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The pericratonic Silurian shale succession in Poland, despite its reasonably well-constrained geological framework, entails a number of contentious issues that need to be resolved before this emerging shale gas play will enter a stage of successful development. The succession is thought to have originated in a Caledonian foredeep encroaching distally onto a pericratonic shelf ramp. However, the geochemical signature of the mudrocks is consistent with a cratonic rather than orogenic sourcing, the proximal part of the foredeep basin-fill is apparently missing, and the shale succession juxtaposes in part across the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone against suspected terranes with no evidence of Silurian tectonism. Organic-rich Llandovery– Wenlock shales form a NW-SE striking central belt that is increasingly calcareous toward the craton (NE) and more silty toward the inferred orogen (SW), with the TOC content decreasing in both directions perpendicular to the strike. The TOC trend seems consistent with the deep-downlap model of black shale deposition suggested for many Paleozoic foredeep basins, but does not quite agree with the outer neritic to upper bathyal depths assumed for the shale deposition. Preliminary results from three wells drilled by Orlen Upstream in the Lublin Basin indicate that the Llandovery–Wenlock shales were deposited on a distal shelf ramp sheltered from the craton by shelf carbonate shoals and periodically affected by weak storm-generated currents. The impact of storms on water column resulted in intermittent rises of oxygen content in the otherwise anoxic to dysoxic near-bottom conditions. The prospective interval is dominated by calcite-cemented clayey mudstones showing moderate to good reservoir qualities. It is cut locally by ENE- or NE-dipping, steep fractures favourable for fluid transmissibility, and a NE or SWdirection is most advantageous for artificial fracturing. This interval is capped with a Ludlow calcite-cemented, laminated siltstone that forms a regional correlation marker and shows soft-sediment deformations attributable to gravitational collapse on a NE-dipping paleoslope. If correct, this interpretation might imply the encroachment of orogen-fed clinothem system onto the SW-inclined craton-margin shelf ramp.
The pericratonic Silurian shale succession in Poland, despite its reasonably well-constrained geological framework, entails a number of contentious issues that need to be resolved before this emerging shale gas play will enter a stage of successful development. The succession is thought to have originated in a Caledonian foredeep encroaching distally onto a pericratonic shelf ramp. However, the geochemical signature of the mudrocks is consistent with a cratonic rather than orogenic sourcing, the proximal part of the foredeep basin-fill is apparently missing, and the shale succession juxtaposes in part across the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone against suspected ter- ranes with no evidence of Silurian tectonism. Organic-rich Llandovery-Wenlock shales form a NW-SE striking central belt that is increasingly calcareous toward the craton (NE) and more silty toward the inferred orogen (SW), with the TOC content decreasing in both directions perpendicular to the strike. The TOC trend seems consistent with the deep-downlap model of black shale deposition suggested for many Paleozoic foredeep basins, but does not quite agree with the outer neritic to upper bathyal depths assumed for the shale deposition. Preliminary results from three wells drilled by Orlen Upstream in the Lublin Basin indicate that the Llandovery-Wenlock shales were deposited on a distal shelf ramp sheltered from the craton by shelf carbonate shoals and periodically affected by weak storm-generated currents. The impact of storms on water column resulted in intermittent rises of oxygen content in the otherwise anoxic to dysoxic near-bottom conditions. The prospective interval is dominated by calcite-cemented clayey mudstones showing moderate to good reservoir qualities. It is cut locally by ENE- or NE-dipping, steep fractures favourable for fluid transmissibility, and a NE or SW direction is most advantageous for artificial fracturing. This interval is capped with a Ludlow calcite-cemented, laminated siltstone that forms a regional correlation marker and shows soft-sediment deformations attributable to gravitational collapse on a NE-dippingpaleoslope. If correct, this interpretation might imply the encroachment of orogen-fed clinothem system onto the SW-inclined craton-margin shelf ramp.
Interpretacja sedymentologiczna i sejsmostratygraficzna, wykonana dla przekroju usytuowanego w północno-wschodniej części rowu Wielkich Oczu i przebiegającego poprzez wyniesienie Markowice - Lubliniec oraz dalej na NE, umożliwiła identyfikację spągowej niezgodności kątowej sarmatu (UN0) oraz wydzielenie w formacji z Machowa nie mniej niż siedmiu sekwencji genetycznych zbudowanych głównie z osadów deltowych. Niezgodność UN0 odzwierciedla epizod ekstensyjny nałożony na regionalną, fleksuralną rotację dna basenu w kierunku SW i jest przykryta zespołem frontalnych, podnoszących się w przeciwnym kierunku wyklinowań litosomów deltowych zasilanych ze źródła orogenicznego. Wyklinowania te mogą stanowić pułapki dla gazu generowanego i akumulowanego w heterolitach czoła delty i prodelty. W kierunku SE niezgodność ta przykryta jest lokalnie przez gazonośne, gruboławicowe arenity kwarcowe o proweniencji platformowej. Jest możliwe, iż podobne piaskowce występują także lokalnie na wyniesieniu Markowice - Lubliniec na powierzchni UNO, poniżej zespołu wspomnianych wyklinowań.
