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A multi-asset portfolio in the case of its present value estimated by a discrete trapezoidal fuzzy number has been assessed. The benefits of owning a security have been evaluated according to an expected fuzzy discount factor. The ambiguity risk has been assessed by an energy measure and indistinctness risk has been evaluated by Kosko’s entropy measure. The relationship between the expected fuzzy discount factor for a portfolio and the expected fuzzy discount factors for its components has been derived. An analogous relationship between the values of the energy measure has been presented. The model has been illustrated by means of a profound numerical case study.
Introduction: The occurrence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has significantly increased in the last few years. One of the common problems in this group are eating disorders and ailments from the gastrointestinal systems. According to some studies, these problems have a significant impact on the occurrence and severity of symptoms in the neurological system, so it is crucial to increase the attention paid on the role of diet in the treatment of this disease. One of the theories connects ASD with disorders of the digestive system and the intestinal bacterial flora. This theory is based on the gut-brain axis, which means the interaction between the gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Objectives: To demonstrate the differences in behavior habits, interest in nutrition, and frequency of consumption of food products between children suffering from ASD and healthy children. Materials and methods: The study was conducted among 44 children suffering from ASD and 33 healthy children as a control group. Data were collected using a questionnaire that was specially designed for this study. The questionnaire contained questions about eating habits and the frequency of consumption of selected food products. Results: Parents of healthy children showed more interest in their children’s way of feeding and nutritional recommendations compared to parents of children with ASD (4% and 11.3%, respectively). In addition, 24.3% more children with ASD consulted with a nutritionist compared to the control group. Complaints of the digestive system were 21.1% more likely by children with ASD. Children suffering from ASD were characterized by a higher intake of red meat and giblets and less frequent consumption of milk and milk products compared to the control group. There were no statistically significant differences between the study group and the control group in terms of frequency of consumption of products, which are the source of gluten, artificial food additives-preservatives, and artificial colors. Conclusions: There are differences in the habits and eating behaviors and the frequency of consumption of selected food products between a group of children with ASD and a group of healthy children.
Analityczne cieniowanie rzeźby terenu, zapoczątkowane pół wieku temu, mimo wielu prac teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych nie osiągnęło dotychczas jakości cieniowania tradycyjnego (ręcznego). W artykule omówiono zasady i główne czynniki wpływające na efekt cieniowania analitycznego. Podkreślono decydujące znaczenie numerycznego modelu terenu (NMT), w tym jego właściwej generalizacji, jako podstawy cieniowania. Eksperymentalne próby cieniowania w programach ArcGIS i Surfer, mające na celu sprawdzenie możliwości zawartych w nich algorytmów, pokazały znaczne podobieństwo uzyskanych rezultatów. We wnioskach autorzy próbują odpowiedzieć na pytanie zawarte w tytule artykułu. Ich zdaniem cieniowanie analityczne nie jest sztuką, ponieważ piękna wynikającego z artyzmu i doświadczenia kartografa nie udało się dotychczas osiągnąć za pomocą algorytmicznej formalizacji.
Despite numerous theoretical and experimental studies of analytical relief shading, devised about half a century ago, its quality has not yet reached the excellence of traditional (manual) shading. The paper discusses its basic principles and the main factors affecting the quality of shading. It also stresses the crucial importance of the digital terrain model used as the basis for shading as well as the proper generalization of the relief. Experiments with shading modules of ArcGIS and Surfer, aiming to explore the functionality of algorithms they employ, have demonstrated significant similarity of the results. In conclusion, the authors attempt to answer the question posted in the title of the article. In their view, analytical shading is not art because shading algorithms are incapable of producing the visually beautiful effects that an experienced cartographer with artistic talents can create.
