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Zirconium alloys used widely in nuclear industry as fuel claddings are prone to violent oxidation in water steam atmosphere in the case of loss of coolant accident (LOCA). Accompanying generation of large quantities of heat and explosive gaseous hydrogen may lead to destruction of nuclear core. As the safety of nuclear installations is of primary importance, intensive research works are conducted on the development of so-called accident tolerant fuels much less prone to oxidation. In this paper, the application of external zirconium-silicide coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering is proposed. The preliminary results of their synthesis and studies of air oxidation properties at elevated temperatures are presented.
Medieval Central Europe coins – the Saxon coins, also called as the Otto and Adelheid denarii, as well as the Polish ones, the Władysław Herman and Bolesław Śmiały coins – were examined to determine their provenance and dating. Their attribution and chronology often constitute a serious problem for historians and numismatists. For hundreds of years, coins were in uncontrolled conditions and in variable environment. Destructed and inhomogeneous surface were the effect of corrosion processes. Electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS)), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis (energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF)), and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) were applied. The results of these investigations are significant for our knowledge of the history of Central European coinage, especially of Polish coinage.
The aim of this work was to investigate the changes of stainless steel surface properties (morphology, REE concentration, presence of identified phases) and functional properties (wear and high temperature oxidation resistance) after REE addition with remelting of the surface layer. Modification of the near surface layer of AISI 316L steel was based on the incorporation of rare earth elements (REE) using high intensity pulsed plasma beams (HIPPB) as DPE – Deposition by Pulsed Erosion. DPE is unique technique because melting and doping of the near surface layer occurs in a single step. Samples of AISI 316L steel were irradiated with short (μs scale), intense (energy density 3 J/cm2) pulses. The pulse energy density was sufficient to melt the near surface layer of steel. Heating and cooling processes were of non-equilibrium type. The plasma pulses contain both ions/atoms of (Ce + La) from electrodes material and the working gas – nitrogen. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction analysis were used for initial and modified surface characterization. The wear tests and high temperature oxidation processes were carried out. An improvement of tribological properties and increasing of high temperature oxidation resistance of modified surface layer was observed as compared with initial material.
Celem pracy było zbadanie zmian właściwości powierzchniowych (morfologia powierzchni, koncentracja REE, obecność zidentyfikowanych faz) i właściwości użytkowych (odporność na zużycie przez tarcie i wysokotemperaturowe utlenianie) po domieszkowaniu REE z jednoczesnym przetopieniem warstwy wierzchniej stali austenitycznej. Modyfikacja warstwy wierzchniej stali AISI 316L polegała na wprowadzeniu do jej warstwy powierzchniowej pierwiastków ziem rzadkich (REE) za pomocą intensywnych impulsów plazmowych (HIPPB) metodą DPE – Depozycja przez Impulsową Erozję (Deposition by Pulse Erosion). Metoda DPE jest unikatową techniką, ponieważ stopienie i domieszkowanie warstwy wierzchniej materiału przebiega jednocześnie. Próbki stali AISI 316L zostały naświetlone krótkimi (skala μs), intensywnymi (gęstość energii 3,0 J/cm2) impulsami. Gęstość energii pojedynczego impulsu była wystarczająca do stopienia warstwy wierzchniej stali. Procesy grzania i chłodzenia miały charakter nierównowagowy. Plasma zawierała jony/atomy pochodzące z materiału elektrod (Ce + La) i azotu jako użytego gazu roboczego. Materiały wyjściowy i modyfikowane scharakteryzowano za pomocą: skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej (SEM), mikroanalizy rentgenowskiej (EDS) i dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego (XRD). Zostały przeprowadzone badania odporności na zużycie przez tarcie oraz odporności na wysokotemperaturowe utlenianie. Uzyskano poprawę właściwości tribologicznych oraz zwiększenie odporności na wysokotemperaturowe utlenianie warstw modyfikowanych w porównaniu z materiałem niemodyfikowanym.
Joining of metals with ceramics is very difficult, because properties of these materials are very different. One of the methods of improving mechanical strength of the obtained joints is the introduction of an additional interlayer to the joining area. This paper presents the Zr and Cu-rich layers in C and SiC substrates obtained using the high intensity pulsed plasma beams method. The results of Zr plasma modifications were beneficial and similar to the results obtained in previous works with Ti. The measured contact angles were below 90 centigrade. The results with Cu plasma were unfavourable with contact angles close to 180 centigrade. Apart from the sessile-drop test and to extend the range of analysis, the investigated samples were examined by stereoscopic optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS), grazing angle X-ray diffraction (GXRD), and Rutherford back scattering (RBS) measurements.
