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Seasonal changes of the primary and secondary microseisms were analysed in the wavefield of the ambient noise recorded during the entire 2014 at the ‘‘13 BB star’’ array located in northern Poland, composed of thirteen, symmetrically arranged, broadband seismic stations. To that, spectral analysis, seismic interferometry, surface scalar wind speed distribution, and beamforming were used. Spectral analysis allowed to observe that a splitting of the secondary microseism peak was present in winter and autumn, and that the primary microseism peak was visible in spring, summer and autumn. Using seismic interferometry, the long-term characteristics of the noise wavefield were recognized. The seasonal variations of the secondary microseism source were described by means of the analysis of the surface scalar wind speed for each month. The splitting of the secondary peak was attributed to the interaction of a strong wind blowing from the North Sea with a weak wind blowing from the Baltic Sea. The seasonal variations of the primary microseism peak were characterized through the frequency-domain beamforming. The peak was identified during spring, summer and autumn, when the generated wavefield was coming from the Baltic Sea. The velocity of the wavefield was evaluated within the 2.0–5.0 km/s range. The described mechanism of generation of the microseisms, based on the interaction of the nearby winds, was found to be consistent with the models reported in the literature.
Seismic events in gravity measurements are considered as disturbances and are usually removed from the records. However, the physical properties of tidal gravimetric instruments allow researchers to record seismic surface waves of very long periods. In the case of a superconducting gravimeter, periods of even up to 400 s can be determined. Simultaneous seismic and gravity records at the same locations allow the study of a wider response for incoming seismic waves by using two quite different instruments. For test purposes 4 seismometer-gravimeter pairs were temporarily deployed in Poland at three locations: Borowa Gora Geodetic-Geophysical Observatory (BG), Jozefoslaw Astro-Geodetic Observatory (JO), and Lamkowko Satellite Observatory (LA). During the test period from December 2016 to May 2017 several large teleseismic events were observed with well-formed surface waves. Group velocity dispersion curves for long surface waves, as well as periods of free oscillations are presented for selected events. The correlation of a broadband seismometer signal with different types of gravimetric sensors signals gives the opportunity to analyse gravimeter noise components, in the instrumental and micro-seismic domains.
Zjawiska sejsmiczne w pomiarach grawimetrycznych są traktowane jako zakłócenia i zwykle ich efekty są usuwane z zapisów grawimetrycznych. Jednakże, grawimetry dzięki swojej konstrukcji umożliwiają rejestrację sejsmicznych fal powierzchniowych o bardzo długich okresach. W przypadku grawimetru nadprzewodnikowego, możliwe jest zaobserwowanie fal powierzchniowych, generowanych przez trzęsienia ziemi, o okresach nawet do 400 s. Przeprowadzenie równoczesnych rejestracji sejsmicznych i grawimetrycznych instrumentami zlokalizowanymi w tym samym miejscu, powinno umożliwić przeanalizowanie szerszego zakresu częstości sygnału sejsmicznego niż w przypadku użycia tylko jednego typu instrumentu. W celu sprawdzenia prawdziwości powyższego stwierdzenia, 4 pary instrumentów: sejsmometrów i grawimetrów zostały zainstalowane w Polsce w trzech lokalizacjach, w Obserwatorium Geodezyjno-Geofizycznym Borowa Góra (BG), Obserwatorium Astronomiczno-Geodezyjnym Józefosław (JO) oraz Obserwatorium Satelitarnym Lamkówko (LA). W czasie projektu pilotażowego, trwającego od grudnia 2016 do maja 2017 roku, zarejestrowano kilka dużych trzęsień ziemi z dobrze wykształconymi falami powierzchniowymi. W pracy zaprezentowano krzywe dyspersji grupowych prędkości fal powierzchniowych, jak również okresy oscylacji swobodnych dla wybranych zjawisk. Korelacja szerokopasmowego sygnału sejsmicznego z sygnałem zarejestrowanym przez różnego typu grawimetry umożliwi analizę szumu grawimetrycznego w zakresie częstości pływowych instrumentów, jak i w zakresie mikrosejsmicznym.