Sedimentological and seismostratigraphic interpretation of a dip cross-section located in the northwestern part of the Wielkie Oczy Graben, across the Markowice - Lubliniec elevation and farther to the NE resulted in the identification of the base-Sarmatian angular unconformity (UNO) and allowed to subdivide the Machów Formation into seven genetic sequences composed mainly of deltaic deposits. The unconformity reflects extension episode superimposed on regional south-westward rotation of the basin floor and is overstepped and upplapped towards the NE by deltaic bodies fed from an southerly (orogenic) source. The upplaping pinchouts may form combined, structural-stratigraphic traps for methane generated in delta front-prodelta heteroliths. Unconformity UNO is farther to the SE overlain locally by gas-bearing massive sandstones of intrabasinal or northerly provenience, and similar sandstones may be expected to occur in the study area below the belt of upplapping pinch-outs.
The Middle to early Upper Miocene Machów Formation represents the youngest and little to non-deformed increment in the Carpathian Foredeep Basin that was initiated during the Paleocene in response to thrust loading of the North European craton. The onset of the Machów Formation was associated with the late Badenian (lateMiddle Miocene) flexural subsidence (ca 12.5 Ma BP) that resulted in underfilled-basin conditions recorded in the emplacement of submarine fans and shelf-margin deltas, up to 400 m in relief. These systems were fed from the south by a net of small, suspended-load dominated rivers, which resulted in the strongly heterolithic nature of the basin infill. There is a striking absence of large-scale traction structures, and thick sandstone/mudstone packages intercalated with thick-bedded massive sandstones provide evidence of deposition mainly from sustained turbidity currents typified by oscillations in velocity and sediment concentration within a flow. The evidence in both submarine-fan and delta-front deposits includes the abundance of climbing ripples, thick flat-laminated intervals within the otherwise massive thick-bedded sandstones, and inverse to pensymmetrical grading associated with a succession of structural divisions, which departs from that generated by harmonic energy dissipation typical for surge-type (semi-constant volume) turbidity currents. This evidence is interpreted to reflect deposition mainly from hyperpycnal flows, whose oscillatory behaviour reflected chiefly changing flood stages in the sourcing fluvial flow. The inferred semi-permanent flow feeding is also supported by the very high sedimentation rate (locally up to 24 cm/a) of the Machów Formation. Four clinoform types have been distinguished in the formation. Type 1 is most common and corresponds to platform (“shallow-water”) deltas of subseismic scale. The remaining three are shelf-margin (“deepwater”) deltas. The latter types differ one form another in the height and internal structure of clinoforms, as well as in the degree of downdip segregation of sand that either dominates in slope increments (type 2), forms shingled clinoform toes (type 3), or is concentrated in basin-floor fans in the front of a muddy clinoform slope. The basinward sand segregation is facilitated by the dissection of a clinoform’s top during the maximum fall in relative sea level and by long slopes that ease the transformation of hyperpycnal flows into high-efficiency turbidity currents. Numerous internal onlap unconformities make the shelf-margin deltas interesting targets for hydrocarbon search in stratigraphic traps. The identified type 4 clinoforms, up to 200 m high, in the Quinqueloculina reusii zone point to a major deepening in the upper part of the Machów Formation. This suggests a rise in flexural accommodation at ca 11 Ma BP, and contradicts the common view on uniform upward-shallowing throughout the formation.
