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The early Badenian interval in the Central Paratethys realm is characterized by a major marine transgression into the Pannonian and Carpathian Foredeep basins. In the western part of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep, Badenian sedimentation started generally with conglomerates (Dębowiec Formation) passing into a thick succession of claystones and mudstones with rare sandstone interbeds (Skawina Formation). Profiles containing a full sequence of lower Badenian strata are relatively rare, and are mainly known from boreholes. In this paper, we present new results on samples taken from such a borehole (Kaczyce K2/07) located near the town of Cieszyn. We focus on reconstructing the chronology of the lower Badenian marine sediments at the beginning of the transgression in the Carpathian Foredeep (lower Skawina Fm.) using radio-isotopic dating (40Ar/39Ar) of a volcanoclastic layer (tuff and tuffite) and biostratigraphy of calcareous nannoplankton and foraminifera.The weighted mean 40Ar/39Ar age for sanidine separates from the tuff provided an age of 14.27 ± 0.03 Ma. This age is consistent with the NN5 and MNN5a nannofossil zones determined in this study. Our foraminiferal assemblages show that the basal beds of the Skawina Formation up to the tuffites correspond to the Orbulina suturalis–Praeorbulina glomerosa Zone (according to Cicha et al., 1975) and cover the interval of the Lower Lagenidae Zone–lowermost Upper Lagenidae Zone (Grill, 1941). The petrographic data from the tuffite allow correlation of the tuffite from the Kaczyce K2/07 borehole to the level of the Chełmek Tuffite Bed (Alexandrowicz, 1997) providing a regional correlation horizon for future studies.
Fluid inclusions in halite can directly record the major composition of evaporated seawater; however, Ordovician halite is very rare. The Ordovician is a key time during the evolution history because profound changes occurred in the planet’s ecosystems. Marine life was characterized by a major diversification, the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event and the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction, the first of the “big five” mass extinctions. However, so far there is no data on the Ordovician seawater. Data from the Ordovician-Silurian boundary were available only. In this study, we report the major compositions from Middle Ordovician halite in China to give the exact composition of Ordovician seawater. The basic ion composition (K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and SO42-) of inclusion brines was established with the use of ultramicrochemical analysis. The data on the chemical composition of the brines in the primary inclusions indicated that the brines were of Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl (Ca-rich) type, and cover a huge gap in the evolution of seawater chemistry. The chemical composition of the primary inclusion brine in halite confirmed the earlier results for the Cambrian and Silurian halite originating from other salt basins and the previous speculation of “calcite sea” during the Ordovician, indicating a higher potassium content in the Lower Paleozoic seawater than in the seawater of other periods of the Phanerozoic.
Niska zawartość bromu (7 – 45 ppm) w najstarszej soli kamiennej z otworu BG-3-3 zlokalizowanego w obszarze Kazimierzów 1, kopalnia Polkowice – Sieroszowice (monoklina przedsudecka) wskazuje, że są to sole kamienne wtórne. Po przeprowadzonych badaniach petrologicznych i geochemicznych przedstawiono charakterystykę soli kamiennej badanego otworu wraz z przypisaniem do stosowanych wydzieleń petrologicznych. Określono koncentracje bromu i wielkość współczynnika bromochlorowego dla poszczególnych typów soli. Zawartość bromu w solach kamiennych jest bardzo dobrym wskaźnikiem ich genezy, gdyż jego koncentracje w tych utworach są ściśle związane ze stopniem zaawansowania cyklu ewaporatowego. Pozwala to na określenie warunków sedymentacji i wskazanie ewentualnych procesów prowadzących do przeobrażenia skał solnych. Prawdopodobną przyczyną niskiej zawartości bromu jest rekrystalizacja wcześniej wytrąconych soli pierwotnych w warunkach intensywnych procesów tektonicznych obszaru monokliny przedsudeckiej oraz duża zawartość materiału terygenicznego w profilu, która ma wpływ na zmniejszenie stężenia bromu w utworach solnych.
