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Trends in changes of water storage in upper soil layers were analyzed. The observations were carried out from 2002 to 2016 hydrological year in a small forest catchment in the district of Siemianice Forest Experimental Farm (LZD). The samples were taken from the upper soil layer of profiles located in different forest habitats, both at the beginning and at the end of hydrological half-years. Water storage was evaluated separately for two layers at the depths of 0–15 cm and 15–100 cm. Changes in water storage determined using the Mann-Kendall test were found to indicate multi-year trends. Results of the study are inconclusive. There were no statistically significant long-term trends in water storage changes in soil profiles in moist mixed broadleaved and coniferous forest and also in the soil profiles of fresh habitats. However, it is worth noting that statistically significant downward trends of water storage in two soil profiles located in ash alder swamp forest and moist broadleaved forest were observed. To some degree, they can be accounted for by long-term downward trends of ground-water levels in the area.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w wieloleciu 2000–2009 w zlewni śródleśnego oczka wodnego nr 1, usytuowanego na terenie Leśnego Zakładu Doświadczalnego Siemianice, w leśnictwie Wielisławice. Omawiany obszar leży w zasięgu Niziny Południowo-Wielkopolskiej i stanowi jego południową granicę. Pod względem hydrograficznym obiekt jest częścią zlewni rzeki Niesób, która jest lewobrzeżnym dopływem Prosny. Zlewnia badanego oczka wodnego nr 1 ma powierzchnię około 7,5 ha i lesistość 100%. W badanej zlewni przeważa siedlisko lasu mieszanego świeżego, w mniejszym stopniu występuje bór mieszany świeży a najmniejszą powierzchnie zajmuje, występujący w najbliższym sąsiedztwie oczka nr 1, las mieszany wilgotny. W pokrywie glebowej omawianej zlewni dominują gleby rdzawe bielicowe o uziarnieniu piasku słabogliniastego. Śródleśne oczko wodne nr 1, o powierzchni 0,13 ha i głębokości średniej 1,0 m, ma charakter oczka wytopiskowego. Badania wykazały, że w analizowanym wieloleciu, w którym w przewadze występowały lata przeciętne lub suche pod względem sum opadów, zwierciadło wód gruntowych w analizowanej zlewni obniżyło się o około 70cm, co przy średniej porowatości utworów glebowych występujących na jej obszarze, wynoszącej około 36%, spowodowało w omawianym okresie ubytek retencji na poziomie 250 mm.
The paper presents the results of the researches carried out in 2000–2009 period in pond No. 1 catchment. The pond is located at Siemianice Experimental Forest Farm in Wielisławice forest district. This area is situated at South Wielkopolska Lowland and constitutes its southern frontier. In terms of hydrography, the object is a part of Niesób River catchment area, which is a left-bank tributary of the Prosna River. The catchment area is about 7.5 ha and the forestation is 100%. Fresh mixed broadleaved forest is the dominant area of the catchment. Fresh mixed coniferous forest stands also have a significant share in the catchment area. Moist mixed broadleaved forest stands occupy the rest of the area neighboring the No. 1 pond. Albic Arenosols (FAO1988) consist of sand (USDA) are prevalent in the area. The area of the mid-forest pond No. 1 covers about 0.13 ha. The average depth of the postglacial pond is approximately 1.0 m. It is worth noting that the average and dry years dominated in the analyzed period. The researches indicated that the groundwater level lowered by about 70 cm in this period. Retention decrease calculated for analyzed area was about 250 mm, considering the average soil porosity of about 36%.
