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This paper touches problem of transportation pollution focusing on NOx reducing in the India. There were India country chosen for study as the second populated country and most polluted cities in the world. As from statistics, it is known that more than 65% of Indian cars are old and they are the main reason of air pollution. Most of the old cars do not have any control measures for eliminating deadliest gases. Dumping the old cars is not possible, as the poor owns most of the old cars. For eliminating the pollution from old cars, the possible remedy is to control the emission of pollutants. Comparing to all gases in exhaust, nitrogen oxides are the dangerous one. It can may cause up to death. The best method to control the NOx gas is EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) valves. This research mainly focuses on the possible ways of installing EGR in old engines and fabricate an EGR in one of the Indian cars. Maruti Suzuki 800 is best of for fabricating EGR, as it is a base model and most sold Indian car. As the result, there tremendous decreasing in NOx emission also the emission CO2 was reduced. The investigation about fabricating EGR in old vehicle results a positive output after calculated the cost of the fabrication, time consumption, work challenges and other facts. As Indian government adopt this concept, they can reduce the pollution from all types of vehicles to a great extend in few years of time with low investment.
Content available The management of urban parking LOTS
The continuous development of urban areas significantly affects the life, functioning, moving residents of the urban agglomeration. For that reason, the only way to increase the parking capacity in cities is to construct more multistory parking lots. Direct correlation of social, environmental and economic factors sets the way of parking lot planning and design basing on sustainable development principle. The article describes the variables that influence the parking lot management model and presents computer methods that can be used to identify the factors affecting it. The measurements of traffic intensity at the entrance and exit of a shopping centre in Wroclaw are also included. The developmental nature of this project requires that certain problems to be analysed more closely. The article includes the impact of the use of telematic tools to manage parking lots.
Brak uregulowań prawnych dotyczących recyklingu autobusów, powoduje powstawanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań w zakresie recyklingu opracowanych przez producentów w zakresie recyklingu. W pracy omówiono recykling pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji, a w szczególności autobusów. Przedstawiono wyniki działań związanych z identyfikacją i analizą zasad recyklingu PWE. Ponadto poruszono aspekty dotyczące analizy rynku produkcji autobusów i ich sprzedaży na terenie Polski oraz innych krajów UE. Przeprowadzono analizę recyklingu autobusu jako źródła materiałów/odpadów niebezpiecznych.
There are no regulations regarding the recycling of buses, results in the formation of innovative recycling solutions developed by manufacturers for recycling. The paper discusses the recycling of end of life vehicles, especially buses. Presents the results of activities related to the identification and analysis of the recycling PWE. In addition, aspects addressed on market analysis and the production of buses sold in the Polish and other EU countries. An analysis of the bus as a source of recycled materials / hazardous waste.
Natural processes occurring on Earth (fires, volcanic eruptions) and human activity in the area of acquisition and processing of energy, is the cause of the continuous contaminating the atmosphere of combustion products. The combustion of fuels is and will be in the near future primary means of generating energy, including for transportation purposes. Transport is the cause of many environmental threats - emits dust and particles along with many of gaseous harmful substances and also noise and vibration. Power sources used for transport are almost exclusively equipped with internal combustion engines, among which is dominated by a diesel engines. In view of the known advantages of these motors such as high efficiency and relatively low emissions of toxic compounds in the exhaust gas, they have been accepted as the most preferred source of power motor vehicles in the coming decades, assuming that meet the requirements of future regulations regarding environmental protection. The problem to be solved in internal combustion engines is the emission of nitrogen oxides. In this paper are contained an overview of proven methods and results in the reduction of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases by means of emulsion fuels, and forming an opinion concerning of the usefulness of such solutions in the future.
A major problem in the combustion diesel engines is the different distribution of the mixture of air and fuel and also temperatures inside the combustion chamber. It helps the formation of points of the high and low oxygen concentration in the combustion chamber of the engine. In areas with a high concentration of oxygen, the combustion process produces very harmful NOx, and in places with low oxygen concentration, as a result of incomplete fuel combustion particles are created in the form of soot. This not regular distribution of the mixture of air and fuel and temperatures in the combustion chamber affect the limited maximum engine power and efficiency at his every operating cycle. One method for improving the combustion process is feeding into the engine air with high relative humidity. The study was conducted on a chassis dynamometer at the Department of Vehicles Engineering Wroclaw University of Technology. For the purposes of the study determined the external characteristics, including maximum engine power and maximum engine torque at different air relative humidity and quite similar air temperature. Analysis of the results of research shows that high air relative humidity has a positive effect on the work parameters of the diesel engine.
