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Podstawowe parametry silnika pracującego w fazach przyspieszania i zwalniania różnią się od tych wyznaczanych podczas jazdy ze stałą prędkością. Nieregularna wartość podciśnienia generowanego przez wolnossący silnik o zapłonie iskrowym wymaga stałego korygowania kąta uchylenia przepustnicy w celu zapewnienia żądanej masy powietrza dostarczanego do silnika. Zbyt gwałtowne zmiany podczas regulacji wskutek zmiennych stanów pracy niekorzystnie wpływają na emisje szkodliwych substancji. Nieodpowiednia reakcja układu elektronicznie sterowanej przepustnicy może znacząco pogorszyć parametry emisji spalin silnika. Realizując badania, przeprowadzono symulację numeryczną realizacji różnych profili prędkości różnymi sposobami sterowania przepustnicą. Podczas badań skupiono się na analizie emisji substancji szkodliwych.
Basic engine operating parameters are significantly different at steady and non-steady states. Irregular value of vacuum generated by the engine necessitates constant corrections of throttle position to ensure delivery of correct mass of air delivered to the engine. Overtly rapid changes during regulation in non-steady states negatively affect harmful substance emissions. Incorrect response of electronic throttle control system can significantly degrade engine emission parameters. Research regarding realization of different velocity profiles and drivetrain types was conducted in this work by means of numerical simulations. Research was conducted for different throttle control strategies. During the research, the authors have focused on harmful substance emissions.
W pracy przedstawiono wybrane parametry pracy układu napędowego samochodu osobowego, wyznaczone za pomocą Stanowiskowego Symulatora Obciążenia Drogowego Silnika. W symulacji cyfrowej, silnik spalinowy zapisany jest w postaci numerycznych charakterystyk prędkościowych. Za pomocą funkcji „Lookup Table” charakterystyki te są na bieżąco wczytywane do pamięci komputera. W ten sposób wyznaczane są wskaźniki pracy wirtualnego pojazdu. Oprogramowanie Stanowiskowego Symulatora Obciążenia Drogowego Silnika umożliwia zmianę nastaw regulatora uchylenia przepustnicy. W pracy opisano różnice w obciążeniu silnika ZI, jakie spowodowane były zmianami nastaw regulatora. Określony został również ich wpływ na zużycie paliwa. Powyższe wskaźniki mierzono podczas symulacji przejazdów pojazdu w rzeczywistych i syntetycznych cyklach jezdnych.
This dissertation shows the analysis of the selected indicators of a passenger vehicle drivetrain work designated with the use of the Road Load Engine Simulator. In a digital simulation, an internal – combustion engine is saved in a form of numerical speed characteristics. These characteristics, on a regular basis, are loaded into the computer memory using the "Lookup Table" function. Basing on a virtual vehicle, indicators of the drivetrain of a passenger vehicle have been determined. The Road Load Engine Simulator gives a possibility of changing the settings of the engine throttle position regulator. The simulation results are summarized in a tabular and graphic form and expressed per kilometer of the distance covered. Both synthetic and real driving cycles were analyzed during the study.
The development of electronic systems has significantly contributed to the rapid increase in the number of controllers working in vehicles, and thus the amount of data transferred between them. The large amount of information sent prevents the driver from directly mastering or understanding them, hence it was necessary to limit the displayed parameters on the instrument cluster to the most important ones, so that the driver can focus on driving. However, in motor sports and in various types of road tests or research, where the driver is supported by an additional team of engineers, information sent between vehicle controllers can prove extremely valuable. Most often, the whole staff of people responsible for conducted traction tests does not occupy the vehicle, so as not to disturb the conditions. Their analysis usually takes place in a designated service spot, in which case the parameters from the on-board data transmission network are usually transmitted by radio from the vehicle to the archiving system. Therefore, research into the development of wireless data transmission systems from vehicle controllers is also carried out at the Opole University of Technology. This article describes the possibilities of using a system built at the Opole University of Technology for wireless conduction of diagnostics and analysis of current operating parameters of a recreational All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV). In addition, in the designed system, it is also possible to connect external sensors to analyse parameters normally not registered during the course on normal vehicle operation.
