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The multiagent approach to modelling, traditionally dedicated for distributed systems, can be applied on any platform where there are more processes or control threads. The world of surface transport is a typical example of such a situation where high numbers of dynamic entities (agents) interacting with each other represent a complex problem to solve, analyse and visualise. The main focus of this paper is on functional description of the traffic control problem at the rail-road intersection. Unlike conventional approaches, this model assumes usage of modern (infrastructure-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-vehicle) communication technologies as an essential base of cooperative intelligent transportation systems. The authors use the development toolkit NetLogo, explaining step-by-step the key programming details, to get a comprehensive overview of the operation of the entire system through simple definitions of a number of simple cooperating agents. The introduced model is implementation free and shows newly offered functionalities on the principal level, while a minimum theory of collective intelligence hidden in the background is needed.
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