Evaluation of the effects of small retention programme implementation was an aim of the paper. The research was carried out in two forest districts located in lowland area: Włocławek and Dąbrowa Forest District. They are located in the central part of the Polish Lowland in the southern and north-eastern part of Kujawy-Pomerania Province. Location of these objects in the zone of the lowest precipitation and also in the high air temperature have negative impact on the water resources. All of the activities which can protect the water resources as well as can increase the water retention should be priority. Realization of the investment of small retention objects in recent years caused creation of artificial reservoirs collecting significant amount of water, which flowed away until now. Realization of small retention object at Osięciny Forestry of Włocławek Forest District included building weir with regulated flashboard gate in the ditch. Meanwhile in the Dąbrowa Forest District at Krępa watercourse at degraded grasslands of low class in November 2006. Four cascading weir with constant overflow as well as four reservoirs were built. An increase of surface and subsurface retention capacity in Włocławek Forest Districts was from 14 to 14.5 th. m3, with an increase of flowed area from 10.3 th. m2 to 31.7 th. m2. Flowed area created in second analysed forest district – Dąbrowa, was from 1.8 th. m2 to 32.9 th. m2, and built reservoirs stored water of amount from 2.6 th. 3 to 18.1 th. m2. The building devices of small retention caused the water retention increase of about 36.4 th. m3 in total. Improvement of habitat conditions which are in particular sensitive to water shortage, which can appear frequently, was an additional profit of small retention programme implementation, besides the increase of water storage amount. The researches indicated that nature-friendly small water damming devices, constructed from natural materials can also be an cheap alternative for water storage in comparison to constructing bigger water reservoirs, which also demanding high exploitation costs. Small retention water devices presented in the paper allow to carrying out a rational water management with maintain of environmental needs. They also indicate possibility of water retention increase and protection of forest habitats which are particularly sensitive to water shortage. The more so all of the small retention activities can positively affect biodiversity of forest habitats.
Trends in groundwater level changes in small forest catchments located in Wielkopolska region were analysed on the basis on data collected for many years of groundwater levels observations. The observations were carried out from 2000 to 2010 hydrological year in Marianka Siemiańska and Laski forest district as well as in Puszcza Zielonka. The groundwater levels were measured in soil profiles located in different forest habitats: fresh, moist and swamp forest. Changes in groundwater level determined using the Mann-Kendall test were found to differ significantly between the catchment studied. Statistically insignificant decrease in groundwater levels was observed at all forest sites in the catchment area in Marianka Siemiańska forest district. In the catchment area of the Hutka watercourse the groundwater level showed a statistically significant decreasing tendency in Puszcza Zielonka in swamp and fresh mixed coniferous forest. It may indicate a decrease in water resources and implies the need of groundwater level monitoring. A statistically insignificant increase in groundwater level was observed in the wells in moist mixed broadleaved forest in the area of pond catchment in Laski forest district, this trend was interpreted as a result of the clearcutting made in this area.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w dwóch, różniących się pod względem opadów, latach hydrologicznych 2010/2011 i 2012/2013 w zlewniach śródleśnych oczek wodnych nr 1 i 6 usytuowanych na terenie Leśnego Zakładu Doświadczalnego Siemianice, należącego do Leśnego Kompleksu Promocyjnego „Lasy Rychtalskie”, w leśnictwach Wielisławice (oczko nr 1) oraz Laski (oczko nr 6). Zlewnia śródleśnego oczka wodnego nr 1, o powierzchni około 7,5 ha jest w 100% zlewnią leśną. Natomiast zlewnia oczka nr 6, o powierzchni około 37 ha, jest w 40% zlewnią leśną a pozostałe 60% obszaru badanej zlewni stanowią grunty orne. Analizowane w pracy oczka nr 1 i 6 o łagodnych skarpach, mają charakter naturalnych oczek wytopiskowych. Powierzchnia oczka nr 1 wynosi 0,13 ha a oczka nr 6 0,35 ha, przy średnich głębokościach wynoszących odpowiednio 1,0 m i 1,4 m. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły, że zmiany stanów i związanych z nimi zapasów wody w śródleśnych oczkach wodnych nr 1 i 6 w dużej mierze uzależnione był również, poza przebiegiem warunków meteorologicznych, od ich cech morfometrycznych. Badania wykazały także silną więź hydrauliczną polegającą na okresowym odpływie wód z oczek do gleb przyległych siedlisk i odwrotnie. Obliczone współczynniki korelacji, dla związków stanów wód w oczkach ze stanami wód gruntowych przyległych siedlisk w omawianych latach hydrologicznych osiągały wartości od 0,43 do 0,96 i zależności te były w większości istotne na poziomie α=0,01.