Austenitic AISI 304, 316L and ferritic 430 stainless steels were implanted with yttrium to fluences ranging between 1 x 1015 and 5 x 1017 ions/cm2. The samples were subjected to oxidation in air at a temperature of 1000 centigrade for a period of 100 h and next examined by stereoscopic optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) and Rutherford back scattering spectrometry (RBS). The results obtained with the use of ion implantation are discussed.
Different methods and techniques for material characterization are often used as a standard procedure for the determination of material properties. Nuclear techniques provide new and more detailed information about the investigated materials. The main goal of the carried out experiments was to improve surface properties including wear, corrosion and high temperature oxidation resistance. Modification processes were carried out using high intensity pulsed plasma beams - HIPPB (106-108 generated in a rod plasma injector (RPI). In most solid materials such treatment leads to a fast transient melting of the surface layer of the substrate followed by rapid crystallization. Heating and cooling processes are of non-equilibrium type. Initial and modified materials were characterized using different investigation methods including nuclear techniques. Results of the used nuclear techniques such as nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), Rutherford backscattered spectroscopy (RBS) and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) are presented in the paper.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of porous hybrid materials comprising metal ion-based vertices and multitopic organic ligands (linkers). The possibility of combining a wide range of metals with similarly large number of available ligands opens ways to design the structures meeting specific purposes. At present, many potential applications of MOFs may require them to be constructed at the nanometer length scale (nanoMOFs). The possibility of filling the track-etched membrane pores with MOF HKUST-1 has been demonstrated in this work.
Modyfikację powierzchni stali przeprowadzono przy wykorzystaniu intensywnych impulsów plazmowych (106-108 Wcm-2). Nastąpiło przetopienie warstwy wierzchniej i jednoczesne wprowadzenie wybranych pierwiastków. Materiały wyjściowe i zmodyfikowane zostały scharakteryzowane wykorzystując różne metody badawcze, w tym metody jądrowe takie jak: metoda reakcji jądrowych (NRA), spektroskopia rozpraszania wstecznego Rutherforda (RBS), spektroskopia Mössbauera w wersji elektronów konwersji (CEMS).
Modification processes of steels surface were carried out using intense pulsed plasma beams (106-108 Wcm-2). The surface layers were melted and chosen elements including nitrogen and rare earth elements (REE) were simultaneously incorporated to the melts. Initial and modified materials have been characterized using different investigations methods including nuclear techniques as NRA, RBS and CEMS.
Badania technologiczne, w tym analiza fizykochemiczna, a także badania nad trwałością materiałów, stanowią ważny element ochrony naszego dziedzictwa kulturowego. Wyniki tych badań pozwalają z jednej strony poznać stare technologie, określić okres i miejsce powstania danego dzieła, z drugiej strony - na opracowanie właściwych metod ochrony i konserwacji tych przedmiotów zabytkowych. Wśród wielu stosowanych metod badawczych techniki jądrowe ze względu na wysoką czułość i powtarzalność od dawna zajmują znaczącą pozycję w identyfikacji dzieł sztuki. Przedstawiono zalety i ograniczenia tych metod, koncentrując się głównie na zastosowaniu ich w badaniach przedmiotów metalowych i monet w celu określenia ich technologii, autentyczności i proweniencji.
For the examination, characterization and analysis of cultural heritage artefacts or art objects and their component materials, conservation scientist needs a palette of non destructive and non invasive, in order to improve our knowledge concerning elaboration, evolution and degradation of these objects during time, and to give basis for their restoration and conservation. Among various methods used for the examination of art objects, nuclear techniques are crucial due to its high sensitivity and reproducibility. In this paper, the basic attributes and limitations of these techniques are described. An outline is given of their applications for investigations of metal objects and coins focusing on technology, authenticity and provenance identification.
