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The paper deals with the issue of different market access for the transport procurement in the EU in context of open market of providing forwarding services. It highlights different requirements of market access in freight forwarding. The article proposes conditions of market access unification in freight forwarding based on analysis of the existing situation. It also refers to the different responsibility of freight forwarder depending on membership in the national associations of freight forwarders. The contribution analyses the limitation of liability in freight forwarding and shows differences in contract of freight forwarding for particular shipments by model examples. There is also pointed to the need for the development of uniform freight forwarding conditions in the EU.
In freight road transport, the price per unit of transport is not the same for each shipment for reason, that many factors influence the cost of shipping. An important aspect, in addition to cost inputs, which decides , how high will the shipping cost it is the destination where the transportation takes place. The purpose of this article is to identify the impact of the change of destination on carrier costs. Authors will not deal with specific costs related to the change of destination, which include, for example, charges for the use of the road network or travel compensation to the driver, but will only deal with the probability of vehicle back-up. If the carrier is unable to backhaul of the vehicle, the initial shipping costs increase significantly.
In general, transport companies have an unimportant role in the business market, in order to achieve the required sales and the related profit. Competition in road transport is great and enforcement from a large number of carriers is considerable. It is the price for the transport of goods that plays the most important role how to get the carrier and the customer who wants the lowest transport price. On the contrary, the carrier would like to get the highest amount for the shipment. A compromise between these two requirements should form the required shipping price. Pricing involves a factor other than costs, the attractiveness of the transport destination, in terms of the possibility of return utilization the vehicle. The aim of the paper is to verify the hypothesis, that the cost of transport is affected not only by the carrier's costs, but also the target destination of the ordered shipment.
The working conditions of truck drivers and social legislation are both topical and political issues in the field of road freight transport. The contribution outlines problems which are linked to the observance of the ban on weekly rest in the vehicle. Based on the judgment, the Court of Justice of the European Union explicitly forbids drivers to take their regular weekly rest in the vehicle. The contribution identifies the impact of the ban on spending weekly rest in the vehicle on transport planning in the EU. The aim of the contribution is also to highlight the existing problems in international road freight transport sector in connection with insufficient number of truck parks with accommodation.
The paper deals with problems connected with the transportation of dangerous cargo in articulated road tankers. The problems related to transverse stability of articulated vehicles have been discussed. The rig and experimental tests carried out to explore the transverse stability problem have been presented. Attention has been paid to the specificity of articulated road tankers. The necessity of rig and field testing of vehicles of this kind has been emphasized. The specificity of the transportation of such articulated vehicles by sea has been highlighted.
Content available Reimbursement of excise duty on minerals oils
Enterprise in the EU is currently a single market business, but on which the conditions are not completely unified. In the case of mineral oil excise duty a minimum level of taxation is set by EU rules, but individual states do not strictly prescribe a specific rate of tax. It is a fact for international road transport, that there are states on the route of transport, where it is preferable to pump fuel. Because the mineral oil tax is an income of state budget in concrete state, is good for the state, if the carrier pumps fuel on the territory of that state. For carriers who only drive within the country the higher tax rate is more advantageous in terms of choice. For this reason, some EU countries apply for the selected group of entrepreneurs, the refund of excise duty due to the use of carriers in their territory and to achieve higher tax deduction in cumulative terms. The purpose of this contribution is to identify the possibilities for refunding excise duty in the Slovak Republic and to propose a procedure for assessing the effects of the refund of excise duty on mineral oils.
International road transport is a specific service within the frame of services provided in the European Union. It is because the conditions of being active on the market are influenced by the states where businessmen operate, but services can be provided throughout the whole year in other member states of the European Union. The aim of the contribution is to highlight the existing problems in international road freight transport sector. These problems persist despite the fact that market access was exempted from the national law of individual member states and regulated directly by EU regulations. Despite the unification of market access, tax and social harmonization is not ensured in international road freight transport. An unequal tax burden on carriers and different requirements of wage regulations create a discriminatory environment among entrepreneurs. The contribution identifies the factors that deform the equal operating conditions in single market. The aim of the contribution is also to provide the readers with the answers to the questions: Is it possible under current EU conditions to harmonize tax and social conditions? What impact would this harmonization have on business environment?
