An article herein considers the development of a fiber-optic sensor system, based on fiber Bragg gratings. Presently, fiber-optic sensors has become world-widely known amongst sensor technologies, used for monitoring engineering and construction structures. The work is linked with developing the system from fiber-optic sensors on the basis of fiber optic gratings, its characteristics, deformation behavior and temperature, acting at fiber Bragg grating by means of computer modeling. The research is focused at the analysis of characteristics and deformation and temperature behavior of fiber-optic Bragg sensor. Fiber-optic Bragg sensor with tilted grating is used for measuring deformation of the object, the strength of which is changed, dependent on the applied force, as well, for measuring and detecting any temperature deviations, influencing at fiber Bragg grating, which might bring to fire and accidents. In the research, simulation modeling there was made in the MATLAB (Simulink) software.
On the basis of a unipolar corona discharge, a method of non-contact and continuous measurement of linear parameters of thin and ultra-thin dielectric fibres and optical fibres (10 to 125 microns) in the process of their manufacture was developed. The measurement method differs from the commonly known methods by high accuracy and reliability of measurement and resistance to changes in the electrical characteristics of the discharge gap and the state of ambient air.
Assessment of seismic vulnerability of urban infrastructure is an actual problem, since the damage caused by earthquakes is quite significant. Despite the complexity of such tasks, today’s machine learning methods allow the use of “fast” methods for assessing seismic vulnerability. The article proposes a methodology for assessing the characteristics of typical urban objects that affect their seismic resistance; using classification and clustering methods. For the analysis, we use kmeans and hkmeans clustering methods, where the Euclidean distance is used as a measure of proximity. The optimal number of clusters is determined using the Elbow method. A decision-making model on the seismic resistance of an urban object is presented, also the most important variables that have the greatest impact on the seismic resistance of an urban object are identified. The study shows that the results of clustering coincide with expert estimates, and the characteristic of typical urban objects can be determined as a result of data modeling using clustering algorithms.
This paper represents a developed cryptographic information protection algorithm based on a substitution permutation network. We describe the cryptographic transformations used in the developed algorithm. One of the features of the algorithm is the simplicity of its modification with regard to different security levels. The algorithm uses a predeveloped S-box tested against differential and linear cryptanalysis. The S-box is consistent with one of the known standards AES and GOST R 34.12-2015. We provide the findings of an avalanche-effect investigation and statistical properties of ciphertexts. The algorithm actually meets the avalanche-effect criterion even after the first round.
The article herein presents a new technique of controlling the system of collecting, storing and processing the information from the solar collectors, which might be applied to heating the industrial and domestic compartments for hot water supply. The most profitable usage of the solar collectors in the industry is replacement of a human interference with wireless sensor nets. The solar collector standard system consumes in average 30% of the heat due to poor control and configuration. Our monitoring and control system allows upgrade the performance of heating the industrial and domestic premises by means of solar collector for hot water supply.
The wide variety of electrode shapes and their arrangement relative to each other, as well as the possibility of corona discharge in the ambient air, have created prerequisites for the development of a number of new methods and corona discharge transducers designed to measure microwire parameters and linear dimensions of various objects. The principally new non-contact control method is based on the dependence of the corona discharge current value on the diameter of the corona wire placed inside the discharge chamber. This paper provides an overview of this method.
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The importance of the research described in this article arises from the problem of adapting the digital TETRA radio standard as an information exchange channel between track-side and on-board SIRDP-E (block system). The aim was to define the characteristics of the use of base stations and radio modem modules from different manufacturers. Of the proposed applications for digital radio equipment, the best result was achieved for the equipment of the manufacturer Hytera Communications Corporation Limited as a base station and radio modem modules. The research showed the effectiveness of the proposed method of determining qualitative combinations of TETRA standard digital radio communication equipment in SIRDP-Е system. The article may be useful for other manufacturers of digital radio communication equipment for railway signalling devices and railway operators in post-Soviet countries
Znaczenie badania opisanego w niniejszym artykule wynika z problemu dostosowania standardu cyfrowego radia TETRA jako kanału wymiany informacji między urządzeniami przytorowymi i pokładowymi SIRDP-E (system blokowy). Celem było określenie cech wykorzystania stacji bazowych i modułów radiomodemu różnych producentów. Spośród proponowanych zastosowań cyfrowego sprzętu radiokomunikacyjnego najlepszy wynik osiągnięto dla wyposażenie producenta Hytera Communications Corporation Limited jako stacji bazowej i modułów modemu radiowego. Badania wykazały skuteczność proponowanej metody określania jakościowych kombinacji urządzeń do organizacji cyfrowej komunikacji radiowej standardu TETRA w systemie SIRDP-Е. Artykuł może być przydatny dla innych producentów sprzętu do cyfrowej komunikacji radiowej dla sygnalizatorów kolejowych i operatorów kolejowych w krajach poradzieckich.
