodes during the classification of objects. The presented approach allows us to exploit the additional knowledge represented in the attributes which could be eliminated using greedy methods. The paper includes the results of experiments performed on data sets from a biomedical database and machine learning repositories. In order to evaluate the presented method, we compared its performance with the classification results of a local discretization decision tree, well known from literature. Our new method out performs the existing method, which is also confirmed by statistical tests.
Content available Tool Lifecycle Management in industrial practice
The paper presents Time Lifecycle Management (TLM) as an enhancement of traditional approach to the tool management. The most important assumptions and main research areas of modern tool management are introduced. The author describes functional areas and expectations of TLM. The components and design principles of Industie 4.0 are presented. The main part shows TDM System, developed on the basis of TLM, and an example of its implementation in industrial practice.
Artykuł prezentuje koncepcję zarządzania cyklem życia narzędzia (Time Lifecycle Management, TLM) jako rozszerzenie tradycyjnej koncepcji zarządzania gospodarką narzędziową. Przedstawiono najważniejsze założenia oraz główne obszary problemowe współczesnej gospodarki narzędziowej. Zaprezentowano obszary funkcjonalne oraz oczekiwania wobec koncepcji TLM. Nawiązano do idei Industrie 4.0, omawiając jej komponenty oraz założenia projektowe implementacji. Zasadnicza część artykułu prezentuje program TDM System, opracowany w oparciu o koncepcję TLM oraz przykład jego wdrożenia w praktyce przemysłowej.
Content available remote Generalized Quantifiers in the Context of Rough Set Semantics
Looking back to Prof. Zadeh’s paradigm of Computing withWords (CWW) [28, 29, 30], one can notice that the initial attempt of such an endeavour was to set up a basic vocabulary of linguistic words, and fix their semantics based on fuzzy sets. Then a grammar was proposed to generate compound linguistic expressions based on the primitive ones, and simultaneously based on the semantic interpretations of those basic linguistic expressions a general scheme for the semantics of the rest of linguistic expressions were proposed. Sentences involving linguistic quantifiers and vague predicates constitute a fragment of natural language. In this paper, we choose this fragment of the natural language, and explore the semantics from the perspective of rough sets [13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21]. We fix a set of basic crisp quantifiers, mainly of proportional kind. A set of vague quantifiers are proposed to lie in a close vicinity of those crisp quantifiers in the sense that a particular vague quantifier can be visualized as a blurred, may be called rough, image of a set of crisp quantifiers. Semantics of the rest of the vague quantifiers can be obtained based on the subjective perception of the interrelations among the (vague) quantifiers.
Artykuł prezentuje wybrane zagadnienia związane z badaniem cyklu realizacji zamówienia klienta w produkcji jednostkowej. Na początku przedstawione zostały tendencje i perspektywy w produkcji jednostkowej oraz podstawy sformułowania obszarów badawczych. Główna część artykułu obejmuje charakterystykę wyodrębnionych trzech obszarów badawczych. Należą do nich: analiza kluczowych czynników obsługi klienta w produkcji jednostkowej, badania czasu realizacji zamówienia klienta oraz badania powiązań między ogniwami łańcucha. Charakterystyka każdego z obszarów badawczych obejmuje sformułowanie celu badań, opis wykorzystywanych metod i technik badawczych oraz krótką prezentację wyników prowadzonych badań. Artykuł kończą wnioski, wynikające z prowadzonych badań. Prezentowane w artykule zagadnienia są częścią szerszego opracowania, obejmującego stworzenie procedury realizacji zamówienia klienta w produkcji jednostkowej.
The article presents selected aspects related to the cycle's research of the customer order fulfillment in unit production. Trends and perspectives in discreet manufacturing and grounds for formulations of research areas were explained at the beginning. The main part of the study includes characterization of three separate research areas. These are: analyses of the key factors of customer service in the unit production, testing lead time of order process and studies on relationships between the chain links. The characteristics of each of the areas of research include: the formulation of the main objective, a description of used methods and techniques, and a brief presentation of research results. The conclusions of the research ends the article. Aspects presented in the paper are part of a broaden elaboration, involving creating a procedure of customer order fulfillment in discreet manufacturing.