Despite numerous theoretical and experimental studies of analytical relief shading, devised about half a century ago, its quality has not yet reached the excellence of traditional (manual) shading. The paper discusses its basic principles and the main factors affecting the quality of shading. It also stresses the crucial importance of the digital terrain model used as the basis for shading as well as the proper generalization of the relief. Experiments with shading modules of ArcGIS and Surfer, aiming to explore the functionality of algorithms they employ, have demonstrated significant similarity of the results. In conclusion, the authors attempt to answer the question posted in the title of the article. In their view, analytical shading is not art because shading algorithms are incapable of producing the visually beautiful effects that an experienced cartographer with artistic talents can create.
Problematyka opracowania programu prac restauratorskich w zabytkach sakralnych w wielu przypadkach objęta jest znacznym stopniem trudności, gdyż większość inwestorów nie jest zainteresowana wykonywaniem badań struktur murów i tynków. Obserwacje prowadzone od kilku lat pokazują, że zarówno projektanci (konserwatorzy), inwestorzy, jak i wykonawcy przyjmują projekty restauracji murów i tynków w oparciu o fragmentaryczne rozpoznanie obiektów. Decyzje podjęte na tym etapie warunkują udaną bądź wadliwą realizację późniejszych prac konserwatorskich. W ostatnim czasie wielu producentów oferuje wyspecjalizowane serie produktów służących do tynkowania zabytkowych fasad. Spotykamy się również z przypadkami restauracji przy użyciu tradycyjnych (historycznych), mniej zaawansowanych technologii. Autorzy omawiają przeprowadzone badania na przykładzie restauracji cerkwi w Baligrodzie oraz sanktuarium w Starej Wsi. Dzięki porównaniu dwóch odmiennych, historycznych obiektów sakralnych możliwe było określenie i zestawienie czynników warunkujących dobór optymalnej technologii prac konserwatorskich.
Preparing a restoration programme for sacral monuments is difficult in many cases because investors are typically not interested in carrying out structural research of walls and plaster. Over the past few years, it has been observed that planners (conservators), investors and contractors choose conservation methods based on only a fragmentary investigation of the buildings to be restored. Yet decisions made at this planning stage determine to a large degree whether subsequent restoration work is successful or not. In recent times, numerous specialised products for plastering historic façades have become available. There are examples also of monument restoration projects making use of traditional (historical) and less advanced technology. The authors present research on restoration methods with reference to the Orthodox Church in Baligród and St. Mary of the Assumption’s Sanctuary in Stara Wieś. Comparison of these two different historical sacral monuments enabled investigation of the factors critical to selecting the most appropriate technological solution for restoration work.
W artykule zostały omówione dokonania państwowej służby geodezyjnej i kartograficznej na polu kartografii topograficznej po 1989 roku. Zwrócono uwagę na duże braki pokrycia Polski aktualnymi mapami topograficznymi do użytku powszechnego, a także na próbę poprawy stanu naszej kartografii topograficznej poprzez opracowanie dla całego kraju Georeferencyjnej Bazy Danych Obiektów Topograficznych.
Twenty four years pass since the repeal of restrictions that for over 40 years impeded progress in Polish cartography, and the production of topographic maps for general use in particular. Since then, a division of topographic mapping into civilian and military branches that existed before 1898 has been maintained. The evaluation of military maps is not the subject of this article but the military’s role in broadening the choice of topographic maps for civilian users must be acknowledged. In democratic Poland, the first army-made map for general distribution was The Topographic Map of Poland at a scale of 1:200 000 published in 1990–1992 based on data current for the eighties of the 20th century. The second important undertaking was the publication in 1993–2001 of The Topographic Map of Poland at 1:100 000 with added tourist content and the data current as of the eighties and the first half of the nineties. Those two military maps are the only topographic maps of the whole country published after 1990 to meet the needs of civilian users. At the same time period, the civil cartographic service has not delivered any complete map in any scale amid several unsuccessful attempts. Efforts to develop a new concept of a topographic map of Poland at a scale of 1:10 000 began in 1991, and for the 1:50 000 series in 1993. Grounding