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With the increase in use and application of carbon nanomaterials and the frequent presence of fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines antibiotics in the aquatic environment, their interactions have attracted extensive attention. In this study, adsorption of two antibiotics: oxytetracycline (OTC) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) by four carbon-based nanomaterials (graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, multiwalled carbon-nanotubes, oxidized multiwalled carbon-nanotubes) affected by pH was investigated. The experiment was performed in two steps: (i) adsorption of OTC and CIP at different pH values, (ii) adsorption isotherm studies of both antibiotics on four carbon-based nanomaterials. Both steps were conducted using the batch equilibration technique. The results showed that the adsorption of both antibiotics on studied adsorbents was highly pH-dependent. The highest adsorption was obtained at pH 7.0, implying the importance of the zwitterionic antibiotics forms to adsorption. Antibiotics adsorption isotherms at three given pH values followed the order of pH 7.0 > 1.0 > 11.0, which confirmed zwitterionic species of OTC and CIP as having the greatest ability to adsorb on carbonaceous nanomaterials. Electrostatic interaction, π-π EDA interaction, hydrophobic interaction for both antibiotics, and additionally hydrogen bond for CIP were possible mechanisms responsible for OTC and CIP adsorption onto studied nanomaterials. These results should be important to understand and assess the fate and interaction of carbon-based nanomaterials in the aquatic environment. This study can also be important for the use of carbon nanomaterials to remove antibiotics from the environment.
The anammox (anaerobic ammonia oxidation) process is one of the most efficient processes of nitrogen removal from wastewater. Although there are some applications of anammox-based technologies, it is still difficult to apply this process widely because of the high optimal temperature around 30–40°C. Thus, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the short-term effects of MnO2 on the anammox and nitrification process activity at a wide range of temperatures between 10 and 30°C, using statistical methods based on the central composite design (CCD). The influence of MnO2 on anammox and nitrification activity, suspended biomass from the laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR), and activated sludge from WWTP, respectively, was used. MnO2 concentration range was set between 15 and 85 mg/L, and the temperature range was set between 10 and 30°C. Anammox and nitrification process activity was measured based on the batch test and oxygen uptake rate (OUR), respectively. The results were statistically analyzed. Results revealed that nanoparticles can slightly improve anammox activity by several percent, by up to 10%, but in most cases MnO2 influence was insignificant. The optimal concentration for the anammox stimulation at temperatures below 20°C was evaluated between 40 and 60 mg/L, corresponding to 36 and 56 mg/g VSS. Manganese oxides contribution in the nitrogen removal processes was proved and they should be considered in the field of the anammox process. Thus, further studies are suggested to investigate the long-term effects of MnO2 on the low-temperature anammox process, overcoming possibility of inhibition.
Proces anammox (beztlenowe utlenianie amoniaku) jest procesem efektywnego usuwania azotu ze ścieków. Pomimo, że istnieje wiele technologi wykorzystujących proces anammox, jego zastosowanie nadal jest ograniczone ze względu na wysoką optymalną temperaturę (około 30–40°C). W związku z tym, celem tej pracy była ocena krótkoterminowego wpływu MnO2 na aktywność procesów anammox i nitryfikacji w zakresie temperatur od 10 do 30°C, przy użyciu metod statystycznych. Do badań wykorzystano biomasę anammox pobraną z laboratoryjnego sekwencyjnego reaktora porcjowego oraz biomasę bakterii nitryfikacyjnych pochodzącą z komunalnej oczyszczalni ścieków. Badania prowadzono przy zastosowaniu stężeń MnO2 z zakresu od 15 do 85 mg/l oraz temperatur pomiędzy 10–30°C. Aktywność procesu anammox zbadano przy pomocy testów porcjowych, natomiast do zbadania aktywność procesu nitryfikacji wykorzystano pomiar szybkości zużycia tlenu. Wyniki wykazały, że nanocząstki MnO2 mogą poprawić aktywność procesu anammox o kilka procent (nawet o 10%). Optymalne stężenie MnO2 dla stymulacji procesu anammox w temperaturach poniżej 20°C wynosiło między 40 a 60 mg/l, co odpowiada 36 i 56 mg/g s.m.o. Niniejsze badania udowadniają, że dodatek MnO2 może powodować wzrost aktywności procesu anammox przy jednoczesnym obniżeniu temperatury. Dlatego sugeruje są dalsze badania w celu zbadania długoterminowego wpływu nanocząstek MnO2 na niskotemperaturowy proces anammox.
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