The paper presents the results of the researches carried out in the catchments of pond No 1 and No 6. The ponds are located in Siemianice Experimental Farm, belonging to “Lasy Rychtalskie” Promotional Forest Complex, in Wielisławice (pond No 1) and Laski forestry (pond No 6). The researches were carried out in two hydrological years 2010/2011 and 2012/2013. The years had different precipitation. The area of catchment of pond No 1 is about 7.5 ha and its forestation totals 100%. Whereas catchment area of pond No 6 is about 37 ha. The forestation of this pond is about 40% and the rest are arable areas. The analyzed pond No 1 and 6, have mild scarps, and they are natural pond melting out. The area of pond No 1 is 0.13 ha, whereas pond No 6 is 0.35 ha, and averages depths of both ponds are 1.0 m and 1.4 m. The results confirmed a connection between water in ponds and groundwater in neighboring areas. In some periods water of ponds supply surrounding areas and in some periods on the contrary – groundwater supply water in ponds. Correlation coefficient (from 0.43 to 0.96) calculated for relation between water levels in ponds and groundwater were statistically significant for the level α=0.01 in analyzed hydrological years.
Changes of the groundwater levels in the area of clearcutting in a swampy habitat and moist mixed broadleaved forest are analysed in the paper. The aim of the research is to evaluate the influence of clearcutting on the amount of changes in groundwater levels. The research was carried out in two forestries located on the southern tip of Greater Poland, belonging to Siemianice Experimental Forest Farm. The analysis is based on data from wells located in ashalder swamp forest in Marianka forestry and moist broadleaved forest in Laski forestry. The research is based on the relation of groundwater levels in wells located in clearcutting and observation wells. The received relationship of groundwater levels helps estimate changes in groundwater table, depending on its depth before clearcutting. The research shows increases of groundwater levels in the area of clearcutting. Increments are significantly higher in moist broadleaved forest than in ashalder swamp forest.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w trzech, różniących się pod względem opadów, latach hydrologicznych 2004/2005, 2008/2009 i 2009/2010 w zlewni śródleśnego oczka wodnego nr 1, usytuowanego na terenie Leśnego Zakładu Doświadczalnego Siemianice, w leśnictwie Wielisławice. Zlewnia badanego oczka wodnego nr 1, o powierzchni około 7,5 ha i lesistości 100%, usytuowana jest w zlewni Niesobu-lewobrzeżnego dopływu Prosny. W badanej zlewni przeważają siedliska świeże zajmując około 98% powierzchni. Od zachodniej strony oczka, w niewielkim stopniu występuje siedlisko lasu mieszanego wilgotnego. W pokrywie glebowej analizowanej zlewni dominują gleby bielicowo-rdzawe oraz brunatno-rdzawe a w niewielkim stopniu występują gleby murszaste. Natomiast przeważającym gatunkiem gleby jest piasek słabogliniasty. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że w suchym roku hydrologicznym 2004/2005 wystąpiły ubytki zapasów wody we wszystkich analizowanych siedliskach i osiągały one wartości od 4 mm (BMśw) do 18 mm (LMw). Natomiast w dwóch następnych analizowanych latach stwierdzono w omawianych siedliskach przyrosty zapasów wody. Największe, wahające się od 63 mm (BMśw) do 82 mm (LMw), wystąpiły w mokrym pod względem opadów roku hydrologicznym 2009/2010. Badania wykazały również, że zmiany zapasów wody w glebach analizowanych siedlisk leśnych, w półroczach zimowych i letnich omawianych lat były silnie powiązane ze zmianami stanów wód gruntowych w tych siedliskach. Współczynnik korelacji obliczony dla tych wielkości wyniósł 0,95 i zależność ta była istotna na poziomie α = 0,01.