We discuss an approach for dealing with uncertainty in complex systems. The approach is based on interactive computations over complex objects called here complex granules (c-granules, for short). Any c-granule consists of a physical part and a mental part linked in a special way. We begin from the rough set approach and next we move toward interactive computations on c-granules. From our considerations it follows that the fundamental issues of intelligent systems based on interactive computations are related to risk management in such systems. Our approach is a step toward realization of the Wisdom Technology (WisTech) program. The approach was developed over years of work on different real-life projects.
Content available remote Interactive Complex Granules
Information granules (infogranules, for short) are widely discussed in the literature. In particular, let us mention here the rough granular computing approach based on the rough set approach and its combination with other approaches to soft computing. However, the issues related to interactions of infogranules with the physical world and to perception of interactions in the physical world by infogranules are not well elaborated yet. On the other hand the understanding of interactions is the critical issue of complex systems. We propose to model complex systems by interactive computational systems (ICS) created by societies of agents. Computations in ICS are based on complex granules (c-granules, for short). In the paper we concentrate on some basic issues related to interactive computations based on c-granules performed by agents in the physical world.
Omówiono problem wpływu skoncentrowanego strumienia cieplnego na właściwości estrów syntetycznych stosowanych jako medium izolacyjno-chłodzące w transformatorach energetycznych.
The paper discusses an influence of concentrated heat flux on characteristics of synthetic esters used as an insulating-cooling medium in power transformers.
Content available remote Nearness of Visual Objects. Application of Rough Sets in Proximity Spaces
The problem considered in this paper is how to describe and compare visual objects. The solution to this problem stems from a consideration of nearness relations in two different forms of Efremovič proximity spaces. In this paper, the visual objects are picture elements in digital images. In particular, this problem is solved in terms of the application of rough sets in proximity spaces. The basic approach is to consider the nearness of the upper and lower approximation of a set introduced by Z. Pawlak during the early 1980s as a foundation for rough sets. Two forms of nearness relations are considered, namely, a spatial EF- and a descriptive EF-relation. This leads to a study of the nearness of objects either spatially or descriptively in the approximation of a set. The nearness approximation space model developed in 2007 is refined and extended in this paper, leading to new forms of nearness approximation spaces. There is a natural transition from the two forms of nearness relations introduced in this article to the study of nearness granules.
Content available remote Rough Set Based Reasoning About Changes
We consider several issues related to reasoning about changes in systems interacting with the environment by sensors. In particular, we discuss challenging problems of reasoning about changes in hierarchical modeling and approximation of transition functions or trajectories. This paper can also be treated as a step toward developing rough calculus.
Celem prac przedstawionych w niniejszym artykule była konstrukcja narzędzia do wizualizacji wybranych algorytmów optymalnego dopasowania sekwencji nukleotydów i aminokwasów. Zasadę działania zbudowanego narzędzia można sprowadzić do trzech kroków. W kroku pierwszym określane są parametry wejściowe. W kroku drugim następuje wizualizacja dopasowania sekwencji biopolimerowych. Na koniec wyznaczane jest optymalne dopasowanie, zobrazowane ścieżką przejścia oraz wartością liczbową.
The aim of the work reported in this paper was to develop a tool for visualization of optimal alignment algorithms of nucleotide and protein sequences. Functioning of the developed tool is based on three steps. In the first step, input parameters are determined. In the second step, the tool visualizes alignment of biopolymers according to the chosen algorithm. At the end, an optimal alignment is illustrated as an alignment path with appropriate similarity measure.
Content available Toward interactive rough-granular computing
Computations in Rough-Granular Computing (RGC) are performed on (information) granules. The rough set approach is used in RGC for inducing granules approximating other granules about which imperfect knowledge is given only. For modeling of complex systems, it is important to extend the RGC approach to Interactive Rough-Granular Computing (IRGC) based on interactions of granules. In this paper, we discuss some fundamental issues for interaction of granules such as general scheme of interactions and the role of dynamic attributes and dynamic information systems in modeling interactive computations.
