The overall objective of the ongoing work is to develop the computational environment HY DRO-PATH as a flexible tool for forecasting runoff from catchment areas for various hydrometeorological conditions while taking into account the information available on a real-time basis. Ensuring the model’s operational reliability and reducing the uncertainty of generated forecasts is accomplished through the adjustment of both the internal structure of the model and the spatial representation of the computational grid to the physiographical, hydrological and climatological characteristics of a given basin. The research focused on the development of methods for selecting the optimal model structure and parameters by analysing the results obtained for different model structures. This is achieved through the computational environment, in which it is possible to implement different types of hydrological rainfall-runoff models. These models have a unified system of data input, parameter optimisation rules, and procedures for result generation. The developed elements of the computational environment correspond to generation potential of models with a given structure and complexity. Furthermore, within the framework of HY DRO-PATH the following components were developed: an application programming interface (API), a data assimilation module, a module for computational representation of a real object, and a module for the estimation and optimisation of model parameters. The developed computational environment was applied to prepare a version of TOPO-Flex and perform hydrological validation of the model’s results. The hydrological validation was performed for selected flood events in the Bystrzyca Dusznicka subbasin of the Nysa Kłodzka River.
Numeryczne metody optymalizacji, powszechnie stosowane w zagadnieniach hydrologicznych, nie gwarantują wyznaczenia minimum globalnego funkcji celu. Ich popularność wiąże się z tym, że mogą one być stosowane w zagadnieniach, w których liczba zmiennych decyzyjnych jest stosunkowo duża. W pracy dokonano przeglądu metod deterministycznych, które umożliwiają znalezienie optimum globalnego w przypadku, gdy funkcja celu ma więcej niż jedno minimum lokalne. Metody te mogą być podzielone na dwie kategorie: asymptotycznie kompletne oraz kompletne. Podczas gdy algorytmy należące do obu klas są w stanie generować ciąg rozwiązań przybliżonych zbieżny do rozwiązania zagadnienia optymalizacji globalnej, to tylko dla algorytmów należących do drugiej z wymienionych kategorii są dostępne nieheurystyczne kryteria stopu. Przykłady przedstawione w pracy ilustrują możliwości zastosowania metod asymptotycznie kompletnych do szacowania parametrów w modelach procesów hydrologicznych, takich jak: modele różniczkowe przepływu wód gruntowych, modele hydrauliczne wchodzące w skład modeli hydrodynamicznych wykorzystywanych do modelowania zasobów wód powierzchniowych, modele typu opad-odpływ czy też integralne modele zlewni.
Most numerical optimization methods that are widely used in hydrology don't guarantee reaching the global minimum of the goal function. They became popular mainly due to their ability of handling relatively multi-dimensional problems. The paper reviews the deterministic methods capable of finding the global optimum in the presence of local optima. They can be divided into two categories: asymptotically complete methods and complete methods. While algorithms from both classes can generate a sequence converging to a solution of the global optimization problem, only for the algorithms from the latter class non-heuristic stopping criteria are available. The examples presented in the paper illustrate the applicability of asymptotically complete methods to parameter estimation in modelling hydrological processes, such as differential models of groundwater flow, hydraulic models embedded into hydrodynamic models of river systems, the precipitation–outflow models or integral catchment models.
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Flood studies and forecasts are concentrated on a peak flow Q(max) and flood hydrograph Q(t) calculations. In this study a hydraulic flood routing model has been integrated with geographic information system containing digital elevation model of the valley floor. This allows to display the mo-deling results of both deterministic Q(x, y, t), and probabilistic Q(x, y, p), approach. Model has been tested on a data from Skora river (A=273 km2) located on a footslope of the Sudety Mountain in southwest part of Poland. A detailed study has been performed on a 15.2 km long river reach between gauges Zagrodno (A=162 km2) and Chojnow (A=270 km2). Leveling survey of the 50 floodplain cross-sections has been performed in the summer of 1999. This data has been used for proper description of the river channel geometry and weight average Manning roughness coefficients on a floodplain. For a river channel flood routing a numerical model based on the balance Saint-Venant equation has been applied (program name is SiReN). The boundary conditions in the numerical solution were flood hydrograph Q(t) at the inlet gauge Zagrodno, and stage graph H(t), rating curve Q(H) at the outlet gauge Chojnow. A numerical implicit Preissman scheme of finite differences method has been used for solving equations. At the flood passage a lateral runoff from a side catchments has al-so been considered. Manning roughness coefficients have been in addition optimized using the calculated versus observed flood hydrographs. Digital elevation model has been calculated using the digitized contour data from topographic maps in a scale 1:10 000 and surveying data from river channel cross-sections leveling. A regular grid of 10m x 10m resolution with elevation points has been obtained by the inverse distance interpolation method available in Surfer program. Matrix of elevation points has been converted to a raster image in which pixel number corresponds to a grid node value. Integration of the DEM model with other thematic maps showing landuse of the river valley floor and water surface in the channel has been done in ILWIS program. Visualization of the flood range has been done for the peak flows of 10, 1 and 0.1% probability.
W ślad za reformą administracyjną kraju, wprowadzanej od 1.01.1999 r., występuje konieczność przeprowadzenia odpowiedniej reformy telekomunikacji. Dotyczyć ona powinna przede wszystkim Planu Numeracji Krajowej (PNK) i taryfikacji. Ponadto należy oczekiwać decyzji dotyczących zmian administracyjnych i organizacyjnych u operatorów sieci telekomunikacyjnych, zwłaszcza w TP SA. Dotyczyć one będą innego przyporządkowania kompetencji eksploatacyjnych, w jednostkach terenowych, uwzględniające granice nowego terytorialnego podziału administracyjnego kraju. W ślad za tymi decyzjami powstaną zmiany w konfiguracji sieci. Reforma telekomunikacji wynikająca ze zmian administracyjnych kraju powinna być wprowadzana sukcesywnie. Powinien to być proces długo okresowy. Ważną sprawą jednak jest to żeby we właściwy sposób wytyczyć stan docelowy tego procesu.
Following the administrative reform in the country, which was introduced January 1st 1999. the necessity to introduce the reform in the telecommunications sector appeared. It should concern mainly Country Numbering Plan (PNK Plan Numeracji Krajowej) and tarification. Moreover, decisions are to be expected regarding changes in administration and organization at telecommunications networks' operators, especially TP S.A. They will concern different relations in operation competence in regional units taking into account the borders of new administrative regions in the country. These decisions will lead to modifications in network configuration. Telecommunications reform, which results from changes in the country administrative division should be introduced gradually. It should be a long-term process. However, an important issue is to determine a target for the proces properly.
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