W latach 2013-2014 zbadano możliwość uprawy w Polsce oraz wartość odżywczą kapusty chińskiej kwitnącej (Brassica campestris (L.) ssp. Chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee). Badania objęły dwie odmiany pochodzenia chińskiego: o pędach zielonych i fioletowych. Rośliny uprawiano z siewu na zbiór wiosenny i jesienny. W okresie wegetacji oceniono jakość nasion użytych do siewu oraz wybrane cechy morfologiczne otrzymanych siewek i nasion: wysokość roślin, średnicę pędu kwiatostanowego, liczbę liści na roślinie, liczbę łuszczyn, liczbę nasion w łuszczynach, masę 1000 nasion i zdolność kiełkowania. W uzyskanych siewkach określono także zawartość białka ogólnego, substancji redukujących i suchej substancji oraz oceniono ich smak. Stwierdzono, że badana kapusta nadaje się do uprawy polowej w polskich warunkach klimatycznych. Rośliny gotowe do zbioru uzyskano odpowiednio po 35-39 dniach (odmiana zielona) oraz 42-45 dniach (odmiana fioletowa). Możliwa okazała się także produkcja w Polsce jej nasion na zbiór wiosenny, a ich zdolność kiełkowania przekroczyła 90%. Przy produkcji na zbiór wiosenny siewki odmiany zielonej zawierały więcej białka ogólnego i mniej cukrów redukujących niż te u odmiany fioletowej. Przy siewie na zbiór jesienny siewki odmiany fioletowej zawierały więcej białka ogólnego i mniej substancji redukujących niż odmiany zielonej. Zawartość suchej substancji była wyższa w siewkach odmiany fioletowej niż zielonej bez względu na termin siewu.
In the years 2013-2014, studies were carried out on the possibility of production and nutrient value of flowering Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris (L.) ssp. Chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee) in Poland. They included two Chinese cultivars: with green or violet stems. They were grown from direct seed sowing for spring and autumn harvest. During the vegetation, quality of seeds used for sowing and selected morphological characteristics of the produced seedlings and seeds were evaluated. They included plant height, diameter of the flower stalk measured at the base, number of leaves per plant, number of pods, number of seeds in the pods, 1000 seeds weight and germination capacity. The harvested seedlings were also analyzed for their total proteins, reducing sugars, the dry weight contents as well as their taste. It was found that the tested cabbage was suitable for field production in the Polish climatic conditions. The plants ready for harvest were received after 35-39 days (the green cultivar) and 42-45 days (the violet one). It was also possible to produce in Poland its seeds when sowing them in the spring. The collected seeds germinated in over 90%. The taste evaluation confirmed use of this vegetable for fresh eating. Its shoots were tender and sweet but not too brittle. When sowing for spring harvest, the plants of the green cultivar had more total proteins and less reducing sugars than the violet ones. When producing for autumn harvest, the seedlings of the violet cultivar had more total proteins and less reducing sugars than the green ones. The dry matter content was higher in the seedlings of the violet cultivar regardless of the date of sowing. The taste evaluation showed no difference between them.
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis ( JIA ) spans several pediatric arthropathies that involve autoimmune responses. Primary genetic risk factors for JIA have been mapped to Major Histocompatibility Complex ( MHC ) class I and class II genes. Recent genome-wide association studies using SNP arrays have shown that the nonHLA genetic component of JIA involves multiple low-risk loci, reinforcing the notion that JIA is a complex genetic trait with a strong HLA component. In this work, with the goal of detailed mapping and analysis of lin kage disequilibrium ( LD ) patterns and associations with JIA in the extended MHC (x MHC ) region, we combined SNP data from Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 and Immunochip ( IC ) platforms with high resolution typing of 8 classical HLA genes. A cohort of about 800 affected individuals and about 500 ethnically matched controls from the Cincinnati region, as well as secondary validation cohorts of affected individuals and matched controls from Germany were used to perform the an alysis, and to assess reproducibility of the results across different platforms and p opulations. Accurate high resolution maps of linkage with classical HLA genes and association with individual HLA alleles were generated. High concordance of results obtained using Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 and IC was observed, with an additional resolution and improved mapping of associat ions provided by the latter in some regions. Several new peaks of statistically signific ant and reproducible association with JIA outside the regions of strong LD with classical HLA genes were observed, including one peak in the class III region, and one in the telomeric end of x MHC . Conditional analysis provided further evidence that these associations appear t o be independent of classical HLA genes studied here. The results and observed association patterns ar e further discussed in the context of other recent studies on autoimmune diseases, includin g the role of HLA DRB 1 in adult Rheumatoid Arthritis.
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