The paper presents the results of the researches carried out in three hydrological years 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2009/2010 of a different precipitation sums. The researches were carried out at catchment of water pond number one, located at Wielisławice Forestry of Siemianice Experimental Farm. The area of investigated catchment of pond number one is about 7.5 ha and its forestation totals 100%. It is situated in a part of Niesób catchment – left- side tributary of Prosna River. In the investigated catchment the predominant fresh habitats spreading through 98% area. Moist mixed broadleaved forest is located at the west part of pond. Proper podzols are predominant in soil cover analysed catchment and to a little extent there are muckous soils. Whereas predominant soil textural group there is loamy sand. The researches indicates that the decrease of water storages in all of the analysed habitats and was from 4 mm in fresh mixed coniferous forest to 18 mm in moist mixed broadleaved forest in a dry 2004/2005 hydrological year. Whereas an increase of water storages was observed in these forest habitats in the next two hydrological years. The highest fluctuations – from 63 mm in fresh mixed coniferous forest to 82 mm in moist mixed broadleaved forest were observed in wet 2009/2010 hydrological year. The researchers also showed that changes of water storages in analysed soil of forest habitat, in winter and summer hydrological half-year was connected to the groundwater levels in these habitats. The coefficient correlation was 0.95 and this relationship was significant at α = 0.01 level.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w dwóch mokrych pod względem opadów latach hydrologicznych 2000/2001 i 2009/2010 w zlewni śródleśnego oczka wodnego nr 5 usytuowanej na terenie Leśnego Zakładu Doświadczalnego Siemianice, w leśnictwie Laski. Zlewnia oczka nr 5 o powierzchni około 20 ha i lesistości 100% usytuowana w zlewni Pomianki, która jest lewobrzeżnym dopływem Prosny. W badanej zlewni przeważają siedliska świeże zajmujące łącznie 95% powierzchni. W terenie bezpośrednio przyległym do oczka występuje siedlisko lasu wilgotnego i lasu mieszanego wilgotnego. Największą powierzchnię zlewni zajmują gleby płowe zbrunatniałe oraz brunatne kwaśne typowe, o uziarnieniu piasku słabogliniastego. Uzyskane wyniki badań potwierdziły, że w ocenie zdolności retencyjnych siedlisk leśnych, poza zmianami retencji w 1m warstwie gleby, istotne są również zmiany zapasów wód gruntowych. Badania wykazały w obydwu analizowanych okresach przyrosty zapasów wody, przy czym w roku hydrologicznym 2009/2010 przyrost zapasów był wyższy od tej wielkości z pierwszego analizowanego roku (2000/2001) o 160 mm.
The paper presents the results of the researches carried out in two hydrological years 2000/2001 and 2009/2010. These two years were wet ones with high precipitation sums. The researches were carried out at the catchment of water pond No 5, located at Laski Forestry of Siemianice Experimental Farm. The area catchment of pond No 5 is about 20 ha and its forestation totals 100%. It is situated in a part of Pomianka catchment – left-side tributary of Prosna River. In the investigated catchment predominant fresh habitats spreading through 95% area. Moist broadleaved forest and moist mixed broadleaved forest are located in the area neighbouring to the pond. The haplic luisol and haplic cambisol (dystric) are predominant in soils of the catchment area. Whereas, loamy sand a predominant soil there . The researches and analyses confirmed that retention changes in 1m soil layer as well as changes of groundwater storages had significant meaning in the evaluation of forest habitats retention. The research showed an increase of water storages in both analysed years, whereas in 2009/2010 hydrological year increase was higher than in the first analysed year (2000/2001) of about 160 mm.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki wieloletnich badań prowadzonych na obszarze środkowej części kompleksu leśnego Puszcza Zielonka, dotyczących możliwości retencjonowania wody w śródleśnych oczkach wodnych i mokradłach. Obiektem badań była zlewnia cieku Trojanka, od źródła do przekroju Jezioro Zielonka, położona w centralnej części Wielkopolski. Zlewnia o powierzchni 223 ha była w charakterze leśnym W pracy dokonano analizy przebiegu warunków meteorologicznych w trzech latach hydrologicznych charakteryzujących rok mokry (1987), suchy (2003) i średni (2009) na tle wielolecia 1986–2009. W analizowanych latach obliczono pojemność retencyjną poszczególnych mokradeł oraz dokonano oceny możliwości retencjonowania wody w zlewni cieku Trojanka. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły istotny wpływ warunków meteorologicznych na ilość magazynowanej wody. Przy łącznej powierzchni mokradeł i bagien wynoszącej 8,58 ha i opadzie z wielolecia na poziomie 555 mm obliczona pojemność zgromadzonej w nich wody wyniosła 15 852 m3. W roku mokrym (1987), przy opadzie wyższym o 100 mm w stosunku do średniej z wielolecia odnotowano 18 procentowy wzrost ilości zmagazynowanej wody, natomiast w roku suchym (2003), przy opadzie niższym od średniej o 208 mm odnotowano znaczący 62% spadek retencjonowanej wody w mokradłach.