The low content of bromine (7 – 45 ppm) in the Oldest Halite rock salt from the BG-3-3 borehole located in Kazimierzów field in the Polkowice – Sieroszowice mine (Fore-Sudetic Monocline, SW Poland) indicates that the rock salt are secondary type. On the basis of petrological and geochemical analyses lithological characteristic of salt from the tested borehole with the assignment to use petrological classification was elaborated. The concentrations of bromine and the bromine- chlorine ratio for different types of salt were determined. Bromine content in the rock salt is a very good indicator of the origin, because of the relationship of bromine concentration with the degree of evaporation. This allows to determine the conditions of sedimentation and identify any processes leading to the transformation of rock salt. The probable reason for low bromine content is recrystallization of the previously precipitated primary salt, especially in the environment of intensive tectonic processes in the area of Fore-Sudetic monocline and high content of terrigenous material in the profile, which also have the effect of decrease of the bromine concentration in the salt formation.
As part of the tasks performed by the Polish Geological Survey (Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute), 260 prospective maps (MOP) at a scale of 1 : 200,000 have been developed in the period of 2013-2015. These maps were designed for metal ores (Cu-Ag, Zn-Pb, Mo-W, Ni, Sn, Au, Pt, Pd and Zn oxide ore - galmans) and chemical raw materials (rock and potash salts, gypsum, anhydrite and native sulphur), in relation to the assessment of raw materials resources and environmental restrictions and land use planning. The total surface of prospective teritories projected onto the surface area is ~15.25 thousand km2 for metal ores and ca. 52.5 thousand km2 for chemical raw materials. The estimated resources of predicted ore deposits (prognostic and prospective) are approx. 42.2 million Mg of Cu and 75 thousands Mg of Ag (12 prospective areas), ca. 20 million Mg of Zn-Pb ores (in 4 prospective areas), 32 million Mg of Ni ores of weathering type (10 prospective areas), from 9.4 to 21.5 Mg of Au encountered by orogenic vein and metasomatic deposits (7 prospective areas), and ca. 22 million Mg of Sn ores. The estimated prognostic and prospective resources of chemical raw materials (at a depth of not more than 2000 m) are: ca. 4.059 trillion Mg of rock salt (68 prospective areas) and ca. 3638.1 million Mg of potash (12 prospective areas), as well as ca. 575.6 billion Mg of gypsum and anhydrite, and 202 million Mg of native sulphur (prognostic resources). In the assessment of environmental conflicts and land use planning, 125 information data sheets developed environmental conditions for prospective areas (with the exception of rock salts, which are discussed in the regional aspect). Development of the designated prospective areas may be important in the future to ensure the availability of raw material safety, not only for Poland, but also for the European Union, thus contributing positively to economic growth and prosperity of local communities.
This study describes a new determination of the S and O isotope composition of Lower Permian (Kungurian) anhydrites from the Upper Pechora Basin, Cis-Ural region, Russia. δ34S values in sulphate facies vary from +13.7 to +15.1‰; and δ18O values range from +9.3 to +10.4‰. The values of d34S and d18O of anhydrite from halite facies varies from +12.6 to +15.0‰ and +7.5 to +10.9‰ respectively. The quantitative ratio of pyrite content from the water-insoluble residue (silty-sand fraction) is characterized by extremely low (<<1%) to high (4–5%) steep gradation values. The increased presence of pyrite indicates the influence of bacterial sulphate reduction. The sulphate reduction process was more intense, especially when evaporites were formed in mud. The narrow fluctuation range of sulphur and oxygen isotopes values of the measured anhydrite indicates low levels of fractionation. It was established that during the Permian, evolutionary changes in the content of sulphate ions in sea water correlate with the sulphur isotopic composition of marine evaporites
W artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy nt. geologii utworów solnych cechsztynu i miocenu w Polsce, opierając się na najważniejszych opublikowanych wynikach badań prowadzonych od początku XXI w. Autorzy przeglądowo omawiają osiągnięcia w różnych dziedzinach – stratygrafii, sedymentologii, geochemii, mineralogii, tektoniki, hydrogeologii i badań geofizycznych utworów solnych oraz przedstawiają obecny stan udokumentowanych i szacunkowych zasobów soli w Polsce. Analizują także różne formy zagospodarowania wystąpień soli (produkcja soli kruszonej i solanki, magazyny mediów i składowiska odpadów) oraz posteksploatacyjnego funkcjonowania kopalń, wskazują istotne ich zdaniem kierunki, w których winny być prowadzone dalsze badania.
