Na podstawie badań mikroskopowych i w mikro obszarze próbek skał z trzech rejonów morawsko-śląskiej strefy tektonicznej: Wzgórz Strzelińskich, okolic Paczkowa i Głuchołaz, dokonano charakterystyki przejawów mineralizacji kruszcowej tego obszaru. Stwierdzono obecność szerokiego zestawu minerałów kruszcowych, w tym wielu dotychczas na badanym obszarze nierozpoznanych, takich jak: piryt, pirotyn, chalkopiryt, sfaleryt, mielnikowit, mielnikowit-piryt, markasyt, kowelin, digenit, galena, greenockit, carrolit-fletscheryt, bravoit, Co-bravoit, molibdenit, scheelit, tennantyt, minerały z grupy euksenitu (EGM) zbliżone do yttrocrasite-(Y), elektrum, bizmut rodzimy, bismutynit, cosalit, joseit?, tsumoit?, gustavit?, stannin, argentyt, srebro rodzime, ilmenit, rutyl, tytanit, goethyt oraz szereg minerałów pierwiastków promieniotwórczych – uraninit, toryt, coffinit, a także minerałów zawierających pierwiastki promieniotwórcze (w tym wspomniane wyżej minerały grupy euksenitu): rabdofan, uranopolycrase i prawdopodobnie thorbastnäsyt współwystępujący z parisytem. Zespołem mineralnym najpowszechniej spotykanym w całym regionie jest zespół o składzie: piryt, pirotyn, chalkopiryt, sfaleryt, przy czym dwa ostatnie minerały występują podrzędnie. Przejawy mineralizacji pierwiastkami ziem rzadkich wymagają dalszych badań w pierwszej kolejności.
Based on microscopic investigations and detailed electron microprobe studies of rock samples from three regions of the Moravian-Silesian tectonic zone: Wzgórza Strzelińskie, Paczków region, and Głuchołazy region, the characteristics of ore mineralization in the Strzelin–Głuchołazy area are presented. The presence of a wide range of ore minerals was found, including many previously unrec- ognized in the study area: pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, melnikovite, melnikovite-pyrite, marcasite, covellite, digenite, galena, greenockite, carrolite-fletscherite, bravoite, Co-bravoite, molybdenite, scheelite, tennantite, euxenite (EGM) similar to yttrocrasite-(Y), electrum, native bismuth, bismuthinite, cosalite, joseite, tsumoite, gustavite, stannite, argentite, native silver, ilmenite, rutile, titanite, goethite and a number of minerals of radioactive elements – uraninite, thorite, coffinite, as well as minerals containing radioactive elements (including the above-mentioned minerals of the euxenite group, rhabdophane, uranopolycrase and possibly thorbastnäsite co-occurring with parisite). The most common mineral assemblages are: pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, occurring both in granitoids and in all types of rocks of the metamorphic cover. Higher concentration of these minerals is extremely rare, and pyrite and pyrrhotite are dominant. The manifestations of mineralization with rare earth elements require further research.
Wykonano badania próbek szlichowych z potoków w czterech rejonach morawsko-śląskiej strefy tektonicznej: Wzgórz Strzelińskich (5 szlichów), Piotrowic Polskich (9 szlichów), Kamiennej Góry (4 szlichy) i w celach porównawczych w rejonie Głuchołaz (7 szlichów). Dokonano mikroskopowej analizy mineralogicznej i oceny stopnia obtoczenia minerałów występujących w badanych próbkach. W próbkach z badanych potoków występuje złoto w ilościach od 0 do 16 ziaren w 10 l aluwiów. Złoto we współczesnych aluwiach z rejonów Wzgórz Strzelińskich, Piotrowic Polskich i Kamiennej Góry jest bardzo drobnoziarniste i nie tworzy koncentracji istotnych pod względem ekonomicznym. W pegmatycie z kamieniołomu granitu w Kamiennej Górze stwierdzono obecność elektrum, co sugeruje możliwość występowania mineralizacji Au w górnych, usuniętych przez erozję, partiach intruzji.
