This paper presents the research on optimization of the splicing process in the electric arc of telecommunication optical fibers and erbium doped EDF fibers. The results of the calculations of diffusion coefficients GeO2 in telecommunication optical fibers and diffusion coefficients Er and Al2O3 (together) in the fiber EDF are presented. Diffusion coefficients were determined for the fusion temperature in the electric arc ?2000°C, on the basis of changes, along the splice, of spliced thermoluminescence intensity profiles of the fibers. On the basis of knowledge of diffusion coefficients simulation calculation of loss joints of MC SMF fiber (Matched Cladding Single Mode Fiber - SiO2: GeO2) and NZDS SMF (Non Zero Dispersion Shifted - Single Mode Fiber - SiO2: GeO2) with EDF (Erbium Doped Fiber - SiO2: Al2O3, Er) was performed and presented as a function of diffusion time. Experimental studies of optimization of thermal connected MC SMF and NZDS SMF with EDF were presented and compared with theoretical results. This paper presents the results of microscopic observations of defects and diffusion, and X-ray microanalysis in the spliced areas of single-mode telecommunication optical fibers: MC SMF, NZDS-SMF and erbium doped active single mode optical fibers. Studies were performed with the use of the scanning electron microscope JSM5800LV and JSM6610A microscope equipped with EDS X-ray spectrometer. Results showing the influence of heating time on the diffusion of core dopants and the formation of deformations in the splice areas were presented.
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W pracy krótko scharakteryzowano odporne na zginanie jednomodowe światłowody telekomunikacyjne typu G.657. Zaprezentowano technikę wyznaczania wartości współczynników równania Sellmeiera, na podstawie którego można wyznaczyć wartość stałej Verdeta światłowodu wykorzystywanego do budowy cewki pomiarowej polarymetrycznego czujnika natężenia prądu. Sformułowano ogólne wnioski dotyczące właściwości metrologicznych polarymetrycznych czujników natężenia prądu w przewodach fazowych linii elektroenergetycznych linii wysokiego napięcia, w których cewka pomiarowa została wykonana z jednomodowego światłowodu telekomunikacyjnego G.657. Wskazano zalety tego rozwiązania w porównaniu do stosowanych w czujnikach standardowych jednomodowych światłowodów telekomunikacyjnych G.652.
This article briefly characterizes fiber a bending loss insensitive single mode telecommunication fiber G.657. Presented a technique of determining the coefficients of Sellmeier equation, by which it can be determine the value of the Verdet constant of optical fiber, which can be used to carry out the measuring coil of polarimetric current sensor. Have been formulated the general conclusions concerning the metrological characteristics of polarimetric current sensor which measure current in wires of hogh-voltage power lines and in which the measuring coil was made of a single mode telecommunication fiber G.657. Pointed out the advantages of this solution compared to the standard single mode telecommunication fiber G.652.
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W artykule opracowano i przedstawiono model matematyczny układu laser – włókno światłowodowe występujące w kablu OPGW albo OPCC - detektor, w którym na zmianę polaryzacji propagowanego światła mają wpływ następujące czynniki: polaryzacja źródła światła, dwójłomność włókna światłowodowego, zewnętrzne pole magnetyczne przewodu fazowego linii elektroenergetycznej. Korzystając z wyników symulacji komputerowej przeprowadzonej dla różnych długości przewodów fazowych linii elektroenergetycznych wysokiego napięcia oraz dla różnych typów jednomodowych światłowodów telekomunikacyjnych, które mogą być stosowane w kablach OPGW i OPCC, sformułowano ogólne wnioski dotyczące wpływu pola magnetycznego na dyspersję polaryzacyjną - PMD.
The article was developed and presents a mathematical model of the system consisting of laser - optical fiber located in the OPGW or OPCC cable - detector, in which to change the polarization of light following factors influence: polarization of the light source, birefringence of optical fiber, external magnetic field of high-voltage power line phase conductor. Using the results of computer simulation carried out for different lengths of the phase conductors of high-voltage power line and for various types of the telecommunication single-mode optical fibers which can be used in the OPGW and OPCC cables, general conclusions about the impact of magnetic field on the polarization mode dispersion - PMD have been formulated.
In this work diffusion processes in thermally connected cylindrical fibers with weakly guiding and circular cross-section, that is telecommunication fibers, have been presented. There have been discussed diffusion distributions of the core dopant of fibers spliced in . Gaussian approximations of the core dopant concentration distribution and refractive index in the connecting area of single mode telecommunication fibers have been presented. Theoretical analysis of propagation and loss characteristics for thermally diffused expanded-core (TEC) of single mode telecommunication fibers has been performed, as well. It has been shown that because Gaussian profile approximates well diffusion distribution, this thermally diffused core area (splice) remains single-modal.