This article provides an overview on the current state of knowledge on salt geology in Poland. Salt occurs in Poland in two salt- bearing formations: Zechstein (Permian) and Miocene (Neogene). The review briefly presents information on the various aspects of salt mining as well as description of results of different research topics discussed by scientists since the beginning of the 21st century: stratigraphy, sedimentology, geochemistry, mineralogy, geophysics, tectonics, hydrogeology as well as reserves and resources of salt deposits. Various forms of management of salt occurrences (crushed salt and brine production, storages of media, and waste disposals) and the post-mining activity of salt mines are commented. This review is based on extensive literature and proposes main directions of future studies in salt geology of Poland.
W ramach zadań państwowej służby geologicznej Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny-Państwowy Instytut Badawczy opracował szereg arkuszy map w skali 1:200 000 (Ryc. 1), na których przedstawiono obszary perspektywiczne wystąpień soli kamiennej i soli potasowo-magnezowych w Polsce, wyznaczone w oparciu o ustalone kryteria (Tab. 1). Niektóre z tych obszarów pogrupowano w tzw. rejony perspektywiczne. Dla permskiej soli kamiennej, występującej w 4 cyklotemach cechsztynu, przedstawiono na 53 arkuszach map (np. Ryc. 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 i 13) 14 rejonów perspektywicznych i 55 obszarów perspektywicznych, w tym: 3 obszary i 3 rejony perspektywiczne, grupujące wybrane wysady solne (Tab. 2) oraz 11 rejonów i 52 obszary perspektywiczne w obrębie pokładowych wystąpień soli (Tab. 3 i 4). Obszary i rejony opatrzono kartami informacyjnymi, zawierającymi podstawowe dane o ich położeniu, geologii i perspektywach zagospodarowania wystąpień soli (np. Ryc. 3, 6, 8, 10 i 12). Dla soli kamiennej wieku mioceńskiego wyznaczono na 4 arkuszach map (Ryc. 15) cztery obszary perspektywiczne (Tab. 5; Ryc. 16). Łączne zasoby przewidywane soli kamiennej w Polsce oszacowano na ok. 4,059 bln Mg, a powierzchnia ich wystąpień wynosi ponad 31,7 tys. km2. Dwanaście obszarów perspektywicznych (Tab. 6) wystąpień pokładowych soli potasowo-magnezowych wieku cechsztyńskiego wyznaczono na 8 arkuszach map topograficznych w skali 1:200 000 (np. Ryc. 17) i opatrzono je kartami informacyjnymi (np. Ryc. 18). Zasoby przewidywane tych soli w Polsce wynoszą ok. 3638,1 mln Mg, zaś całkowita ich powierzchnia to ok. 465 km2. Zaprezentowane mapy obszarów perspektywicznych przygotowano także w wersji ilustrującej tzw. stopień konfliktowości (wersja B), uwzględniającej możliwe konflikty środowiskowe w przypadku podjęcia działalności inwestycyjnej na wybranym obszarze. Obie wersje map wraz z kartami informacyjnymi mogą być przydatne jednostkom administracji państwowej i samorządowej w przygotowaniu planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego oraz potencjalnym inwestorom w wyborze obszaru przyszłej koncesji eksploatacyjnej.
The Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute as the national geological service prepared the several map sheets at scale 1:200 000 (Fig. 1), presenting the prospective areas of rock and potash salts occurrences in Poland. These areas were contoured under the special criteria (Tab. 1) and many of them were grouped in so called the prospective regions. 53 map sheets (e. g. Fig. 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13) illustrate the 14 prospective regions and 55 areas of the Permian rock salt formations, encountered by the 4 cycles of the Upper Permian (Zechstein) evaporites. These prospects include: 3 prospective areas and 3 regions of salt occurrences within the salt diapirs (Tab. 2) as well as 11 regions and 52 areas of stratiform salt bodies (Tab. 3 and 4). To each area and region the reports containing the basic data on their location, geology of salt bodies, and suggestions of their possible management (e.g. Fig. 3, 6, 8, 10 and 12) were dedicated. Four prospective areas (Tab. 5; Fig. 16) of the Miocene rock salt occurrences were located on the 4 map sheets (e.g. Fig. 15). The total predicted resources of both the Permian and the Miocene rock salts in Poland were estimated at ca. 4.059 x 1012 Mg and they occupy total area of over 31.7 x 106 km2. Eight map sheets (e.g. Fig. 17) present 12 prospective areas (Tab. 6) of the stratiform occurrences of Permian potash salts, with the dedicated reports for each one (e. g. Fig. 18). Their total predicted resources were calculated for ca 3638.1 x 106 Mg and the total area is ca. 465 km2. The all commented maps of prospective areas and regions have also the editions illustrating the level of conflicts (B version of map sheet) expected during the future management of any area. Both map editions together with the reports of each prospective region and area could be helpful for the administrative units in preparing the options of local aerial management as well as for the possible investors in selection the concession areas for future exploitation.
