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This article presents a different approach to epidemics modeling. For the purpose of this modeling, an outbreak as well as its prevention methods are considered as a special kind of spatial conflict. A new type of cellular automata - Layered Competitive Cellular Automata (LCCA) - were used to model it. Thanks to using the LCCA one can not only model the result of the conflict, but above all its development, while the possibility of adding various physical phenomena and their influence on the conflict makes the results even more realistic. The results of the conflict modeling are presented on a map, which allows to observe and analyze them at different stages of modeling. This approach meets the requirements of modeling algorithms
W artykule zaprezentowano inne podejście do modelowania epidemii. Epidemia i metody jej przeciwdziałania na potrzeby tego modelowania traktowana jest jako specjalny rodzaj konfliktu przestrzennego. Do jej modelowania użyto nowego typu automatów komórkowych – Layered Competitive Cellular Automata. Zastosowanie LCCA umożliwia nie tylko modelowanie samego wyniku konfliktu, ale przede wszystkim jego przebiegu, zaś możliwość dodania wpływu zjawisk fizycznych na poszczególne strony konfliktu urealnia wyniki. Wyniki modelowania zaprezentowane są na mapie dzięki czemu można obserwować je na poszczególnych etapach modelowania. Takie podejście wychodzi na przeciw wymaganiom stawianym algorytmom modelowania.
Content available Anomalie w modelowaniu procesów biznesowych
W dziedzinie procesów biznesowych najbardziej popularne jest modelowanie Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). BPMN jest istotny z praktycznego punktu widzenia, a przy tym oferuje wiele wyzwań dla programistów i naukowców. Specyfikacja diagramu BPMN jest stosunkowo precyzyjna, ale jest to tylko forma opisowa prezentowana na abstrakcyjnym poziomie graficznym. Większość prac w tym obszarze skoncentrowanych jest na wykorzystaniu możliwości, jakie oferuje notacja BPMN. Jednak wciąż nie ma dokumentów analizujących ewentualne błędy oraz sposoby ich wykrywania i eliminowania. Celem artykułu jest próba analizy zagadnienia anomalii, które mogą wystąpić w notacji BPMN. Badanie opiera się na analizie literatury oraz własnym doświadczeniu z modelowania w języku BPMN. Przeprowadzone analizy pozwoliły na zidentyfikowanie kilku najczęściej występujących rodzajów anomalii: strukturalnych i składniowych.
In the field of business process modeling the most popular is the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). BPMN is relevant from a practical point of view while at the same it offers many challenges for software developers and scientists. Specification of a BPMN diagram is relatively precise, but it is only a descriptive form presented at some abstract, graphical level. Most of the work in this area is focused on the use of the possibilities offered by BPMN notation. However, there is still no document analyzing the errors and how to detect and eliminate. The article attempts to analyze issues anomalies that may occur in the BPMN notation. The survey is based on the analysis of literature and own experience of modeling in BPMN. Analyzes allowed us to identify a few of the most common types of anomalies: syntactic anomalies, and structural anomalies.
In this article the model allowing finding energy-saving routes between two places in the navigation systems – for a cyclist’s activity profile – was introduced. Preparing of the compiled routing maps for many kinds of navigation systems is possible by means of inclusion of model data into a database of UMP map project.
W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono procedurę, która umożliwia uzyskanie - w warstwie GIS, którą tworzą wieloboki uogólnione - zadanych pól powierzchni, przez modyfikację, spełniającą określone warunki funkcyjne, współrzędnych wierzchołków wieloboków. Przykładowe wykorzystanie wprowadzonej procedury przedstawiono dla warstwy działek ewidencyjnych z Systemu Ewidencji Gruntów i Budynków.
The article presents the procedure of obtaining the areas of generalized polygons by conditioned modification of vertices coordinates. In the practical use, the procedure was presented for the cadastral parcels layer, managed by the Polish Land and Building Register.
Trudne, a w praktyce niemożliwe, jest skierowanie zapytań do systemów informacji o terenie, które potrafią zwrócić działki ewidencyjne o określonej w zapytaniu geometrii granic lub rzeźbie terenu. W niniejszym artykule wprowadzono parametryzację geometrii granic oraz rzeźby terenu działki ewidencyjnej, dostarczając w systemach GIS, opartych na modelu relacyjno-obiektowym, cech niezbędnych do analizy przestrzennej z wykorzystaniem podstawowych konstrukcji języka SQL.
It's difficult or impossible in practice to send query to Land Information Systems, which are able to return cadastral parcels with required geometry or terrain topography. In this study the parametrical description of geometry and terrain topography of cadastral parcels was introduced. It makes it possible to perform spatial analyses in GIS systems using only basic subset of the SQL language.