Sedimentary cover has significant influence on seismic wave travel times and knowing its structure is of great importance for studying deeper structures of the Earth. Seismic tomography is one of the methods that require good knowledge of seismic velocities in sediments and unfortunately by itself cannot provide detailed information about distribution of seismic velocities in sedimentary cover. This paper presents results of P-wave velocity analysis in the old Paleozoic sediments in area of Polish Lowland, Folded Area, and all sediments in complicated area of the Carpathian Mountains in Poland. Due to location on conjunction of three major tectonic units - the Precambrian East European Craton, the Paleozoic Platform of Central and Western Europe, and the Alpine orogen represented by the Carpathian Mountains the maximum depth of these sediments reaches up to 25 000 m in the Carpathian Mountains. Seismic velocities based on 492 deep boreholes with vertical seismic profiling and a total of 741 vertical seismic profiles taken from 29 seismic refraction profiles are analyzed separately for 14 geologically different units. For each unit, velocity versus depth relations are approximated by second or third order polynomials.
The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) is investigated recently very effectively, mostly using seismic methods because of their deep penetration and relatively good resolution. The nature of LAB is still debated, particularly under “cold” Precambrian shields and platforms. Passive experiment “13 BB star” is dedicated to study deep structure of the Earth’s interior in the marginal zone of the East European craton in northern Poland. The seismic network consists of 13 broadband stations on the area of ca. 120 km in diameter. The network is located in the area of well-known sedimentary cover and crustal structure. Good records obtained till now, and expected during next 1-year long recording campaign, should yield images of detailed structure of the LAB, „410”, “?520”, and „660” km discontinuities, as well as mantle-core boundary and inner core.
Przedmiotem rozważań podjętych w artykule jest analiza i ocena wybranych usług komunikacji zbiorowej na przykładzie gminy Miasta Radomia, przedstawiona na tle istotnych uwarunkowań funkcjonowania i rozwoju miejskiego transportu pasażerskiego. Pierwsza część referatu, mająca charakter rozważań teoretycznych, dotyczy uwarunkowań kształtujących popyt na przewozy zbiorowe, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem istoty i znaczenia postulatów przewozowych. W drugiej zaś, rozważania teoretyczne poparto prezentacją wyników badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych przez Pracownię Badań Rynku Transportowego z udziałem studentów Wydziału Transportu i Elektrotechniki w 2011r., w ramach projektu "Tempo 30, Tempo 70"., dotyczących oceny przez usługobiorców wybranych usług transportowych komunikacji i rozwoju komunikacji zbiorowe w Radomiu.
The subject of this paper is the analysis and evaluation of selected public transport services in the community of Radom, presented on the background of significant determinants of functioning and development of urban passenger transport. The first part of the paper’ considerations is theoretical, concerns on the conditions which shape the demand for the public transport, with particular emphasis on the nature and importance of the traffic demands. In the secend part, the theoretical considerations supported the compelling presentation of survey results conducted with students of the Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering by the Laboratory of Research of the Transport Market in 2011., within the project " the Tempo 30 and Tempo 70"., concerning on the customer rating of the selected communication transport services and development of public transport in Radom.
A knowledge of seismic wave velocities in the sedimentary cover is of great importance for interpreting reflection and refraction seismic data, deep seismic soundings and regional and global seismic tomography. This is particularly true for regions characterized by significant thicknesses and a complex sedimentary cover structure. This paper presents the results of an analysis of seismic P-wave velocities in the sedimentary cover of Poland, a complex area of juxtaposition of major tectonic units: the Precambrian East European Craton, the Palaeozoic Platform of Central and Western Europe, and the Alpine orogen represented by the Carpathian Mountains. Based on vertical seismic profiling data from 1188 boreholes, the dependence of velocity versus depth was determined for regional geological units and for successions from the Tertiary and Quaternary to the Cambrian. The data have been approximated by polynomials, and velocity-depth formulas are given down to 6000 m depth. The velocities in the sedimentary cover have been compared with those from other areas in Europe.