Celem kolejnej wyprawy Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Górnictwa Solnego w 2014 roku było poznanie geologii utworów ewaporatowych, w tym też soli, w rozległym trzeciorzędowym basenie katalońskim na przedpolu Pirenejów. Basen ten wykazuje pewne analogie w budowie i rozkładzie facji do polskiego zapadliska przedkarpackiego, lecz jego gigantyczne rozmiary i długa historia rozwoju sprzyjały powstaniu osadów potasonośnych. Podczas bogatego programu badań terenowych poznano wykształcenie utworów siarczanowych z obrzeża basenu salinarnego (gipsy w rejonie Odena i Vilobi) oraz serii potasonośnych z centrum panwi ewaporacyjnych (czynne kopalnie soli potasowych w Suria i Sallent oraz kopalnia-muzeum w Cardona). Facje klastyczne krawędzi basenu katalońskiego były widoczne w ścianach stromych klifów góry Montserrat.
Following expedition of the Polish Salt Mining Association in 2014 was dedicated to geology of evaporites, especially the salts, developed in the giant Tertiary Catalonian Basin (Fig. 1) located on the Pyrenean foreland. This basin has same analogies in its structure and facies pattern to the Polish Carpathian Foredeep, but its extent and the long history favoured generation of potash-bearing sediments (Fig. 2). The numerous field stops of geological tour enabled to study the development of sulphate deposits from the salinary basin margin e. g. gypsum from Odena (Figs 6-7) and Vilobi (Figs 14-17) and of the potash-bearing series from the evaporite pans in the active potash mines in Suria (Fig. 3, 5), Sallent (Fig. 4) and in the old mine-museum in Cardona (Figs 8-11). The clastic facies of the Catalonian basin frames were visible in the steep cliff walls of Montserrat Mountain (Fig. 12).
Themap sheets at scale 1 : 200 000 illustrate the areas of prospective occurrences of natural chemical raw materials (rock and potash salts and native sulphur) in Poland. Fourteen prospective regions and 64 areas of Upper Permian rock salt with predicted (both prospective and prognostic ones) resources of ca. 4.052·1012 Mg and the total area of ca 31.6·103 km2 have been contoured on 57 map sheets. Prospective occurrences of the Miocene rock salt are defined in four areas located on four map sheets and their predicted resources are calculated for 6.9·109 Mg and the total area for ca. 137 km2. Twelve prospective areas of Upper Permian potash salts, contoured on eight map sheets, have the total predicted resources of ca. 3638.1·106 Mg and the total area of ca. 465 km2. Eleven prospective areas are defined for native sulphur concentrations within the Miocene deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep (five map sheets, southern Poland). Their prospective (both prognostic and hypothetic ones) resources are estimated for ca. 390·106 Mg and the total area for ca. 73 km2. The maps have been supplemented with the individual reports on each prospective region and area, including all geographical and geological data on the described raw material occurrence, as well as with suggestions on their possible management.
Szczegółowo scharakteryzowano poziomy tufitowe z mioceńskich utworów zapadliska przedkarpackiego występujących w otworach wiertniczych Busko (Młyny) PIG-1 i Kazimierza Wielka (Donosy) PIG-1. Badania mineralogiczno-petrograficzne tufitów wykonano pod mikroskopem optycznym i skaningowym z zastosowaniem analizy SEM-EDS. Skład chemiczny całych próbek tufitów oznaczono metodami ICP i INAA. Wyniki badań wykazały, że poszczególne poziomy tufitowe różnią się między sobą składem chemicznym szkliwa, udziałem plagioklazów zasadowych, wielkością poszczególnych składników ziarnowych i obecnością charakterystycznych minerałów skałotwórczych (np. biotytu, kwarcu piroklastycznego, skaleni potasowych). Normalna gradacja ziaren i laminacja tufitów wskazują, że utworzyły się one w wyniku sedymentacji popiołu wulkanicznego w warunkach morskich. Stopień zachowania minerałów piroklastycznych w tufitach odzwierciedla zmiany geochemiczne środowiska depozycji. Pierwszy poziom tufitowy serii nadewaporatowej jest najbardziej rozprzestrzeniony, a występujące w nim składniki piroklastyczne mają charakterystyczny skład chemiczny. Może być on stosowany do korelacji osadów zapadliska przedkarpackiego.
