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Content available remote Magnetic properties of Fe76X2Si8B14 (X=Al, Cr, Mo) amorphous alloys
Purpose: The idea of the paper is to study the influence of thermal annealing and alloying additions on magnetic properties, optimization and crystallization processes in Fe76X2Si8B14 (X=Al, Cr, Mo) amorphous alloys. Design/methodology/approach: For annealed samples (1 h, Ta ranging from 300 K to 800 K) at room temperature magnetic permeability was measured by applying Maxwell-Wien bridge (frequency about 1030 Hz and magnetic field H=0.5 A/m). Magnetostriction coefficients - parallel and perpendicular were determined by applying infra-red magneto-dilatometer. Magnetization in saturation versus temperature was measured by making use of magnetic balance (field 0.5 T). Findings: It was shown that alloying additions in the examined alloys cause a decrease of the Curie temperature, an increase of magnetic permeability and magnetization in saturation. The observed ESMP (enhancement of soft magnetic properties) effect in the examined alloys can be attributed to the so-called relaxed amorphous phase free iron nanograins. It was shown that parallel and perpendicular magnetostriction coefficients depend on annealing temperatures which means that these quantities are sensitive on free volume content. Research limitations/implications: The obtained results are a part of a broad area of examinations devoted to establishing of the influence of different alloying additions and thermal annealing on soft magnetic properties of amorphous alloys obtained by melt spinning technique. Practical implications: The examined alloys belong to a modern group of soft magnetic materials, which can be used as core transformers, magnetic sensors, shields of magnetic etc. The obtained results may be used for preparing soft magnetic ribbons for specific applications. Originality/value: The originality of the paper lies in examination of the influence of free volume content on magnetostriction coefficients.
Content available remote Magnetic and mechanical properties in FeXSiB (X=Cu, Zr, Co) amorphous alloys
Purpose: The idea of the paper is to study the influence of different alloying additions (Cu, Zr, Nb) on structural relaxation, crystallization, and improvement of soft magnetic properties in amorphous alloys of the type FeXSiB obtained by melt spinning technique. Design/methodology/approach: Magnetic and electric characteristics of the as quenched and successively annealed samples were determined at room temperature. Experiments were carried out by applying magnetic permeability measurements (Maxwell-Wien bridge), magnetic after effects, resistivity (four points probe), magnetostriction coefficient (infrared optical sensor) and magnetization (magnetic balance and fluxmeter). Findings: It was shown that soft magnetic properties of the examined alloys can be optimized by applying 1-h annealing at a specific temperature. The process of the improvement of soft magnetic properties is found to be diffusion controlled. The Arrhenius parameters of this process were determined by applying magnetic measurements. Research limitations/implications: The obtained results are a part of a broad area of examinations devoted to establishing of the influence of different alloying additions and thermal annealing on soft magnetic properties of amorphous alloys obtained by melt spinning technique. Practical implications: The examined alloys belong to a modern group of soft magnetic materials, which can be used as core transformers, magnetic sensors, shields of magnetic, electric and electromagnetic fields etc. The obtained results may be used for preparing soft magnetic ribbons for specific applications. Originality/value: The originality of the paper lies in examination of the improvement of soft magnetic properties effect as a diffusion-controlled process. The influence of different alloying additions on the course of this process is well established.
Purpose: In the paper Cu-Al-Ni-(Mn, Ti) alloys exhibiting the shape memory effect were studied. For the investigated alloys the characteristic temperatures of the reversible martensitic transformation, the influence of grains size and vacancy concentration on the course of the transformation were examined. Design/methodology/approach: Using the resistometric method it was shown that the characteristic temperatures of the reversible martensite transformation strongly depend on the grains size. Findings: For Cu-Al-Ni alloy the activation energy of migration of monovacancies and the pre-exponential factor of the Arrhenius equation were determined as [wzór], respectively. Practical implications: The paper shows that the investigated alloys can be used as important functional or the so-called intelligent materials (actuators, sensors). Originality/value: The parameters of the electronic structure - i.e. the coefficient of conduction electron scattering at grain boundaries, the mean free path, the coefficient of reflection of conduction electrons at grain boundaries, and the electrical resistivity for Cu-Al-Ni in the martensite and parent phase were determined.