The paper presents the results of researches carried out in the middle part of Pizza Zielonka forest complex. The aim was the evaluation of retention changes at wetlands and mid-forest ponds. The object of the study was the catchment of the Trojanka watercourse, considering from the origin to the cross-section of Zielonka Lake. The catchment is located in in the central part of the Wielkopolska region, approximatelly 20 km on the North-East of Poznań. The area of this forestall catchment is about 223 ha. In the paper an analysis of the results from three hydrological years was presented. The results of the years 1987 (wet year), 2003 (dry year) and 2009 (medium year) were analysed against meteorological conditions. Retention capacity in each wetlands, as well as the possibility of water retention in the Trojanka watercourse was calculated. The researches confirmed significant meteorological conditions influence the amount of retentioned water. The calculated capacity of retentioned water was 15 852 m3 considering the total area of wetland and swamp (8,58 ha) and precipitation sum of 555 mm. 18% increase of water capacity was observed in wet year (1987) In this year the sum of precipitation was 100 mm higher than multiyear average sum. Meanwhile 62% decrease of water capacity was observed in dry year (2003), when the precipitation sum was 208 mm lower than multiyear average one.
Środowisko leśne, poza znaczna ilością biomasy, charakteryzuje się dużym zróżnicowaniem zarówno pod względem siedlisk, drzewostanów i ich wieku jak i innych elementów przyrodniczych i fizjograficznych [6]. Stąd też funkcjonowanie gospodarki wodnej lasu jest znacznie bardziej złożone w porównaniu do użytków zielonych czy gruntów ornych. O specyfice obszarów leśnych decydują między innymi czynniki takie jak: zatrzymanie opadów przez korony drzew zależnie od gatunku, zwarcia i struktury drzewostanu, od wielkości, natężenia i czasu trwania opadu [8] oraz duże zdolności retencyjne obszarów leśnych [2, 12]. Aktualnie coraz większą uwagę przywiązuje się do pozaprodukcyjnej roli lasu w środowisku przyrodniczym [3]. Dlatego też liczne publikacje wskazują na duże znaczenie lasów w gospodarce wodnej zlewni [3, 6, 9÷11]. Pomiary stanów wód powierzchniowych i gruntowych stanowią jeden z najprostszych środków badawczych pozwalających na analizę tejże gospodarki. Celem niniejszej pracy była analiza stanów wód i ich amplitud w małych zlewniach leśnych w roku wilgotnym.
The paper presents the results of research on water levels and their amplitudes at small forest catchments. The research and observations were carried out at Rakowski Ditch catchment located at area of Marianka Forestry belonging to Siemianice Forest Experimental Farm of Poznań University of Life Science. The research was carried out in two small forest catchments of Rakowski Ditch located in Forest Experimantal Station Siemianice of Poznań University of Life Sciences. The precipitation sum was 689 mm in selected 2001 hydrological year. The probability of such precipitation was approximately 1 per 5 year. According to the precipitation sums and air temperature which was 1.3°C higher than multiyear average 2001 hydrological year can be found as a wet and warm one. An increase of water levels in water course were observed in spite of decrease of monthly precipitation sums in winter half-year. Statistic analysis indicated lack of linear correlation between monthly precipitation sums and average water levels in both water courses. The amplitudes of water levels were small and they did not exceed several centimeters in both water courses in particular months of winter half-year. The significantly higher amplitudes of water levels were observed in summer half-year than in winter half-year of 2001 hydrological year. The differences between the highest and the lowest water levels were from a number to over a dozen. Statistic analysis indicated that the rank of amplitudes were correlated both with monthly precipitation sums and average monthly temperature. It indicates decisive role of tree stand transpiration on water management in small forest catchment.
