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Electrodialysis has been proven effective due to its high selectivity for separating monovalent and divalent ions. This study statistically evaluated the simultaneous electrodialytic recovery of mineral ions from bittern wastewater. The objective was to investigate the effect of cell number, anode materials, and applied voltage to optimize mineral ion recovery. A D-optimality design response surface methodology was performed to estimate the model parameter and identify the factors contributing to mineral ions recovery. The effects of independent variables and their interactions on the responses were investigated using ANOVA. All developed models were highly significant, with a p-value of <0.0001. The applied voltage was considered very important for the recovery process of all mineral ions as it affects the driving force of ion migration through the ion-exchange membrane. The optimization analysis (desirability value of 0.967) revealed 12% Cl–, 14% SO4 2–, 0.7% Mg2+, and 21% Ca2+ recovery at the combination of 5-cells configuration, graphite electrode, and 9 V.
Stabilized landfill leachate contains high fractions of refractory organics that cannot be effectively degraded by simple biological or physicochemical treatment. Thus, primary treatment was required to improve biodegradability and enhance treatment efficiency. This study investigated the role of Boron-Doped Diamond (BDD) and platinum (Pt) anodes at a current density of 29.2 and 33.3 mA/cm2 in the electrochemical processes for the pretreatment of stabilized leachate. A three-compartment electrochemical reactor was used in the research to enhance the removal of ionic pollutants. The pollutants were measured as total dissolved solids (TDS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium-nitrogen (NH4–N), and nitrite (NO2–). The reactor performance was then analyzed using a regular two-level factorial design. The results showed that the electrochemical process effectively removed organic and inorganic pollutants. The highest removal was obtained at 33.3 mA/cm2 using the BDD, measured around 48, 82, 60, and 79% for TDS, COD, NH4–N, and NO2–, respectively. Meanwhile, the specific energy consumption for COD removal was estimated to reach 1.5 and 1.55 Wh/g for BDD and Pt, respectively. These results imply that the type of anodes and applied current densities significantly influence the treatment efficiency.
In this study, the effectiveness of the electrocoagulation (EC) process was evaluated based on the reduction of organic and nitrogenous contaminants in landfill leachate. A three-compartment electrochemical reactor as pre-treatment of stabilized landfill leachate was carried out ahead of biological treatment. The removal efficiencies of COD, BOD, ammonia, and nitrate were analyzed at pH 4, 6, and 8 with the current densities of 20.83 and 29.17 mA•cm–2. At pH 4, the highest removal of COD and NH4+ was obtained, i.e., in the range of 72–81% and 43–59%, respectively. The ratio of BOD5/COD was increased after EC, from initially 0.11 to 0.32 at pH 4. In addition, EC effectively removed humic substances in the leachate by targeting a large amount of high molecular weight humic substances, with around 103 kDa. However, the higher removal efficiency observed at higher current density leads to higher specific energy consumption. At a current density of 29.17 mA•cm–2, the specific energy consumption obtained in EC was around 10–17 Wh•g–1 COD and 99–148 Wh•g–1 NH4+. This could be decreased up to 50% at an applied current density of 20.83 mA•cm–2 with slightly lower efficiencies.
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