The paper presents detailed description of the tuffite levels from the Busko (Młyny) PIG-1 and Kazimierza Wielka (Donosy) PIG-1 boreholes (Miocene, Carpathian Foredeep). Mineral and petrographic composition of the tuffites was examined with a polarizing microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM-EDS). Chemical composition of whole rock samples was determined with the ICP and INAA methods. Research has shown that the tuffite levels differ in terms of the chemical composition of glass, alkaline plagioclase content, grain size of the components and content of typical rock-forming minerals (e.g. biotite, pyroclastic quartz and potassium feldspar). Normal gradations and lamination of the tuffites indicate that they originated as a result of sedimentation of volcanic ash in marine conditions. Degree of preservation of pyroclastic minerals in the tuffites reflects changes in the geochemical environment of deposition. The first tuffite level above the evaporites, the most widespread and with characteristic chemical composition of pyroclastic components, can be applied in the correlation of deposits in the Carpathian Foredeep.
The most abundant benthic foraminifers recorded in the Wielician salt-enclosed xenoliths are: Bulimina spp., Uvigerina spp., Valvulineria complanata, and Cibicides pseudoungerianus. The predominant taxon in the planktonic assemblage is Globigerina bulloides with a median 98.9% in biozone IIC and 89.1% in the later IID. The IIC assemblage differs from the IID one in both taxon composi tion and abundance. The most pronounced differences are those revealed by Valvulineria complanata counts, number of benfhic taxa and the plankfonic/benthic (P/B) rafio. Pseudotriplasia minuta (one of the Wielician index taxa) occurs only in the IID biozone, present in 16 among 28 samples. There is a noticeable difference in sur- face sculpture morphology pattern in the predominant Bulimina and Uvigerina taxa in the IIC versus the IID biozones. There are smooth (Bulimina elongata) and weakly striate (Uvigerina semiornata plexus) forms in the IIC biozone, foll owed by heavily costate (Bulimina striata) and spinose-pustu l ate (Uvigerina orbignyana plexus) forms in the IID. Globigerina druryi and G. decoraperta- the CPN 8 planktonic index taxa - had not been found in the material studied. Globigerinita uvula is un- usually common in the samples studied. The samples analysed display an abundance of Globigerina bulloides typical of the sub-evaporite Wielician. Hence the studied Wielician stratotype area supports the thesis of the Globigerina bulloides Acme as the valid name designation for the substage.
Ten new determinations of the stable sulphur isotope content of anhydrite from Badenian rock salt in the Hrynivka 525 borehole (Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep) show that δ34S values in anhydrite range from +20.2 to +22.7‰ and the average value of δ34S is +21.4 ± 0.3‰. Those values are similar to those of the Neogene marine sulphates. Comparison to other geochemical data (chemical composition of the brine contained in fluid inclusions and the bromine content in halite) suggests that the Badenian Carpathian Foredeep evaporite basin was supplied predominately by seawater solutes where, at different stages of salt accumulation, the influence of continental waters with lighter isotopic compositions of dissolved sulphate was important. The isotopic composition of sulphur (δ 34S) of Badenian seawater, calculated on the basis of sixty analyses of anhydrite related to halite of the Carpathian Region, is approximately +20.3‰, this value being similar to the sulphur isotopic composition of present-day seawater. The δ 34S value for Badenian seawater may have been slightly higher if we consider potential changes of the brine composition of salt-bearing basins caused by inflow of continental waters enriched in light 32S isotopes.