In the present work there have been shown the results of initial researches concerning heat release process in the spark ignition engine with inner catalyst. There has been presented the calculative model of heat release process and calculative methodology leading to obtaining temperature course, combustion function and its derivative because of measured course of combustion pressure. The pressure courses, which are necessary for calculations, were obtained on the measure seat with AD 1600 engine that is load with eddy- current brake. The engine was equipped with spark plug with miniature pressure sensor f-my Kistler, and the courses of pressure were recorded by the use of f-my Smetec apparatus. The courses of heat release process were analysed in rotations of n=1500 rotations/min and n=3000 rotations/minute and load of 50 Nm and 70 Nm. The analysis was made comparatively for the system with the catalyst and without catalyst. In the work there have been presented the results of experimental and model researches which aim was the analysis of the issue of influencing the catalytic active surfaces placed in the spark ignition engine combustion space. Those surfaces, catalysing the process of creating combustible mixture and its combustion, influence the combustion process course and, simultaneously, have impact on the engine work parameters and the heat release course.
According to experts, passenger and goods transport is essential for the economic growth and prosperity of each society. Every transport system burdens the environment, using the dedi-cated infrastructure and its resources. The contemporary means of transport use the environ-ment to generate propulsion energy (directly in combustion engines or indirectly in electric power plants). Rail transport is considered to be environment-friendly owing to its low exter-nal costs, which include the costs of the consequences of discharging gases and/or dusts into the atmosphere. The aim of this research was to identify the components of rail transport costs borne by the orderer of a transport service and by the electric power plant supplying the rail-way with electricity, on the basis of a case study of the transport of aggregate. Calculations showed the share of such costs in transport costs (in the considered case) to be marginal. In the light of this finding the definition of external costs is critically evaluated.
For many years the number of motor vehicles has increased, as they have become the most common means of transportation. Development of an efficient personal transportation system and creating enough car parking capacity in town centres has become a challenge for town planning. Given the rapidly growing populations in city agglomerations and the high land value, it is very likely that in the near future the interest in multi-level parking areas is going to increase. This article talks about the necessity of solving the pressing problems with the process of traffic infrastructure planning, and draws attention to the legal aspects of building parking areas. Paper is meant to be a summary of the issue, as opposed to original research, the presented results are to be taken as preliminary, defining the development direction for the future research. In order to analyse the character and capacity of car park traffic, a multi-level parking building was selected. It is located near a shopping centre in a busy city centre. The developmental nature of this project requires that certain problems are analysed more closely.
Dynamiczny rozwój komunikacji samochodowej jest wyraźnie odczuwalny przez środowisko naturalne, jak również przez człowieka (zarówno w aspektach pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych). W wyniku spalania paliw w silnikach spalinowych powstaje emisja zanieczyszczeń mająca negatywny wpływ na otoczenie. Mając na uwadze ideę zrównoważonego rozwoju w zakresie transportu drogowego, na etapie planowania i podejmowania decyzji, konieczne jest wykonanie ocen wpływu przedsięwzięcia na środowisko, uwzględniając stan tła, będący jej odniesieniem. W niniejszym opracowaniu opisano analizę emisji CO i NOx pochodzących z pojazdów samochodowych, wyznaczoną za pomocą obowiązujących wskaźników emisji oraz zarejestrowanego (rzeczywistego) składu jakościowo-ilościowego ruchu drogowego dla wybranego odcinka drogi krajowej we Wrocławiu. Wyniki obliczeń przedstawiono i porównano w podziale na zarejestrowane kategorie pojazdów, a także wyznaczając udział wartości emisji określonej za pomocą wskaźników emisji w wartości emisji wyznaczonej za pomocą norm Euro. Najmniejszą różnicę emisji, w rozbiciu na grupy pojazdów, obserwuje się dla samochodów osobowych i busów do transportu osób, natomiast największa rozbieżność, względem wyników obliczonych omawianymi sposobami, występuje w przypadku samochodów ciężarowych. Należy jednak zwrócić uwagę, że opracowywane wskaźniki emisyjne określają w sposób uśredniony każdą z grup pojazdów poruszających się w kraju. Natomiast wartości emisji obliczone za pomocą wartości granicznych - europejskiego standardu emisji spalin, uwzględniają grupę rzeczywiście poruszających się pojazdów po analizowanym odcinku drogi i odpowiadający im najwyższy dopuszczalny poziom emisji.