the maps’ concepts firmly on solid theoretical basis and original mathematical foundations made it possible to map the entire country in a uniform coordinate system (the “1992” system). The resulting set of rules for compiling the contents of both maps and their graphic representation was successively revised taking into account suggestions from the development teams as well as the numerous opinions of other people and institutions. The work on the 1:10 000 map concept continued until 1999. In the analog version, the map covered less than 25% of the country area (all cities and towns with their surroundings and economically important regions). In 2003 works began to design a 1:10 000 map series based on a topographic data base. As of November 2013, approximately 1400 sheets of that series have been completed with content current for the last decade. The development of the final concept for the 1:50 000 map series took 5 years and was completed in 1998. It is worth emphasizing that the 1:50 000 map is very detailed and features a new, original approach to the classification of built-up areas that employs criteria of functionality and physiognomy, not used in other maps, domestic or foreign. However, after nearly eight years (1995–2002) and after publishing 589 sheets (about 55% of the total coverage), the work on the remaining part of the series has been halted. An alternative to the unfinished map series was supposed to be a civilian version of the 1:50 000 military map (VMap L2) in the “WGS-84” coordinate system. Until 2006, the alternative map covered about ¼ of Poland, with a large proportion of the new sheets having earlier counterparts in the “1992” coordinate system. With the content up-to-datedness raging between 1993 and 2006, these maps jointly cover about 74% of the Poland’s land area. For the rest of the country, an old 1:50 000 map is available that was published from 1977 to 1982 using data current for the 1970s. An overview of source materials for the 1:50 000 series in the “1992” coordinate system indicates that many of its map sheets fail to comply with the rules and procedures established for that series. According to those instructions, an up-to-date map at 1:10 000 was to be used as the source material for compiling the maps at 1:50 000 series. However, only 45% of the total number of 1:50 000 map sheets (265) have been made exclusively on the basis of the 1:10 000 map – the source material for the remaining sheets consisted of topographic maps at 1:50 000 (as many as 252 sheets!) and 1:25 000. This puts a question mark on the reliability of over a half of the published sheets. The present state of Polish topographic maps for general use is unsatisfactory. The majority of map coverage is significantly out of date, and three map series that cover Poland at 1:50 000 are incompatible in terms of mathematical basis, content classification and graphic design. Efforts undertaken in recent years by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography give rise to hope for the improvement of Polish topographic mapping. The pace of work on the topographic database, which began at the onset of the 21st century, have accelerated considerably in 2010 thanks to the implementation of the EU INSPIRE Directive in Poland. Subsequently, a geo-referenced data base (BDOT10k) is under construction resembling in terms of accuracy and precision a 1:10 000 topographic map. The database is planned to be used for the compilation of topographic maps at scales from 1:10 000 to 1:100 000. Its completion is expected in 2013.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest prezentacja nowoczesnego systemu tynków renowacyjnych mape-antique. System ten jest bezcementowy, a jego unikalność oparta jest na wykorzystaniu jako spoiwa naturalnej pucolany, która jest materiałem całkowicie ekologicznym, a jednocześnie pozwala na uzyskanie tynków i zapraw o strukturze tożsamej z materiałami używanymi w minionych epokach, a które były oparte na bazie wapna jako spoiwa. Składniki systemu naprawczego mape-antique oraz zasady ich aplikacji przedstawiono na przykładzie ich stosowania przy renowacji pochodzącego z XVII w. Zespołu Klasztornego Ojców Jezuitów w Starej Wsi.
The aim of the paper is to present the modern system of renovation renders MAPE-ANTIQUE. The system is noncementituous and its uniqueness is based on the application of natural puzzolanic binder, which is completely ecological material and makes it possible to obtain plasters and mortars with the structure identical to materials used in the past and which were based on lime as a binder. Components of MAPE-ANTIQUE renovation system and basic rules of its application are presented on the example of renovation works for the Jesuits Convent Complex in Stara Wieś that dates back to 17th century.