Among different methods used in surface engineering such as CVD, PVD, ion implantation etc., the techniques using high intensity ion or plasma beams are relatively new ones. The results reported thus far show that the treatment of steel surface with high intensity plasma pulses can lead to changes of its morphology and mechanical properties. Stainless steels have very good corrosion resistance, but they have low hardness and poor tribological properties. The intense pulsed plasma beams were used for modification of alloyed steels especially austenitic (1.4301 and 1.4401) and ferritic (1.4016) stainless steels with various content of alloying elements. Samples were irradiated with 2, 5 or 10 short (μs scale) intense (density of energy was about 5 J/cm2) pulses. Heating and cooling processes were of non-equilibrium type. In all samples the near surface layer of the thickness in μm range was melted and simultaneously doped with cerium and lanthanum. The aim of this work was to investigate the changes of stainless steel surface morphology after melting, rare earth elements (REE) addition and rapid solidification after interaction with intense pulsed plasma beams. The surface morphology was analyzed using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique. Changes of surface roughness were determined by profilometric measurements. The efficiency of REE addition process was also determined.
W stali poddanej oddziaływaniu azotu mogą powstać - w zależności od warunków prowadzenia procesu fazy z układów równowagi faz żelazo - azot - dodatki stopowe. Szczególne zainteresowanie budzi faza określana jako gammaN (gammaC) tzw. austenit azotowy (węglowy) o zwiększonym parametrze sieci. Przy obecności tej fazy w stalach nierdzewnych zachowana jest dobra odporność korozyjna przy jednoczesnym wzroście odporności na zużycie przez tarcie. Faza gammaN może powstać również w stalach węglowych, a nawet w żelazie Armco, jeśli zostaje przetopiona warstwa wierzchnia materiału krótkimi (skala mikrosekund) intensywnymi (skala MWCm-2) impulsami plazmy azotowej. W przypadku fazy gammaC może wystarczyć przetapiający powierzchnię stali impuls energii dostarczonej np. przez wiązkę jonów lub plazmy nie zawierającej pierwiastka reaktywnego. Przeprowadzono procesy modyfikacji powierzchni stali węglowych intensywnymi impulsami plazmy argonowej lub azotowej, które spowodowały przetopienie warstwy wierzchniej materiału. Warstwy te charakteryzowano metodami NRA, SEM, CEMS, GXRD oraz przeprowadzono testy tribologiczne. Wytworzone zmodyfikowane warstwy wierzchnie ze znaczną zawartością faz austenitycznych, w tym austenitu o zwiększonym parametrze sieci posiadają lepsze niż materiał wyjściowy właściwości użytkowe.
Phase transformations into austenite can occur in the surface layers of steels irradiated with intense pulses of laser, ion or plasma beams. Due to the presence of phase, named nitrogen (carbon) expanded austenite, gammaN (gammac) good corrosion resistance is maintained while the wear resistance is increased in stainless steel. Unalloyed steels with various content of carbon have been treated using high intensity, short argon and nitrogen plasma pulses and the near surface layer has been melted. In the case of gammaC phase the pulses can induce only heat effects but with intense pulses implemented the nitrogen atoms generate the formation of phases with nitrogen. NRA, SEM, CEMS, GXRD measurements and tribological tests have been used to examine the modified samples. This paper presents results of investigations of modification effects in the near surface layer of carbon steels after irradiation with intense argon or nitrogen plasma pulses.
It is known, that phase - of the Fe-intestitial element phase equilibrium diagram - transformations into austenite can take place in the surface layer of steels irradiated with intense pulses of laser, ion or plasma beams. Due to the presence of nitrogen and carbon expanded austenite in stainless steel, good corrosion resistance is maintained while the wear resistance is increased. Unalloyed steels with various content of carbon were treated using high intensity, short argon and nitrogen plasma pulses, which melt the near surface layer. In the first case the pulses induces only heat effects whereas in the second the nitrogen atoms generate the formation of phases with nitrogen. NRA, SEM, CEMS, GXRD measurements and tribological tests were used to examine the modified samples. This paper presents results of investigations of modification effects in the near surface layer of unalloyed steels after irradiation with intense argon or nitrogen plasma pulses.