Content available LoRaWAN networks in automotive applications
Development of IoT is tightly coupled with the use of the wireless communication solutions. Nowadays there are several standard wireless protocols, which are responsible for carrying information. The increase of the communication traffic tends to specialize the kind of used data interchange methods for the sake of demanded size of data packet, frequency of connections, meaning of the data, security and safety of the transmission as well as many others. One of the intensively spreading wireless networks is LoRaWAN. Because of its low energy consumption, long distance range, and high flexibility, it seems to be very effective solution to apply in the field of road traffic. The article presented the base features of LoRaWAN as well as the conception of virtual local traffic system based on the data yield from the board systems of cars. Accessed from OBD information about f. e.g. temporary cars speed or accelerations associated with their current position can be significant factor in creating the real image of the traffic situation.
This article describes the method of controlling an electric magnetic linear actuator that moves an inlet valve of an internal combustion engine. Thanks to the use of the electric control of the inlet valve of the internal combustion engine, it was possible to implement a variable effective compression ratio of the operating power unit, adapting it to the current needs and engine load. In this design, valvetrain was modified by introducing an autonomous intake valve operation with the use of a specially designed electromagnetic actuator. The introduction of this system necessitated an additional modification of the intake camshaft. The control was carried out with the use of a real-time controller with a built-in FPGA unit. The proposed design of a system with an electromagnetic actuator will allow obtaining an additional degree of freedom in the control unit. Particular attention should be paid to registered values or air pressure in the intake stroke for a closed or partially opened throttle, which generates significant pumping losses. The use of an electromagnetic actuator in the intake can help reduce said losses.
The growing number of vehicles moving on Polish roads equipped with various types of automatic transmissions prompted the authors of this publication to carry out research to assess the impact of the use of this type of transmission on the fuel consumption of these vehicles. The presented article presents a comparative analysis of the fuel consumption of vehicles of different manufacturers equipped with automatic transmissions moving in specially prepared driving cycles for research purposes. In the developed driving cycle, the vehicle speed was gradually increased every 10 km/h, maintaining each speed for a period of at least 30 seconds in order to stabilize the measurement results. The tests were carried out for various load stages of the drive system. Load differentiation was made by simulating driving in the prepared cycle for simulated different slopes of the road. The tests were carried out on the MAHA MSR500 chassis dynamometer, and the obtained results for the vehicle moving in automatic mode, where the transmission controller selected the gear ratio according to the programmed algorithm, were compared with the vehicle's fuel consumption for the vehicle gear selected by the driver in the driving cycle. The control software used to test the chassis dynamometer allows taking into account the increasing resistance of traffic along with the increase of vehicle speed, which greatly approximates the simulated conditions in the laboratory to the conditions on the road. The main purpose of this publication is to check whether using automatic transmissions or other control algorithm of these gears can achieve a reduction in fuel consumption.
This dissertation shows the analysis of the selected indicators of the work of drive system designated with the use of the Road Load Engine Simulator. Its original software enables digital and research station simulations. In a digital simulation, an internal-combustion engine is saved in a numerical form showing the speed and throttle position characteristics of temporal fuel consumption, torque, stream of emissions of harmful substances. This characteristics, in a binary form, using the "Look and Tabel" on a regular basis are loaded into the computer memory. Basing on a virtual vehicle, indicators of the drivetrain of a passenger car including Tank To Wheels chain (TTW) have been determined. Both synthetic and real driving cycles were analyzed during the study, whereas the velocity profile was reproduced using an auto driver. The simulation -results are summarized in a tabular and graphic form and expressed per kilometer of the distance covered.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę wybranych wskaźników pracy układu napędowego wyznaczonych za pomocą Stanowiskowego Symulatora Obciążenia Drogowego Silnika. Autorskie oprogramowanie symulatora umożliwia symulację stanowiskowąoraz cyfrową, w której silnik spalinowy, jest zapisany w postaci charakterystyk prędkościowych przedstawiających czasowe zużycie paliwa, moment obrotowy, strumień emisji substancji szkodliwych. Charakterystyki te, w formie binarnej, za pomocą funkcji „Look and Tabel” na bieżąco wczytywane są do pamięci komputera. W oparciu o wirtualny pojazd wyznaczane są wskaźniki pracy układu napędowego samochodu osobowego obejmujące przebiegowe zużycie paliwa, energochłonność ruchu czy sprawność całego układu napędowego obejmującego łańcuch TTW (ang. Tank to Wheels). Podczas badań analizowano syntetyczne i rzeczywiste cykle jezdne, przy czym profil prędkości był odwzorowany przy użyciu automatycznego kierowcy, dla którego wyznaczono średnią prędkość i dynamikę cyklu. Wyniki symulacji zestawiono w postaci tabelarycznej oraz graficznej i odniesiono na kilometr przejechanej drogi.
