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Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the hierarchy of benefits achieved by final purchasers as a result of their cooperation with offerors, taking into account the environment and specifics of this cooperation. Design/methodology/approach: A cognitive-critical analysis of the world literature on the subject indicates that these issues have not been studied so far. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a cognitive and research gap in this regard. In order to reduce the gap, six research hypotheses were formulated. Primary research was carried out to verify the hypotheses. It covered 1,196 adult representatives of final purchasers in Poland. The collected data was subjected to quantitative analysis, using, inter alia, average scores analysis, comparative analysis, Pearson’s chi-square independence test, and an analysis of the V-Cramer contingency coefficient value. Findings: The results allowed, among other things, the following conclusions to be drawn: (1) non-material benefits of cooperation with offerors were more valuable for the majority of respondents, (2) the majority of respondents believed that the online and offline environments should be used in parallel as a place of this cooperation, (3) the respondents were more likely to express positive opinions on offers and offerors than negative ones, (4) dependencies were identified between non-material benefits and the environment of cooperation in the case of four benefits (those related to enriching the marketing potential of purchasers and meeting their social expectations). Originality/value: The results obtained and conclusions drawn on their basis are characterised by high cognitive and readily application value, enriching the knowledge on purchaser behaviour and enabling offerors to take appropriate measures to encourage purchasers into cooperation.
Purpose: This article aims to determine the significance of cooperation between final purchasers and offerors in the process of creating a marketing offer, as well as identify the dependencies between this cooperation and purchasers’ trust in products, according to the scope of purchasers’ involvement in their preparation. Design/methodology/approach: The results of a cognitive-critical analysis of the world literature on the subject indicate a cognitive and research gap in this area. Until now, cooperation between final purchasers and offerors has not been examined in the context of mutual trust. In order to reduce the gap, empirical studies were conducted, in which a questionnaire was used to gather primary data. The data was subjected to a quantitative analysis, including statistical analysis. Findings: The results made it possible to verify three research hypotheses and draw conclusions of cognitive and applicability value. Statistically significant dependencies were identified between respondents’ trust in products and three analysed variables reflecting their attitudes towards cooperation with offerors and their prosumptive behaviours. The relatively strongest dependence is visible between trust in products according to the scope of respondents’ involvement in their preparation and respondents’ willingness to cooperate with producers. Research limitations/implications: The research has certain limitations, such as its subjective and objective scope. It comprised only adult final purchasers and the analysis comprised only selected aspects of cooperation between final purchasers and offerors. Originality/value: The results of the research contribute to the theory and practice of marketing and consumer behaviour, reducing the cognitive and research gap in the analysis of this cooperation in the context of trust in products.
The article aims to determine the significance of purchasers' assessments of previous relationships with offerors towards the way offerors are perceived as initiators of prosumer activity. It is of a theoretical and empirical nature. For the theoretical aspect, the world's literature on the subject was cognitively and critically analysed. The results of the analysis identified a cognitive and research gap regarding the assessment of previous relationships with offerors in terms of its effect on the perception of offerors as initiators of the prosumer activity of final purchasers. In order to reduce the gap, empirical research was conducted through a questionnaire to gather primary data. This data was subjected to statistical analysis, and the results of this indicated a statistically significant dependence between the perception of offerors as initiators of prosumer activity and the way previous relationships are perceived for producers and traders. The perception of offerors as initiators of prosumer activity statistically significantly differentiated the assessment of previous relationships with producers and traders. Both research hypotheses were found to be valid.
Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. Przedstawiono w nim zagadnienia związane z przyczynami niechęci młodych potencjalnych pracowników wobec podjęcia pracy w uczelni w kontekście postrzeganej jakości życia zawodowego. Wyniki analizy poznawczo-krytycznej literatury przedmiotu wskazują, że dotychczas raczej nie badano aspektów dotyczących występowania uczelni w roli pracodawcy, a tym bardziej nie analizowano działań personalnych, jakie powinna ona podejmować w celu przyciągania najlepszych kandydatów na pracowników. Istnieje zatem luka poznawcza i badawcza w tym zakresie. Dążąc do jej zmniejszenia, przeprowadzono badania pierwotne, podczas których wykorzystano metodę badania ankietowego. Zebrane dane pierwotne poddano analizie ilościowej, stosując test Kruskala-Wallisa. Wyniki tej analizy pozwoliły na weryfikację sformułowanej hipotezy badawczej, mówiącej, że płeć nie jest cechą różnicującą przyczyny braku zainteresowania pracą w uczelni. Okazało się, że w przypadku ankietowanych należy ją odrzucić, gdyż można wskazać jedną przyczynę, dla której wspomniana cecha różnicowała odpowiedzi respondentów w sposób statystycznie istotny.
The article has the theoretical-empirical character. The considerations related to the reasons of young potential employees’ aversion toward an university as an employer in the context of perceived quality of professional life were presented. The results of cognitive-critical analysis of literature show that the aspects connected with playing the role of employer by an university haven’t been surveyed. The personnel activities which should be taken to attract the best candidates haven’t been analysed either. That’s why one can state that the cognitive and the research gaps exist. To reduce these gaps the primary researches were conducted using questionnaire survey method. Gathered primary data were analysed applying Kruskal-Wallis test etc. The results of this analysis allowed to verify the research hypothesis that the gender didn’t differentiate the reasons of lack of interest in an university as an employer. This hypothesis was rejected, because there was one reason which was differentiated in the statistically significant way due to mentioned feature.
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