The dynamic expansion of road transport is clearly noticeable by natural environment and by human being (with its positive and negative aspects). Pollution emission with its negative impact on the environment results from fuel combustion in motor engine. Taking into consideration the sustainable statement in scope of road transport, it is necessary to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment (considering state of environmental background) during the stages of planning and taking decison. This thesis describes CO and NOx emission from road vehicle estimated by current valid emission indicators and noting down traffic quantitative-qualitative composition for the selected section of roads in Wrocław. Results of calculation were presented in terms of elass of vehicles and compared to each other. The least difference in emission, considering different groups of vehicles, is observable for passenger cars and small buses (passenger vans). The biggest discrepancy - in regard to results achieved by aforementioned emission estimation - was noticed for lorries (trucks, heavy duty vehicles). It is important to pay attention to the fact that emission indicators show averaged results for all groups of vehicles moving around a country. At the same time European emission standards are based on more strict estimation methods that take into account number of cars from a specific group moving within an analyzed section of the road and their highest allowed emission level (approved limits of their emission).
Development of civilization takes place mainly in a natural way in industrial clusters. That agglomerative network consisting in tying urbanised areas can be transformed with time, through functional connections, into metropolitan centres [1], which should provide with the efficient transport infrastructure. At the stage of planning-urban concept from the scope of communicative solutions, assumptions are referred to combine aspects of functional, technical, economic, and environmental. The organised transport is an only perspective way of transferring in large urbanized areas. Currently the predominant form of transport people and goods in the country is an individual using circular transport vehicles.
Content available Problemy eksploatacyjne systemu Urea-SCR
Europejskie normy dotyczące emisji spalin stawiają trudne do spełnienia wymagania przed producentami silników napędowych dla pojazdów. Od dnia 1 października 2009 r. obowiązuje norma Euro 5. Nowe technologie konstrukcji silników, pozwalające na osiągniecie wymogów norm europejskich, to miedzy innymi układ recyrkulacji spalin (EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation) i selektywna redukcja katalityczna (SCR - Selective Catalytic Reduction). Niosące ze sobą wiele zalet technologie oczyszczania spalin nie są jednak pozbawione niedogodności związanych z ich eksploatacja. Jednym z odnotowywanych problemów jest wydzielanie się niezidentyfikowanych osadów. Badany materiał (osad) pochodzi z systemu Urea-SCR (Urea Selective Catalytic Reduction) służącego do usuwania tlenków azotu ze spalin, w którym jako reduktor używany jest wodny roztwór mocznika, handlowa nazwa produktu AdBlue - (NH2)2CO + H2O. Informacje zebrane z dostępnej literatury, obecny stan wiedzy oraz wyniki uzyskane z przeprowadzonych badań laboratoryjnych pozwalają wskazać na szereg związków nieorganicznych jak i organicznych, jako składników badanego osadu. Uzyskane wyniki mogą posłużyć do usprawnienia już wypracowanych rozwiązań technologicznych.
New European standard Euro 5 for exhaust emission is putting new challenges on car manufacturers. To achieve new goals in NOx emission new technologies were developed, eg. EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation; SCR - Selective Catalytic Reduction. Those technologies apart from very effective NOx emission reduction aren't free from operation problems. The paper discusses problem of condensation of unidentified chemicals inside Urea-SCR installation as it self. Basing on collected informations, current state of knowledge and chemical analysis results group of inorganic and organic compounds which may be found in deposit was identified. Achieved results may be found useful in further SCR-process optimalisation.