Seismic data and core from the shallow cartographic Pilzno P-7 borehole were used to construct a new model of the Carpathian orogenic front between Tarnów and Pilzno, in the Pogórska Wola area (southern Poland). The most external, frontal thrust of the orogenic wedge (the Jaśniny structure) was identified as a syn-depositional fault-propagation fold de- tached above the Upper Badenian evaporites. Its formation was controlled by the presence of mechanically weak foredeep evaporites and by the morphology of the sub-Miocene Meso-Paleozoic foreland plate (Jaśniny and Pogórska Wola palaeovalleys). The frontal zone of the Carpathian orogenic wedge (the Skole thrust sheet and the deformed foredeep deposits of the Zgłobice thrust sheet) is characterized by significant backthrusting of the foredeep succession towards the south, and by the presence of a triangle zone, with strongly deformed Upper Badenian evaporites of the Wieliczka Formation in its core. The triangle zone was formed during the latest thrusting movements of the Carpathians. An indication of the existence of the triangle zone in the vicinity of Dębica has also been provided by reinterpretation of the archive regional geological cross-section. The youngest foredeep deposits, brought to the surface above the backthrust, have been dated as Sarmatian (NN7 nannoplankton zone), which indicates that the latest thrust movements within the frontal Carpathian orogenic in the vicinity of Tarnów-Dębica took place approx. 11-10 million years ago. Thermochronological studies (AFT and AHe) indicated that the foredeep succession drilled by the Pilzno P-7 borehole has not been buried deeper than 1.5-2 km, which is compatible with reconstruction based on the seismic data.
Udokumentowane zasoby bilansowe soli kamiennej wynosiły w 2011 roku blisko 85 mld ton zaś pozabilansowe – blisko 21 mld ton. Dominują zasoby soli permskiej, występujące głównie w obrębie wysadów solnych, zaś zasoby złóż soli mioceńskich stanowią ułamek krajowych zasobów soli kamiennej (bilansowe - 5,1 % i pozabilansowe - 0,28 %). Przewidywane (prognostyczne i perspektywiczne) zasoby soli kamiennej w Polsce wynoszą ponad 2 256 mld ton, w tym zasoby soli permskiej to ponad 2 254 mld ton, (ponad 96,7% to zasoby wystąpień soli pokładowych). Zasoby przewidywanemioceńskiej soli kamiennej wynoszą 2,4 mld ton (0,1% krajowych zasobów przewidywanych). Łączny stan zasobów soli kamiennej (udokumentowanych i przewidywanych) w Polsce szacowany jest na ok. 2 362,4 mld ton, z czego absolutną większość (87,3% całości) stanowią zasoby perspektywiczne soli permskiej, ulokowane głównie w wystąpieniach pokładowych. Zasoby dotychczas udokumentowane to jedynie 4,7% całego krajowego potencjału zasobowego soli kamiennej. Przyjmując średnie roczne ok. 3,9 mln i całkowite wykorzystanie zasobów udokumentowane zasoby soli kamiennej wystarczą na ponad 27 tys. lat, zaś zasoby przewidywane - na ponad 500 lat (zakładając pozyskanie jedynie 1/106 części zasobów). Coraz częściej złoża soli wykorzystuje się do budowy w ich obrębie operacyjnych kawernowych magazynów gazu (Mogilno, Kosakowo) i paliw (Góra), a w przyszłości - mogą być z nich lokowane składowiska odpadów niebezpiecznych. Zasoby bilansowe permskich soli potasowo-magnezowych są niewielkie (72 mln ton udokumentowane w wysadzie solnym Kłodawa, sporadycznie eksploatowane). Zasoby prognostyczne tych soli wynoszą 719,44 mln ton i obejmują zasoby złóż soli typu siarczanowego (polihalit), występujące w rejonie Zatoki Puckiej oraz zasoby w obrębie wysadu kłodawskiego. Zasoby perspektywiczne soli potasowo-magnezowych na terenie monokliny przedsudeckiej oszacowano na 300 mln ton. Łączne zasoby przewidywane soli potasowo-magnezowych w Polsce oszacowano na blisko 1,02 mld ton.