W artykule omówiono zagadnienia związane z konstrukcyjnymi rozwiązaniami aktywnych zawieszeń kół jezdnych stosowanych w pojazdach. Przedstawiono ogólna ideę stosowania aktywnych zawieszeń. Problematykę omówiono w oparciu o przykłady stosowanych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych różnych rodzajów aktywnych zawieszeń. Podkreślono istotne charakterystyczne cechy tych rozwiązań. Zwrócono uwagę na kompromis pomiędzy wymaganiami komfortu, a bezpieczeństwem jazdy.
The article discusses issues related to structural solutions of active suspensions of road wheels used in vehicles. There is presented the general idea of using active suspensions. Discussed issues are based on the examples of design solutions for various types of active suspensions. It underlines the relevant characteristics of specific solutions. Attention was drawn to a compromise between the requirements of comfort, safety and driving.
On the example of south-eastern region of Poland (Zamość district), the study characterized the transportation of dangerous cargos via rail-road infrastructure in this area. It presented a general road and rail infrastructure in this region. In selected period of time, it shows the amount of transported dangerous cargos. Moreover it characterized type of transported loads and directions (relations) of these cargos. It presents the amount of cargos transported via road and rail means of transport. It indicated places of transshipment / unloading of dangerous goods, such workplaces as in the Zamość district with accumulated goods.
Na przykład w południowo-wschodniego regionu Polski (powiat zamojski), przeanalizowano transport ładunków niebezpiecznych za pośrednictwem infrastruktury kolejowo-drogowej. Przedstawiono ogólną charakterystykę infrastruktury drogowej i kolejowej w tym regionie. w wybranym okresie pokazano ilość przewożonych ładunków niebezpiecznych. Uwzględniono rodzaj przewożonych ładunków i kierunków przewozowych. Przedstawiono ilość ładunków transportowych przez drogowe i kolejowe środki transportu. Wskazano miejsca przeładunku / rozładunku towarów niebezpiecznych, w wybranych miejscach w powiecie zamojskim.
W pracy wykorzystano policyjne I GUS-owskie dane statystyczne na temat wypadków drogowych w Polsce. Przedstawiono najczęstsze przyczyny wypadków drogowych. Zaprezentowano graficznie wskaźniki wypadkowe dla całego kraju oraz w rozbiciu na województwa w latach 2001-2016. Dokonano analizy danych pod kątem najbardziej i najmniej bezpiecznego województwa, wpływu zmian przepisów drogowych na bezpieczeństwo na drogach publicznych w Polsce.
This article uses statistics on road accidents in Poland from police and GUS (Central Statistical Office) data. The most common causes of road accidents are presented. Graphically presented accident rates both for the whole country and for every voivodeship separetely in the years 2001-2016. Analysis of the impact of the changes in traffic code on safety on public roads in Poland was made as well as the most and least safe voivodeship.
W pracy została przedstawiona analiza prawa o ruchu drogowym w wybranych państwach Europy (Polska, Niemcy, Wielka Brytania i Węgry). Przedstawiono i porównano kary za wykroczenia drogowe w poszczególnych państwach. Dokonano ich zestawienia i omówienia.
The article discusses selected issues of traffic law in the following countries: Poland, United Kingdom, Germany and Hungary. It was Presented and are compared penalties for traffic offenses in Poland, Great Britain, Germany and Hungary.
W artykule omówiono wybrane zagadnienia prawa drogowego w krajach: Polska, Wielka Brytania, Niemcy, Węgry. Przedstawiono obowiązujące w każdym w tych państw definicje wypadku drogowego, a w Polsce również kolizji drogowej. Dokonano porównań: dopuszczalnego poziomu alkoholu we krwi kierowcy, dopuszczalnych prędkości na wybranych drogach. Porównano definicje wypadku drogowego i podziału wypadków drogowych ze względu na stopień ich ciężkości.
