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The article provides an analysis of the global trends in the field of city transport systems’ safety. Currently, the efforts to increase the proportion of trips made by foot or by non-motorized transport are being made. That is why the problem of ensuring safety of the most vulnerable road users is relevant. The statistics of traffic accidents with victims, as well as the factors that cause such accidents, is analysed. Simulation has shown that rational management can reduce the likelihood of road traffic accidents.
The twentieth century, which became a period of unprecedented growth of cities and urbanization, revealed the need of mankind to develop and implement the principles of sustainable development. Possible ways to shift to sustainable transport system (such as the use of alternative fuel and transition to public and non-motorized modes of transport) are discussed in this article. The objective of this publication is to assess efficiency of such methods’ implementation on the example of the concrete city. Authors have suggested to change the bus route network, the structure of the bus fleet on the routes and to replace public transport buses by the new ones run on methane. To check these suggestions, authors have built the new one transport model and have simulated three cases: the existing route network and bus fleet’s structure, the proposed new one route network with buses run on diesel fuel and the proposed new one route network with buses run on methane. To evaluate efficiency, authors have assessed economic efficiency, positive social effect, environmental friendliness and sustainability of the urban transport system. Economic efficiency is achieved by reducing overruns and fuel costs thanks to the use of buses run on methane. The social effect is in the reduction of: 1) the delivery time by the route network optimization, 2) the likelihood of traffic jams, and 3) the downtime of buses at the bus stops. Since congestions increase pollutant emissions, route network optimization reduces negative impact on the environment. Replacing public transport buses by the new ones run on methane gives the same positive effect. To assess sustainability of the urban transport city is the most difficult task. The authors have identified indicators and used the radar map to compare possible solutions.
The article is devoted to the increase of the cargo vehicles market on the gas-engine fuel. The article considers the relevance of the use of the alternative types of transport’s fuels. As potential energy carriers for internal combustion engines, gas engine fuels are considered. Prospects and problems of using natural gas as motor fuel, as well as ecological and economic aspects of the use of compressed natural gas as fuel for vehicles are presented. Prospects for expanding the market for trucks powered by gas engine fuel are discussed, as well as the advantages of using natural gas as a safe, environmentally friendly and economical type of alternative fuel are considered. It is shown that the main obstacle to the expansion of the gas engine vehicles’ market is the underdevelopment of the infrastructure: filling stations and service centres. The organization of gas-cylinder vehicles (GCV) servicing is considered. The authors have developed an imitation model that allows determining the optimal number of repair stations for the service centre, as well as software for forecasting the required number of automobile gas filling compressor stations (AGFCS).
Transport system is the key indicator of sustainable spatial development, because if it is ineffective it can render the economy, the environment, and society vul-nerable. Despite the large number of already existing research, the city transportation sys-tem’s development strategy design is still a relevant objective, because the existing ways and strategies of the transport development may not always be applicable in certain cir-cumstances. This article presents the possible ways of improvement of sustainability of the city transportation systems adapted in accordance with the peculiarities of Russian cit-ies. It is stated that when working out a city transportation system’s development strategy it is necessary to take into account all possible risks. According to the case study of Na-berezhnye Chelny city, all vulnerabilities of the system that today are typical almost for all Russian cities were analyzed, classification of risks was made, and means of their con-trol were suggested. Solutions proposed as a result of the SWOT-analysis can be used when developing transport strategies for other cities with similar specificity.
The paper presents an analysis of road traffic accidents at non-signalized pedestrian crosswalks. A field study was conducted to determine the parameters for traffic and pedestrian flow, and construct the simulation models enabling experimentation at different loadings on the street and road network. Variants for improving the pedestrian safety at non-signalized crosswalks have been proposed. Simulation modeling of the proposed managerial decisions is expected to diminish the likelihood of road accidents. The efficiency of proposed decisions has been estimated.
В статье проанализированы варианты возможных ситуаций возникновения ДТП на нерегулируемых пешеходных переходах. Проведены натурные исследования параметров движения транспорта и пешеходов на таких участках улично-дорожной сети. Определены параметры транспортных и пешеходных потоков, построены имитационные модели и проведены эксперименты на них при разных нагрузках на улично-дорожную сеть. Предложены варианты улучшения ситуации на нерегулируемых пешеходных переходах. Выполнена проверка на моделях предложенных управленческих решений, которые позволят снизить вероятность дорожно-транспортных происшествий. Выполнена оценка эффективности предложенных решений.