The documented anticipated economic resources of rock salts in 2011 were 84,98 bln t and the subeconomic resources - c. 20,7 bln t. Miocene salt resources equaled to 5,1% and 0,28% - of total anticipated economic and subeconomic resources and the resources of Permian rock salt predominated in both categories. Predicted (prognostic and prospective) resources of rock salt were estimated for >2 256 bln t, with >2 254 bln t of the Permian salts (stratiform deposits constituted 96,7% and the salt diapirs – 3,2% of total resources). Predicted resources of Miocene rock salt equaled 2,45 bln t (0,1%). Total (documented and predicted) resources of rock salt in Poland was estimated for c. 362,38 bln t, with the dominant (87,3%) prospective resources of Permian salts, belonged mainly to the stratiform deposits. Hitherto documented resources of rock salt constituted only 4,7% of whole rock salt potential. The documented rock salt resources could prove over 27 Ka of exploitation, assuming the current production rate (annual output of c. 3,9 mln t) and the total resource excavation. Wit the same production and excavation of 1/106 of total predicted resources these resources will prove >500 years of salt production Underground cavern storages for gas (as Mogilno and Kosakowo) and fuels (as Góra) as well as underground safety disposals for hazardous wastes become the more important form of salt deposits management in the nearest future. The small (72 mln t) anticipated economic resources of Permian potash-magnesium became documented in the Kłodawa salt diapir. The predicted resources of such salts are 719,44 mln t and included the prognostic resources of polyhalite (619,44 mln t) at the Puck Bay and in the Kłodawa salt diapir (100 mln t). The prognostic resources of Permian potash-magnesium salts in the Fore-Sudetic monocline area were estimated for 300 mln t. Total predicted resources of these salts in Poland equaled 1,02 bln t and until now their exploitation was sporadic and uneconomic but last time the increased interest of these deposits management is observed, especially of polyhalite deposits at the Puck Bay.
The paper summarized the actual knowledge on resources (anticipated economic and subeconomic ones) of both rock and potash salts estimated in the documented salt deposits in Poland as well as their predicted (prognostic and prospective) resources calculated to the depth of 2 km. The late Permian (Zechstein) rock salts predominated (ca 95% of anticipated resources and ca. 99.9% of predicted ones, the Miocene salts are marginal). The most (up to 69%) of their anticipated resources concentrated in the salt dome deposits but 96.7% of the prognostic ones - in stratiform deposits. The anticipated rock salt resources could prove over 26 Ka of exploitation (at the current production rate) but the predicted ones > 500 years assuming that 1/10[6] of total resources will be excavated. The anticipated economic resources of Permian potash salts in non-exploited five deposits are > 669 mln t (mainly > 597 mln t of polyhalite type in four stratiform deposits) and the predicted ones were estimated at ca. 1.02 bln t.
W pracy przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy o udokumentowanych (bilansowych i pozabilansowych) zasobach soli kamiennej i soli potasowej w Polsce oraz scharakteryzowano ich oszacowane zasoby przewidywane do głębokości 2 km. Dominującą rolę w bilansie zasobowym odgrywają sole kamienne wieku późnopermskiego (ok. 95% zasobów udokumentowanych i blisko 99.9% zasobów przewidywanych), udział soli wieku mioceńskiego jest podrzędny. Większość (blisko 69%) zasobów udokumentowanych kryje się w wysadach solnych, zaś zasobów przewidywanych - w złożach pokładowych (96.7%). Udokumentowane zasoby soli kamiennej wystarczą na 26 000 lat (przy aktualnej wielkości wydobycia), zaś zasoby przewidywane na ponad 500 lat (przy wykorzystaniu 1/10[6] części zasobów). Zasoby bilansowe późnopermskich soli potasowo-magnezowych w nieeksploatowanych udokumentowanych pięciu złożach wynoszą ponad 669 mln t, z czego większość (cztery złoża, powyżej 597 mln t) stanowią złoża typu polihalitowego. Zasoby przewidywane tych soli oszacowano na blisko 1.02 mld t.
Analysis of previously available stratigraphic data coupled with the re-interpretation of seismic profiles calibrated by boreholes has allowed the construction of a new tectonic model of evolution of the Gdów “embayment” – a tectonic re-entrant located along the Carpathian front east of Kraków (southern Poland). This model shows that the main phase of localized fault-controlled subsidence took place in the Early Badenian and was associated with deposition of the locally overthickened Skawina Formation. Also, deposition of evaporites of the Wieliczka Formation seems to have been tectonically controlled by local basement faulting. Supra-evaporitic siliciclastic deposits have developed as a result of overall north-directed sediment progradation from the eroded Carpathian belt towards the Carpathian Foredeep. During the final stages of development of the Carpathian fold-and-thrust wedge the previously subsiding Gdów “embayment” area was uplifted and basement faults were reactivated either as reverse faults or as low angle thrust faults. Along the leading edge of this inverted structure a triangle zone developed, with backthrusting along the evaporitic level. As a result, overthickened evaporites, formed in local tectonically-controlled depressions within the area of the Gdów “embayment” area have been strongly folded and internally deformed.
