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In the course of the study two bivalve species protected in Poland were found in the River Stepnica: Sphaerium solidum and Sphaerium rivicola. Moreover, the study material collected from the river contained gastropod and bivalve specimens representing the following species from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Theodoxus fluviatilis, Pisidium henslowanum, Pisidium casertanum and Pisidium pseudosphaerium.
The paper describes taxonomic composition of leeches (Hirudinea) in the strongly anthropogenically altered upper reaches of the Stepnica River in Western Pomerania. The numbers of respective species of the Hirudinea were analyzed in the context of such environmental factors as: instantaneous flow, dissolved oxygen content, and calcium content. It was noted that most leech species inhabited the headstream, and factors deterrent to their occurrence included the presence of hydrogen sulfate and siltation.
The aim of the study was to determine the biological characters typical of Neomysis integer, to investigate and update issues of its biology, ecology, and distribution in the southwestern Baltic Sea, and to compare biological properties of N. integer collected during eight study seasons in 2006–2007 in the region from Świnoujście to Darłowo. No link was established between N. integer size and sample collection site. The population attained sizes within the range of 2.64 to 18.84 mm. The size at which females achieved sexual maturity varied seasonally. A mean of 34 eggs was noted in the marsupium. The mean wet weight of N. integer was 0.011 g. Three generations were confirmed at most of the study sites.
W oparciu o analizę materiału biologicznego z lat 2007–2009 podjęto próbę wstępnej klasyfikacji pozadennych siedlisk fauny bezkręgowej estuarium Odry. Różnice w składzie taksonomicznym oraz cechach fizykochemicznych wody pozwoliły na wyodrębnienie trzech fizjograficznych zgrupowań w II i III rzędowym estuarium Odry jako zespoły: a/wód słonawych, b/wód słodkich lotycznych zalewu oraz c/wód zatokowo-jeziornych. Zespół strefy wód słonawych charakteryzował się obecnością gatunków słonawowodnych bądź morskich, jak np. Balanus improvisus, Palaemon elegans, Neomysis integer, Rhithropanopeus harrisi czy Mya arenaria. W wyodrębnionej strefie wód słonawych stwierdzono również obecność taksonów słodkowodnych. Zespół strefy wód słodkich lotycznych zalewu charakteryzowało bogactwo gatunkowe ślimaków – Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Borysthenia naticina, Acroloxus lacustris, Physa fontinalis i Lymnaea auricularia oraz larwy jętek z rodzin Caenidae i Baetidae, larwy chruścików należące do gatunków Oecetis ochracea i Athripsodes cinereus, larwy motyla Acentria ephemerella oraz wodne pluskwiaki Corixidae, a także liczne kiełże Dikerogammarus haemobaphes, P. robustoides oraz Gammarus zaddachi. W zespole strefy zatokowo-jeziornej notowano przeważający udział larw ochotkowatych Chironomidae, który dochodził nawet do 80%, Oligochaeata (Stylaria lacustris), larwy i poczwarki Ceratopogo nidae, ale obecne były również młode osobniki kiełży oraz racicznica zmienna.
An attempt was made initial classification of invertebrate fauna habitats in the Oder estuary. Comprehensive analysis of differences in taxonomic composition and physicochemical factors permitted delineating three characteristic zones: brackish waters; fresh lotic lagoon waters; bay-lake waters. In the first zone of brackish waters, the epiphyte assemblages were characterized by the highest biocenotic index values, which is evidence of high biodiversity that is influenced by the occurrence of both brackish-water and freshwater species. The freshwater lotic lagoon sites were characterized by the greatest number of taxons, especially by representatives of Insecta and Gastropoda. Amphipoda also occurred abundantly, and were represented in particular by amphipod crustaceans of Ponto-Caspian origin including Dikerogammarus haemobaphes and Obesogammarus crassus. The bay-lake zone was characterized by the very high abundance of a small number of taxons resulting in the lowest biocenotic index values.
The entire estuary water is dominated by the discharge of the River Odra into the Szczecin Lagoon. The water body is brackish and the salinity in the central part ranges 0.5 and 2 PSU. The Lagoon has a long eutrophication history; usually, two phytoplankton biomass peaks are observed: Diatoms in spring and blue-green algae in summer. The recent data on zooplankton is limited. Rotifers and Cladocerans supply the bulk of the zooplankton biomass. The ichtiofauna is composed of fresh and brackish water, migratory and marine species. Zooplankton and water samples were collected during 2003–2005. The results suggest that during 10 season’s climate in Odra River estuary, Cladocera were the dominant group, large impact on the density of mesozooplankton were: Daphnia cucullata and Daphnia longispina, Copepoda played a lesser role in the Odra River estuary than Cladocera. Biomass of mesozooplankton from the Lagoon was significantly higher compared with the biomass of mesozooplankton from Odra River estuary, which could be related to a greater inflow of nutrients into the Lagoon and the increased growth of phytoplankton, which forms an excellent first stage food web for herbivorous and carnivorous zooplankton, and fish and consequently cormorants.