Content available remote Investigation of material properties by means of magnetic methods
In the present paper, magnetic method of determination of ferrite content in austenite steels, based on saturation polarisation and magnetic polarisation of ferrite near the remanence point, have been presented for Fe-Cr-Ni-type alloys. Magnetic phase analysis, taking into account the distribution of total magnetic losses on eddy current losses, relaxation losses and hysteresis losses, have been discussed for low-carbon and low-alloy steels. The formulas on tangent angle of eddy current, hysteresis and relaxation (additional) losses have been presented. General formulas for magnetic permeability and coercive force have also been presented in terms of internal magnetic and material parameters. These parameters allowed to analyse the structural changes in magnetic materials. Examples of the influence of chemical composition, structural defects and thermal annealing on the changes of saturation polarisation, magnetic permeability, coercive force, magnetic hysteresis and relaxation losses have been discussed for low-carbon steels and amorphous alloys.
Content available remote Phse stability and structural relaxation in Fe-Nb-B amorphous alloys
In the present paper the phase stability in the Fe86-xNbxB14 (26x68) group of amorphous alloys was examined by applying i) DSC measurements, ii) Young modulus versus temperature and iii) magnetic after effects. It was shown that different physical quantities i.e. i) the optimized magnetic permeability, ii) the heat of amorphous – crystalline transition and iii) the change of Young modulus taking place during structural relaxation of amorphous Fe-Nb-B alloys exhibit the remarkable maximum for x = 6 at.% Nb. The degree of amorphisation measured by the heat transition (energetic difference between amorphous and crystalline state) or by change of the Young modulus (intensity of structural relaxation) is the main reason of structural changes favorable for soft magnetic properties enhancement effect. Intensity of magnetic after effects, corresponding to the free volume content, decreases with increasing Nb content.
W niniejszej pracy badano stabilność fazową w amorficznych stopach Fe86-xNbxB14 (26x68) poprzez zastosowanie takich technik pomiarowych jak pomiary kalorymetryczne DSC, pomiary modułu Younga w funkcji temperatury oraz pomiary przenikalności magnetycznej po rozmagnesowaniu próbki. Z otrzymanych wyników wynika, że różne wielkości fizyczne (zoptymalizowana przenikalność magnetyczna, ciepło krystalizacji, zmiana modułu Younga w trakcie relaksacji strukturalnej) wykazują charakterystyczne maksimum dla próbek o zawartości x = 6% Nb. Na tej podstawie sformułowano wniosek, że stopień amorficzności badanych stopów, mierzony jako ciepło przemiany ze stanu amorficznego do krystalicznego (energia swobodna zamrożona procesie produkcji próbek) oraz zmiana modułu Younga (natężenie relaksacji strukturalnej), jest decydującym czynnikiem dla korzystnych, z punktu widzenia optymalizacji miekkich własciwości magnetycznych, przemian strukturalnych. Zmiana przenikalności magnetycznej po rozmagnesowaniu, odpowiadająca stężeniu mikropustek w strukturze amorficznej, maleje wraz ze wzrostem stężenia niobu.
In the present paper the fluence of Cu and Zr as alloying addictions to the Fe78Si13B9 base alloy was examined in detail. It was shown that Cu causes an increase of magnetic relaxation intensity, accelerates diffusion processes and separates the first and second stages of crystallization. Zr atoms cause a slowing down of diffusion processes, a decrease of magnetic relaxation intensity and an improvement of soft magnetic properties of the examined material.
The Fe80Nb6B14, Fe76Nb2B22 and Fe76Zr2B22 amorphous alloys were tested for application as magnetic shields. It was shown that initial magnetic permeability of ribbons of the Fe80Nb6B14 alloy after annealing at 700 K/1-h is of the order of 10 to 4. The shielding effectiveness b for this alloy strongly depends on shield thickness h and magnetic field intensity. For h=200 microm b>20 dB up to 4x10 to 3 A/m.