The study deals with enhancing the reliability of freight cars by improving the corporate service system. Assessing of the quality of spare parts suppliers is discussed. An algorithm for supplier selection and an evaluation method, based on cluster analysis of indicators of supplier reliability, is proposed. Alternative developments for a service network, in view of expanding of the car fleet powered by natural gas-based fuel have been considered.
В статье рассматриваются способы повышения надежности грузовых автомобилей путем совершенствования процессов в системе фирменного сервиса. Рассмотрен один из путей повышения надежности - оценка качества поставщиков запасных частей. Предложен алгоритм выбора поставщиков и метод оценки, основанный на кластерном анализе показателей надежности поставщика. Рассмотрены варианты развития сервисной сети при расширении парка автомобилей на газомоторном топливе.
The article is devoted to the practical methods development of improving one of the ways to ensure the health of trucks in the system warranty. Methodology is aimed at optimizing the processes of formation of warranty spare parts kits during the implementation of KAMAZ trucks in foreign markets. The example is given to demonstrate the importance of different factors in the formation of the warranty set for different regions. The algorithm was developed to assess the qualitative composition formed warranty package that will optimize the planning and organization of activity centers to improve operational reliability of commercial trucks. A basis for acceptance of the scientifically-proved decisions is the statistical data analysis of requests monitoring that allows organizing duly replacement of parts with expired service life, and also promotes customer servicing quality improvement and reliability of trucks by prevention of its failures.
Статья посвящена разработке практической методики совершенствования одного из направлений обеспечения поддержания работоспособности автомобильной техники в системе гарантийного обслуживания Методика направлена на оптимизацию процессов формирования гарантийных комплектов запасных частей при реализации автомобильной техники КАМАЗ на зарубежных рынках. Приводится пример, демонстрирующий важность учета различных факторов при формировании состава гарантийного комплекта для различных регионов. Разработан алгоритм, позволяющий оценить качественный состав сформированного гарантийного комплекта, что будет способствовать оптимизации планирования и организации деятельности автоцентров по повышению эксплуатационной надежности грузовой автомобильной техники. Основой для принятия научно-обоснованных решений является статистический анализ данных мониторинга обращений, что позволяет организовать своевременную замену деталей, исчерпавших свой ресурс, а также способствует повышению качества обслуживания клиентов и надежности автомобильной техники путем предотвращения ее отказов.
The increasing number of road accidents nowadays seems to by a global problem. Apart from the obvious causes of accidents, such as violation of road traffic rules by drivers and pedestrians, the drunk driving, poor quality of road infrastructure, the technical faults of vehicles should also be take into account. Reasons of technical failures can be the failure of parts, components and assemblies caused by aging, poor quality or non-observance of technological norms when they are installed. It is possible to prevent the occurrence of faults by applying warning methods, one of which is obligatory periodic technical inspection. The purpose of this article is to analyze the characteristic features of the systems of technical inspections in automotive transport used in Poland and Russia. It makes it possible to identify common features and distinctive features of systems in both countries.
Wzrost liczby wypadków drogowym jest obecnie ogólnoświatowym problemem. Razem z głównymi przyczynami wypadków drogowych, tj. naruszanie zasad ruchu drogowego przez kierowców i pieszych, jazdą po spożyciu alkoholu, niedostateczną jakością drogowej infrastruktury technicznej, powinno się także uwzględniać usterki samochodów, jako istotny czynnik pośredni. Przyczynami defektów technicznych samochodów mogą być uszkodzenia części i komponentów spowodowane starzeniem, złą jakością lub nieprzestrzeganiem norm technicznych podczas ich montażu. W celu zapobiegania występowania usterek możliwe jest stosowanie działań zapobiegawczych. Jednym z nich jest okresowe badanie techniczne. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza specyfiki systemów kontroli stanu technicznego samochodów przyjętych w Polsce i Rosji oraz identyfikacja ich cech wspólnych oraz charakterystycznych.