Alternatywą dla nawierzchni mineralno-asfaltowych są nawierzchnie betonowocementowe, których historia rozwoju jest równie ciekawa co historia rozwoju nawierzchni asfaltowych. Prekursorami tej techniki budowy dróg byli Niemcy, którzy we Wrocławiu w 1888 roku wybudowali pierwszą nawierzchnię z makadamu cementowego. Współczesna technika budowy nawierzchni betonowych pozwala na sporządzanie gotowej mieszanki w zautomatyzowanych węzłach betoniarskich rozkładanych w pobliżu placu budowy. Referat dotyczy analizy cyklu życia nawierzchni autostradowych, poczynając od identyfikacji metod pozyskania surowców przez technologie budowy i naprawy, po unieszkodliwianie odpadów związanych z ich naprawą czy modernizacją.
An alternative to asphalt pavement surfaces are concrete and cement, which the history of the development is as interesting as the history of the development of asphalt pavements. Precursors of this technique, the construction of roads were Germans, who in Wroclaw in 1888 built the first surface of the cement makadamu. Modern technology allows the construction of concrete pavements in the preparation of ready-mixed concrete in automated folding nodes near the site. Of course, the great evolutionary leap has been made also in the area of paving. The paper concerns the analysis of highway pavement life cycle, from the identification of methods of obtaining raw materials for construction and repair technologies, and disposal of waste associated with their repair or modernization.
The European Union 2009/28WE directive treating promotion and using of energy from alternative sources assumes that bio-components addition to conventional fuel should account for 7 % for diesel oil and 10 % for petroleum. The aim of this study is finding answer for a question if that numbers are reasonable in aspect of contemporary internal combustion engines operation and development. The problem of alternative fuels application in combustion engines should be discussed in two aspects: adjusting new fuel parameters for engine properties and adjusting an engine to be fuelled with new fuel. Taking into consideration the possible ways of renewable fuels applications it is important to consider costs of the researches of the engines adjustment. The expenditures are reasonable if the alternative fuels supplies will be at the same level as crude oil exploitation these days. The fuel of the future seems to be the hydrogen, fuel for temporary period – natural gas and partly, methane from biomass and dimethylether (DME) as a fuels which can be used in contemporary engine after insignificant modifications.
Transport samochodowy w Polsce, w roku 2008, zrealizował 80,9 % przewozu ładunków, transport kolejowy - 15,0 %, śródlądowy transport wodny - 0,5 %, żegluga morska 0,6 % a transport rurociągowy - 3,0 % z ogólnej masy 1 655 965 tys. ton. Polityka transportowa państwa na lata 2006 - 2025 zakłada, że obecny podział zadań przewozowych nie ulegnie istotnym zmianom.
The authors describe the foundations of transportation policy of Poland for the period 2006 - 2025. especially the environmental aspect of this branch.
Content available The noise in air transportation
The transportation activities realization in transportation system needs taking into consideration its environmental aspects. The rules of the environmental management, which have been functioned in society consciousness, accept the beginning of actions for identification of main environmental risks in form of so-called: significant environmental aspects. The recon character of the study cause the identification of various environmental aspects of air transportation and a comprehensive analysis of noise emission of air units powered by combustion engine is presented.
Content available remote Recykling pojazdów na Dolnym Śląsku
Rosnąca liczba pojazdów samochodowych eksploatowanych w Polsce zwraca uwagę nie tylko na problem warunków (przede wszystkim drogowych) ich eksploatacji, ale również zagospodarowania po okresie eksploatacji. Zgodnie z zaleceniami unijnej dyrektywy 2000/53/ECP Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 18 września 2000 dotyczącej pojazdów o zakończonym życiu technicznym uchwalona została w 2005 roku Ustawa o recyklingu pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji, regulująca zasadnicze kwestie problematyki. Praca przedstawia wybrane elementy sytuacji w Polsce i województwie dolnośląskim w roku 2007.
A number of exploitative vehicles in Poland exceed 19 millions. Resent prognoses predict that participation of out-of-use vehicles in number of registered vehicles will reach 6 % level. The recycling policy for out-of-use vehicles in Poland is regulated by directive from 2005. This paper discuss a situation of the problem in Lower Silesia.