The velocity profile of a passenger car in synthetic American and European driving ycles significantly deviates from the real one, resulting from temporary movement. Velocity profile has a substantial impact on drivetrain indicators in the form of mileage fuel consumpion, emissions, drivetrain efficiency and energy consumption. A comparison of different simulated velocity profiles was conducted regarding their effect on energy consumption. The effect of drivetrain design on analyzed parameters was also determined. Simulation results also allowed to compare different drivetrain management modes correspondent with different driving styles. Obtained results were presented both in synthetic form, as well as momentary drivetrain operating conditions.
Realizowany profil prędkości ruchu samochodu osobowego w cyklach syntetycznych europejskich i amerykańskich znacząco odbiega od rzeczywistego, wynikającego z chwilowych warunków ruchu. Profil prędkości ma znaczący wpływ na wskaźniki pracy układu napędowego w postaci przebiegowego zużycia paliwa, emisji substancji szkodliwych, sprawności napędu czy energochłonności ruchu. W badaniach symulacyjnych dokonano porównania różnych profili prędkości, pod kątem ich wpływu na energochłonność ruchu. Określono również wpływ konstrukcji układu napędowego na analizowane parametry. Wyniki symulacji pozwoliły również na porównanie różnych trybów sterowania układem napędowym odpowiadającym różnym stylom jazdy. Otrzymane wyniki przedstawiono zarówno w postaci syntetycznej jak również chwilowych warunków pracy układu napędowego.
The complexity of changes and processes occurring in a combustion engine leads to a situation when literature contains numerous mathematical models describing only selected aspects of the engine operation. Due to multidimensional and nonlinear types of the engine characteristics, as well as the degree of complexity and only partial depicting of particular interrelations, their usability is limited. Tests carried out by means of a digital simulation based on an analysis of static characteristics of the engine, are one of the methods used to solve that type of problem in the early phase of a power transmission system designing. This method enables, among others, determination of fuel consumption and engine torque depending on a selected operation point. Methods based on approximation and adaptation properties of artificial neural networks are used in innovative solutions. Authors of this paper prove that it is possible to use artificial neural networks to predict the engine characteristics with the use of Matlab software.
Złożoność zmian i procesów zachodzących w silniku spalinowym prowadzi do sytuacji, w której literatura terenowa zawiera liczne modele matematyczne opisujące tylko wybrane aspekty pracy silnika. Ze względu na wielowymiarowość i nieliniowość charakterystyk silnika, a także stopień ich złożoności i jedynie częściowe obrazowanie poszczególnych zależności, użyteczność tych charakterystyk jest ograniczona. Testy przeprowadzone za pomocą cyfrowej symulacji opartej na analizie statycznej charakterystyk silnika są jedną z metod rozwiązywania tego typu problemów we wczesnej fazie projektowania układu napędowego. Metoda ta umożliwia między innymi określenie zużycia paliwa i wielkości momentu obrotowego silnika w zależności od wybranego punktu roboczego. Metody oparte na właściwościach przybliżających i adaptacyjnych sztucznych sieci neuronowych są stosowane w innowacyjnych rozwiązaniach. Autorzy niniejszej publikacji wykazują możliwość wykorzystania sztucznych sieci neuronowych do przewidywania charakterystyki silnika przy użyciu oprogramowania Matlab.
Current tendencies in electronics and informatics development going towards Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data or Data Cloud technologies create new possibilities in acquiring and utilizing data. The article presents the concept of modular monitoring of vehicles operating parameters. Presented device registers data from the OBD system and a set of independent, configurable sensor modules. Data from the OBD system is acquired via protocol. CAN Bus with a DLC connector. The signal from sensor modules is transferred via a Bluetooth wireless network. The registered data can be storage on board as CD card memory or alternatively on a typical user interface such as laptop, tablet, cell phone etc. The communication with the user interface is realised with USB. Moving vehicles modular monitoring system presented in the article can be used to attain a fuller representation of the vehicles state in relation to its environment. The base assumption of the device is maximal flexibility in term of sensors versality as well as possibilities of assembly on board. In connection with the concept, a prototype of the device was made and tested with an inertial measurement unit (IMU) module and a pressure sensor. Appliances modules are based on Cortex M4 and M0 processing units. A users interface in LabVIEW and examples of registered signals are showed at the end of the article.
