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The paper presents design and manufacturing process of an individualized ankle orthosis using additive manufacturing technologies and reverse engineering. Conventional processes of manufacturing of orthoses are expensive and time consuming Thus, an alternative method was proposed. The patient’s leg was 3D scanned and the orthosis was designed using a CAD system. It was then manufactured using the Fused Deposition Modelling technology, assembled and fully tested. Positive results were obtained.
This paper describes prototyping of an individualized cosmetic arm prosthesis. Aim of the studies was to obtain an anatomically correct, lightweight prosthesis. It was accomplished using additive manufacturing technology of fused deposition modeling. The data was obtained by 3D scanning. An experimental concept of dual extrusion of two different materials was applied – the prosthesis was divided into an elastic shell and a rigid core, manufactured in one process. Obtained results were positive.
The paper presents results of tests conducted on the elements of medical devices - slings used in medical lifts - manufactured using additive technologies. The project assumed to produce 100 samples of clips with varying design, material and orientation parameter. Samples were manufactured using FDM and SLA processes and then tested for mechanical strength, load transmission and functionality, using certified equipment. The paper shows full methodology and the obtained test results.
This paper presents the assessment of the rapid prototyping finishing techniques for printed components. The aim of the study was to compare the element printed with FDM technology before and after the treatment, using 3D scanning techniques. The object was scanned right after manufacturing, then it was subjected to finishing treatment and 3D-scanned again. The assessment of the results was performed using the GOM Inspect software, based on a comparison between scans and nominal model.
Realism of a Virtual Reality simulation can be improved by use of physical objects tracked in real time. The paper presents possibility of using low-cost FDM process, realized by MakerBot Replicator 2X machine, in comparison with a professional one to build tooling for a simulation of ultrasound examination procedure. The objects were manufactured on two different machines out of ABS material, 3D scanned for accuracy testing and finally possibilities of their use in a VR system were evaluated.
The paper focuses on issues associated with the ecodesign of household appliances. The authors describe the estimation of recycling cost of end-of-life products using their original system supporting ecodesign. The cost estimate was conducted during product design stage using the information stored in CAD 3D system. A sample estimate was made for a washing machine, fridge, kettle, and a hairdryer.
Content available Functionality assessment of ecodesign support system
In the paper the issue of ecological-oriented product design is addressed. The definitions that concern product design are listed and the factors that make them important for the manufacturers are indicated. The method of ecological-oriented product assessment during the design process (implemented in the 3D CAD system), drawn-up by authors, is used for the analysis. The assessment of real household appliance using the method is presented and the conclusions from the evaluation are drawn.
The paper presents results of experiments aimed at determination of range of critical orientation for parts manufactured additively using the Fused Deposition Modelling method, out of ABS material. Numerous previous observations of plastic parts manufactured additively using the FDM process allowed concluding, that change of values of the manufacturing orientation (i.e. direction of layer slicing plane) has large influence on the macrostructure of obtained parts, thus affecting their strength and behaviour under load – the material behaves either as a thermoplastic with a yield point or as a brittle material with no yield point. The paper presents methodology and results of experiments aimed at determination of a certain value or value range, at which transition between the two behaviours occurs. The experiments consisted of tensile tests performed on samples manufactured additively in a pre-selected range of orientations. The obtained results – a value range valid for the selected type of load and sample shape – will be useful in future to help select an optimal orientation of part for a defined task.
Numerous experimental studies, including experiments performed by the authors, have shown that the part orientation during layer deposition has a very strong in-fluence on final strength of a product manufactured by additive Fused Deposition Technology. The paper presents the results of tensile, bending and impact strength tests performed on samples of various orientations, made out of ABS material using FDM technology. The results of these tests allowed discovering a unique phenomenon – with the changing orientation, not only the values of strength indexes change, but macroscopic material behavior under load as well. The transition between a “yield point” and “brittle” material usually happens in a certain range of orientation values, named a critical orientation by the authors. The paper indicates supposed ranges of critical orientation for various types of loads
The paper presents results of studies undertaken by the authors, aimed at determination of character of influence of marker arrangement on real-time measurement of position and orientation of an object, using an exemplary optical tracking system PST-55. Such a system can be used for interaction in immersive Virtual Reality applications. To ensure better immersion of a user in a virtual environment, it is necessary to directly translate its actions into 3D image presented by the VR application. It is possible, among other things, by the application of systems for tracking user’s movements. During the presented studies, an object with infrared-reflective markers deployed on its surface was placed in the center of a rotary table, then it was measured by the tracking system to determine the influence of the object angular position on the accuracy of determination of its position and orientation by the examined device. The measurements were performed for several different arrangements of markers, to formulate guidelines for their deployment on objects used for work in a virtual environment.