Content available remote Zastosowanie wielokomórkowego regulatora AC/AC do kompensacji mocy biernej
W artykule dokonano analizy możliwości wykorzystania wielokomórkowego regulatora AC/AC jako kompensatora mocy biernej. Przedstawiono aktualne zastosowanie wielokomórkowego regulatora napięcia przemiennego. Wyznaczono zależności analityczne określające wartość mocy biernej generowanej przez wielokomórkowy regulator napięcia obciążony indukcyjnością. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań symulacyjnych wielokomórkowego kompensatora mocy biernej podstawowej harmonicznej prądu sieci.
The article presents the analysis of possibility of use a multicell AC/AC voltage regulator as reactive power compensator. The current possibility of use of multicell AC/AC converter was also present as well as the dependences defining reactive power of multicell AC voltage regulator. The results of simulating of multicell reactive power compensator were presented. The proposed use of AC/AC multicell voltage regulator extend possibility of use of multicell converters.
W artykule określono ograniczenia algorytmu sterowania dotyczącego przekształtników wielokomórkowych w odniesieniu do wartości współczynnika wypełnienia sygnału sterującego impulsowaniem poszczególnych elementów półprzewodnikowych oraz w odniesieniu do liczby komórek. Dowiedziono, że nie dla wszystkich wartości liczby komórek N, balansowanie napięć na kondensatorach jest prawidłowe, przez co liczba komórek nie może być dowolna. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy, badań symulacyjnych oraz laboratoryjnych.
The multicell converters are the multilevel converters classified as a Flying Capacitor Converters. However some numbers of cells and some values of control signal  have influence on improper levels of this capacitors voltages what can damage the converter because of semiconductors overvoltage. The article shows which numbers of cells and what control signal values are forbidden. The results of computation of transient processes and laboratory measurements are given.
Artykuł prezentuje wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące jednofazowego przekształtnika impulsowego AC/DC o podwyższonym współczynniku mocy przeznaczonego do zastosowania w sprzęcie AGD oraz wybrane wyniki badań laboratoryjnych zrealizowanego praktycznie układu. Przeprowadzono analizę odkształceń napięć i prądów na wejściu i wyjściu przekształtnika pracującego autonomicznie oraz jako element wysokoobrotowego układu napędowego sprzętu AGD.
This paper presents selected issues concerning the single-phase, impulse, power factor correction AC/DC converter intended for use in household equipment, and also selected laboratory research results based on the system created specifically for that purpose. The analysis of the distortion of the input and output voltages and currents was conducted for both the stand alone AC/DC converter and with the converter as an element of the high speed drive system in household equipment.
Frequency analysis of the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 2004, one of the most significant and best-recorded earthquakes, is based on spectral seismograms obtained from their broadband seismograms. The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake is found to have a wide-range frequency content of P-wave radiation during the rupturing process. On the basis of stacking spectral seismograms we distinguished four time events of the rupturing process of a total length of about 540 s. The frequency, fmax, is the highest for the first event (0.163 Hz in time interval 0-88 s), lowest for the second - which is the strongest (0.075 Hz in time interval 88-204 s). For third and fourth events frequencies are similar (0.089 and 0.082 Hz in time intervals 204-452 and 452-537 s, respectively). The frequency also shows an azimuthal dependence (±0.02 Hz). Azimuths for which the frequency, fmax, has maximum and minimum values are 203-222° and 23-42°, respectively. These observations are discussed in relation to previously published papers on this topic.
