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In this paper a general scheme and designing challenges encountered during design of Nowacki’s shear device are presented. The novelty of the approach shown is combining 3D modelling of the whole experimental stand in Catia software with FEM simulations in Abaqus. Linking these two applications allow updating of the model effectively based on feedback from FEM analysis.
The paper describes mechanical behavior of aluminum alloy AW5005 (EN AW5005) under impact loading. The work is focused on tensile tests and the process of perforation of aluminum alloy AW5005 sheets. Experimental, analytical and numerical investigations are carried out to analyse in details the perforation process. Based on these approaches, ballistic properties of the structure impacted by a conical nose shape projectile are studied. Different failure criteria are discussed, coupling numerical and experimental analyses for a wide range of strain rates. Optimization method functions are used to identify the parameters of the failure criteria. Finally, good correlation is obtained between the numerical and experimental results for both tension and perforation tests.
W artykule przedstawiono weryfikację zoptymalizowanego implantu zębowego w kontekście wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej przy pomocy testów laboratoryjnych. Optymalne rozwiązanie otrzymano przy zastosowaniu modelu numerycznego metodą elementów skończonych oraz strategii łączącej algorytm genetyczny z procedurą Hooke-Jeeves. Dla projektu bazowego oraz ulepszonego rozwiązania przeprowadzono serię testów na maszynie Instron 8874 używając metody Locati przyśpieszonego badania zmęczeniowego. Prezentowane badania są weryfikacją efektywności przyjętej strategii optymalizacji. Z powodu zastosowanej metodologii badań eksperymentalnych, efekty optymalizacji poddano tylko porównaniu jakościowemu.
In this paper the verification of the optimal dental implant design is presented. It is focused on fatigue fracture and is carried out with experimental tests. The optimal design was obtained with an optimization strategy using finite element model and genetic algorithm hybridized with Hooke-Jeeves technique. The fatigue tests of the prototype and initial designs of dental implants have been performed on Instron 8874 testing system using Locati method of an accelerated fatigue testing. The presented studies are excepted to verified the effectiveness of optimization strategy. Due to used methodology for experimental verification only qualitative effects of the optimization are compared. The work is a part of long term project under the grant R13 0020 06 “Development and preparation of dental implant prototypes”.
In this research, a mathematical model is derived to enable analytical determination of effective ultimate forces in the process of plasticization of the surface layer of wood. The experimentally determined thermo-mechanical properties of the material subjected to the process of plasticization are used in defining the structure of the model. The analysis of plastic strain in the layer in consideration is based on a generalised model of an ideally rigid-plastic medium, including certain modifications. Considering the anisotropic properties of wood, the Azzi-Tsai-Hill (ATH) strength criterion is applied which takes into account variation in the response of the loaded material depending on the direction. The article presents also results of FEM analysis of the same process of hot rolling of wood.
Aktualny stan wiedzy w zakresie ochrony i bezpieczeństwa ludzi, budynków i mienia narażonych na działania terrorystyczne, a w szczególności eksplozje materiałów wybuchowych jest obecnie pomijany w polskich przepisach dotyczących infrastruktury publicznej w tym bezpieczeństwa ludzi na ulicach aglomeracji miejskiej. Wydarzenia z ostatnich lat (zamach podczas maratonu w Bostonie USA w kwietniu 2013 roku) wskazują na powiększającą się konieczność rozpatrzenia kwestii bezpieczeństwa aglomeracji miejskich, w tym w szczególności podczas imprez masowych. Niniejsza praca obejmie swym zakresem dyskusję wybranych aspektów projektowania systemów ochrony pasywnej. Wytyczne, bazują na doświadczeniach uzyskanych w trakcie wcześniejszych badań eksperymentalnych i teoretycznych oraz najnowszych osiągnięciach będących rezultatem badań w ramach grantu UOD-DEM-1-203/001, Temat: Modularny system ekranów szybkiego montażu dla ochrony ludzi, budynków i mienia przed skutkami wybuchu. Kierownik: Prof. T.Łodygowski, Politechnika Poznańska, czas trwania : 2013-2016.
Extremely high pace of development force engineers to handle complicated and unusual problems. Commonly accepted design methodologies very often must undergo severe changes and improvements exceeding widely accepted standards to deliver the reliable results. The authors of this work handle complex problem of explosive loading also known as high velocity impulse loading which occurs during an impact. The class of such problems very often refers to the unusual impulse which, in particular, can be subjected to the masonry structures. These commonly used long structures can be characterized as composite material composed of two distinct sections: bricks and mortar. Moreover, the passive safety system is adopted to increase the threshold of the masonry. Additionally, the steel wired mesh and aramid fabrics are used to retrofit the brick wall.