The article discusses selected issues of traffic law in the following countries: Poland, United Kingdom, Germany and Hungary. It was presented the definition of a traffic accident in force in each of these countries, and also collision in Poland. Comparisons were made: the permissible level of alcohol in the driver's blood, the permissible speed on chosen roads. It compared definitions of a traffic accident and the division of traffic accidents due to the degree of their importance.
Content available Straty egzergii w okrętowym kotle opalanym
Na przykładzie okrętowego kotła opalanego (jednego z jego typów, instalowanych na statkach transportowych) scharakteryzowano rodzaje strat egzergii w poszczególnych elementach składowych kotła, jak i w procesie wytwarzania czynnika - pary technologicznej. Podstawą analizy jest struktura funkcjonalna kotła opalanego odpowiadająca jego pracy na jednostce pływającej. Analizę poprzedza zdefiniowanie podstawowych pojęć związanych z użytymi do analizy określeniami i wielkościami nt. strat egzergii i sprawności kotła. W końcowej części przedstawiono trudności z oszacowaniem wielkości strat ezgergii i sprawności egzergetycznej okrętowego kotła opalanego w rzeczywistych warunkach eksploatacyjnych.
The analysis is based on the functional structure of the boiler corresponding to its operation in a vessel. A marine oil-fired boiler (one of the types installed in merchant vessels) is discussed in terms of kinds of exergy losses in particular components of the boiler and in the process of producing the eergy carrier - process steam. The analysis is preceded by the definitions of basic concepts connected with the terms and quantities referring to exergy loss and boiler efficiency. The final part indicates difficulties with the estimation of the amount of exergy losses and oil-fired boiler efficiency in actual operating conditions.
Przedstawiono podstawy prawne powołania i funkcjonowania Inspekcji Transportu Drogowego (ITD) oraz jej strukturę organizacyjną i zadania. Na przykładzie Zachodniopomorskiego Wojewódzkiego Inspektoratu Transportu Drogowego przedstawiono czynności wykonywane na drogach. Omówiono sposób przygotowania planów kontroli pojazdów na drogach województwa zachodniopomorskiego. Scharakteryzowano główne punkty kontrolne oraz tabor samochodowy i sprzęt używany w czasie kontroli. Dokonano krytycznej oceny sposobu kontroli pojazdów drogowych przez Inspekcję Transportu Drogowego.
The legal basis of the establishment and operation of Road Transport Inspection (ITD) is presented. ITD organizational structure, Its tasks and powers are presented. Activities performer on the roads by West Pomeranian Regional Inspectorate of Road Transport are characterized. Outlines of the vehicle control plans on the West Pomeranian Province roads are briefly presented. Main checkpoints and car fleet used during the inspection is characterized. Critical assessment of the methods used for control of road vehicles by Road Transport Inspection is made.
Content available Intelligent Safety Vehicle Systems
The aim of this paper is to introduce vehicle safety. Introduced will present intelligent vehicle safety systems, which are used in today's advanced intelligent vehicles. Progress in technology and information systems open up new possibilities in vehicle safety, which can reduce traffic accidents.
Przedstawiono metodykę pomiarów i rejestracji parametrów eksploatacyjnych zespołu prądotwórczego siłowni okrętowej. Miejsca pomiarów przedstawiono na schematach zespołów prądotwórczych. Przeprowadzono dyskusję na temat ważności obserwowanych parametrów diagnostycznych do bieżącej oceny stanu technicznego zespołu prądotwórczego oraz prognozowania dalszej jego pracy.