Content available remote Approximation Spaces in Rough–Granular Computing
We discuss some generalizations of the approximation space definition introduced in 1994 [24, 25]. These generalizations are motivated by real-life applications. Rough set based strategies for extension of such generalized approximation spaces from samples of objects onto their extensions are discussed. This enables us to present the uniform foundations for inducing approximations of different kinds of granules such as concepts, classifications, or functions. In particular, we emphasize the fundamental role of approximation spaces for inducing diverse kinds of classifiers used in machine learning or data mining.
Content available remote On Minimal Inhibitory Rules for Almost All k-Valued Information Systems
The minimal inhibitory rules for information systems can be used for construction of classifiers. We show that almost all information systems from a certain large class of information systems have relatively short minimal inhibitory rules. However, the number of such rules is not polynomial in the number of attributes and the number of objects. This class consists of all k-valued information systems, k ≥ 2, with the number of objects polynomial in the number of attributes. Hence, for efficient construction of classifiers some filtration techniques in rule generation are necessary. Another way is to work with lazy classification algorithms based on inhibitory rules.
Artykuł przedstawia wybrane procesy zachodzące w jednym z ogniw międzynarodowego łańcucha dostaw. Analizowana sytuacja związana jest z produkcją podzespołów do branży motoryzacyjnej. W części teoretycznej artykułu zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane z koncepcją zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw oraz rolą operatorów logistycznych w ich konfiguracji.
The article presents selected processes in one of the links of the international supply chain. The analyzed situation concerns the production of the components for the automotive sector. The theoretical part of the article focuses on the issues of supply chain management and the influence of logistics operators on its configuration.
Content available remote Optimization in Discovery of Compound Granules
The problem considered in this paper is the evaluation of perception as a means of optimizing various tasks. The solution to this problem hearkens back to early research on rough set theory and approximation. For example, in 1982, Ewa Orowska observed that approximation spaces serve as a formal counterpart of perception. In this paper, the evaluation of perception is at the level of approximation spaces. The quality of an approximation space relative to a given approximated set of objects is a function of the description length of an approximation of the set of objects and the approximation quality of this set. In granular computing (GC), the focus is on discovering granules satisfying selected criteria. These criteria take inspiration from the minimal description length (MDL) principle proposed by Jorma Rissanen in 1983. In this paper, the role of approximation spaces in modeling compound granules satisfying such criteria is discussed. For example, in terms of approximation itself, this paper introduces an approach to function approximation in the context of a reinterpretation of the rough integral originally proposed by Zdzisaw Pawlak in 1993. We also discuss some other examples of compound granule discovery problems that are related to compound granules representing process models and models of interaction between processes or approximation of trajectories of processes. All such granules should be discovered from data and domain knowledge. The contribution of this article is a proposed solution approach to evaluating perception that provides a basis for optimizing various tasks related to discovery of compound granules representing rough integrals, process models, their interaction, or approximation of trajectories of discovered models of processes.
Content available remote Case-based Planning of Treatment of Infants with Respiratory Failure
We discuss medical treatment planning in the context of case-based planning, where plans (of treatment) are treated as complex decisions. A plan for a particular case is constructed from known plans for similar training examples. In order to evaluate and improve the prediction quality of complex decisions, we use a method for approximation of similarity measure between plans. The method makes it possible to transform the acquired domain knowledge about similarities of plans, expressed by medical experts in natural language, to a low level language understandable by the system. To accomplish this task, we developed a method for approximation of the ontology of concepts expressed by medical experts. We present two applications of the ontology approximation, namely, for approximation of similarity between patient histories and for approximation of compatibility of patient histories with planned therapies. Next, we use these concept approximations to define two measures on which are based two methods for (plan) therapy prediction. The article includes results of experiments with these methods performed on medical data obtained from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, First Department of Pediatrics, Polish-American Institute of Pediatrics, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. The experiments are pertained to the identification of infants' death risk caused by respiratory failure.
We consider a system of resonant elliptic equations and using variational methods derive suffcient conditions for solutions of the system to depend continuously on parameters. This result is employed to obtain existence of solution for some optimal control problem.
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