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Przedstawiono wyniki badań drobnoziarnistego kompozytu z osnową o strukturze fazy międzymetalicznej Al3Ti, otrzymanego metodą metalurgii proszków. Stop dwufazowy Al3Ti/Al o składzie chemicznym Al-21% at. Ti i strukturze dendrytycznej (rys. 1) otrzymano metodą konwencjonalnego odlewania. Następnie, odlew rozdrabniano mechanicznie w młynku kulowym (250 rpm) w czasie 5 h w medium ciekłym, w alkoholu etylowym. Nanokrystaliczny proszek (rys. 2b) o powierzchni właściwej 6,38 m2/g zawierał fazę Al3Ti i aluminium w proporcji zbliżonej do tej w materiale w stanie lanym. Proszek spiekano swobodnie w temperaturze 1100°C w czasie 1 h w próżni 10(-3) Pa. Skutkiem wysokiej temperatury procesu było utlenienie wewnętrzne części metalicznego aluminium i utworzenie fazy Al2O3. Struktura spieku składała się z drobnych ziaren fazy Al3Ti rozdzielonych metalicznym aluminium i z cząstek Al2O3 (rys. 3). Spiek charakteryzował się atrakcyjną kombinacją właściwości mechanicznych; współczynnik odporności na kruche pękanie określony metodą wgłębnikową równy 6 MPa m1/2, mikrotwardość (HV02) 524 i moduł sprężystości rzędu 200 GPa. Metaliczne aluminium obecne w strukturze spieku działało jako "relaksator" naprężeń powstałych w wyniku odkształcenia plastycznego fazy międzymetalicznej Al3Ti. Duże tlenki aluminium podwyższały odporność na kruche pękanie poprzez wydłużenie drogi rozwoju pęknięcia.
The study was devoted to investigations of fine-grained composite with the matm composed of Al3Ti intermetallic phase, obtained by powder metallurgy. Two-phase Al3Ti/Al alloy with chemical composition of Al-21 % at. Ti and dendritic microstructure (Fig. 1) was obtained by conventional ingot metallurgy. Subseąuently, the ingot was mechanically milled for 5 hours in a ball mill at 250 rpm in ethyl alcohol. Nanocrystalline powder (Fig. 2b) with specific surface 6.38 m2/g contained the Al3Ti phase and aluminium in a proportion close to that of the cast alloy. The powder was siutered by free suitering at 1100°C for 1 hour in vacuum 10(-3) Pa. The high temperature process resulted in aluminium being partially oxidised to Al2O3 phase. The structure of the sinter contained fine Al3Ti grains separated from one another by metallic aluminium, and Al2O3 oxide particles (Fig. 3). Sinter exhibited attractive combination of mechanical properties; fracture toughness received using indentation method equal to 6 MPa m1/2, microstrohardness (HV02) 524 and elastic modulus on the order of 200 GPa. The metallic aluminium present in the sinter functioned as a relaxation agent for the stresses induced during the plastic deformation of the intermetallic Al3Ti phase. The large aluminium oxide particles improved their fracture toughness by elongating the crack development path.
Do uzyskania nanokryształów Fe wykorzystano duże odkształcenie plastyczne. Żelazo armco silnie odkształcono (epsilon dsim 12) dwiema metodami; skręcania pod wysokim ciśnieniem (HPT) oraz przeciskania przez kanał kątowy (ECA). Zbadano strukturę i właściwości mechaniczne odkształconych próbek. Uzyskano mikrostruktury o średniej wielkości ziarna mniejszej o trzy rzędy wielkości (ok. 100 nm) od stanu wyjściowego (ok. 100 mikrometrów). Wartości parametrów wytrzymałościowych, określonych w próbie rozciągania, wzrosły kilkakrotnie w stosunku do stanu wyjściowego zarówno po procesie HPT, jak i po procesie ECA. Uzyskane struktury różniły się względną liczbą granic szerokokątowych.