Content available remote Exhaust gas toxicity problems in ship drives
The issues discussed in the article include exhaust gas emission, purity requirements and standards, methods of reducing the emission of harmful exhaust gas components, and alternative and future traction drive sources having the form of fuel cells. The discussion often refers to the situation of road transport, a subsystem which severely affects the environment and thus is obliged to intensify the search for solutions.
The effect of diesel oil additives (W/O emulsion, ethyl alcohol, propane-butane mixture) on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the exhaust gas from a self-ignition engine was examined in terms of PAH analysis. The toxicity of the exhaust gas was determined.
Przedstawiono wpływ dodatków do oleju napędowego (emulsja wodna, alkohol etylowy oraz mieszanina propan-butan) na zawartość wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów WWA w gazach spalinowych z silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym. Określono również toksyczność tworzących się spalin.
Emissions from diesel engines are significant contributors to the total pollution. Some of them come from the power plants used in inland water vessels. Emissions are an important factor to be considered when creating an environmentally safe logistics system. As part of a project funded by the European Community within the 5th. Framework Program G3RD-CT-2001-045S 1NBAT - Innovative Barge Trains for Effective Transport on Shallow Waters, diesel emissions from pushers were investigated. The measurement results were analysed using a computer.
Celem niniejszej pracy było zaadaptowanie systemów komputerowych do oceny zanieczyszczeń środowiska wywołanych emisją toksycznych związków przez napęd pchaczy śródlądowych, eksploatowanych na rzece Odra. W czasie realizacji zadań zidentyfikowano typowe stany eksploatacji pociągów rzecznych oraz zmierzono stężenia toksycznych składników spalin napędu głównego. Dane te poddano szerokiej obróbce matematycznej, której powtarzalność /abiegów i czasochłonność wymagały zastosowania techniki komputerowej. Do badań wykorzystano zestawy pchane składające się z pchacza typu Bizon III I barek BP500, z których każda może przewieźć 500 ton ładunku. Źródłem napędu pchaczy Bizon są silniki Wola-Henschel o mocy 140-155 kW. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na stosunkowo niski poziom stężenia siarki i tlenku węgla, jak również zadymienia spalin, natomiast poziom tlenku azotu jest wysoki - przekraczający dopuszczalne limity. Podczas badań zarejestrowano również takie stany, które znacznie odbiegają od norm - są to przypadki gwałtownego przyspieszenia. Te poddano szczegółowej analizie komputerowej. Zmierzone i obliczone dane stanowią podstawę do prac nad system oczyszczania spalin w silnikach transportu rzecznego.
Eco-logistics is one of the important components of eco-development for the environmental protection system. Eco-logistics [1] covers ecological and logistical aspects to create a right system of manufacturing, storage and transport first of all. This work is involved in ecology of inland water transport, especially use of diesel engines as power plant of vessels. Scientists from the Division of Vehicles & Internal Combustion Engines at Wrocław University of Technology in Poland designed, manufactured and tested an emission reduction system for diesel engines used in inland water transport. Its called „combi-filter" and consists of a single diesel particle matter filter and one oxidising catalytic converter. To test a diesel engine SW400 type was taken, as an example of vessels power plant. The measurement methodology was covered by cycle E3 (IS08178). „Combi filter" has a high efficiency reducing smoke emission (S) from 0,577 (entry state) to 0,108 g/kWh at the end of exhaust pipe. It is less than the standard limits. Carbon monoxide emission (CO) is reduced from 10,6 to 0,111 g/kWh. The results are the reason to use this system in 2006 and beyond, when new emission regulations will be in force. Proposals give a decrease of nitric oxide from 25,2 g/kWh to 18,0 g/kWh, but it is still too much with comparison to emission standards. That problem (nitrogen oxides reduction) has to be considered in the near future. The tests also prove self-regeneration of filter. A disadvantage of using the filter system is an increase backpressure of exhaust gas, which causes a decrease of the air/fuel ratio. It causes increase in fuel consumption at all. This problem can be solved by increasing the size of the filter and/or designing a supercharging system that makes compensation in pressure drop. But (!) it calls more money, of course. Today's cost level of an emission reduction system is not too high but it depends on the price of catalytic compounds in the filter and ...fuel cost. The emission reduction systems, presented in this paper, need optimisation for each type of vessel. This project shows that ecology in inland water transport can be solved by using right emission reduction systems.
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