W roku 1910 chorwacki sejsmolog Andrija Mohorovičić (1857-1936) opublikował ważną pracę Potres od 8.X.1909 (Trzęsienie ziemi 8 października 1909). W pracy tej studiował sejsmogramy trzęsienia ziemi w dolinie rzeki Kupy (Chorwacja) wraz z innymi wstrząsami z tego rejonu. Andrija Mohorovičić wydzielił dwie wyraźne pary fal podłużnych (P) i poprzecznych (S), których interpretacja doprowadziła go do wykrycia nieciągłości prędkości fal w Ziemi. Jej głębokość oszacował na 50 km, z prędkościami fal P 5,60 km/s powyżej i 7,747 km/s poniżej nieciągłości. Badania w następnych latach pokazały, że ostra nieciągłość sejsmiczna odkryta przez Mohorovičića występuje na całej Ziemi i oddziela skorupę od niżej leżącego płaszcza. Została ona nazwana nieciągłością Mohorovičića, lub w skróconej formie – Moho. Nowa cyfrowa mapa głębokości Moho została skompilowana dla całej płyty europejskiej, rozciągającej się od grzbietu śródatlantyckiego na zachodzie po Ural na wschodzie oraz od Morza Śródziemnego na południu do Morza Barentsa i Spitsbergenu w Arktyce na północy. Płyta europejska ma liczącą 4,5 miliarda lat złożoną historię tektoniczną. Znajduje to odzwierciedlenie w dzisiejszej wielkoskalowej strukturze skorupy ziemskiej. W ogólności możemy wyróżnić w płycie europejskiej trzy ogromne domeny. Najstarsza, archaiczna i proterozoiczna charakteryzuje się skorupą o grubości 40-60 km, kontynentalna skorupa waryscyjska i alpejska ma grubość 20-40 km, a najmłodsza oceaniczna skorupa Atlantyku ma grubość 10-20 km.
In 1910 the Croatian seismologist Andrija Mohorovičić (1857-1936) published his important paper "Potres od 8.X.1909" (Earthquake of 8 October 1909). In this paper he studied seismograms of an earthquake in the Kupa Valley (Croatia) together with other events from this region. Andrija Mohorovičić discriminated two distinct pairs of compressional (P) and shear (S) waves and their interpretation led him to discover the existence of the velocity discontinuity in the uppermost Earth. He evaluated the depth to be at 50 km, with P-wave velocities 5.60 km/s above and 7.747 km/s below. Studies during the next years showed that the sharp seismic discontinuity discovered by Mohorovičić was found worldwide, and that it separates crust from underlying upper mantle. It was named the Mohorovičić discontinuity, or Moho in abbreviated form. The new digital Moho depth map is compiled for the whole European plate extending from the mid-Atlantic ridge in the west to the Ural Mountains in the east, and from the Mediterranean Sea in the south to the Barents Sea and Spitsbergen in the Arctic in the north. The European plate has a 4.5 Gy long and complex tectonic history. This is reflected in the present day large scale crustal structures. In general three large domains within the European plate crust are visible. The oldest Archean and Proterozoic crust has a thickness of 40-60 km, the continental Variscan and Alpine crust has a thickness of 20-40 km, and the youngest oceanic Atlantic crust has a thickness of 10-20 km.