Over the past few years materials subjected to severe plastic deformations became the subject of scientific work as construction materials with ultrafine-grained, nano-crystalline microstructure. The interest in this type of materials is stimulated by their specific properties especially increased yield stress. The present work focuses on structure and properties of Armco iron after severe plastic deformation. The investigations were conducted on samples subjected to equal channel angular extrusion (ECA) and high pressure torsion (HPT) processes. Employed deformation methods led to obtaining of nano-grained iron microstructure. The deformation method has some effect on both size and shape of grains. Also certain evidence has been collected that the deformation path also influences the character of boundaries between neighbouringcrystals. The iron investigations performed prove that due to severe plastic deformation (epsilon log=12) the yield stress, ultimate tensile strenght (UTS), nano- and microhardness increase by several times in comparison to the initial state. The properties of severely deformed material depend on deformation path. We obtained different values of mechanical properties for ECA and HPT method instead of the same value of real strain. It can be connected with relatively different number of low-angle grain boundary.
The aim of the present study was to analyse the correlation between the texture and the plastic deformation in the Al-Li-based model alloys subjected to uniaxial tension. The Automatic Grating Interferometry (AGI) method has been used to determine the homogeneity of deformation on the submicrometer scale. The experiment show that the heterogeneity of plastic deformation observed in the Al-Li alloys examined can be correlated with the crystallographic texture.
Celem pracy była analiza zależności pomiędzy teksturą krystaliczną i przebiegiem odkształcenia w modelowych stopach na osnowie Al-Li poddanych jednoosiowemu rozciąganiu. Obserwacji niejednorodności odkształcenia plastycznego w skali mikrometrycznej dokonano przy wykorzystaniu techniki Dwuwiązkowej Interferometrii Siatkowej (DIS). Wyniki eksperymentalne wskazują na zależność niejednorodności odkształcenia plastycznego w badanych stopach od charakteru występującej w nich tekstury krystalicznej.
In forming operations, metals and their alloys are subjected to severe plastic deformation so as to produce parts of required shapes. This inevitably results in a strong crystalline texture being formed which, in turn, leads to a high anisotropy of plastic properties of the parts thus produced. The Al-Li-based alloys, with which the present study is concerned, also behave in this way. A considerable number of literature reports have been devoted to the formation of texture in these alloys and to its effect upon the mechanical properties of the material. These properties have, however, been usually determined using statical mechanical tests, whereas, during exploitation, most of the parts made of the Al-Li-based alloys are subjected to varying loads. It is thus important to examine how the anisotropy of mechanical properties, caused by the strong texture, affects the fatigue strength of these alloys. This was the aim of the present study. It has been found that the fatigue strength of the Al-Li-based alloys depends on the joint effect of two parameters: their microstructure and their texture.
W celu uzyskania odpowiedniego kształtu metale i ich stopy poddawane są dużym odkształceniom plastycznym, które nieuchronnie prowadzą do utworzenia się w nich silnej tekstury krystalicznej. Ta z kolei jest przyczyną dużej anizotropii własności plastycznych tak wytworzonych półfabrykatów i gotowych elementów. Dotyczy to również stopów na podstawie Al-Li, które są przedmiotem badań niniejszej pracy. W literaturze poświęcono wiele miejsca problemom kształtowania się tekstury w tych stopach oraz jej wpływowi na właściwości mechaniczne określane z reguły w statycznych próbach mechanicznych. Większość elementów wykonanych z tych stopów jest poddawana podczas eksploatacji zmiennym obciążeniom. Z tego względu ważne jest prześledzenie wpływu anizotropii własności mechanicznych ukształtowanej przez tworzącą się teksturę w tych materiałach na ich odporność zmęczeniową. Celem tej pracy było zbadanie wpływu tekstury krystalicznej na właściwości zmęczeniowe w modelowych stopach na osnowie Al-Li. Stwierdzono, że kształtowanie właściwości zmęczeniowych badanych stopów jest wynikiem łącznego oddziaływania dwóch parametrów: mikrostruktury i tekstury.
