The main purpose of the research was the historical study of utility gardens, which are separate functional and spatial sections of the palace and park complex in Klemensów. These include a walled-off garden constituting a unique man-made landscape acting as a fruit and vegetable garden, as well as a tree nursery. The utility gardens in Klemensów were a place of acclimation and reproduction of seeds and saplings imported to Poland. Thanks to the expanding possibilities of obtaining and exchanging them from foreign and domestic garden nurseries, over time, the garden in Klemensów became a unique collector’s garden. The research introduces rarely discussed problems in the field of conservation, including the adaptation of historic utility gardens. The results include the analyses of archival materials which have not been previously developed.
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Historycznie Puszczą Osiecką nazywane były rozległe kompleksy leśne rozciągające się na prawym brzegu Wisły na południe od Warszawy. Za czasów I Rzeczpospolitej obszar ten był intensywnie eksploatowany. Jednocześnie jako Lasy Królewskie podlegał ochronie. Mapy z początku XIX w. potwierdzają istnienie tych dużych kompleksów leśnych. Dopiero w XIX w. lasy znacząco się zmniejszyły głównie za sprawą prowadzonej gospodarki, rozbudowy osadnictwa i rozwoju infrastruktury drogowej. Zmiany te ukształtowały współczesny krajobraz okolic Osiecka.
Historically, what used to be called the Ociecka Forest, were vast forest complexes that stretched along the right bank of the Vistula river, south form Warsaw. During the times of the First Republic of Poland, this area has been intensively exploited. Yet at the same time it was protected as part of the Royal Forests. Maps from the early 19’th century confirm the existence of those wide-spread forest complexes, south from Osieck. It wasn’t until later that same century that the forests diminished, mostly due to economy, settlement expansion and the growth of the road infrastructure. These changes shaped the contemporary landscape of the Osieck area.
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