The sedge cane is a year-round natural plant that is regarded as one of the most significant grasses on the planet, and it usually causes major disposal concerns. As a result, employing sedge cane as a low-cost adsorbent to remove oil from produced water is helpful from both an economic and environmental standpoint. The response surface methodology is used to investigate the reaction optimization of oil removal using the sedge cane. The tests had three independent variables: adsorbent dosage, contact time, and temperature, as well as one response variable is (oil removal percent). According to the findings, the adsorbent dosage had the biggest impact on the percentage of oil removed. The findings predicted that employing sedge cane with 5 gm/L adsorbent dosage at 40 °C and 60 min contact time, the optimum condition for oil removal would be up to 95%. Fourier transforms infrared (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to analyze the sedge cane. The results of the Langmuir, Freundlich, Toth, and Sips isotherm models were 0.9967, 0.4166, 0.956, and 0.9062, respectively. Compared to the other models, Langmuir model best characterized the adsorption process. The reaction’s kinetics were most accurately characterized by the PFO kinetic equation with 0.9382 for PFO, 0.8147 for PSO, and 0.7888 for the Elovich model. Temperature effects on thermodynamic parameters were investigated. The results of the testing showed that sedge cane is an effective adsorbent for eliminating oil from contaminated water.
This article describes the design of photo catalyst reactor for oil removing from produced water. Real produced water containing a combination of organic compounds was treated with zinc oxide nanoparticles. In this study, ultraviolet radiations were used to find the efficiency of removing the oil content from the water produced that brought from the Al-Ahdab oilfield in kut/ Iraq by advanced oxidation process (AOP) using (ZnO/UV) in batch system and continuous system. In batch system were studied the effect of zinc oxide concentration (nanoparticles), time of irradiation, and pH. The highest removal rate of oil from the produced water (100%) was obtained during the following optimal conditions: ZnO NPs as catalyst = 55 mg/L, pH =3, at the time of irradiation of 90 minutes in batch experiments. In the continuous system, the effects of flowrate, number of UV-A lamp and time of reaction were studied, the results obtained were the efficiency of decomposition decreases with increasing the flow rate of solution in reactor, the maximum removal efficiency of the process (ZnO/UV) was 80% at 20 mL/min and irradiation time 120 min. In general, zinc oxide is beneficial through its high oil adsorption capacity in addition, It lowers the amount of oil in the produced water.
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