Methods of measuring and recording of operating parameters of marine power plant generating set are presented. Measuring points are shown in generating sets diagrams. The importance of diagnostic parameters observed is considered in reference to current evaluation of the technical condition of a generating set and forecasting its further performance.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę bezpieczeństwa niechronionych uczestników ruchu w okresie lat 2010-2015. W artykule porównano ogólną liczbę wypadków na polskich drogach w stosunku do liczby wypadków z udziałem pieszych, rowerzystów, motocyklistów i motorowerzystów. Przedstawiono udział procentowy poszczególnych grup w liczbie wypadków oraz zabitych. Przeprowadzono analizę, głównych przyczyn wypadków. Wśród pieszych najwyższą wypadkowość notowano na przejściach dla pieszych i na skrzyżowaniach, była ona spowodowana nagłym wtargnięciem przed nadjeżdżający pojazd. W przypadku motocyklistów i motorowerzystów wypadki powstawały głównie z powodu niedostosowania prędkości jazdy. Rowerzyści powodowali wypadki głównie z powodu nieustąpienia pierwszeństwa pojazdu. Śmiertelność wypadków wśród pieszych jest najwyższa i wynosi około 12,4 zabitych na 100 wypadków, podczas gdy dla motorowerzystów wskaźnik ten wynosi 2,6.
The article presents an analysis of the safety of unprotected road users in the period 2010-2015. The article compares the total number of accidents on Polish roads in relation to the number of accidents involving pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and moped riders. It shows the percentage of individual groups in the number of accidents and fatalities. The analysis, the main causes of accidents. Among the highest pedestrian accident reported at crosswalks and intersections, it was caused by the sudden intrusion in front of an oncoming vehicle. In the case of motorcyclists and moped accidents they arose mainly because of the inadequacy speed. Cyclists cause accidents mainly, when they continue a ride and not have priority vehicle. The mortality rate of accidents among pedestrians is highest and amounts to about 12.4 killed per 100 accidents, while for mopeds, this ratio is 2.6.
This article refers to actual problem of cars’ travelling comfort. In the first part of the article, an experiment was described in which particular attention was given to measuring system that is used in studying pressure distribution on the car seat bottom and backrest of the car seat. The structure of this system and usage possibilities, including basic parameters of its’ work were also discussed. In the second part, an analysis of the conducted study results was presented, with special consideration taken to dependence between particular values which characterize the pressure distribution on car seat bottom and basic anthropometric parameters of the human body
Artykuł odnosi się do aktualnej problematyki komfortu podróżowania pojazdami samochodowymi. W pierwszej części opisano przeprowadzony eksperyment, zwracając szczególną uwagę na system pomiarowy wykorzystywany do badania rozkładu nacisków na siedzisko i oparcie fotela samochodowego. Omówiono budowę tego systemu oraz możliwości wykorzystania, podając podstawowe parametry jego pracy. W części drugiej przedstawiono analizę wyników przeprowadzonych badań eksperymentalnych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zależności między wybranymi wielkościami charakteryzującymi rozkład nacisków na siedzisko fotela a podstawowymi parametrami antropometrycznymi ciała człowieka.
This work presents the general characteristics of the port system. It defines sets and functions describing the structure and work of the port. Moreover, it characterizes foundations of the massive handling theory. It provides basic literature information about selected processes and models of the massive handling theory. On the example of a transportation company serving the loading on ships in the port of Szczecin, it shows the loading method. The material loading onto ships was the sodium water glass. There are observation results of operation times comprising the data available to determine parameters of the massive handling theory. Operations covered in the analysis include: the arrival of the ship at the port’s road, waiting for enter the port, passing through the fairway, waiting for loading, loading, determination of the cargo’s weight, preparation of documents and waiting for leaving the port. It presents critical remarks about possibilities of using the data obtained to describe loading cargo on a ship with the use of elements of the massive handling theory.
This paper describes the engineering design for a facility to test the performance of gearboxes and drive axles. Power transmission units are much more frequently tested on test rigs than in motor vehicles. The rig testing of such devices constitutes a very complex area because of the diversity of functions performed by individual components and their parts in the power transmission systems of motor vehicles and construction machinery. In the simulation tests carried out on simulation test rigs, the conditions of testing of individual units should match the expected conditions of operation for such units as much as possible. The test rigs used for this purpose are very complicated and expensive, but the results of rig tests are more reliable and accurate than they would be if other test methods were employed. The rig tests described here reflect the impact of anticipated service loads on the endurance of the unit under test.
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