A selected case of a frontal, eccentric and oblique road vehicle-to-truck collision has been analyzed here as an example of the potential resultant motion by the motor vehicle with the truck performing a planar motion. This case is a pure problem of collision mechanics, so the main aim of the case presented here was to identify the selected parameters of such a collision with the three components of the collision impulse of only one vehicle taking part in it. The problem was analyzed with the use of a computer simulation performed in a software called V-SIM which is quite popular as a tool for accident reconstruction by e.g., forensic experts and others associated with road safety, especially in Poland. The results of all simulations were important in providing the basics of mathematical modeling regarding collision mechanics. The obtained observations may further be used for a dedicated software, should such be created. Not only a normal and a tangential but also a bi-normal direction versus the adopted plane of collision was considered.
This article investigates the impact of a passenger car on a tree, which resulted in the car body breaking apart. A side impact of the car on a tree at high driving speeds is not a standard test in the provisions of the applicable Directives of the European Economic Community, even though the impact poses a serious threat to the driver and the passengers. The threat comes from a deep impaction of the barrier into the body which damages the safety cage. For such impacts, it is very difficult for the vehicle speed to be reconstructed. In practice, expert witnesses and appraisers usually disregard the bodybreaking-apart-related energy due to a difficulty in establishing the data for such calculations, which leads to simplifications and speed underestimates. Performing the right simulation of such impacts with accident reconstruction programs without determining the adequate input data for calculations is also impossible to calculate. This paper presents a range of studies and calculations for such incidents and for identifying the input parameters for collision simulations. The approach presented in this article should be used by expert witnesses and researchers. Therefore, this paper provides insights into theory and practice.
Celem badań zaprezentowanych w artykule jest weryfikacja możli-wości wykorzystania parametrów aktywacyjnych poduszek gazowych systemu SRS-AIRBAG do ustalenia prędkości zderzenia pojazdu. Artykuł dotyczy analizy seryjnego zderzenia samochodów. W rezultacie wykazano praktyczne zastoso-wanie proponowanej procedury do weryfikacji prędkości zderzenia samocho-dów. W badaniach symulacyjnych do obliczeń numerycznych wykorzystano pro-gram V-SIM4 stosowany w rekonstrukcji wypadków drogowych. Osiągnięte rezultaty mają wartość praktyczną i poznawczą, a uzyskane wyniki mogą być wykorzystane przez badaczy zajmujących się zderzeniami pojazdów, ekspertów i studentów zainteresowanych tą problematyką.
The article deals with the problem of verifying the serial collision of vehicles moving in a column. The article explores the possibilities of using the activation parameters of the gas cushions of the SRS-AIRBAG system for colli-sion speed verification. As a result, the practical application of the test procedure to verify the collision speed of cars has been demonstrated. The research used the V-SIM4 program used in the reconstruction of road accidents.
Eksploatacja pojazdu związana jest z możliwością wystąpienia uszkodzeń w wyniku zdarzenia drogowego. Precyzyjne wyznaczenie kosztów po-wypadkowych w pojeździe jest jednym z istotnych elementów przywrócenia pojazdu do ponownego użytkowania i wymaga kompleksowego podejścia z wykorzystaniem programów komputerowych stosowanych w rzeczoznawstwie samochodowym. Mimo rozwoju technologii nie bez znaczenia pozostaje jednak rola eksperta definiującego zakres uszkodzeń badanego obiektu oraz dokonany przez niego dobór właściwych narzędzi informatycznych do obliczeń kalkulacyjnych i wyceny wartości pojazdu uszkodzonego i nieuszkodzonego.
The operation of the vehicle is associated with the possibility of damage as a result of a traffic incident. Precise determination of accident costs in a vehicle is one of the important elements of restoring the vehicle to reuse and requires a comprehensive approach using computer programs used in automotive exper-tise. Despite the development of technology, the role of the expert defining the extent of damage to the examined object and the selection of the right IT tools for calculations and valuation of the damaged and undamaged vehicle is not without significance.
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