This paper presents the results of a detailed comparative description of the morphological characters of N. integer obtained during eight research seasons in 2006–2007 period from the region stretching from Świnoujście to Darłowo. An attempt was made to assess the suitability of the studied characters for establishing to which populations individuals belong, to identify secondary sex traits and to detect differences in the body shape of these shrimp-like crustaceans. Most of the measurable characters in all of the samples discrimination analysis indicated the characters which differentiated the compared groups were telson length, lower abdomen width, exopodite uropod length, cephalothorax width below the carapace, cephalothorax width above the carapace and the height of fourth and fifth abdominal segment connections.
W roku 2008 prowadzono obserwacje nad zgrupowaniami organizmów poroślowych Zatoki Pomorskiej. Wyznaczono stanowiska w Międzyzdrojach, Niechorzu oraz Kołobrzegu. Próbki organizmów pobierano z filarów molo, ostróg oraz gwiazdobloków z falochronów w każdej miejscowości. Materiał biologiczny pobrano wiosną (11 maja 2008), latem (27 lipca 2008) oraz wczesną jesienią (14 września 2008). Dokonano analizy jakościowej i ilościowej zebranych organizmów bezkręgowych.
In 2008, observations carried out on groups of biofauling organisms Pomeranian Bay. Appointed position in Międzyzdroje, Kołobrzeg and Niechorze. Samples of organisms were collected from the pillars of the pier, wooden spurs and conctrte starblocks as part of the breakwaters in each village. The biological material has been collected in the spring (11 May 2008), summer (July 27, 2008) and early autumn (September 14, 2008). There have been qualitative and quantitative analysis of any invertebrate organisms collected.
Badania temperatury i zasolenia wód Zatoki Pomorskiej prowadzono na dwunastu stacjach, rozmieszczonych w strefie brzegowej od Świnoujścia do Darłówka od wiosny do jesieni w 2006 i 2007 r. Wahania badanych parametrów w strefie przyujściowej Zatoki Pomorskiej były niewielkie. Najniższe temperatury wody (w zakresie od 4.5 do 8.5°C) odnotowano w październiku 2006 r., natomiast najwyższe - w czerwcu 2007 r. (17.0-20, 1°C). Zasolenie wód było niskie - w granicach od 1.2 do 2.9 PSU.
The examination of the temperature and the salinity of the waters of Pomerania Bay was carried out in twelve stations, located in the coastal zone from spring until autumn 2006 and 2007. The fluctuations of parameters in the estuarine zone of Pomeranian Bay were insignificant. The lowest temperatures of water (in the range of 4.5-8.5°C) were observed in October 2006, while the highest temperatures were observed in June 2007 (17.0 - 20.1°C). The salinity of waters was low - within 1.2 to 2.9 PSU.
Research relating to the subject of this paper was conducted on the Tywa River between September 1996 and July 1998. In the samples, invertebrates were found belonging to 46 species, 26 genera, and two subfamilies. In the 1996 season, the highest abundance was observed among Tanypodinae (larvae) at 10,878 ind. m-2; among Chironominae (larvae) it was 9,965 ind. m-2; and among Tubifex tubifex it was 2,605 ind. m-2. The maximum total density of macrozoobenthic forms in the Tywa River was at station no. 1, where it amounted to 23,953 ind. m-2. The quantitative structure in the 1997 season was lower than in the 1996 season, and the highest abundance was for Simulium sp. (larvae) at 5,196 ind. m-2; for, Tanypodinae it was 3,360 ind. m-2; and for Dreissena polymorpha it was 4,721 ind. m-2; and for Theodoxus fluviatilis – it was 4,114 ind. m-2. In this season, the biodiversity of the macrozoobenthic community was the highest of all seasons. In 1998, the qualitative structure of the macrozoobenthic community was low: Hirudinea disappeared, and the quality of the community was almost four times lower than in 1996. The river’s fast current, its diverse substratum, its very good oxygenation, and moderate concentrations of organic matter created conditions appropriate for species that differ in their requirements.
This investigation of Pomeranian Bay waters was conducted from March 2001 to August of 2003 from aboard the r/v Nawigator XXI, which is owned by the Maritime Academy in Szczecin. A total of 147 water samples were collected at 15 stations on three transects in the Pomeranian Bay from Świnoujście, Międzyzdroje, and Dziwnów to the Odra Bank. Zooplankton was sampled with a Bongo type planktonometer O = 20 cm with a mesh size of 80 žm during 10 min. filtering hauls in the pelagic zone from the bottom to the surface at an average vessel speed of 3 - 4 knots. The method developed and published by Orłowski was used to transform the large amount of seasonal data for the entire study period into isoline illustrations of the spatial structures in the Pomeranian Bay of mesozooplankton and selected species, namely Acartia bifilosa, Acartia longiremis, Pseudocalanus elongatus, and Temora longicornis. The average mesozooplankton aggregations in ten consecutive seasons at the 15 stations investigated from 2001 to 2003 in the entire Odra estuary area fluctuated from 2,442 to 92,200 ind. m-3. The highest species variety was noted among marine Copepoda, which was the dominant group in virtually every season investigated. Their maximum abundance reached as much as 213,493 ind. m-3. The euryhaline species A. bifilosa occurred throughout the research period and at all stations at an abundance that reached 210,443 ind. m-3. The seasonal succession series were as follows: in spring, the dominants were Acartia spp. and Evadne nordmanni; in summer - Keratella cochlearis, Bosmina coregoni maritima, and A. bifilosa; in fall – T. longicornis and Acartia spp.; in winter – T. longicornis and Centropages hamatus.