W pracy pokazano, że miękkie właściwości magnetyczne amorficznych stopów Fe76X2B22 (X=Cr, Zr, Nb) oraz Fe87Nb2B11 i Fe78B22 mogą być znacznie polepszone przez zastosowanie jednogodzinnego wygrzewania optymalizującego w temperaturach zbliżonych do temperatury krystalizacji. Pokazano, że dodatki stopowe Zr i Nb opóźniają procesy dyfuzyjne zachodzące w materiale i przesuwają pierwsze stadium krystalizacji (nanokrystalizacji) do wyższych temperatur. Obniżenie stężenia boru w stopach z dodatkiem Nb z 22 %at. do 11 %at. prowadzi do obniżenia temperatury wygrzewania optymalizującego o 150 K i obniżeniem temperatury Curie fazy amorficznej o 130 K. Z grupy badanych materiałów najlepszym stopem na ekrany tłumiące pole elektromagnetyczne okazał się stop Fe87Nb2B11. Pokazano, że w tym przypadku tłumienie fali elektromagnetycznej dla częstotliwości 0,2-1 GHz zawiera się w przedziale 30-55 dB.
It was shown that soft magnetic properties of amorphous Fe76X2B22 (X=Cr, Zr, Nb), Fe87Nb2B11, and Fe78B22 alloys can be significantly improved by 1-h thermal annealing at temperatures closed to the crystallisation temperature. Alloying additions of Zr and Nb cause a slowing down of diffusion processes and a shift of the crystallisation temperature as well as the optimisation annealing temperature into high temperature region. A reduction of boron content for alloys with Nb (from 22 at.% to 11 at.%) causes a decrease of the 1h optimisation annealing temperature of about 150 K and the Courie temperature of the amorphous phase of about 130 K. Application of the examined materials as electromagnetic shields shows that the best parameters were obtained for the Fe87Nb2B11 alloy. In this case in the frequency range 0.2-1 GHz damping varies from 30 to 55 dB.
Z danych literaturowych oraz wcześniejszych badań własnych autorów wynika, że właściwości fizyczne, a w szczególności właściwości magnetyczne i elektryczne amorficznych stopów Fe-X-Si-B, otrzymanych metodą melt spinning, bardzo silnie zależą od rodzaju dodatku stopowego X. Dalszą modyfikację tych właściwości można uzyskać w wyniku odpowiedniej obróbki cieplnej. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu wygrzewania w zakresie temperatur 300-875 K na strukturę oraz właściwości elektryczne stopów Fe78Si8B14, Fe76Mo2Si8B14 i Fe76Cr2Si8B14. Na podstawie badań strukturalnych i rezystometrycznych stwierdzono, że dodanie do stopu Fe78Si8B14 molibdenu lub chromu powoduje spowolnienie rozrostu fazy alpha-Fe(Si) w osnowie amorficznej. Określono sposób zarodkowania, morfologię tworzących się faz oraz przeprowadzono ich identyfikację. Stwierdzono duży wpływ molibdenu na rozdrobnienie ziarn. Otrzymane wyniki badań strukturalnych pozwoliły na wytłumaczenie obserwowanych zmian właściwości fizycznych badanych stopów, występujących wraz ze wzrostem temperatury.
From literature data and from the results of authors' previous investigations it can be concluded that physical properties of Fe-X-Si-B amorphous alloys, obtained by melt spinning method, depend on the type of alloying element X. A further modification of magnetic and electric properties of these alloys may be achieved by proper heat treatment. The paper presents the results of investigations of the effect of annealing in the temperature range 300-875 K on structure and electric properties occuring in Fe78Si8B14, Fe76Mo2Si8B14 and Fe76Cr2Si8B14 alloys. It was found, based on structural and resistometric investigations, that the addition of Mo and Cr atoms to Fe78Si8B14 alloy caused slower growth of alpha-Fe(Si) crystalline phase in the amorphous matrix. The way of nucleation and the morphology of originating crystalline phases have been analysed and the phase identification has been carried out. A large effect of molybdenum on grains refinement of the precipitated phase has also been observed.
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