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This study examined effect of inclusion of expanded graphite (Exp-G) on morphology, thermal, mechanical and flame retardant properties of PS, nitro-substituted polystyrene (N-PS) and amino-functional polystyrene (A-PS). FESEM showed exfoliated sheet morphology due to intercalation of N-PS and A-PS in expanded galleries. Tensile strength of A-PS materials (31.5-56.9 MPa) was higher than PS and N-PS. 10 % weight loss of A-PS nanocomposites (482-518 °C) was higher relative to pristine polymer and other nanocomposites. Cone calorimetry results revealed that there was lowering in PHHR of A-PS nanocomposites with 0.5 wt.% filler (428 kW/m2), while PS nanocomposites showed PHHR of 443 kW/m2.
The synthesis and characterization of new coordination compounds of some organotin(IV) chlo rides with fexofenadine are reported; the ligand molecules appear to be bound to the tin atom through carbonyl oxygen atom. The structure of the synthesized compounds has been characterized by elemental analyses, and bonding in these complexes is discussed in terms of their IR, 1H NMR and through Mössbauer studies. The spectroscopic results obtained are in full agreement with the proposed 1:1 stoichiometry. The synthesized complexes have been screened for anti-inflammatory effect. The results obtained showed that triphenyltin(IV) derivatives of fexofenadine exhibited promising anti-inflammatory effect as compared to the other tin(IV) derivatives of the same ligand.
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