The paper considers developed and offered an effective algorithm for solving the block-symmetrical tasks of polynomial computational complexity of data processing modular block-schemes designing. Currently, there are a large number of technologies and tools that allow you to create information systems of any class and purpose. To solve the problems of designing effective information systems, various models and methods are used, in particular, mathematical discrete programming methods. At the same time, it is known that such tasks have exponential computational complexity and can not always be used to solve practical problems. In this regard, there is a need to develop models and methods of the new class, which provide the solution of applied problems of discrete programming, aimed at solving problems of large dimensions. The work has developed and proposed block-symmetric models and methods as a new class of discrete programming problems that allow us to set and solve applied problems from various spheres of human activity. The issues of using the developed models are considered. and methods for computer-aided design of information systems (IS).
An article herein presents an optimization model, designated for computational core of decision-taking support system (DTSS). DTSS is necessary for system analysis and search of optimal versions for cyber security facilities placement and information protection of an enterprise or organization distributed computational network (DCN). DTSS and a model allow automize the analysis of information protection and cyber security systems in different versions. It is possible to consider, how separate elements, influence at DCN protection factors and their combinations. Offered model, in distinction from existing, has allowed implementing both the principles of information protection equivalency to a concrete threat and a system complex approach to forming a highly effective protection system for DCN. Hereby we have presented the outcomes of computational experiments on selecting the rational program algorithm of implementing the developed optimization model. It has been offered to use genetic algorithm modification (GAM). Based on the offered model, there has been implemented the module for adaptive DTSS. DTSS module might be applied upon designing protected DCN, based on preset architecture and available sets of information protection and cyber security systems in the network.
Hereby there is given the speaker identification basic system. There is discussed application and usage of the voice interfaces, in particular, speaker voice identification upon robot and human being communication. There is given description of the information system for speaker automatic identification according to the voice to apply to robotic-verbal systems. There is carried out review of algorithms and computer-aided learning libraries and selected the most appropriate, according to the necessary criteria, ALGLIB. There is conducted the research of identification model operation performance assessment at different set of the fundamental voice tone. As the criterion of accuracy there has been used the percentage of improperly classified cases of a speaker identification.
The paper deals with university knowledge transfer. The adjustment of relations between universities and enterprises makes knowledge transfer a necessary requirement for university development to ensure the implementation of market-oriented educational programs. The paper proposes use of modular competency-based and ontological approaches to ensure the university knowledge transfer. The initial data is presented in the databases of the university, authorized bodies of education and science, enterprises, business structures and professional standards. This data is processed and scanned for knowledge to be put into the knowledge database with technological (informational) and modular competency-based approaches. As part of a market-oriented innovation university concept the task is to improve the education system in relation to skills development. To solve this problem it is necessary to build a distributed information system of university knowledge transfer. It is necessary to create a unified educational space – an educational portal – to ensure the university knowledge transfer between all participants - teachers, students and employers. The study offers an architectural solution for a distributed information system.
Artykuł dotyczy transferu wiedzy uniwersyteckiej. Dostosowanie relacji między uniwersytetami a przedsiębiorstwami sprawia, że transfer wiedzy jest niezbędnym warunkiem rozwoju uniwersytetów, aby zapewnić realizację programów edukacyjnych zorientowanych na rynek. W artykule zaproponowano zastosowanie modułowego podejścia opartego na kompetencjach i ontologii, aby zapewnić transfer wiedzy uniwersyteckiej. Wstępne dane są prezentowane w bazach danych uniwersytetu, upoważnionych organów oświaty i nauki, przedsiębiorstw, struktur biznesowych i standardów zawodowych. Dane te są przetwarzane i skanowane w celu umieszczenia wiedzy w bazie wiedzy za pomocą technologicznych (informacyjnych) i modułowych podejść opartych na kompetencjach. W ramach zorientowanej rynkowo koncepcji uniwersytetów innowacyjnych zadaniem jest ulepszenie systemu edukacji w odniesieniu do rozwoju umiejętności. Aby rozwiązać ten problem, konieczne jest zbudowanie rozproszonego systemu informacji o transferze wiedzy uniwersyteckiej. Konieczne jest stworzenie jednolitej przestrzeni edukacyjnej – portalu edukacyjnego – aby zapewnić transfer wiedzy uniwersyteckiej między wszystkimi uczestnikami – nauczycielami, studentami i pracodawcami. Badanie oferuje rozwiązanie architektoniczne dla rozproszonego systemu informatycznego.
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