Piaski bogucickie tworzą soczewkowy litosom o elongacji ENE-WSW, reprezentujący spągowe ogniwo warstw grabowieckich na południowo-wschodnim obrzeżeniu Krakowa. Spąg litosomu stanowi w części zachodniej niezgodność kątowa, która w jego części środkowej przechodzi w powierzchnię wybitnej niezgodności erozyjnej, zastąpioną dalej na wschód przez kontakt zgodny. Na podstawie profilów odsłonięć między Bieżanowem i Zabawą w piaskach bogucickich wyróżniono 9 litofacji: (A) frakcjonowane parazlepieńce, (B) warstwowane zlepieńce, (C) masywne i niewyraźnie laminowane piaskowce, (D) przekątnie warstwowane piaskowce, (E) piaskowce z laminacją niskokątową, (F) piaskowiec z kopułowym warstwowaniem przekątnym, (G) piaskowce frakcjonowane-laminowane, (H) piaskowce z laminacją riplemarkową, (I) mulowce. Te litofacje dokumentują depozycję ze: spływów kohezyjnych (A), prądów zawiesinowych o dużej (C, B) i małej gęstości (G, H), przepływów drobnoziarnistej zawiesiny podlegających fluktuacjom w prędkości i koncentracji niesionego materiału (G, H), prądów szelfowego przybrzeża (D, E), szelfowych wezbrań sztormowych (F, D) oraz sedymentacji hemipelagicznej, której lokalnie towarzyszyła redepozycja przez słabe, denne prądy trakcyjne (I). Struktury kierunkowe wskazują na sedymentację w pobliżu linii brzegowej o przebiegu NW-SE, kształtowanej przez prąd wzdłużbrzegowy skierowany na SSW do SE oraz prądy rozrywające w kierunku NE. Przybrzeże było zasilane poprzez skierowany ogólnie na NE do ENE transport rzeczny via deltowy nasyp przyujściowy, który w warunkach przepływów hiperpyknalnych generował grawitacyjne spływy osadu o podobnych kierunkach. Zespół mechanizmów sedymentacji, charakter krzywych promieniowania gamma, kierunki paleoprądów oraz wybitny relief spągu piasków bogucickich wskazują na: rozcinanie szelfu przez rzekę odwadniającą w kierunku NE, wypełnianie wciętej doliny szelfowej (kanionu?) osadami grawitacyjnych spływów masowych zasilanych przez deltowe wypływy hiperpyknalne, depozycję w obrębie nasypów przyujściowych delty krawędzi szelfu, wzmocnioną redepozycję nasypów przyujściowych przez prądy przybrzeżne po całkowitym wypełnieniu doliny. Wcinanie doliny/kanionu związane było ze spadkiem względnego poziomu morza, przy czym skala erozji szelfu chodenickiego (110 lub 230 m w zależności od opcji korelacyjnej) wskazują na tektoniczne obniżenie bazy erozyjnej w efekcie podniesienia dna basenu na zachód od rejonu Zagórza. Wiek tego podniesienia był starszy niż spąg zony Hanzawaia crassiseptata, a zapewne nie starszy niż najwyższa część horyzontu 5 Kirchnera (1956). Jest możliwe, że uskok odwrócony Książnice-Świątniki-Zagórze oraz jego prawdopodobne zachodnie przedłużenie w rejonie Krakowa stanowily północną granicę postulowanego, intrabadeńskiego podniesienia.
The Bogucice Sands make up a ENE-WSW trending, lenticular body, 175-310 m thick or more, which represents the basal member of the Upper Badenian Grabowiec Beds in the southeast of Kraków (Carpathian Foredeep Basin). The body is based in the southwest by an angular unconformity which passes to the NE (basinwards) into a prominent erosional disconformity, that is still farther basinwards replaced by a correlative conformity. Observations in rare, scattered outcrops led to the subdivision of the Bogucice Sands into nine lithofacies. These comprise: (A) graded paraconglomerates, (B) stratified conglomerates and pebbly sandstones, (C) massive to faintly laminated sandstones, (D) large-scale cross-bedded fossiliferous sandstones, (E) low-angle laminated sandstones, (F) hummocky cross-stratified sandstones, (G) graded-laminated sandstones, (H) ripple cross-laminated sandstones, (I) massive to laminated mudstones. These lithofacies document deposition from: cohesive debris flows (A), cohesionless debris flows and high-concentration turbidity currents (B, C), and low-density turbidity currents (G, H), muddy suspensions of highly variable competence and discharge (G, H), shoreface longshore and rip currents and possibly swash (D, E), shelf storm currents (F, E), and from hemipelagic suspensions affected locally by weak bottom currents. Palaeoflow directional indicators suggest proximity to a NW-SE trending deltaic shoreline, subjected to S to SW-directed wave approach, generating a SSW to SE-directed longshore drift and NE-flowing storm rips. The shoreface was fed by deltaic mouth bars which prograded northeastwards and generated underflows passing basinwards into sediment-gravity flows. The spectrum of depositional processes, gamma-ray log shapes, together with the prominent basal relief of the Bogucice Sands, point to: shelf incision by fluvial processes, intitial filling of the valley(canyon?) by mass-flow deposits, shoaling upwards into the mouth bar/shoreface complex of a shelf-margin delta, and increased shelf reworking of the mouth bar complex in unconfined flow conditions after the relative sea-level rose above the of flap break. The valley was cut during forced regression, and the relief of the incision (110 vs 230 m depending on correlation option) indicates a base-leve drop due to a tectonic uplift of the basin floor to the southwest. The uplift was older than the Hanzawaia crassiseptata zone (Łuczkowska, 1995), and possibly not older than the latest part of Kirchner’s (1956) horizon 5. The bulk of the Bogucice Sands is interpreted as representing the progradational complex of a lowstand systems tract, laid down within incised valley/canyon and shelf-edge delta. The overall progradational stacking of the Bogucice Sands, particularly well displayed in the wells located to the NE of Grabie, suggests that an upper part of this complex has been preserved here. Alternatively, each major progradational sandbody encased in shales may reflect a separate delatic progradational complex and their cyclical stacking may reflect high-frequency oscillations of the relative sea level. At the moment, however, they are no decisive proofs to conclude whether or not the observed cyclicity is of an allogenic origin.
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