Content available A Note on Analysis of BPMN Diagrams
BPMN has recently become a de facto standard for modeling and design of complex software intensive processes. It is widely used not only in the Business Process domain. Numerous tools supporting visual edition have been developed. Despite its unquestionable advantages the semantic analysis of logical properties seems to be one of the weaknesses of this formalism. In order to assure reliable process execution the overall structure of the graph and its logical operation should be verified.
BPMN staje się powoli standardem de facto w modelowaniu i projektowaniu procesów zawierających istotne komponenty programowe. Jest powszechnie stosowany nie tylko dla modelowania procesów biznesowych. Zaimplementowano wiele narzędzi wspomagających wizualne projektowanie diagramów BPMN. Niestety, pomimo niezaprzeczalnych sukcesów semantyka BPMN i analiza własności logicznych stanowią ciągle słabe strony. Aby zapewnić niezawodną pracę systemów, należy przeprowadzić formalną analizę systemu.
Constraint Satisfaction Problems typically exhibit strong combinatorial explosion. In this paper we present some models and techniques aimed at improving efficiency in Constraint Logic Programming. A hypergraph model of constraints is presented and an outline of strategy planning approach focused on entropy minimization is put forward. An example cryptoaritmetic problem is explored in order to explain the proposed approach.
Content available BPMN – a logical model and property analysis
Business Process Modeling Notation has become a powerful and widely accepted visual language for modeling business processes. Despite its expressive power and high usability, a weak point of BPMN is the lack of formal semantics and difficulties with assuring correctness of the overall process. In this paper an attempt is made towards investigation and development of foundations for a logical, declarative model for BPMN. Such model should enable formal analysis of desired properties referring to correct operation of Business Processes modeled with use of BPMN.
This paper presents preliminary results of the research concerning integration of Business Processes designed with BPMN models with Business Rules represented with the use of an expressive rule language XTT2. The presented solution allows for translation of BPMN diagram restricted to main control flow objects to XTT2. Business Rules. The translated rules can be executed using HeaRT, a rule engine for XTT2. The main goal of the research is to build a logical declarative model of BPMN-modeled process suitable for formal analysis.
W pracy przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań możliwości integracji narzędzi opisu procesów biznesowych z narzędziami do modelowania reguł. Proponowane podejście pozwala na translację bazowych diagramów BPMN do postaci regułowej w modelu XTT2, oraz na analizę i wykonanie otrzymanych reguł za pomocą silnika regułowego HeaRT. Badania ukierunkowane są na budowę logicznego, deklaratywnego modelu procesów BPMN, który pozwalałby na ich formalną analizę.
Content available remote The HeKatE methodology. Hybrid engineering of intelligent systems
This paper describes a new approach, the HeKatE methodology, to the design and development of complex rule-based systems for control and decision support. The main paradigm for rule representation, namely, eXtended Tabular Trees (XTT), ensures high density and transparency of visual knowledge representation. Contrary to traditional, flat rule-based systems, the XTT approach is focused on groups of similar rules rather than on single rules. Such groups form decision tables which are connected into a network for inference. Efficient inference is assured as only the rules necessary for achieving the goal, identified by the context of inference and partial order among tables, are fired. In the paper a new version of the language-XTT2-is presented. It is based on ALSV(FD) logic, also described in the paper. Another distinctive feature of the presented approach is a top-down design methodology based on successive refinement of the project. It starts with Attribute Relationship Diagram (ARD) development. Such a diagram represents relationships between system variables. Based on the ARD scheme, XTT tables and links between them are generated. The tables are filled with expert-provided constraints on values of the attributes. The code for rule representation is generated in a humanreadable representation called HMR and interpreted with a provided inference engine called HeaRT. A set of software tools supporting the visual design and development stages is described in brief.
In this paper a model for Constraint Satisfaction Problems based on the concept of AND-OR graph is presented. The graph provides a structure to model search-space for alternative solutions. In order to represent auxiliary constraints it is completed with a set of rules for knowledge propagation. The rules can be used for efficient modelling of constraints for knowledge propagation and for detection of inconsistency. An example from the area of automated diagnosis is used to illustrate the application.
W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję zastosowania grafu AND--OR do rozwiązywania problemów z ograniczeniami. Dla efektywnej eliminacji niepoprawnych rozwiązań zastosowano system regułowy. Jest on wykorzystywany do propagacji wiedzy. W przypadku wykrycia niespójności, potencjalne rozwiązanie jest eliminowane. Rozważania przeprowadzono na przykładzie zastosowania proponowanego podejścia do eliminacji niepoprawnych rozwiązań problemu diagnostycznego.