Na podstawie pomiarów uzyskanych ze stacji meteorologicznej LZD Siemianice średnia z wielolecia 1975÷2006 roczna suma opadów atmosferycznych na badanym obszarze jest równa 560 mm (tabela 2). W półroczu zimowym w badanym wieloleciu średnia suma opadów wynosi 210 mm. Wartość średniej sumy opadów w półroczu letnim w danym wieloleciu jest równa 350 mm. Maksymalna zmierzona roczna suma opadów wyniosła 958 mm, natomiast najniższa jest równa 434 mm. W omawianym wieloleciu średnia roczna temperatura na analizowanym obszarze wynosi 9,0°C. Średnia z wielolecia temperatura powietrza w półroczu zimowym jest równa 2,4°C, natomiast w letnim 15,5°C. Najniższa temperatura w wieloleciu w półroczu zimowym wyniosła -0,4°C, a najwyższa 4,6°C, natomiast najwyższa temperatura w wieloleciu w półroczu letnim wyniosła 17,1°C a najniższa 13,6°C.
The research of water resource evaluation were carried out at three small forest catchment located at Wielkopolska region. G and G-8 catchments are located at Siemianice Forest Experimental Farm in southern part of Wielkopolska region. Hutka catchment is located at Zielonka Primeval Forest in central part of the region. The maximum water flow in analyzed G, G-8 ditches and Hutka water-course always appeared in winter half-years. Meanwhile water flow in analyzed watercourses were always significantly lower in summer half-years and periodically they disappeared. It was also indicated that increase of groundwater levels is strongly connected with water retention in winter half-years. Meanwhile decrease of groundwater levels and water content in soil caused by higher evaporation were observed in summer half-years which had significant role in water balances of these catchments. The research carried out in a different habitat conditions indicated the smallest changes of groundwater and total retention in swamp habitats: mainly in ash-alder swamp forest and moist broadleaved forest. Higher differentiation of water retention changes and groundwater levels was observed in moist mixed broadleaved forest, moist mixed coniferous forest, as well as in fresh mixed broadleaved forest and fresh mixed coniferous forest. It suggests the possibility of better usage of their retention capability. Optimum water level sustaining in forest habitat soils allows better usage of retain water was also indicated in the research, which is in accordance with forest needs and environmental protection requirements.
Urządzenia i systemy melioracyjne stanowią ważny element infrastruktury technicznej państwa. Obok funkcji środowiskowej, czy produkcyjnej w rolnictwie, spełniają one również istotną rolę w ochronie przeciwpowodziowej.
This work presents the initial conception of conservation ranking of melioration watercourses and channels according to CNC algorithm. Catchment area, percentage of arable area in considered part of watercourse area, as well as the period which passed from the last conservation works have been considered as main factors which have a significant impact on need of conservation work carriage. Presented here evaluation with CNC algorithm facilitates a classification of different watercourse area and carry through possible conservation work in low financial abilities. Very important is further development of conception of algorithm ranking and necessity of conservation steps. It is necessary to perform much more detailed analysisof magnitude of algorithm and include other possible factors influencing necessity of performing conservation. Larger amount of data concerning watercourse area will allow for further development of this method and the sensitivity of algorithm to different factors. Initial analysis of obtained results indicates that the main impact on conservation work necessity have catchment area. The results also indicate that in the watercourses of small catchment, the catchment coefficient doesn't need to have deciding role on the ranking results. Besides the ranking of conservation need grows significantly according to the growth of arable area in analyzed each partial catchment as well as to the period which passed from the last conservation work carriage. If catchments with large area were conserved recently, the need of carrying through conservation one more time was not significant according to CNC algorithm. Proposed here method is functional for performing one of three main problems in "Strategia gospodarki wodnej" [13]. This problem concerns cost of water manage-ment, as well as financial needs. Proposed method is also an attempt to solve other problem: protection of environment mentioned in "Program operacyjny infrastruktura i środowisko" [12].