The paper presents a method, developed by the authors, for manufacturing polymer composites with the matrix manufactured in a layered manner (via 3D printing – Fused Deposition Modeling) out of a thermoplastic material. As an example of practical application of this method, functional prototypes are presented, which were used as elements of foundry tooling – patterns for sand molding. In case of manufacturing prototype castings or short series of products, foundries usually cooperate with modeling studios, which produce patterns by conventional, subtractive manufacturing technologies. If patterns have complex shapes, this results in high manufacturing costs and significantly longer time of tooling preparation. The method proposed by the authors allows manufacturing functional prototypes in a short time thanks to utilizing capabilities of additive manufacturing (3D printing) technology. Thanks to using two types of materials simultaneously (ABS combined with chemically hardened resins), the produced prototypes are capable of carrying increased loads. Moreover, the method developed by the authors is characterized by manufacturing costs lower than in the basic technology of Fused Deposition Modeling. During the presented studies, the pattern was produced as a polymer composite and it was used to prepare a mold and a set of metal castings.
Fused Deposition Modelling technology allows to produce elements of very complex shapes without any additional tooling, which is why it has a broad range of industrial applications. Possibility of manufacturing parts with controlled degree of internal filling allows to shorten the manufacturing time and reduce volume of used material. The paper presents influence of layer filling type on part capability of carrying loads and economical coefficients of the manufacturing process. A problem of mechanical properties is important especially in case of elements used as functional prototypes. The paper presents methodology and results of experimental strength tests of samples with various types of internal filling. As a build material for test samples, ABS material was used. Composite samples were also used the ABS matrix produced by Fused Deposition Modelling was filled with chemically hardening polyurethane resin in a process developed by authors. The samples were subjected to destructive testing and their strength properties were compared.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is a widespread additive manufacturing technology, which allows to obtain models of complex geometry without any tooling, directly from the digital CAD representation. It has been found out during numerous studies, that strength of products obtained using this technology is lower than strength of products manufactured of the same material, but with conventional technologies such as injection molding. Furthermore, the strength is greatly affected by orientation of part in the working chamber during manufacturing. The paper describes experimental research aimed at examining the influence of the orientation on impact strength of ABS parts produced with this technology. Test samples of various orientations were prepared and subjected to Charpy impact test. Also, a number of reference samples were prepared with injection molding of the same ABS material. Analysis of research results confirmed the assumptions made and allowed to make some important observations regarding strength of models produced with FDM technology.
W artykule opisano badania eksperymentalne mające na celu zbadanie wpływu orientacji na udarność wyrobów z ABS wytwarzanych techniką Fused Deposition Modeling. Próbki wytworzone przy różnych orientacjach poddano testowi udarności młotem Charpy'ego. Oprócz tego wytworzono metodą wtrysku próbki referencyjne z tego samego materiału ABS. Analiza wyników badań potwierdziła wstępne tezy oraz ważne obserwacje dotyczące wytrzymałości wyrobów kształtowanych techniką FDM.
The paper presents an application of additive method of Fused Deposition Modeling for manufacturing of small series of elastic models. Additive FDM technology is used to produce a casting mould for multiple use. Process of manufacturing of small series of products consists in casting a two-component silicone rubber degassed using vacuum chamber into a multiple use mould. The paper shows the course of the process and related problems on the example of industrial product – a cylindrical seal. The casting mould was produced out of ABS material using BST 1200 machine, whereas casted elastic models were made out of XTX 45 silicone rubber.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcje opisu połączeń w modelu 3D wyrobu w postaci więzów funkcjonalnych zorientowanych na reprezentacje połączeń w wyrobie. Zaprezentowano przesłanki dla celów zawarcia szczegółowych danych o połączeniach w modelach tego rodzaju. Zaproponowano formalny model matematyczny opisu połączeń, jego kodowanie w modelu 3D oraz implementacje w systemie modelowania 3D. Przytoczono również przykłady nadawania więzów omawianego rodzaju.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę oceny recyklingowej wyrobów oparta na: modelu formalnym reprezentacji struktury wyrobu uwzgledniającym recykling, zaimplementowanym w systemie CAD oraz systemie agentowym. Dokonano ogólnej charakterystyki ekoprojektowania ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jego recyklingu. Zaprezentowano założenia metody oraz sposób jej implementacji, jak również opisano funkcjonalność systemu agentowego wspomagającego proekologiczne projektowanie.
