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Zaprezentowano ocenę dokładności geometrycznej wydruków 3D w technologii PolyJet. Pomiary modeli wykonano za pomocą skanera laserowego oraz maszyny współrzędnościowej.
The paper presents assessment of geometrical accuracy in 3D printing in PolyJet technology. The measurements were made on a laser scanner and coordinate measurement machine.
In this paper we present MESA: a platform for design and evaluation of medical image segmentation methods. The platform offers a complete approach for the method creation and validation using simulated and real tomographic images. The system consists of several modules that provide a comprehensive workflow for generation of test data, segmentation method development as well as experiment planning and execution. The test data can be created as a virtual scene that provides an ideal reference segmentation and is also used to simulate the input images by a virtual magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. Both ideal reference segmentation and simulated images could be utilized during the evaluation of the segmentation methods. The platform offers various experimental capabilities to measure and compare the performance of the methods on various data sets, parameters and initializations. The segmentation framework, currently based on deformable models, uses a template solution for dynamical composition and creation of two- and three-dimensional methods. The platform is based on a client–server architecture, with computational and data storage modules deployed on the server and with browser-based client applications. We demonstrate the platform capabilities during the design of segmentation methods with the use of simulated and actual tomographic images.
In this paper, load balancing mechanisms in a parallel algorithm of vascular network development are investigated. The main attention is focused on the perfusion process (connection of new cells to vascular trees) as it is the most time demanding part of the vascular algorithm. We propose several techniques that aim at balancing load among processors, decreasing their idle time and reducing the communication overhead. The core solution is based on the centralized dynamic load balancing approach. The model behaviors are analyzed and a tradeoff between the different mechanisms is found. The proposed mechanisms are implemented on a computing cluster with the use of the message passing interface (MPI) standard. The experimental results show that the introduced improvements provide a more efficient solution and consequently further accelerate the simulation process.
W artykule rozważane są mechanizmy zrównoważające obciążenie w równoległym algorytmie rozwoju sieci naczyń krwionośnych. Główną uwagę zwrócono na proces perfuzji (podłączanie nowych komórek do drzew krwionośnych) jako, że proces ten jest najbardziej czasochłonnym fragmentem rozpatrywanego algorytmu. Zaproponowane przez autorów rozwiązania mają na celu zrównoważenie obciążenia pomiędzy procesorami, skrócenie ich czasu bezczynności oraz zredukowanie narzutu komunikacyjnego. Jądro rozwiązania jest oparte na scentralizowanym dynamicznym podejściu równoważenia obciążenia. Zachowania modelu zostały przeanalizowane i kompromis pomiędzy różnymi technikami został zaproponowany. Przedstawione mechanizmy zostały zaimplementowane na klastrze obliczeniowym przy wykorzystaniu standardu MPI. Otrzymane rezultaty jednoznacznie pokazuja˛ iż wprowadzone usprawnienia zapewniają bardziej efektywne rozwiązanie co w konsekwencji pozwala na jeszcze większe przyśpieszenie procesu symulacji.
In this paper, we present a virtual scanner of magnetic resonance imaging that aims at simplifying and accelerating methods of generating images. After an introduction to the subject of nuclear magnetic resonance and various approaches to the simulation of magnetic resonance imaging, details of the simulator are described. The proposed simulator consists of magnetization kernel (based on a solution of the Bloch equation), graphical user interface and module that performs calculation in a parallel environment. The package which parallelizes the magnetic resonance simulation is implemented on a computing cluster with the use of the Message Passing Interface standard. The parallel module can divide calculations related to different slices or different phase encoding steps between processors. The experimental results in the parallel environment show that it is possible to gain a significant speedup thus making it possible to acquire more exact images in a reasonable period of time.
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