Content available remote Piotr Perzyna : Scientific Conductor within Theory of Thermo-Viscoplasticity
In this paper, authors reminisce on years of scientific cooperation and achievements on the personality of Piotr Perzyna and his Theory of Thermo-Viscoplasticity, which are displayed from remembrance. All the essence of latin words Master, Doctor, Docent, Professor are in some kind the reflection of the scientific history that has happened during the last 40 years. For every author the shift of 10 to 20 years shows that Piotr Perzyna served with his personality and knowledge for two to three different generations, working with authors as 20/30/50 years younger man. Now, one year after Piotr Perzyna passed away in 2013 (50 years after publishing the basic paper on Theory of Thermo-Viscoplasticity in 1963), the role he has played for authors has become much clearer and conspicuous as well as in a wider context. Like P iotr = P eter = P etrus = Kηϕας ´ Professor Perzyna is the rock on which we build. Let it remain not only in memory.
The paper considers the failure study of concrete structures loaded by the pressure wave due to detonation of an explosive material. In the paper two numerical methods are used and their efficiency and accuracy are compared. There are the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and the Finite Element Method (FEM). The numerical examples take into account the dynamic behaviour of concrete slab or a structure composed of two concrete slabs subjected to the blast impact coming from one side. The influence of reinforcement in the slab (1, 2 or 3 layers) is also presented and compared with a pure concrete one. The influence of mesh density for FEM and the influence of important parameters in SPH like a smoothing length or a particle distance on the quality of the results are discussed in the paper.
Content available remote Damage induced by viscoplastic waves interaction
Viscoplastic waves interaction plays a fundamental role in a strain localisation phenomenon especially during highly dynamic processes occurring for example during car or orbiting space objects crashes (strain rates locally reach the values of order 107 s-1 In zones of localised deformation an intensive evolution of damage occurs which is undoubtedly directional (anisotropic) and finally may cause failure (loss of continuity). Such processes are highly influenced by the temperature (reaching often melting points) and mostly under adiabatic conditions. Mathematical description of the mentioned phenomena formulated in terms of Perzyna's thermoviscoplasticity is considered in this paper.
In the paper, the numerical simulation of Nowacki's double shear test in the framework of recently proposed viscoplasticity theory for anisotropic solids is presented. The numerical analysis comprises the full spatial modelling and is carried out for the DH-36 steel sheet in adiabatic conditions (the analysis of anisotropic bodies can be led only on 3D models). During analyses, strain rates of order 104-107 s-1 are observed and the process time duration up to full damage (loss of continuity in the localisation zone) is around 150-300 žs. The novelty of the research is focused on the formulation that includes the anisotropy of the intrinsic microdamage process. Thus, it makes possible to obtain qualitatively and quantitatively new results compared with the existing models, like tracing the softening directions and better (closer to experiment) prediction of damage paths.
W pracy przedstawiono numeryczne symulacje testu podwojnego ścinania, zaproponowanego przez prof. Nowackiego, w ramach sformułowania teorii lepkoplastyczności dla anizotropowych ciał stałych. Analizy numeryczne obejmują modele trójwymiarowe i są wykonane dla stali DH-36 w warunkach adiabatycznych (analiza ciał anizotropowych może być przeprowadzona wyłącznie na modelach trojwymiarowych). W trakcie analiz obserwuje się prędkości deformacji rzędu 104-107 s-1, a czas trwania procesu do całkowitego zerwania próbki (utraty ciągłości w strefie lokalizacji) jest z przedziału 150-300 žs. Oryginalność badań wynika z faktu uwzględnienia w definicji konstytutywnego modelu anizotropowego wewnętrznego procesu mikrouszkodzeń. W rezultacie, uzyskane wyniki dają jakościowo i ilościowo nowy obraz procesu, w szczegolności umożliwiają śledzenie kierunkow osłabienia oraz dokładniejsze (bliższe rezultatom eksperymentalnym) odwzorowanie ścieżki zniszczenia.
Content available remote Optymalizacja konstrukcji półskorupowej z uzyciem algorytmu genetycznego
Elementy powłokowe wzmacniane podlużnicami oraz wręgami, ze względu na mały ciężar w stosunku do nośności, są bardzo często stosowane w przemyśle lotniczym. Podstawowa zaleta jaką jest duża współpraca elementów powłokowych i prętowych powoduje jednocześnie trudności w ich projektowaniu. W artykule opisano optymalizację półskorupowej konstrukcy z wykorzystaniem algorytmu gentycznego. Podstawowym celem optymalizacji była redukcja masy przy ograniczeniach naprę żeniowych i stateczności powłoki.
The semi-monoco\que structure is very often used in the aerospace industry. The key advantage of this kind of structure n a łow weight of it in relation to load capacity. However, the particular characteristic of semi-monocoque structure - cooperatiot between frame andstressed skin is simultaneously a source ofkey disadvantage of it. This paper describes the design optimization semi-monocoque using genetic algorithm. The primary objective of optimization is reduction of weight and key limitation is local stability of the skin. Authors discuss used optimization algorithm and numerical models. The focus is on optimization procedures.