W pracy przedstawiono procesy dyfuzji zachodzące w termicznie łączonych jedno-modowych włóknach o słabym prowadzeniu i przekroju kołowym, tj. jednomodowych światłowodach telekomunikacyjnych. Przeanalizowano dyfuzyjne rozkłady koncentracji domieszek rdzeniowych w tychże światłowodach spawanych w temperaturze . Zaprezentowano gaussowskie aproksymacje rozkładów koncentracji domieszek rdzeniowych oraz współczynnika załamania w obszarze łączenia włókien. Przeprowadzono teoretyczną analizę propagacji i tłumienia światła w termicznie rozdyfundowanych obszarach rdzeni (TEC) jednomodowych światłowodów telekomunikacyjnych. Wykazano, że ponieważ profil gaussowski dobrze aproksymuje rozkład dyfuzyjny domieszki rdzeniowej to rozdyfundowany obszar rdzenia (spawu) pozostaje jednomodowy po dyfuzji - procesie termicznego łączenia.
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Korzystając z metody różniczki zupełnej określono wpływ liczby zwojów, precyzji określania stałej Verdeta oraz zmiany kąta polaryzacji światła za pomocą interferometru na dokładność pomiaru natężenia prądu za pomocą światłowodowego czujnika interferometrycznego.
Using the total differential method set the influence of number of coils, precision determination of the Verdeta constant and changing the angle of polarization of light through the interferometer for the accuracy current measurement using a fiber-optic interferometer sensor.
In this work an analysis method of one-way optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) measurements has been presented. This method uniquely confirms mode field radii matching in diffusion transit area of the thermally expanded core (TEC) of thermally connected single mode telecommunication fibers. A comparison of reflectometric measurements with theoretical calculations of losses in TEC areas has been demonstrated.
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In this work, diffusion processes in thermally connected cylindrical fibers with weakly guiding and circular cross-section, that is, telecommunication fibers, have been presented. There have been discussed diffusion distributions of the core dopant of fibers spliced at T 2000 deg. C. Gaussian approximations of the core dopant concentration distribution and refractive index in the connecting area of single mode telecommunication fibers have been presented. Theoretical analysis of propagation and loss characteristics for thermally-diffused expanded core (TEC) of single mode telecommunication fibers has been performed, as well. Consistence of theoretical calculation results with experimental data, achieved on the basis of connecting telecommunication fibers with significantly different parameters, has been proved.
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In this paper there have been presented theoretical and basing on experiments analysis of one-way and two-way reflectometric measurements of spliced single mode telecommunication fibers with different refractive index profiles, received in various combinations of joints. In the analysis the dependence of one-way and two-way reflectometric measurements of splice loss on the mode field radii quotient and on the shift of axes of the spliced fibers as a function of measurement wavelength has been taken into account. On the basis of one-way reflectometric measurements a method explicitly proving the existence of a transient area in the spliced fibers has been presented.
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Longitudinal sections of fused splices of different telecommunication single mode fibers were prepared and examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Splices were examined for diffusion of dopant elements and for the presence of an intermediate zone. Observations in the material contrast mode obtained with backscattered electrons and X-ray microanalysis with the use of an energy dispersive spectrometer were made. Material contrast provides much better imaging of fiber cores than X-ray microanalysis and it was chosen for further studies. SEM micrographs show low amount of diffusion and good coupling of cores in splices under examination. No visible intermediate zone has been found in splices of the same fibers or fibers with similar cores. In splices of fibers with different core diameters and/or different dopant distribution the transition between cores is smooth with no visible widening of cores.
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Calculation method and coefficient values of the GeO₂ dopant diffusion from the core to the cladding of spliced fibres in splicing temperature have been presented. Accepting different diffusion models, the intermediate area dimensions for various splicing parameters were calculated. A correlation between intermediate area parameters and splice loss of single mode fibres of different types including those designed for WDM has been discovered. The analysis and usage of one-way OTDR measurement of splice losses of fibres with essential differences in cores diameters and numerical aperture has been presented. There also has been presented the influence of these parameters on one-way OTDR measurement of loss of splices of joined fibres.
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Measurements of NZDA-SMF fiber parameters of the TrueWave Ž and LEAF type adjusted to wave multiplexing have been presented. The results of optimization of fibers splicing conditions have been shown, as measurements of loss and mechanical strength of non-optimized and optimized splices. The calculation results of diffusion coefficient of GeO2 dopant diffusing from the core to the cladding during the splicing process are also presented.
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