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The paper demonstrates the challenges in accurately measured heat transport through multilayer walls, emphasizing the need for careful sensor placement and analysis to address potential anomalies and ensure reliable data. The study was conducted on a building constructed in 2010 for agricultural purposes in rural region. The structure, with dimensions of 6×16.8 meters and a single-pitched roof, has partial basement and lacks insulation. The external wall, facing northeast, has internal dimensions of 5.5×3.0 meters and a peak height of 7.5 meters, and is made of 0.24 m thick aerated concrete blocks. The experiment involved placing thermocouples in the walls before installing thermal insulation, with one model coated with a reflective smoothing layer. In the first case, inside the building, the issue was identified as a failure to record data from one channel due to sensor damage, which was detected after the research was completed. In the second case, an error recorded outside was caused by the placement of a temperature sensor in close proximity to a thermal bridge, which distorted the readings. The diagnosis was made possible after processing the results. A large dataset, consisting of nearly 5E6 readings, was collected, which detailed analysis of the graphical and time-consuming interpretation of the results enabled proper interpretation and conclusions. Algorithms based on artificial intelligence could be successfully used to conduct such analyses and detect errors at an early stage of research. These algorithms can perform multicriteria analysis of recorded data in real-time which is of fundamental importance when carrying out research that is not dynamic and requires a long observation time, i.e. during changes in the external temperature.
The article presents the application of the time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique for measuring the moisture of porous building materials used in construction. The work is focused on using the potential of artificial intelligence to improve the quality of TDR measurements through a new approach to the interpretation of data obtained from the TDR readings. Machine learning is a data analysis technique, used nowadays in many scientific disciplines. The authors performed a measurement data analysis using the artificial intelligence algorithms to assess moisture of aerated concrete samples tested with a TDR multimeter using two non-invasive sensors which differ in thickness. Data analysis was carried out using supervised machine learning to analyse a series of reflectograms obtained during the measurement. For the data achieved by the classical and machine learning method interpretation, correlation analysis was conducted to confirm the potential of artificial intelligence to improve the quality of TDR measurement. The summary of the work discusses the obtained analytical results and highlights the effectiveness of moisture assessment using the Gaussian Process Regression method, which allowed achieving a level of 0.2 - 0.3% of the RMSE errors value, which is about 10 times lower than the traditional approach.
3D printing is a modern technology that enables the creation of three-dimensional objects from various thermoplastic copolymers. One of the challenges of 3D printing is providing adequate support for complex shapes that may fall apart or deform during the printing process. Traditionally, support materials are used for this purpose, which are difficult to remove after printing and difficult to dispose of. This work focuses on the analysis of the solubility of the BVOH support filament in solutions with different pH values. In particular, the influence of pH on the dissolution time of the BVOH (Butenediol Vinyl Alcohol Co-polymer) copolymer in aqueous solutions and its influence on changes in the PETG base material from which the samples were printed were examined. It was found that the BVOH material combined with PETG is easily soluble in an alkaline environment.
W artykule przedstawiono dwie techniki wykrywania wilgoci w porowatych materiałach budowlanych. Treść artykułu obejmuje opis metod detekcji oraz porównanie przykładowych odczytów uzyskanych przy użyciu dwóch rodzajów czujników. Odczyty przedstawiają zależności pomiędzy wilgotnością wyznaczaną grawimetrycznie a wartościami przenikalności elektrycznej wyznaczonymi obiema technikami pomiarowymi. Na podstawie uzyskanych danych ustalono odpowiednie modele kalibracyjne i określono ich jakość. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie potencjału pomiarowego obu technik pomiarowych oraz podkreślenie ich zalet i wad.
This article presents two techniques for detecting moisture in porous building materials. The content of the article includes a description of the detection methods and a comparison of sample readings obtained using two types of sensors. The readings show the relationship between moisture determined using a gravimetric method and the values of permittivity determined by both measurement techniques. Based on the obtained data, appropriate calibration models were established and their quality was determined. The aim of the article is to show the measurement potential of both measurement techniques and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.