Modern building industry puts large demands on designers. Generally, both the freedom in design as well as the constant pressure on cost reduction exert a strong influence on the design process. For decades many near optimal solutions have been developed for a wide spectrum of engineering problems. However, these standard solutions are based on a standard building architecture that in many cases prevents implementation of these solutions. Today, a structure with complex geometry, load and boundary conditions can be analyzed using widely available software solutions. Despite the ease of designing structures that fulfill requirements for both ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS), the question of an optimal solution is still open. In this paper two optimization approaches, the genetic algorithm and the Hooke-Jeeves method with their hybrid form, are applied for optimization of steel structures with complex constraints (based on PN-90/B-03200 standard): an example of I - beam section shape forming and designing of three-bay frame profiles. The entire analysis together with the optimization process has been developed in the SOLDIS [10] environment.
Content available remote Towards the Modelling of Anisotropic Solids
In the paper the material model for metals and its numerical applications are presented. The material model is stated in terms of continuum mechanics, in the framework of the thermodynamical theory of viscoplasticity. The fundamental achievement is that the constitutive relation includes a description of anisotropy of metal microstructure. Such approach gives qualitatively and quantitatively new results compared with the existing models because it is possible to trace the directions of softening and predict a damage path in process time. Numerical examples comprise full spatial modelling for HSLA-65 steel in adiabatic conditions (the analysis of anisotropic bodies can be led only on 3D models) including: tension of sheet steel and twisting of thin walled tube. During analyses strain rates of order 104-107 s–1 are observed and the process time up to full damage (loss of continuity in the localisation zone) is around 100-300 mi s.
Content available Quasi-static failure criteria for concrete
The behaviour of concrete under quasi-static loadings for uniaxial compression, tension and plane stress conditions is studied. The failure criteria of concrete are discussed as well as the methods of constitutive parameters identification are elaborated. The attention is focused on an energetic interpretation of selected failure criteria. The numerical example with concrete damage plasticity material model is shown.
W pracy prezentuje się zachowanie betonu przy obciążeniach quasi-statycznych przy jednoosiowym ściskaniu i rozciąganiu oraz w płaskim stanie naprężenia. Dyskutowane są kryteria zniszczenia betonu oraz metody identyfikacji parametrów konstytutywnych. Istotnym elementem jest również energetyczna interpretacja omawianych kryteriów. Zawarto przykład numeryczny wykorzystujący model materiału betonu plastycznego ze zniszczeniem, który dowodzi prawdziwości opisu konstytutywnego na podstawie wyników eksperymentalnych.
The subject of the present work is optimization of the modern implant system Osteoplant, which was created and is still developed by Foundation of University of Medical Sciences in Poznań. Clinical observations point to the occurrence of both early and late complications in the case of all two-component implant systems. In many cases, these problems are caused by mechanical fractures of the implants themselves. The obtained results of the previous studies focused on necessary changes of the implant mechanical behavior, which helped to achieve the required long-term strength. However, modifications of the present dental implant system are not obvious. In this paper, an optimization of the Osteoplant dental implant system, with the use of FEA and genetic algorithms is discussed.
Przedmiotem prezentowanej pracy jest problem optymalizacji systemu implantologicznego Osteoplant, który został opracowany i wciąż jest ulepszany przez Fundację Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu. Obserwacje kliniczne potwierdzają występowanie powikłań zarówno we wczesnej, jak i późnej fazie użytkowania implantu. Dotychczas otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że wydłużenie bezawaryjnego okresu użytkowania implantu wymaga wprowadzenia zmian w jego pracy mechanicznej. Jednakże, ustalenie szczegłów modyfikacji nie jest oczywiste. W artykule została opisana procedura optymalizacji systemu implantologicznego Osteoplant z użyciem analizy metodą elementów skończonych oraz algorytmu genetycznego.
W leczeniu ubytków uzębienia z zastosowaniem tytanowych implantów stomatologicznych obserwuje się powikłania o charakterze mechanicznym. Celem analiz numerycznych implantów z zastosowaniem MES było określenie przyczyny występowania powikłań oraz zaproponowanie rozwiązań pozwalających na ich unikanie, możliwych do zastosowania w praktyce stomatologicznej oraz w procesie projektowania implantów.
Various mechanical complications can be obsen/ed in a treatment technique performed with the use of titanium implants. The main goal of the presented study was to find out the reasons of the complications and to suggest how to avoid them. Complex FE analysis proced:"res, which can be used in dental implants designing and manufacturing processes, were devised. The practical conclusions and recommendations for dental surgeons were formulated as well.
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