During the CELEBRATION 2000 experiment, the area of SE Poland was investigated by relatively dense system of deep seismic sounding profiles. Apart from five main profiles CEL01–CEL05, eight additional profiles were executed between the edge of the East European Craton and the Carphatians: CEL06, CEL11, CEL12, CEL13, CEL14, CEL21, CEL22 and CEL23. In this paper, we present results of modelling of refracted and reflected waves with use of a 2D ray tracing technique. All 13 profiles were jointly inter reted with verification of models at crossing points, and a quasi 3D model of the crust and upper mantle was developed. The obtained P-wave velocity models of the crust and uppermost mantle are very complex and show a differentiation of the seismic structure for tectonic units in SE Poland. The depth of the Moho discontinuity in the investigated area changes from about 30 to about 52 km. As a summary of all seismic models, the Moho depth map for SE Poland is presented, as well as a map of the extent of the most characteristic crustal elements in the area: a high velocity body in the upper crust, division into two- and three-layer consolidated crust, ranges of very deep layers with low velocities in the upper and middle crust, aproximate ranges of detected velocity anisotropy in the upper/middle crust, ranges of the high-velocity lower crust and high-velocity uppermost mantle. Both maps are com pared with the main struc tural el e ments from tec tonic map. This could form the base for a new geotectonic in ter pre ta tion of this com plex area.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości, jakie stwarza wykorzystanie środowiska LabVIEW w dziedzinie energoelektroniki. W tej szybko rozwijającej się dziedzinie techniki oprogramowanie to umożliwia wprowadzenie nowoczesnych metod badawczych, takich jak symulacja, analiza, archiwizacja, a także, bardzo dziś pożądanych, metod wizualizacji zjawisk zachodzących w układach symulowanych i fizycznych.
The paper presents capabilities offering by LabVIEW environment in power electronic. In this fast developing domain of technology, LabVIEW software make possible to implement up-to-date research methods, such as: simulation, analysis, archiving and visualization methods of physical phenomena in simulation and laboratory systems.
W artykule przedstawiono realizację praktyczną oraz wybrane wyniki pomiarów uzyskane w układzie laboratoryjnym trójkomórkowego regulatora napięcia przemiennego dla różnych parametrów elementów obwodu balansującego.
The paper presents a laboratory model of three-cell AC/AC converter, multilevel PWM and chosen measurement results of the three-cell AC voltage regulator for various self-balancing circuit parameters. Presented results show dependence between characteristic impedance of LbCb circuit and keeping voltage on regulator's capacitors on proper values.
Content available remote Wielokomórkowy impulsowy regulator napięcia przemiennego
W artykule przedstawiono topologię oraz algorytm sterowania wielokomórkowego regulatora napięcia przemiennego. Omówiono w nim mechanizm samoczynnego utrzymywania napięć na kondensatorach w poszczególnych komórkach oraz przedstawiono kryteria doboru parametrów elementów układu.
The paper presents topology and control algorithm of multicell AC voltage regulator. There is also presented self-balancing mechanism, which keeps voltage on regulator's capacitors on proper values. The paper deals with elements choice criteria of multicell AC voltage regulator.
The question of the eastern extent of the Variscan externides in the Polish Lowlands is a subject of ongoing scientific debate. The key to resolve this problem is to provide a good seismic image of the pre-Permian strata. Unfortunately, the industrial seismic profiling brings sparse information from below the Zechstein, thus in 2003, a special seismic experiment called GRUNDY 2003 has been organised. The acquisition system was based on the deep seismic sounding equipment and was targeted at the recognition of Palaeozoic strata. The results in form of the 3D tomographic velocity field and the migrated depth section form the basis for the geological interpretation. Deduced geological model suggests the existence of two different geological media below the Permian strata. The likely interpretation is that it is the contact zone of the Variscan externides with their foreland. Obtained results are of a great importance for the hydrocarbons exploration perspectives.
Głębokie sondowania sejsmiczne (GSS) refrakcyjne i szerokokątowe refleksyjne wykonane w północno-zachodniej Polsce wskazują na ogromne różnice w budowie skorupy ziemskiej i dolnej litosfery strefy przejścia między kratonem wschodnioeuropejskim i platformą paleozoiczną. Gęsta sieć nowoczesnych profili sejsmicznych: LT-7 i TTZ, pięciu profili P1–P5 z eksperymentu POLONAISE’97 oraz zreinterpretowanych „starych” profili LT-2, LT-4 i LT-5 pozwala określić podstawowe elementy struktury strefy szwu transeuropejskiego (TESZ). Gruba (42–45 km) skorupa kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego o wyraźnej trójwarstwowej skorupie krystalicznej przechodzi w cienką (30–35 km), dwuwarstwową skorupę waryscyjską, charakteryzującą się brakiem najniższej warstwy o dużych prędkościach fal P (Vp ~7,1 km/s). W strefie TESZ obserwuje się wyraźne wycienienie skorupy skonsolidowanej, a skały o stosunkowo małych prędkościach fal P (Vp 8,3 km/s), podczas gdy prędkość fal P pod granicą Moho kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego osiąga „normalne“ wartości (Vp ~8,1 km/s). Trudno jednoznacznie określić położenie brzegu kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego w północno-zachodniej Polsce, a szerokość strefy przejściowej między platformami wynosi ok. 200 km.