Building efficient tools for supporting Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Management is a challenge and hot research topic with potentially infinite numbers of applications. In modern computer science, the web technologies open a completely new chances for massive, distributed knowledge acquisition. Examples of such social phenomena as Wikipedia constitute a working proof of high potentials incorporated in the synergy of human and web interaction. This paper discusses certain issues concerning the conceptual model for a distributed knowledge acquisition system gathering and organizing knowledge on threats of various nature and aimed at improving safety of citizens in urban environments. The system for registering citizen-provided information is a part of the INDECT FP7 Project. Contemporary tools and techniques to be applied, including GIS technologies and Semantic Wikis are presented in brief and future problems to be solved are identified.
Wytworzenie skutecznych narzędzi wspierających pozyskiwanie wiedzy oraz zarządzanie wiedzą jest wyjątkowo trudnym zadaniem, którego rozwiązanie mogłoby skutkować potencjalnie nieograniczoną liczbą zastosowań. Rozwój technologii webowych daje współcześnie zupełnie nowe możliwości implementacji dużych rozproszonych systemów pozyskiwania wiedzy. Przykładem takiego systemu jest Wikipedia będąca dowodem na niezwykłe możliwości wynikające z interakcji człowieka i sieci web. W referacie przedstawiono wybrane aspekty związane z konceptualnym modelem rozproszonego systemu pozyskiwania wiedzy, którego zadaniem jest gromadzenie i organizacja wiedzy różnego typu, w celu poprawy bezpieczeństwa mieszkańców terenów miejskich. System rejestracji informacji dostarczanych przez mieszkańców jest częścią projektu INDECT (FP7). W referacie zawarto przegląd współczesnych narzędzi i technik, które zostaną zastosowane w projekcie ( GIS i Semantic Wikis), wraz z identyfikacją problemów, które muszą zostać rozwiązane.
Real-time execution of planned routes often requires re-planning, especially in highly dynamic environments. However, re-planning not only induces deterioration of solution quality - it is often time-consuming or even impossible. The article describes a new approach to solving Plan Generation Problems (PGPs), aimed at application for route planning in uncertain environments. The concept is based on maintaining a set of alternative solutions to allow quick switching when conditions change. A new formal representation of a PGP solution is proposed. Map abstraction methods are discussed in the context of landmarks defined by natural characteristics of urban areas. The article introduces the concept of solution robustness and presents methods for a priori prediction of solution feasibility under unreliable conditions. Finally, the paper presents strategies for execution of robust plans, as well as a formal definition of a plan execution problem. Several new possibilities are discussed, such as the inclusion of human decisions as feedback for intelligent route planning systems.
The diagnosis of multiple faults is significantly more difficult than singular fault diagnosis. However, in realistic industrial systems the possibility of simultaneous occurrence of multiple faults must be taken into account. This paper investigates some of the limitations of the diagnostic model based on the simple binary diagnostic matrix in the case of multiple faults. Several possible interpretations of the diagnostic matrix with rule-based systems are provided and analyzed. A proposal of an extension of the basic, single-level model based on diagnostic matrices to a two-level one, founded on causal analysis and incorporating an OR and an AND matrix is put forward. An approach to the diagnosis of multiple faults based on inconsistency analysis is outlined, and a refinement procedure using a qualitative model of dependencies among system variables is sketched out.
Content available From content to knowledge: a perspective on CMS
Building efficient tools for supporting Knowledge Management is a hot research topic and a great challenge for modern computer science. Increasing functionality of web applications and almost unlimited computational power of modern hardware seems to promise that solving this problem is a matter of time. Up to now efficient database technology has been developed and web technology has achieved relatively satisfactory level. However, the goal to build a real knowledge servers seem still far from being realistic. The paper discusses certain issues concerning the so-called Content Management Systems (CMS) which can be regarded as a partial solution with respect to knowledge storing, retrieval and presentation. Contemporary tools and techniques applied in CMS are presented in brief and future problems to be solve are identified.