Pan concentrates separated from stream sediments of four regions of the Moravian-Silesian tectonic zone have been analysed. 5 samples were collected from the Strzelin Hills, 9 from the Piotrowice Polskie area, 4 from the Kamienna Góra area and for comparative purposes, 7 from the Głuchołazy region. The microscopic analysis and evaluation of degree roundness of minerals that occur in tested samples were made. Gold occurs in samples from tested streams in quantities from 0 to 16 grains in 10 l of sediments. In the modern alluvia of the Strzelin Hills, the Piotrowice Polskie and the Kamienna Góra regions Au is very fine-grained and do not make economic concentracions. In the pegmatite from the Kamienna Góra granite quarry the presence of electrum was observed, suggesting the possibility of occurrence of Au mineralization in the upper, eroded parts of intrusion.
In the northern part of the Upper Silesian Block, there is a latitudinal structure, several kilometres wide, stretching from Zawiercie through Siewierz towards Tworóg, where Devonian carbonate formations occur directly under the Triassic overburden. This tectonically controlled elevated structure, redefined in this paper as the Brudzowice (Siewierz) elevation, is the effect of Variscan restructuring of the area, which was accompanied by magmatism carrying polymetallic mineralization, and by intense erosion reaching the Lower Devonian formations. The Bibiela PIG-1 borehole, drilled in 2016, revealed the presence of Ordovician and Ediacaran clastics under the Devonian, in which metasomatic changes and ore mineralization located within the range of low-temperature hydrothermal effects associated with an acid magmatic intrusion were observed. A complex ore association with Cu, Fe, Zn, Pb, and Ni and As minerals have been found. The presence of chalcopyrite extends the list of documented manifestations of copper mineralization in the Upper Silesian Block, so far observed in the late Paleozoic and Lower Triassic formations, thus indicating the prospect for further exploration in this area.
Detrital zircon age of the conglomerates from the Upper Silesian (USB) and Małopolska (MB) (S Poland) have been investigated to compare their deposition age and possible provenience. The size and poor sorting of the lithoclasts reflect a short transportation, with deposition close to the sourceland. The Late Ediacaran conglomerate of the Potrójna IG 1 and Raciechowice 1 boreholes (USB) reveal a good match between the ages known from the local basement explored by boreholes. Detrital zircon clusters in a range of 579-585 Ma and 628-638 Ma and of 707 Ma are consistent with the distributions of Cadomian magmatism within the nearest orogenic belt or those identified elsewhere within the Brunovistulicum. In case of the conglomerate deposited in the Batowice 2 borehole (MB), the zircon clusters of 532, 551, 594 and 649 Ma, accompanied with a pre-Svecofennian group peaked at 2071 Ma, and the lack of Sveconorvegian population may document a tectono-sedimentary interaction between the Baltica's southern margin and the Gondwanan Cadomian and Late Cadomian basement during Early Paleozoic time. This conglomerate bed was deposited later, after the Early Ordovician, then docking of Małopolska Block - Baltica was probably completed.
Borehole Cianowice-2 was drilled several kilometers to the NW of Kraków. Under the Jurassic deposits, at a depth of 265.3-600.0 m, Ediacaran clastic sediments with polymetallic mineralization represented by a group of dozen ore minerals, mainly sulphides and sulphosalts were found. This is low-temperature, hydrothermal mineralization, which along with local metasomatic transformations indicates that the Ediacaran rocks are probably related to the nearby intrusion of acid igneous rocks. In order to locate this hypothetical intrusion, detailed gravimetric and magnetic tests were performed. As a result, a negative gravimetric anomaly was discovered with minima in the region of Maszyce and Pr¹dnik Ojcowski. An optimal borehole location for a further exploration was proposed near the Podmaszyckie hamlet at a depth of about 1000 m.