The article deals with issues of ensuring the reliable and safe city transport system operation through the use of the rational management methods. To make evidence-based management decisions are encouraged to use worked out intelligent decision support system. It is shown that a comprehensive solution of the city transport system management contributes to the sustainable development of the region.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы обеспечения надежного и безопасного функционирования транспортной системы города путем использования рациональных методов управления. Для принятия научно-обоснованных управленческих решений предлагается использовать разрабатываемую интеллектуальную систему поддержки принятия решений. Показано, что комплексное решение задачи управления транспортной системой города способствует реализации концепции устойчивого развития региона.
In the article methods of control over risks of the service enterprises during creation of customer-oriented firm service system are analyzed. It is shown that system approach to risk management ensures the adoption of science-based solutions, minimizes consequences of risk situations. One of ways to calculate an integrated indicator of the risk of loss of the service enterprise competitiveness is described. Variants of the risk assessment to reduce the effectiveness of service enterprises by monitoring indicators based on the results of their monitoring are given.
В статье анализируются методы управления рисками сервисных предприятий при создании клиентоориентированной системы фирменного сервиса. Показано, что системный подход к управлению рисками обеспечивает принятие научно-обоснованных решений, минимизирует последствия рисковых ситуаций. Описан один из способов расчета интегрального показателя риска потери конку-рентоспособности сервисного предприятия. Приведены варианты оценки риска снижения эффективности деятельности сервисных предприятий путем контроля показателей по результатам их мониторинга.
There are features of the automobile profile specialists’ information competence forming are considered in the article. The role of employers in professional order for specialists’ preparation forming, forms of their interaction with educational institutions while maintenance of hi-tech and high technology manufactures problems decision by the highly skilled personnel, that is capable to use science and technologies achievements during formulated goals decision are mentioned.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с формированием информационной компетентности специалистов автомобильного профиля. Показаны роль работодателя в профессиональном заказе на подготовку специалистов, формы их взаимодействия с образовательными учреждениями для решения проблем производителей в области высоких технологий высококвалифицированным персоналом, который обучен использованию научных и технических достижений для достижения обозначенных целей.
In article one of ways of improvement of automobile service quality by balanced development of firm service network is described. The analysis algorithm of network subjects work is done. As criterion of an estimation of network activity performance the estimation integrated indicator of all network and estimation complex indicators of its subjects are offered.
В статье описан один из способов повышения качества сервисного обслуживания автомобильной техники путем сбалансированного развития сети фирменного сервиса. Приведен алгоритм анализа работы субъектов сети. В качестве критерия оценки эффективности ее деятельности предложены интегральный показатель оценки всей сети и комплексные показатели оценки ее субъектов.
In article the method of a management automotive company dealer -service network by application of decision-making allowing support system on the basis of network subjects functioning indicators analysis and comparison of their values during the previous and present periods to develop the decision in the field of spare parts deliveries optimization is offered.
In the article for motor transport influence decrease on the environment it is offered to perfect an autoservice system in two directions: to optimize autoservice enterprises territorial accommodation and to increase an internal efficiency of organization and operation of enterprises. The first way means rational territorial accommodation of autoservice center with taking into account of ecological factors for an even distribution of autoservice centers load on environment. The second way demands creation and intrusion on autoservice centers of an ecological management system with for a decrease by centers of pollutants emissions volumes in environment.
In article the method of improvement of automobile service quality within the limits of a dealer-service network limits, by building of information-logistical system and feedback mechanism adjustment is considered. As operating influence application of the discounts` system calculated on the basis of forward orderings on spare parts arriving from the service centers is offered.
In the article the matters connected with the firm service system optimization using the simulation experiment are shown. It is analyse in short by the results of computer experiment execution, and useful guidelines are given.
W artykule przedstawione zostały zagadnienia związane z możliwością wykorzystania eksperymentów symulacyjnych do optymizacji systemów transportowych na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa usługowego. Analizie zostały poddane wyniki eksperymentów symulacyjnych, które posłużyły do sformułowania wniosków.
Innovative approaches to formation of information competence while preparation of specialists of the automobile section are considered in this article: the content of information competence both basic and component part of professional competence, and also its value for the decision of professional problems on life cycle maintenance of automotive engineering is defined.
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