The subject-matter of the work is an investigation of the fatigue behaviour of model alloys Al-Li. An influence has been noticed of the precipitation state upon the fatigue properties of material within a small number of cycles. The presence of two kinds of precipitations causes a rise in the strength of material and at the same time two- to threefold increase of the number of cycles till rupture - as compared with and alloy containing precipitations only. Depending on the precipitation state there are also noticed different shapes of the curves of cyclic strenghtening.
The tribological properties of intermetallic TiAlNb alloy are described. The wear resistance of the alloy was determined by the 'pin-on-disc' method. The results of the wear resistance showed a strong response of the wear intensity to an increase of the wear rate. Moreover, the tribological properties of the alloy can be changed by modifying its phase composition. The TiAlNb alloy had a much higher resistance to wear than the values reported in the literature for intermetallics on the base of NiAl and NiAl+Cr.
In this work we present the results of investigations of ultrafine-grained iron obtained as a result of multicycle extrusion through a bent channel with 90 degrees centigrade bending angle. Strained samples were subjected to annealing. The investigations were focused on material structure characterization (TEM) and determination of its hardness (HV0.2).
The paper is concerned with technology and properties of the two-component Al-21at%Ti alloy produced by powder metallurgy. The cast alloy was first crushed mechanically (to below 1 mm particle size) and, then, milled in a mortar mill for 5 hours. The powder was cold-pressed and then consolidated using an explosive technique. The paper presents the results of complex examinations of the powder and the consolidated solid material.
Apllication of automatic grating interferometry (AGI) to examining plastic deformation zones permits us to describe this zone in quantitative and qualitative terms. The material examined was the PA7 alloy. The results have shown that the distribution of deformations, both linear and rotation, along the direction of propagation of a crack differs qualitatively and quantitatively from the distribution observed along the direction of the load.
The so-called package morphology has been revealed in the Al-3.5Li alloy solidified directionally during microgravity test. The s/l interface has been quenched during the experiment. The 1D observation of longitudinal section of the s/l interface of the package morphology revealed doublets. The result of 1D experiment leading to doublets formation in terrestial conditions has been compared with 1D structure obtained from the microgravity test. A mathematical description of the s/l interface of doublets has been worked out. The package morphology is treated as a result of the interplay among the waves of perturbation which can appear on the plane surface of a single crystal growing in the microgravity conditions. The physical interpretation of proposed equations is given.
The paper analyses the instability of plastic deformation in Al-Li-Cu-Zr that occurs during an uniaxial tensile test. The instability is manifested in the form of serrations which appear on the stress-strain curve (sigma-epsilon). The analysis of plastic instability in this alloy was concerned with the relation between this instability and the initial deformation degree (sheets after rolling) and sheet anisotropy. The plastic instability was described quantitatively using mathematical tools. A quantitative analysis of the serration has shown that, in the precipitation hardened alloy, as the deformation degree increases the intensity of the serrations observed on the stress-strain curve and the individual sample cutting directions (with respect to the axes of the sheet anisotropy) increases. In the alloy subjected to saturation, no essential differences in the character of the stress-strain curve serrations were observed.
The crack propagation process and the crack tip plastic zone evolution in Al and Cu have between observed during in situ deformation in transmission electron microscope. The crack propagation process in an easy slip direction and in direction of the largest value of resolved shear stress, so called zigzag manner, were observed. The crack propagation in zigzag manner was assisted by emitting dislocations on two alternative perpendicular slip systems. The plastic zone character is related to the stacking fault energy (SFE) of metals.
The present study was concerned with the cyclic response and dislocation structures of model Al-Li alloys. It has been shown that they depend on the precipitate state. In the alloys containing delta' precipitates alone, cyclic hardening and slip band formation were found. However in the alloy that contains both delta' and T1 precipitates saturation state and numerous dislocation loops were observed.
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