In the shadow of discoveries of large deposits of mineral resources in Poland after World War II, intensive exploration works were carried out, but the results of this research did not bring such spectacular effects. Exploration of Zn-Pb deposits conducted in the vicinity of historic deposits of Tarnowskie Góry and Bytom led to documentation of the Zawiercie, Goluchowice and Marciszów deposits. With some successes, exploration works of metal ore deposits in Paleozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks of the NE margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin were carried out. In this area, the Myszków Mo-W-Cu mineral deposit was confirmed, representing the porphyry copper genetic type. Moreover, in the area of Mrzyglód, the promising mineralization zone was found, requiring further geological research. The exploration of uranium and rare earth element ores did not lead to documentation of the deposits, nevertheless they made it possible to recognize all geological structures in Poland in terms of the possibility of occurrence of ore deposit occurrence of these metals. The prospecting works for these goals was carried out with a relatively small scale and were limited of the Sudetes, where exploitation took place on a fairly large scale in the past (Zloty Stok, Radzimowice, Klecza-Radomice, Wądroże Wielkie). The gold concentration occurring in the Zechstein Kupferschiefer formation and the porphyry copper mineralisation in NE margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin were also studied. The PGI participated in the exploration of mineral resources in marine areas, where besides the hydrocarbon exploration in the Polish economic zone, research on the Baltic polymetallic nodules was carried out, and within the INTEROCEANMETAL consortium the raw material potential of the Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the Pacific was studied.
W trakcie poszukiwań mineralizacji kruszcowej w morawsko-śląskiej strefie tektonicznej przebadano 312 próbek z 28 odkrywek. Wydzielono cztery odkrywki (Gierałcice, Górka Sobocka, Gęsiniec i Doboszowice), w których stwierdzono najwyższe zawartości REE. Szczegółowe badania wykazały, że granitoidy, aplity i żyły kwarcowe z Gierałcic oraz granitoidy z Górki Sobockiej charakteryzują się przeciętną zawartością pierwiastków ziem rzadkich, a podwyższone zawartości tych pierwiastków wykazują pojedyncze próbki pegmatytów, skał zmetasomatyzowanych i granitoidów pozostających na różnych etapach przeobrażeń hipergenicznych. Stosunkowo wysokie zawartości sumy REE stwierdzono w granitoidach z Gęsińca – maksymalnie 681 ppm, średnio 169 ppm. Występuje tam allanit, na którego kryształach utworzyły się skupienia wtórnych minerałów ziem rzadkich z grupy bastnäsytu: parisytu i prawdopodobnie thorbastnäsytu. Najwyższe zawartości REE oznaczono w 7 próbkach iłów wypełniających szczeliny tektoniczne w kamieniołomie gnejsu w Doboszowicach. Suma REE waha się w nich w granicach 591–1868 ppm, a średnia arytmetyczna zawartość przekracza 0,1%. Wskazuje to na możliwość wykrycia stosunkowo wysokich zawartości REE w skałach ilastych na terenie Sudetów.
In the course of prospecting for ore mineralization in the Moravian-Silesian tectonic zone 312 samples were collected from 28 open pits. Selected four quarries (Gierałcice, Górka Sobocka, Gęsiniec and Doboszowice) have been found to have the highest content of REE. Detailed studies have shown that granitoids, aplites and quarz veins from Gierałcice and granitoids from Górka Sobocka are characterized by typical contents of rare earth elements, single elevated contents of these elements occur in pegmatites, metasomatites and weathered granitoids being at different stages of hypergenic alterations. Higher contents of total REE were found in granitoids from the Gęsiniec quarry–up to 681 ppm, an average of 169 ppm. In this quarry occur granitoids with crystals of allanite coated by aggregates of secondary REE minerals of the bastnaesite group: parisite and probably thorbastnaesite. The highest contents of REE were found in seven samples of clays filling the tectonic fissures in gneisses of the Doboszowice quarry. The contents of total REE in clays range within the limits of 591–1868 ppm and the mean content exceeds 0.1%. This indicates the possibility of the occurrence of higher contents of REE in clay rocks in the Sudetes Mountains.
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