Research on the swan mussel population was conducted in 2005 on a sample of 497 individuals inhabiting Binowo and Bobolin Lakes, Szczecin, Poland. Length, width, height and age of individuals was examined. Binowo Lake was inhabited by individuals aged 1+ to 7+ years, while individuals aged 1+ to 6+ inhabit Bobolin Lake. Measurable features of swan mussels inhabiting Binowo Lake were as follows: individuals were 3.80 to 10.20 cm long, 1.70 to 5.70 cm wide, 0.70 to 3.70 cm thick, and in Bobolin Lake, 4.00 to 15.20 cm long, 2.20 to 7.70 cm wide, 0.80 to 5.70 cm thick. The age structure of both populations included individuals of diverse ages, with 3 and 4-year old individuals dominating in both lakes. A modest fraction of the youngest individuals (1,2-year old) as well as the oldest (6,7-year old) was observed in the examined lakes. All correlations between shell length, width, height and mussel age showed large positive correlations and results obtained from both lakes were similar.
The total area of the Szczecin Lagoon waters along with the straits (with Dąbie Lake and Odra waters) amounts to 910 km2, and its capacity to 3.16 km3. In order to conduct qualitative-quantitative tests of zooplankton against the background of hydrochemical conditions, five permanent water sampling stations were estabilished. The samples for physico-chemical analyses and biological material of the Szczecin Lagoon waters were collected in the spring, summer, autumn and winter of 2004 from five research stations. Hydrochemical analyses comprised: nitrogen and phosphorus forms, dissolved oxygen, percentage of oxygen water saturation, chloride ions, water pH and water temperature, and biological tests comprised qualitative and quantitative analysis of zooplankton.
Całkowita powierzchnia wód Zalewu Szczecińskiego wraz z cieśninami (z jez. Dąbie i wód Odry) wynosi 910 km2, a objętość 3,16 km3. W celu przeprowadzenia badań jakościowo-ilościowych zooplank-tonu na tle warunków hydrochemicznych ustalono pięć stałych stacji pobierania próbek. Próbki do analiz fizyczno-chemicznych i materiał biologiczny wód Zalewu Szczecińskiego pobierano w sezonach: wiosna, lato, jesień i zima 2004 r. z pięciu stanowisk badawczych. Badania hydrochemiczne obejmowały między innymi: formy azotu i fosforu, tlen rozpuszczony, procentowe nasycenie wody tlenem, jony chlorkowe, pH i temperaturę wody a badania biologiczne analizę jakościową i ilościową zooplanktonu.
The Szczecin Lagoon water was sampled with a Ruttner water bottle from the near-surface and near-bottom layers in spring, summer and autumn 2003 from the following 5 sites: Iński Nurt, Roztoka Odrzańska, Mielizna Wolińska, shipping route to Karsibór, and in the vicinity of a buoy marking the exit/entrance to the Trzebież harbour. Laboratory analyses involved assays of all forms of mineral nitrogen, phosphates, and total phosphorus. Results of chemical analyses showed a natural seasonal variability in the parameters assayed, the variability being related to biological activity. Throughout the period of study, mean contents of ammonia nitrogen and phosphates were higher in the near-bottom than in the near-surface layer. Contents of total nitrogen, of the remaining mineral forms of nitrogen as well as those of total phosphorus changed seasonally, in synchrony with their uptake during months of enhanced algal development.
Zalew Szczeciński stanowi część estuarium Odry. Jego powierzchnia wynosi 687 km2, średnia głębokość 3,8 m a objętość wód wynoszących 2,58 km3. Próby z Zalewu Szczecińskiego pobierane były czerpaczem Ruttnera z warstwy przypowierzchniowej i przydennej w sezonach wiosna, lato i jesień 2003 z 5 stanowisk badawczych, następnie w laboratorium wykonano oznaczenia hydrochemiczne wszystkich form azotu mineralnego, fosforanów, fosforu całkowitego, tlen rozpuszczony, procentowe nasycenie wody tlenem. Wyniki analiz chemicznych wykazały naturalna zmienność sezonową wartości oznaczonych wskaźników związanych z działalnością życiową organizmów.
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