The article presents the impact of individual settings of both 3D printers and software dedicated to the preparation of printouts. 3D printing methods are discussed. The individual methods and tools necessary for the implementation of 3D prints are described. Materials that are used in 3D printing technology are also discussed. In addition, the construction of printers on which the samples for the tests described in this work were prepared was discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of using individual slicers for 3D printing are presented. The obtained measurement results of samples made of polylactide (PLA) are presented. The work was summarized with final conclusions.
W artykule przedstawiono wpływ poszczególnych ustawień zarówno drukarek 3D oraz oprogramowania dedykowanego do przygotowania wydruków. Omówiono metody druku 3D. Opisano poszczególne metody i narzędzia niezbędne do realizacji wydruków 3D. Omówiono także materiały, które są wykorzystywane w technologii druku 3D. Ponadto omówiono budowę drukarek, na których zostały przygotowane próbki do badań opisanych w tejże pracy. Przedstawiono wady i zalety korzystania z poszczególnych slicerów do druku 3D. Zaprezentowano otrzymane wyniki pomiarowe próbek wykonanych z polilaktydu (PLA). Pracę podsumowano wnioskami końcowymi.
The paper presents the models for moisture evaluation using a set of the reflectometric sensors in some types of building materials. The readouts reveal the relationship between the building material moisture, being assessed gravimetrically and the apparent permittivity values obtained by the TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) method and surface sensors. Based on the readouts, equations describing this relationship were derived. These types of equations function as calibration equations and are used to calibrate the sensors. Most of the equations used to describe the examined relationships are linear regression. These equations very often refer to specific materials and cannot be applied to others that differ in density or chemical composition, which is the cause of many incorrect measurements. In this article, we propose the use of the analysis of covariance method (ANCOVA) for the analysis of reflectometric data. Using this method, it will be possible to determine the moisture content of materials, regardless of their type and construction of the sensor, which can significantly improve moisture measurements using the reflectometric method. For comparative aims data achieved in conducted research were analyzed using both traditional linear regression models and using the analysis of covariance method (ANCOVA). Both types of fitting models are discussed and their quality was compared in terms of accuracy expressed by the Residual Standard Error (RSE), the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the determination coefficient (R2) values. The paper showed that the use of the ANCOVA method allows for improvement the fit of the model in terms of the determination coefficient by 0.0174. Moreover, the average RSE and RMSE value in the ANCOVA models are smaller about 1.24 vol.% and 1.25 vol.% than the ones in the regression model, respectively, which means that the models obtained using ANCOVA more accurately describe the examined relationship.
The article focuses on the subject of 3D printing. 3D printing technology and currently used solutions are described. The materials used in printing with the use of a filament printer and a resin printer are discussed. The fused deposiotion modeling technique and the LCD-based stereolithography. Printing technology were presented. Samples were prepared using 3D modeling software. The software used to make the models is discussed. The designed models were printed on two types of printers, using different model orientations. Printouts were measured several times. The obtained data was analyzed and the conclusions, proposed solutions and possible improvements to 3D printing were presented at the end. The article deals with the subject of the possibility of accelerating 3D prints due to their location, but also the influence of warming up the printer during subsequent prints was checked.
The paper discusses the use of fossil fuels and the process of their extraction in Poland. Hard coal used on a daily basis in one of the Polish combined heat and power plants was described, followed by monthly measurements of coal parameters. Daily and total analyzes of the obtained measurement results of hard coal were carried out in accordance with the applicable standards. The differences in the values of coal from the same source but imported at different time intervals are shown, which result from the weather conditions and the method of hard coal storage. Negative correlations occurred between ash content and calorific value, heat of combustion and volatile matter, as detailed in the work conclusions.
Modern technologies allow for quick processing of digital images. In the era of the Internet, there are many mobile applications supportingthe digital processing of photos used on social media. The algorithmsof many popular socialnetworks focus on many factors, however, the photography that is placed on a given portal is of great importance. Social media allows you to reach many sources and people. With the help of a good photo, we can get high post reach that contain additional information. The use of mobile applications helps to achieve very good results. This paper presents the results obtained in the process of comparing posts using digital photo processing withthose in which the photos were used without processing in a graphics program.