W warstwie wierzchniej stali poddanej działaniu intensywnych impulsów laserowych, jonowych lub plazmowych, mogą wystąpić przemiany faz z układu równowagi Fe-pierwiastek międzywęzłowy w austenit. Na skutek obecności azotowego i węglowego austenitu o zwiększonym parametrze sieci wzrasta odporność na zużycie przez tarcie stali nierdzewnych, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu dobrych właściwości korozyjnych. Stale niestopowe o różnej zawartości węgla zostały poddane działaniu intensywnych impulsów plazmy argonowej i azotowej, które powodują stopienie warstwy wierzchniej materiału. W pierwszym przypadku impulsy wywołały tylko efekty cieplne, podczas gdy w drugim zostały utworzone fazy z azotem. Zmodyfikowane próbki były badane przy wykorzystaniu NRA, SEM, CEMS, GXRD oraz przeprowadzono testy tribologiczne. Praca prezentuje wyniki badań efektów modyfikacji warstw wierzchnich stali niestopowych poddanych działaniu intensywnych impulsów plazmy argonowej lub azotowej.
The paper presents the results of experiments on modification of pure iron by high-intensity nitrogen pulsed-plasma treatment. The duration of nitrogen plasma pulses is approximately 1 mi s, and the energy density amounts to about 5 J/cm2. Such pulses are capable to melt the surface layer of the substrate (1- 2 mi m) and to introduce a significant concentration of nitrogen into the molten layer. Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) were used for characterisation of the treated samples. The main results of the data analysis are as follows: it has been stated that such treatment leads to gradual transformation of initial alfa-phase into austenitic gamma structure in which expanded austenite gammaN is present. Treatment with 20 pulses results in almost complete transformation and introduces a retained dose of nitrogen estimated as 5.5 × 1017 N/cm2. The susceptibility for expansion of the lattice transformed to austenite in this way is smaller than in the case when the steel subjected to conventional nitriding is originally of austenite type. The analysis of the ratio of alfa to gammaN as a function of the nitrogen content provides a firm evidence that strong repulsion forces act between the first and the second nearest-neighbour nitrogen atoms in the fcc austenitic structure formed as a result of nitriding of pure iron by intense nitrogen plasma pulses.
Content available remote New silica materials with biocidal active surface
As a result of investigations carried out in INCT on some applications of new fungicides containing QAC as a component, large group of new silica based materials based on this compound were obtained (SiO2-QAC). Preliminary biological tests showed strong biocidal activity of new SiO2-QAC materials on fungi and algae. It's possible to use them for numerous applications like: water reservoir or various surfaces desinfection, preventing objects from harmful biological agents by application of paints containing SiO2-QAC. Very economical materials based on water glass were obtained as well. Structure of these materials, especially origin of binding QAC with SiO2 as well as mechanism of biocidal activity of SiO2-QAC is under investigation. The materials also show high affinity to heavy metals and due to this fact can be applied as sorbents.
The object of the investigation is the so called Madonna Jackowa, or St. Hyacinthus's Madonna, a gothic alabaster figurine dated from the XIVth century. The purpose of the investigation is to provide an answer to the question whether Madonna Jackowa was made of native alabaster. Samples of alabaster from five various quarries located along the line Cracow-Lvov as well as in Lower Silesia were analyzed and the content of trace elements was compared with that of the sculpture. The determination of trace elements was carried out by means of the instrumental neutron activation analysis.
Przedstawiono metody znaczników promieniotwórczych do kontroli szczelności i lokalizacji nieszczelności w rurociagach podziemnych , ktorych zaleta jest łatwość stosowania, krótki czas trwania badania, stosunkowo niski koszt i krótki czas prac adaptacyjnych obiektu do kontroli.
Content available remote Neutronowa analiza aktywacyjna pomaga w atrybucji malowideł
Przedstawionw w artykule metoda neuronowej analizy aktywacyjnej stosowana jest do badania dzieł sztuki, do analizy pierwiastków śladowych w bieli ołowiowej.
Przedstawione w artykule zastosowania metody znaczników radioizotopowych do kontroli szczelności obiektów technologicznych zostały opracowane i wdrożone w w Instytucie Chemii I Techniki Jądrowej. Sa one w sposob rutynowy stosowane między innymi w Polskim Koncernie Naftowym- Płock, Zakładach Rafineryjnych - Gdańsk,Przedsiebiorstwie Eksploatacji Rurociągów naftowych, Bazach Magazynowych CPN. Metoda radioznacznikowajest komplementarna do prób cisnieniowych: hydraulicznej i pneumatycznej.Uzyskane przy jej pomocy wyniki są uznawane przez Urząd Dozoru Technicznego i służą jako jeden z parametrów warunkujacych dopuszczanie obiektow do dalszej eksploatacji.
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