The Palaeoproterozoic collision of Archaean Fennoscandia, Volgo-Uralia and Sarmatia, viewed as a large composite of terranes, each with an independent history during Archaean and Early Proterozoic time, formed the East European Craton. This paper summarizes the results of deep seismic sounding investigations of the lithospheric structure of the southwestern part of the East European Craton. On the basis of the modern EUROBRIDGE’94–97, POLONAISE’97 and CELEBRATION 2000 projects, as well as of data from the Coast Profile and from reinterpreted profiles VIII and XXIV, the main tectonic units of Fennoscandia and Sarmatia are characterized. The crustal thickness in the whole area investigated is relatively uniform, being between 40 and 50 km (maximum about 55 km). For Fennoscandia, the crystalline crust of the craton can be generally divided into three parts, while in Sarmatia the transition between the middle and lower crust is smooth. For both areas, relatively high P-wave velocities ( 7.0 km/s) were observed in the lower crust. Relatively high seismic velocities of the sub-Moho mantle (~8.2–8.3 km/s) were observed along most of the profiles. The uppermost mantle reflectors often occur ca. 10 to 15 km below the Moho. Finally, we show the variability in physical properties for the major geological domains of Fennoscandia and Sarmatia, which were crossed by the network of our profiles.
This paper presents the results of seismic investigations on the structure of the lithosphere in the area of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) in Poland that is located between the southwestern margin of the East European Craton (EEC) to the north-east, the West and Central European Palaeozoic Platform (PP) to the south-west and the Carpathians to the south. Based on results of the modern POLONAISE’97 and CELEBRATION 2000 projects, as well as older profiles, models are presented for the configuration and extent of different crustal types. In the investigated area, the EEC has a relatively uniform crustal thickness of 40 to 50 km with its three-layered crystalline crust displaying P-wave velocities of 6.1–6.4, 6.5–6.8 and 6.9–7.2 km/s in the upper, middle and lower parts, respectively. The Variscan consolidated crust is covered by 1–2 km thick sediments and consists of two layers with velocities of 5.6–6.3 and 6.5–6.65 km/s. In the Carpathians, sediments reaching to depths of some 20 km and are characterized by velocities of <5.6–5.8 km/s, whilst the underlying two-layered crystalline crust displays velocities of 6.0–6.2 and 6.5–6.9 km/s. The crust of the TESZ can be divided into the Małopolska, Kuiavia and Pomerania blocks that are overlain by up to 9–12 km thick sediments having velocities <5.4 km/s. In the area of the TESZ, the upper part of the consolidated crust has to depths of 15–20 kmrelatively low velocities of <6.0 km/s and is commonly regarded as consisting of deformed and slightlymetamorphosed Early Palaeozoic sedimentary and volcanic series. In this area the middle and lower crust are characterized by velocities in the range of 6.3–6.6 km/s and 6.8–7.2 km/s, respectively, that are comparable to the EEC. Based on the dense network of seismic profiles the map of the depth toMoho is given for the area of Poland. Uppermost mantle reflectors occur about 10 to 15 km below the Moho whereas the deepest reflectors are recorded at depths of 90 km. Future investigations ought to aim at an integrated geological-geophysical program, including deep near-verical reflection-seismic profiling and ultimately the drilling of deep calibration boreholes.
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