This article reports the results of experimental and numerical analysis of emissions of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas to the environment from a turbocharged diesel engine of a tractor. The problem of identifying nitrogen oxides emissions from the exhaust gases was formulated and subsequently solved, based on data gained from measurements. The results of estimation of nitrogen oxides emissions were verified on the basis of research on a test object. The object of the study and a non-linear static model of nitrogen oxides emission were also described for two systems – with and without exhaust gas recirculation. The article demonstrates that the use of an adequately selected mathematical model can lead to the estimation of emissions of nitrogen oxides contained in the exhaust gas of diesel engines in an off-road vehicle. The created model can be used to control the valve of the exhaust gas of recirculation system and so reduce the emission of harmful substances to the environment. The presented research results show the comparison of estimated and measured nitrogen oxides concentration. The estimated value from the mathematical model concentration is about from 0.7 s to 1 s earlier than the value measured by the sensor, therefore the exhaust gas recirculation system could be controlled accordingly before nitrogen oxides are formed.
This article reports the results of a study into operating parameters of a system consisting of an SI engine and a powertrain in a Fiat Panda passenger car in the conditions of a variable load. The analysis was primarily concerned with the variability of fuel consumption resulting of the changing load applied to the driving wheels in the conditions of a test performed on chassis dynamometer for manual and automatic controlled transmission gear change The test bench included a dedicated driving cycle, which was developed as cycle with periodically changed constant linear speed of the car every 10 km/h. According to the vehicle set speed, the load on its wheels was determined by the basic resistance as rolling resistance, air resistance and resistance corresponding to road inclination. Each period of a drive cycle corresponding to steady state driving gave the average instantaneous values of drive system performance indicators. The waveforms of these indicators were recorded and then averaged and presented as representative points of the powertrain system that were analysed. The focus of the study involved the identification of the points characterized with the minimum specific fuel consumption and impact of type of powertrain control on emission of CO2 from passenger car SI engines.
This dissertation shows the analysis of the selected indicators of the work of a passenger vehicle drivetrain designated with the use of the Road Load Engine Simulator. In a digital simulation, an internal – combustion engine is saved in a form of numerical speed characteristics in the computers memory. Basing on a virtual vehicle, some indicators of the drivetrain of a passenger vehicle have been determined, while driving with five electronic throttle inclination regulator settups. The simulation results of e.g., throttle repeal speeds and fuel consumtion are summarized in a tabular and graphic form and some of them are expressed per 100 kilometer of the distance covered. Both synthetic and real driving cycles were analyzed during the study and their influence on the egines fuel consumption was also shortly described.
An attempt has been made to clarify the effect of wide-ranging control of the exhaust gas recirculation system on the cylinder pressure and ecological engine performance. This publication contains the results of tests performed on the CI (compression ignition) engine of the off-road vehicle mounted on the test bench. The study was based on advanced EGR control with a proportional valve and a very efficient exhaust gases cooling system. Analysis of the test results is based on the cylinder pressure and the concentration of NOx and PM components at exhaust gases. The study included the influence of the exhaust gas recirculation system control on parameters such as differential pressure, MBF, and relative NOx and PM emissions. As demonstrated by the analysis conducted, the EGR valve control method and the exhaust gas cooling intensity significantly affect the cylinder pressure and its ecological performance.
Content available CAN network in real time on board systems
The network system of data exchange between the various components is an inherent element of every car. Because of the specific and different requirements for data transfer between specific devices, currently used communication protocols have different properties of performance, security, and degree of determinism. The paper presents the increasing complexity of the data exchange system based on the example of the latest requirements for digital tachographs. The article describes also the data transmission initialization methods in the context of network data exchange organization. The hybrid use of time triggering and event triggering mechanisms has been presented in relation to the operation of the CAN network under increased real-time conditions requirements implemented as TTCAN (time triggered CAN).
The conditions of air flow in the intake determine power generated by the engine to a large extent. The biggest resistances in flow of the air sucked or pumped into the engine are generated by the throttle, which is at the same time the main component which allows for regulation of engine power. For the purpose of research conducted in this work, time density of engine work points in analyzed velocity profiles was determined with the use of Engine Road Load Simulator. Thanks to the knowledge of time velocity, it was possible to determine throttle positions at which the engine operates most frequently. With the use of image analysis methods, obtained parameters were experimentally researched, considering flow disturbances which are the effect of air flow through the throttle and uneven air distribution in the intake manifold of a four-cylinder engine.
