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The article presents the results of monitoring the aftereffect of the use of excessive zonal doses of mineral fertilisers on soil contamination with heavy metals (HM). With traditional soybean cultivation technology, the level of soil contamination when applying excessive doses (N60 P180 K90) of fertilisers is quite high and indicates violations of the ecological balance of the agroecosystem. By the nature of the accumulation of heavy metals in meadow-chestnut soil, depending on the application of the studied doses (P60 K30, N30 P60 K30, N60 P180K90) of fertiliser, the content of HM (Pb, Zn, Cd) increases. The greatest contamination of the soil with Cu was revealed, the content of which increases to 3.2 mg∙kg-1 of soil, which is higher than the threshold of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) - 3.0 mg∙kg-1. According to the level of contamination of the soil with copper, it belongs to the highly dangerous classes. In a comparative assessment of the level of soil contamination with HM, optimal norms of mineral fertilisers have been established, namely, against the background of effective resource-saving technology for growing soybeans. The application of fertilisers at a dose of P60 K30 and N30 P60 K30 does not significantly affect the level of soil contamination with HM, optimises the ecological state and nutrient regime of the soil, preserves and restores soil fertility indicators, and increases soybean productivity. This resource-saving technology provides a safe environment for soybean cultivation and a significant increase of 34.5-38.6% in crop productivity (0.53-0.76 Mg∙ha-1) and yield (2.57 Mg∙ha-1).
The purpose of the study described in this paper is aimed at identifying the environmental situation of the agroecosystem and studying the impact of resource-saving technology methods for the cultivation of oilseed rapeseed, ensuring sustainability and productivity of the agroecosystem during environmental monitoring. The object of the study was spring rapeseed of the Maily variety. Experimental studies were carried out using the generally accepted classical techniques, such as experiment and observation, in the form of a multifactorial field experiment. A two-factor field experiment was laid out by the split plots method and based on the methodology for conducting field experiments with oilseeds. The results of the study were obtained using the methods of a soil-protective agriculture system based on the principles of soil protection technology. The studied minimal tillage provides a reduction in the amount of mechanical impact on the soil, restoration and preservation of soil fertility, improvement of moisture supply by leaving the plant stubble and scattering chopped straw after harvesting the previous crop, and replacing deep moldboard tillage with shallow flat-cut tillage. On the basis of the obtained study results, it was proven that the replacement of energy-intensive moldboard tillage with shallow flat-cut tillage (mini-till), ensuring the rational use of soil resources and resource-energy conservation, was feasible. The reconstructed parameters of agrophysical factors of soil fertility were determined, such as density, aggregate composition, and the structure and water resistance of soil aggregates, which ensured the sustainability of the environmental situation of the agroecosystem. It has been established that the soil protection methods of resource-saving rapeseed cultivation technology mitigate the risk and optimize the conditions for the growth and development of crops, where productivity increases to 21.3%, and also provide 29.3 thousand tenges/ha of additional income from each hectare with an increase in the profitability of rapeseed cultivation to 97% and 108% under the conditions of South-East Kazakhstan.
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