Purpose: Many printers are tempting at low prices, but later their accuracy turns out to be insufficient. The study has included checking the accuracy of printing and reproducing details of 3D printers used in dental technology and dentistry such as MultiJet Printing (ProJet MP3000, 3D Systems) and Fused Deposition Modelling (Inspire S2000, Tiertime). Design/methodology/approach: The 3D prints were created from scans of the maxillary gypsum model with the loss of left premolar. In the test, objects were set to the X and Y-axis. In order to check the dimensional differences after printing, scans of the printed models were superimposed on scans of the plaster model in the GOM Inspect V8 SR1 (Braunschweig, Germany). The focus was on the distance of scans from each other and a deviation map was created for each object. Findings: The average absolute value of deviations for each of models were equalled: FDM- for X-axis 0.06 ± 0.04 mm, for Y-axis 0.07 ± 0.04 mm; MJP- for X-axis- 0.04 ± 0.02 mm, for Y-axis- 0.06 ± 0.02 mm. A chart of arithmetic averages calculated for each tooth for the best printouts in each series show that higher deviation values exist in case of FDM printout. The models printed in the X-axis have smaller values of deviations from those printed in the Y-axis. Practical implications: MultiJet Printing technology can be used to create more precise models than the FDM, but these printouts meet the requirements of dimensional accuracy too. Originality/value: CAD / CAM technology in the future will exist in every dental technology laboratory so it is important to be aware of the way the 3D printers works. By paying attention to the quality of detail reproduction, a Dental Technician is able to choose the best 3D printer for them.
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Purpose: Presented researches aimed at evaluating the structure and corrosion properties of CoCr-base elements fabricated by means of soft material milling with later sinterization in a protective atmosphere in comparison to casted alloy. Design/methodology/approach: CoCr-base samples were fabricated by soft material milling followed by sinterization in neutral gas environment and casted by traditional casting techniques. EDS-SEM study was used to evaluate the microstructure and quantitative analysis of chemical composition. Corrosion resistance evaluation was based on examining corrosion parameters (Ecorr, jcorr, Rpol), corrosion behaviour of both kind of samples was also studied by using open circuit potential v/s time measurements to assess the protective nature of the applied manufacturing methods and by potentiodynamic polarisation technique. Findings: Differences in structure were found, sintered material was more homogenous in comparison to dendritic structure of the cast alloy. Corrosion parameters (corrosion potential - Ecorr, corrosion current density - jcorr, polarization resistance Rp , open circuit potential versus time - OCP) indicate higher corrosion resistance of sintered element. Course of the polarization curve proves, that the sintered alloy exhibits better self-passivating properties in comparison to casted material. Research limitations/implications: The research was carried out on samples, not on final restoration elements. As the technology based on soft CoCr-base alloy milling followed by sinterization in neutral gas environment has been developed last years, additional investigations are needed to obtain more precise results in corrosion properties evaluation. Originality/value: PM technology based on soft material milling with later sintering in a protective atmosphere is the new technology used for fabrication of metal prosthodontic dentures. This method seems to be promissing alternative to laser micro-sintering, and makes it possible to achieve a product with a far more homogenous structure in comparison to traditional casting and does not require as expensive instrumentation necessary for the SLM method. It is crucial to examine in details the corrosion resistance of elements obtained by this new technology.
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Artykuł opisuje wymagania odnośnie efektywnego zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w trakcie realizacji wierceń poszukiwawczych. W pierwszej części skategoryzowano grupy podmiotów biorących udział w realizacji wiercenia. Następnie przedstawione są wymagania w zakresie zarządzania bezpieczeństwem które powinny być spełnione w poszczególnych grupach, aby działania te były efektywne. Na koniec przedstawiono relacje między zarządzaniem bezpieczeństwem a polskim prawem oraz nakreślono kierunki, w których powinno być zmieniane prawo aby zwiększyć efektywność działań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa.
The article describes requirements regarding to HSE management during exploration drilling. In the first part entities involved in project are categorized into groups, next part describes requirements in scope of HSE management system for defined groups. At the end links between HSE management and Polish law are outlined, and also changes which are necessary for increase the effectiveness of HSE management are indicated.
Podstawowym celem systemu HSE jest uczynienie prowadzonych operacji bezpiecznymi dla zaangażowanych w nie pracowników, społeczności lokalnych oraz środowiska naturalnego. Dodatkowo poprzez podniesienie poziomu bezpieczeństwa pozwala na uniknięcie kosztów ekonomicznych i problemów prawnych wynikających z potencjalnych awarii. Obecnie poziom systemu HSE jest czynnikiem limitującym możliwość zdobycia kontraktu na świadczenie usług wiertniczych na rzecz wiodących operatorów rynku poszukiwania i pozyskiwania węglowodorów. Ostatni czynnik wydaje się tym bardziej istotny, że w obecnej chwili wkraczają na rynek polski operatorzy tacy jak Exxon Mobil, Marathon Oil czy Chevron, którzy w trosce o swój wizerunek odpowiedzialnych dostawców nośników energii, na bardzo wysokim miejscu stawiają troskę o bezpieczeństwo prowadzonych projektów, a także w związku z wdrażaniem przez Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A. w Warszawie, głównego operatora w Polsce, strategii CSR (strategia zrównoważonego rozwoju i odpowiedzialnego biznesu). W artykule tym postarano się w zarysie przedstawić system HSE oraz proces jego wdrażania w PNiG Jasło Sp. z o.o.
The basic aim of the HSE system is to make the current operations and people involved in them safe. It also refers to the local community and the natural resources. Additionally, this system enables the company to avoid the economic and legal costs connected with the potential damages due to the higher safety level. At present the level of the HSE system is a factor limiting possibility of getting a drilling contract for world leading oil & gas market operators. The last reason seems to be more important because of two changes on the market of exploration and production of hydrocarbons in Poland. The first one is entering the Polish market operators such as Exxon Mobil, Marathon Oil or Chevron, which are known for their taking care about the corporate image of reliable suppliers of energy. The second one is implementing and developing the CSR strategy by the biggest operator in Poland which is PGNiG SA. In this article HSE system and the process of implementation of it in PNiG Jasło Sp. z o. o. (OGEC Jasło Ltd.) were presented.
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