Rozwój układów i elementów elektronicznych we współczesnych pojazdach oraz złożoność poszczególnych jego podzespołów sprawia, że naprawa współczesnych samochodów bez użycia zewnętrznego systemu diagnostycznego jest praktycznie niemożliwa. Coraz to więcej elementów konstrukcji pojazdów do tej pory czysto mechanicznych zastąpionych zostaje przez podzespoły mechatroniczne, a więc wyposażone w dodatkowe elementy i czujniki elektryczne. Rozwiązania te w znacznym stopniu przyczyniają się do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa i komfortu poruszających się po drodze [8]. Rozwój mikroelektroniki w dużym stopniu przyczynił się również do zwiększenia mocy jednostek napędowych oraz poprawy emisji substancji szkodliwych do środowiska naturalnego. Oczywiście należy tutaj wspomnieć, a nawet szczególnie zaznaczyć, że wszystkie dodatkowe systemy stosowane we współczesnych pojazdach nie potrafią oszukać praw fizyki i zapewniają poprawę wskaźników bezpieczeństwa jedynie w pewnych granicach.
This paper presents a wireless on-board diagnostics system for a vehicle that measures and records the selected parameters of the internal combustion engine and the acceleration of the body. The measurements are sent to a computer on-line, using the 868MHz frequency band. Uploaded information can be stored on disk and visualized using a special application running on a PC.
Koło ogumione samochodu w rzeczywistych warunkach eksploatacyjnych może wywoływać drgania, wynikające z niejednorodności budowy opony, bicia kół oraz ich niewyrówoważenia [3, 5, 6, 10]. Wystąpienie nierównoważenia koła, wynikające z nierównomiernego rozkładu masy powoduje podczas jazdy powstanie siły wymuszającej, którą opisuje równanie (1).
In order to verify the function forces the body vibrations induced by unbalanced mass of well-known pneumatic wheel. Acceleration measurement was conducted unsprung weight and unsprung vehicle tested using a chassis dynamometer. This allowed for testing stimulate the behavior of the vehicle in traffic conditions free from interference unevenness of the road. For the analysis of the recorded signal from the acceleration sensor used in the selected spectral methods.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów odkształcenia opon samochodowych w stanach dynamicznych. Badania przeprowadzono na hamowni podwoziowej MAHA MSR 500, z wykorzystaniem typowych opon oferowanych na rynku dla samochodów klasy kompaktowej. W trakcie pomiarów zmieniano obciążenie rolki napędowej hamowni przy zachowaniu stałej prędkości kątowej koła, dokonując pomiaru dynamicznego odkształcenia opony i przemieszczenia osi koła w trzech kierunkach. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem optycznego systemu pomiarowego PONTOS, umożliwiającego wykonanie pomiaru i analizę trajektorii wybranych punktów pomiarowych w układzie współrzędnych 3D.
In this paper research results of vehicle,s tyredeformation at transitional states was presented. Experimental test was carried out at MAHA MSR 500 test bench on typical compact class vehicle tyre. Measurment of dynamic tyre deformation and vehicle’s wheel axle displacement was carried out with change of test bench roller load with their constant rotational speed. Experiment results was achieved with optical measurement system PONTOS, which also give possibilities to saving, analysis of measurement points trajectory at 3D coordinates system.
Content available The new data exchange facilities with CAN-FD
The modern vehicles demand more and more data exchange to coordinate, control and monitor functions of on board system. The variety of networks applied in these systems is featured mainly by the bandwidth and time determinism. The development electronic information and network sciences find its reflection in the new and new automotive implementations. The last significant step towards the increase the throughout put of the on board network channels are works on CAN-FD. CAN is now the most common network present on board. It helps to manage the maintenance with the numerous subassemblies of the modern car. Next to the many features making CAN so useful and popular, there is a bandwidth limitation, which slows down further implementation of it. The new CAN-FD specification adds new properties that extend the possibilities of CAN as automotive network protocol. These are: different speed transmission in the arbitration phase and in the data phase during the message transmission as well as the extending the maximum size of data filed of the frame from 8 (CAN) to 64 (CAN-FD). In the paper there have been presented the limitations of existing CAN protocol usage, the explanation of the basics of the arbitration mechanisms and the response of the scientist and engineers to cope with it, as well as the formal result outlined in the CAN-FD specification.
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