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The integration and utilization of renewable energy sources in the energy and transport sectors are the main actions undertaken to attain climate neutrality by 2050. The connection and indication of the relations occurring in these two sectors constitute the novelty of the current research. Key actions include increasing the share of low- and zero-emission transport, such as electric cars, bicycles, trains, and buses; reducing emissions from aviation and shipping; and improving energy efficiency and transport safety by modernizing the vehicle fleet, introducing intelligent transport systems, applying emission and fuel quality standards, and promoting technological and digital innovation. A novel and significant aspect of the research is its comprehensive approach to key economic sectors that exert a profound influence on climate change. Through the conducted studies, it has been demonstrated what essential actions must be undertaken to transition towards a low or zero-emission economy. This paper points to a strong nexus between the transport sector, the energy sector, and climate change, underscoring the imperative for collaborative efforts and strategic initiatives among these sectors to address the pressing challenges associated with achieving climate neutrality.
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