Middle Miocene foraminifera from the Skawina Formation of the Upper Silesia Basin have been analysed. The stable oxygen and carbon isotope signatures in Globigerinoides quadrilobatus (shallow pelagic), Globigerina bulloides (deeperpelagic) and Uvigerina spp. (benthic) tests show a temporal pattern of changes in the sections studied. The foraminiferal assemblage biozones of the Badenian that were identified earlier, on the basis of taxonomic composition, correspond to changes in the foraminiferal ẟI8O and ẟI3C values. The CPN7/CPN8 transition - as the Moravian/Wielician border - is marked by distinct isotopic events: a ẟ18O increase (IIAB/IIC boundary) followed by a ẟ13C decrease (IIC/IID boundary).
Taxonomic, quantitative and isotopic study of foraminifera from mudstone and claystone xenoliths incorporated into slump facies of the Stratified Salt Member of the Wieliczka deposit shows that the majority of xenoliths represent the CPN 8 biozone (Wielician substage, Badenian, Middle Miocene). The share of the CPN 7 biozone is minor; it was recorded in two of 26 samples analysed. The source area of xenoliths was the basinal part of the Carpathian Foredeep, located far off the shoreline (shallow-water taxa are not present in the samples); it represents the upper bathyal zone, in oxygenated conditions. Inbenthic, eutrophic and opportunistic foraminifers dominate the benthic environment of the CPN 8 span of time. Increased d18O values of the Globigerina bulloides tests (from +1.7‰ in CPN 7 to +2.3‰ in CPN 8 sediments) was due to the change from the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum to the Middle Miocene Climate Transition at the CPN 7/CPN 8 boundary. This palaeoclimate event is the marker of the Moravian/Wielician chronostratigraphic boundary in the Central Paratethys. The Wielician shows the distinct taxonomic reduction of the Moravian planktonic foraminifera and includes the Globigerina bulloides Acme.
Stratotypes are indispensable to the correct usage of litho- and chronostratigraphy units. Stratotypes sustainability is the crucial factor. As the sustainability of the Chodenice Beds stratotype became in risk the searching for the substitution site of this type section had been undertaken. Micropaleontological and petrological hallmarks of the unit have been considered and perfectly analogical deposits have been found near by – in the Bochnia Salt Mine. Two of the mine corridors where Chodenice Beds crop out have been selected. The sites are protected as elements of the geocoservation net of the Bochnia Salt Mine, nominated as geological site no. 4 and 21.
W strukturach wzrostowych halitu typu szewron w basenie zakarpackim (Ukraina) stwierdzono występowanie pierwotnych inkluzji, które mogą być pomocne przy określeniu składu chemicznego solanek badeńskiego basenu ewaporatowego. Ciekłe inkluzje występujące w sedymentacyjnym halicie badane były metodą analizy ultramikrochemicznej. Koncentracja solanek zakarpackiego basenu była wysoka - zbliżona do średniego etapu sedymentacji halitu. Zawartość jonów: K+ zawierała się w przedziale 10.6-17.6 g/l, Mg2+ w zakresie 31.4-58.3 g/l, a SO4 2- w przedziale 22.4-39.0 g/l. Na podstawie badań składu chemicznego głównych jonów stwierdzono, że solanki basenu zakarpackiego były nasycone względem halitu i podobne do solanek z innych badeńskich basenów.
The primary fluid inclusions, which may be helpful in detemining the chemical composition of brines in the Badenian evaporite basin, were found in the chevron halite crystals from the Transcarpathian Basin (Ukraine). Fluid inclusions in sedimentary halite were examined with the use of ultra-microchemical analysis. Concentration of brines was high - close to the middle stage of halite sedimentation. The content of ions: K+ ranged from 10.6 g/l to 17.6 g/l, Mg2+ from 31.4 g/l to 58.3 g/l, and SO4 2- from 22.4 g/l to 39.0 g/l. Based on the chemical composition of major ions it was concluded that the brine from the Transcarpathian basin was saturated (to the stage of halite crystallization) and was similar to the Badenian brines from other basins.
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