Urządzenia haptyczne znalazły szerokie zastosowanie w inżynierii projektowania, między innymi dzięki zastosowaniu technologii rzeczywistości wirtualnej (ang. Virtual Reality VR). Wprowadzenie zróżnicowanych wrażeń dotykowych pogłębia realizm symulacji w środowisku wirtualnym. Artykuł omawia budowę i zasadę działania urządzeń haptycznych oraz podobieństwa i różnice między urządzeniami haptycznymi a robotami przemysłowymi. Przedstawiono klasyfikację i przegląd urządzeń haptycznych oraz przybliżono możliwość ich zastosowania w hybrydowym podejściu do procesu przygotowania wyrobu do produkcji.
Haptic devices have found a wide range of applications in design engineering, among other things thanks to application of Virtual Reality technology. Implementation of diversified tactile feedback makes virtual reality simulation more realistic. The paper describes construction and principles of operation of haptic devices and similarities and differences between them and typical industrial robots. Classification and review of haptic devices is presented. Possibilities of application of haptic devices in hybrid approach to product preparation for production were also described in the paper.
Utrzymanie maszyn i urządzeń w ciągłej pracy jest ważnym kryterium sukcesu przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych. W przypadku, kiedy z różnych względów nie ma dostępu do dokumentacji technicznej poszczególnych podzespołów lub nie ma możliwości nabycia części zamiennych, dużym wyzwaniem staje się skrócenie do minimum przerw w produkcji spowodowanych awariami. Stosując techniki inżynierii odwrotnej oraz szybkiego wytwarzania na podstawie zużytego lub uszkodzonego elementu można w krótkim czasie wytworzyć jego funkcjonalny odpowiednik. W pracy przedstawiono metodykę pomiaru, odtworzenia dokumentacji trójwymiarowej oraz wytworzenia prototypu funkcjonalnego koła zębatego przenoszącego napęd z silnika w urządzeniu poligraficznym. Dokonano porównania użyteczności części wykonanych z zastosowaniem dwóch technik: kształtowania przyrostowego uplastycznionym tworzywem oraz odlewania próżniowego w formach silikonowych.
Keeping machines and devices in constant operation is an important criterion of success of manufacturing companies. In case when for some reason there is no access to technical documentation of particular sub-assemblies or there is no possibility of purchasing the spare parts, reduction of unwanted pauses in production caused by machine malfunction becomes a huge challenge. Application of reverse engineering and Rapid Manufacturing techniques allows to produce a functional replacement for the worn or destroyed part in a relatively short time. The paper presentsmethodology of measurement, re-creation of 3D documentation and manufacturing of a functional prototype of a helical gear for power transmission from electrical engine in a typographic device. A comparison of usability of parts manufactured using two technologies was prepared. The first technology was Fused Deposition Modeling – one of additive manufacturing technologies and the second technology was Vacuum Casting.
The paper presents the results of experimental study – part of research of additive technology using thermoplastics as a build material, namely Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM). Aim of the study was to identify the relation between basic parameter of the FDM process – model orientation during manufacturing – and a dimensional accuracy and repeatability of obtained products. A set of samples was prepared – they were manufactured with variable process parameters and they were measured using 3D scanner. Significant differences in accuracy of products of the same geometry, but manufactured with different set of process parameters were observed.
Modelowanie uplastycznionym tworzywem sztucznym to technika wytwarzania przyrostowego pozwalająca na uzyskanie modeli o skomplikowanej geometrii bez oprzyrządowania technologicznego, bezpośrednio na podstawie reprezentacji cyfrowej CAD. Ważnym parametrem tego procesu przyrostowego jest orientacja części w komorze roboczej podczas wytwarzania - wpływa ona na szereg wskaźników techniczno-ekonomicznych gotowego wyrobu. W artykule opisano badania eksperymentalne, w których sprawdzano wpływ orientacji na wytrzymałość na rozciąganie wyrobów wykonywanych tą techniką z materiału ABS. Przygotowano próbki wykonywane w różnej orientacji i poddano je próbom wytrzymałościowym. Przygotowano również próbki referencyjne z materiału ABS korzystając z metody wtrysku i również poddano je próbom. Analiza wyników badań potwierdziła przyjęte hipotezy i pozwoliła na dokonanie kilku ważnych obserwacji dotyczących wytrzymałości wyrobów wykonywanych techniką modelowania uplastycznionym tworzywem sztucznym.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is an additive manufacturing technology, which allows to obtain models of complex geometry without any tooling, directly from the digital CAD representation. An important parameter of FDM process is orientation of part in the working chamber during manufacturing - it influences a number of technical and economical coefficients of the end product. The paper describes experimental research aimed at examining the influence of the orientation on tensile strength of ABS models produced with this technology. Test samples of various orientation were prepared and subjected to tensile tests. Also, a number of reference samples were prepared with injection molding of the same ABS material. Analysis of research results confirmed the assumptions made and allowed to make some important observations regarding strength of models produced with FDM technology.
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