Inflow of organic matter into organic horizon of soil, is one of important factor forming circulation of elements in forest watershed. The organic horizon is part of forest soils were chemical processes are the most dynamic and properties of forest humus play great role in mineral nutrition of stands and regenerations. Air pollution coating leaves, branches, and cumulated into inner structure, are dropping on the humus together with wet and dry deposition. Decomposition of organic material trough microorganisms and soil fauna leads to mineralization and to humification, and a rate of these processes decided about kind of humus and can be use as a indicator of biocenosis and sites conditions. Under canopy of spruce stands usually exist mor or moder humus type formed by plants' rest with visible layers (subhorizons) O[II], O[I], O[f] and O[h]. Litter (O[II] - the fresh fall yet not connected with base and raw humus (O[I]) fromm upper part of organic horizon with not much changed plant fall connected with base by means of fungus hyphae were collected for analyses from watershed area. Investigated watershed there is upper part of Bystra torrent on the massif of Barania Mountain (1214 m a.s.l.). The lowest point of watershed is situated about 720 m a.s.l. Basic information about watershed is showed in tab. 1. The investigations start from preparing of numeric map (ArcInfo, ArcView) of watershed and creating a grid 200 m x 200 on the map and on the ground, fig. 1. From nodal 104 points of this grid on September 2001 were collected samples of O[II] and O[I]. First samples of water were collected 6.03.2002 from points "a" and "b" showed on fig. 1. All samples were analysed in Forest Habitat Department (Forest Research Institute): nitrate anion, chloride, phosphate, sulfate and ammonium cation were determined by chromatographic method (SHIMADZU LC10-AD), others cations by atomic spectrophotometry (THERMO ELEMENTAL IRIS ADVANTAGE) and LECO apparatus. Results of analyses of samples from organic horizon showed in tab. 2, separately for O[II] and O[I] and for three classes of altitude. Statistical significant of difference were marked. The results showed distinct trends in concentrations of determined elements for experimental plots from different altitudes. This concern mainly Ca, Cu, Mn - decrease of concentrations; and S, C, N, Pb - increase of concentration with altitude, tab. 2. Linear correlation coefficients between concentration of elements into layers and between concentrations of the same element into OII and OI showed for occurrence numerously interdependences, tab. 3. It was found that the highest variability coefficients for concentration into O[II] (letter) and O[I] (raw humus) were for Cu, Al, Mn, and the lowest for C, N, P, S which are the most important components of organic matter (fig. 3) The samples of soil were collected from regular grid (200x200 m) on the watershed, therefore it was enable to use program ArcView Spatial Analyst for maps with spatial distribution of elements concentration, fig. 4. It was found that maps confirm general trends showed in tab. 2, but is visible that these trends are much differ from zonation (conforming to isohypses), what could be suggested by results in tab. 2. The result showed in tab. 4 great differences for content of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen and for content of sulfate sulfur but there are only a beginning of future investigations in grant KBN 3PO6L 032 22 9, (2002-2004). The comparison of results from investigated watershed and for Carpathians spruce stands showed first of all differences between concentrations of Mn and Cu, tab. 5. Samples of soil were collected from two external layers of organic horizon: O[II] - litter, and O[I] - raw humus, on the 25 localities of the Western, Eastern and South Carpathian forests [3]. It was found also much lower concentrations of S, Ca, Mg, and K for samples of soil from watershed. It confirms low level of content of these elements into water from both main torrents flowing of the watershed and proof of really poor forest sites on investigated watershed area.
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