Nowoczesne technologie pozwalają na szybkie przetwarzanie obrazów cyfrowych. W dobie rozwoju Internetu pojawia się wiele aplikacji mobilnych wspomagających proces obróbki cyfrowej zdjęć używanych w mediach społecznościowych. Algorytm wielu popularnych portali społecznościowych skupia się na wielu czynnikach, jednakże duże znaczenie ma fotografia, która zostaje umieszczona na danym portalu. Media społecznościowe pozwalają dotrzeć do wielu źródeł iosób. Za pomocą dobrego zdjęcia można uzyskać wysokie zasięgi postów, w których zawartesą dodatkowe informacje. Wykorzystanie aplikacji mobilnych pomaga uzyskać bardzo dobre efekty. Wniniejszej pracy zostaną przedstawione wyniki uzyskane w procesie porównywania postów wykorzystujących obróbkę cyfrową zdjęć oraz tych, w których fotografie były użyte bezprzetworzeniaw programie graficznym.
The article presents the mechanisms of heat exchange in building partitions along with a description of the phenomena occurring there.The methods of heat transport on selected examples of the construction of sandwich building walls were presented and discussed. A review of the methods allowing to determine the heat fluxvalue by means of analytical methods and simulations based on numerical analyzes was carried out. The methodology of solving thermal problems has been presented, indicating the complexity of the phenomena occurring at the contact points of surfaces, for which the correct characteristics should be selected in more than one selected form of determining temperature distributions.Heat transport simulation was performed in ANSYS Fluent 2020 R2 software. The value of the heat flux density flowing through the outer wall of a single-family house located in Lublin, Poland was analytically determined. Three different structural wall solutions were adopted: one, two and three-layer. The obtained results were presented in a tabular manner, allowing for a clear verification of the correctness of the calculations performed with both selected methods.
W artykule przedstawiono mechanizmy wymiany ciepła w przegrodach budowlanych wraz z opisem zjawisk tam zachodzących. Przybliżonoi omówiono sposoby transportu ciepła na wybranych przykładach konstrukcji warstwowych ścian budowlanych. Przeprowadzono przegląd metod pozwalających na wyznaczenie wartości gęstości strumienia ciepłana drodze metod analitycznych oraz symulacji opartych na analizach numerycznych. Przedstawiono metodologięrozwiązywania zagadnień cieplnych wskazując na złożoność zjawisk zachodzących w miejscach kontaktu powierzchnidla których poprawnej charakterystyki należy przyjąć więcej niż jedną wybraną formę wyznaczenia rozkładów temperatury. Wykonano symulację transportu ciepła w oprogramowania ANSYS Fluent 2020 R2 oraz wyznaczono analitycznie wartość gęstości strumienia ciepła przepływającego przez ścianę zewnętrzną domu jednorodzinnego posadowionego w Lublinie w Polsce. Przyjęto trzy różne pod względem konstrukcyjnym rozwiązania ścian: jedno, dwu i trój warstwowe. Otrzymane wyniki przedstawione zostały w sposób tabelaryczny umożliwiając przejrzystą weryfikację poprawności wykonanych obliczeń obydwoma wybranymi metodami.
The paper describes a system of steam boilers with the main attention drawn to the selected aspects of their operations in municipal district heating. The presented fuel characteristics show the characteristic factors in the described processes. The analysis reflects the simulations of fuel mixtures and their results in relation to the energy conversion processes in environmental aspects. Some considerations underline the results that have influence on the decisions pertaining to mixture composition. The paper presents comparative graphs and results in absolute terms. The conclusions are formulated taking into account the environmental effects, in particular localization of system elements and addresses the possible solution options to improve fuel mixtures and develop system efficiency.
This paper presents the use of 3D printing and discusses two types of materials used in 3D printing, i.e. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) and PLA (Polylactide). Next, it presents the thermovisual measurementscarried out on 3D printed samples (FDM method - fused deposition modelling) of these materials. The temperature zones that occurred during printing were determined. The geometrical dimensions of samples from the same material that were printed under different conditions were compared. The height of the printed object has a large influence on temperature distribution on its surface and the printing time does not differ significantly when printing with PLA or ABS.
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