The results of the research of mechanical properties, obtained under dynamic loads by impact tensile tests, are presented and discussed in this paper. Based on the obtained results the sensitivity of the investigated 13MnSi6–5 TRIP steel to the loading rate was found. This sensitivity manifested itself by higher values of the strength and plasticity than values obtained in the static tests. A high tendency of the investigated steel to the increase of the deformation resistance in the initial stage of its dynamic loading was also stated. A distinct effect of the heat treatment on the basic mechanical properties, determined under conditions of the dynamic loading, was also shown in the hereby paper.
Celem badań było wyznaczenie podstawowych właściwości dynamicznych niskowęglowej stali typu TRIP w warunkach dynamicznego zrywania. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników podjęto również próbę oceny wpływu wybranych parametrów obróbki cieplnej na uzyskane właściwości mechaniczne.
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