Tworzenie systemów wspierających proces zarządzania wiedzą jest ważnym kierunkiem badań, oraz nieustającym wyzwaniem we współczesnej informatyce. Wydawać się może, iż zaawansowane technologie internetowe, bazodanowe, oraz szybko wzrastająca moc obliczeniowa komputerów, rozwiążą problemy pojawiające się przy konstruowaniu takich systemów. W praktyce okazuje się jednak, iż wciąż jesteśmy odlegli od stworzenia prawdziwych serwerów wiedzy. W artykule omawiane są systemy zarządzające treścią (CMS), które są obecnie podstawowym rozwiązaniem w tej dziedzinie, dostarczając mechanizmów przechowywania, wyszukiwania i prezentacji treści. Artykuł omawia rozwiązania, na których opierają się te systemy, a także prezentuje krytyczne spojrzenie na ich możliwości zarządzania szeroko rozumianą wiedzą.
In order to address problems encountered in the design of rule-based and expert systems the paper discusses a proposal of a new approach to rule-based system design and verification using an integrated CASE tool supporting visual design of rule-based systems. The Mirella tool allows for dynamic on-line specification of components of the knowledge with simultaneous analysis of the rule-based system during the design phase. The main idea is to move the design procedure to a more abstract, logical level, where knowledge specification is based on use of abstract rule representation, called eXtended Tabular Trees, supported by Mirella CASE tool. It consists of visual design environment integrated with Prolog-based analysis and verification engine. Along with editor's built in on-line checking capabilities it improves system performance and safety. Selected implementation aspects are also highlighted. The environment is implemented in ANSI C in the GNU/Linux environment using Gtk/GNOME/SWI-Prolog development platform. This makes it both efficient and portable. The tool has a multilayer, multimodule architecture which gives it flexibility and allows future extensions.
New trends in the development of databases and expert systems seem to underline the role of graphical specification tools, visual information modeling and formal verification procedures. This paper incorporates these new ideas and, moreover, tries to present putting them in engineering practice. The main goal is to move the design procedure to a more abstract, logical level, where knowledge specification is based on use of abstract rule representation, called eXtended Tabular Trees. The main idea behind XTTis to build a hierarchy of Object-Attribute-Value Tables (OAV table). The basic component for knowledge specification is an OAV table. It is analogous to a relational database table; however, it contains conditional part and decision columns. Moreover, the attribute values can be non-atomic ones. Each row provides specification of a single rule. The OAV tables can be connected with one another through appropriate links specifying the control flow in the system. The design specification is automatically translated into Prolog code, so the designer can focus on logical specification of safety and reliability. On the other hand, formal aspects such as completeness, determinism, etc., are automatically verified on-line during the design, so that its verifiable characteristics are preserved. From practical point of view, the design process is performed with an intelligent tool named Mirella.
Content available remote Application of OBDD Diagrams in Verification of Tabular Rule Systems
This paper examines the application of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDD) to modelling and verification of quality properties of rule systems. The transformation of an intentional specification of a tabular rule system into OBDD data structures was proposed and techniąues of verification of such ąuality properties as completeness, determinism and redundancy of rules were described.
Diagnostyka systemów technicznych jest złożonym procesem wnioskowania wykorzystującym różnorodne paradygmaty rozumowania. Większość metod diagnostycznych jest jednak jednopoziomowa; analizie podlegają wszystkie elementy, przy czym badane są one na jednakowym poziomie szczegółowości. Celowe wydaje się rozszerzenie tego podejścia dla umożliwienia hierarchicznej diagnostyki w przypadku systemów złożonych. Istotą proponowanego tutaj rozwiązania jest odpowiednie zamodelowanie hierarchicznej struktury diagnozowanego systemu, a następnie prowadzenie wnioskowania diagnostycznego na kolejnych poziomach szczegółowości reprezentacji.
Diagnosis of technical systems is a sophisticated process using miscellaneous methodologies. Most of diagnostic methods aic single-layer methods; all components of diagnosed systems are considered at the same time and at single level of precision. It seems to be good idea to widen these models to hierarchical diagnosis for complex systems. The main idea of the proposed solution consists in hierarchical modeling of complex systems and carrying diagnosis out al subsequent levels of model precision.
Content available remote Structural model and reasoning in hierarchical diagnosis
Fault diagnosis becomes more and more difficult and sophisticated task. This is so mainly due to growing complexity - contemporary technological systems are assembled from numerous components which cooperate and recursively include other components. The main goal of this paper consists in presentation of an approach which is able to reduce time of diagnosis and quantity of produced diagnoses by using hierarchical, logic-based approach. The reduction is achieved here due to two main factors. The first one is that a hierarchical model of systems is used. Such approach limits search space, because the system is considered at various levels of details and some diagnoses which are possible potential ones at more abstract levels can be verified to be impossible at more detailed levels. The second factor is that levels can be described with use of different kinds of a logic-based knowledge representation, what lets fit some best representation to a particular level.
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