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Two Schiff base com pounds, C15H12BrClN2O3×2CH3OH (1) and C14H10BrClN2O3×CH3OH (2), have been synthesized by the condensation reactions of equimolar quantities of 3-bromo-5-chlorosalicylaldehyde with 3-methoxy benzohydrazide and 3-hydroxy - benzohydrazide, respectively, in methanol solutions. Compound (1) consists of a Schiff base molecule and two metha ol molecules of crystallization, while compound (2) con - sists of a Schiff base molecule and one methanol molecule of crystallization. Both com - pounds were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectra and single-crystal X-ray diffractions. As expected, each Schiff base molecule adopts an E-configuration about the C=N double bond. In both crystal structures, molecules are linked through intermolecular hydrogen bonds and weak Br×××O or Br×××Br interactions, forming layers. Both compounds possess potent antibacterial activities.
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