The need of the best utilization of water resources of catchments in Wielkopolska, results from the fact that region this is numbered to the most water scarce areas of Poland [6]. In addition this deficit is gradually deepening, when the annual sum of precipitation does not excess 500 mm [2]. Improvement of water reserves in habitats is one of aims of so-called small retention presented in "Principles of planning and realization of small retention in Polish State Forests" [7]. It may be realized among others through regulated runoff in meliorated forest catchments and by that better utilization of the natural retention abilities of the soils of these catchments [1, 5]. In order to limit the size of runoffs and utilize retention water in small catchments for maximum productivity of forest areas, good acquaintance of the balance structure of these catchments in diverse habitat conditions is necessary. The aim of investigations presented in this paper is analysis of selected components of water balances is in small forest catchments with diverse habitat conditions, located in the area of Wielkopolska. Results of investigations and field observations from hydrological years 2001, 2002 and 2005 were used in investigations. Variation of the annual sums of precipitations was accepted as the main criterion for selection of hydrological years. Investigations were carried out in two catchments: watercourse Hutka and ditch G-8, distant from each other about 250 km. Catchment of ditch G-8 is located in the south part of Wielkopolska in forests belonging to Forest Experimental Institution Siemianice (LZD) of Poznan University of Life Sciences. Catchment of Hutka is located in central part of Puszcza Zielonka about 20 km south east from Poznan. Carried out investigations of two small lowland catchment indicate significant impact of meteorological conditions as well as forest habitats on runoff index, retention changes in analyzed hydrological years. Runoff indicators from G-8 catchment were several times higher than indicators from Hutka catchment in winter half-years. Runoff index in G-8 was significantly, even several times smaller, in summer half-years than runoffs in winter half-years. Runoff indicators were significantly leveled at Hutka. The water retention changes observed at Hutka catchment were significantly higher than retention changes at G-8 catchment. Investigations confirmed, that in summer half-years the predominant role in water balances discussed catchments has field evaporation. Lower runoff indices in summer half-years in comparison with winter half-years the winter and decrease of retention prove that fact
Content available remote Bilans wodny małej zlewni leśnej
Content available remote Bilanse wodne śródleśnych oczek wodnych
The paper is based on the investigations carried out in the area of the Siemianice Experimental Forest Complex of Agricultural University of Poznań, in the catchments of two forest ponds.The site of the research is located within the Southern-Wielkopolska Lowland situated within the Wieruszowska Wysoczyzna. The ponds in focus are similar as far as their area is concerned i.e. the first one: 0,13 ha and the other one:0.10 ha, and depth reaching 1m. The catchment surface of the first pond measures 7.6 ha while the other one 19,4ha. The areas neighbouring the ponds are occupied by moist habitats and in the upper parts fresh mixed habitats covering 90% of the surface. The catchments are dominated by pine stands aging from 86 to 110 years. Pond 1 situated in a small size depresion is of thawed - out type. The other pond (number 5) situated at the foot of the morene slope is intensively fed by stream waters which provide a continuing water outflow from the pond in the course of the year. Field research comprising: measurements of both water levels in the ponds and groundwater levels, regular registration of outflows from pond 5 and pedological procedings was conducted in 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 hydrological years. The output of the research of water balances of the two small ponds were analysed against the background of and in relation to the characteristic groundwater levels of the neighbouring forest areas. Existing retentional capabilities of the catchments of the two discussed ponds indicate their varied influence, as small retentional reservoirs, on water management in the close forest habitats areas.Pond number 5 situated at the foot of a morene slope and intensively fed by stream waters, providing a continual and insignificantly changeable outflow from the pond in both half-years, shows only slight amplitudes of oscillations of water levels i.e. 0,4-2 cm. Fairly static water levels in the pond stabilize lowering water levels in the neighbouring forest areas, especially in the period of drought. The levels of the water in pond 1 are strictly connected with the existing groundwater levels in its catchment. The amplitudes of the oscillations of water levels in the pond are slightly lower than the ones of groundwater levels in the neighbouring forest habitats. In winter hydrological half-years, spring perionds and rainy summer seasons, the pond is fed by groundwaters, and at the time of summer and autumn droughts it feeds groundwaters itself. The results of the evaluations of water balances of the two catchments indicate that water circulation of pond 1 is more tightly connected with water cycling in the catchment than in case of pond 5. Varied water inflowsreaching the ponds are significant, apart from the amplitudes of oscillations of water levels in the ponds and groundwater levels and pond and catchments water retention connected with it. In water balance of pond 5, both in winter and summer half-years they present similar values due to continual stream water feeding process. The research shows that ground inflows to pond 1 are meaningfully varied and retained waters feed groundwaters of the neighbouring forest habitats in the periods of drought.
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