Content available remote Ucyfrowiony szpital, a co dalej z przechowywaniem obrazów
W dobie ucyfrowienia szpitali, badań pacjentów i całej informacji szpitalnej, gdzie pojemności pojedynczych badań pacjentów wykonanych na nowoczesnym sprzęcie sięga ponad 1 GB, często zadajemy sobie pytanie, gdzie znajduje się złoty środek pomiędzy optymalną infrastrukturą przechowywania danych a wysokością niezbędnych wydatków na tę inwestycję. Zgodnie z wytycznymi Unii Europejskiej, od 2014 r. pełna dokumentacja pacjenta będzie musiała być przechowywana w postaci cyfrowej. Problem polityki przechowywania elektronicznych danych pacjenta i ich dystrybucji w szpitalu dotyczyć będzie zatem wszystkich jednostek służby zdrowia. O ile pojęcie cyfryzacji dokumentacji medycznej jest już coraz bardziej powszechne i zrozumiałe, mamy dostęp do różnych narzędzi oraz procedur, o tyle wiedza o archiwizacji tego typu informacji jest wciąż niewielka. W niniejszym artykule postaramy się odpowiedzieć na pytania: Czym różni się polityka przechowywania danych cyfrowych w szpitalu na najbliższą przyszłość od długoterminowej? Jak optymalizować zasoby pamięci masowych w świetle gwałtownego wzrostu danych? Jak zapewnić ich bezpieczeństwo, ale również dostęp – w dowolnym momencie, nawet w dłuższej perspektywie czasu – do informacji dotyczących pacjentów.
Content available remote Obrazy medyczne i ich prawidłowe odtwarzanie
The paper presents spatial distribution of base flow in the High Bieszczady Mts. (the Outer Carpathians). Discharges in 30 investigated catchments were measured in October 2009 during low flow period. Differences observed in unit base flow were varying from 0.9 dm>sup>3 s-1 km-2 in the Niedźwiedzi catchment to 6.8 dm3 s-1 km-2 in the Hulski catchment. Occurrence of colluviums is conducive to high values of base flow. On the other hand, low values of base flow are common to catchments drained by short and shallow streams. Correlations between unit base flow and stream density, altitude or geological unit were not proved.
Przeprowadzono szczegółowe kartowanie hydrograficzne obejmujące układ sieci rzecznej w górnej części zlewni Wołosatki. Badania ukierunkowane były na określenie związków między współczesnym układem sieci rzecznej a budową geologiczną i rzeźbą. Dominującą rolę w kształtowaniu układu sieci rzecznej odgrywa przebieg warstw skalnych oraz obecność stref nieciągłości tektonicznych. Upad warstw skalnych decyduje o możliwości retencji wód opadowych i obok uwarunkowań klimatycznych jest czynnikiem decydującym o zasobności zbiornika wód podziemnych. Odpływ jednostkowy okresów niżówkowych w poszczególnych częściach zlewni może wynosić od 2.1 do 9.81s/km2.
Detailed hydrographic investigation was carried out in the catchment of Upper Wołosatka Stream. The characteristics cover the structure of hydrographic network, namely its pattern. Detailed map of stream network was created. The main factors controlling the development of the hydrological network were discussed. Geological structures played the mast important role in the development of hydrographic network. The capacity of groundwater aquifer is strictly connected with the dip of flysch strata hoverer it also reflects the rain shadow effect. The unit discharge in the catchment can range in dry periods from 2.1 up to 9.81/s/km2.
Badaniami objęto górną część zlewni Wołosatki (9,5 km2) w Bieszczadach Wysokich. Podłoże zlewni stanowią osady fliszowe warstw krośnieńskich, przecięte kilkoma głębokimi uskokami. Na podstawie rozkładu cech fizykochemicznych wód wydzielono tło hydrochemiczne, przyjmując jako tło obszar między 10 a 90 percentylem. Tło wydzielono w odniesieniu do wszystkich wód występujących w zlewni oraz oddzielnie dla wód cieków, źródeł i obszarów podmokłych (młaki, wysięki). Wyniki odzwierciedlają niewielkie zróżnicowanie geologiczne tego obszaru i płytki system krążenia wód. Zróżnicowanie chemizmu wód nawiązuje do sposobu zasilania wypływów i warunków hydrometeorologicznych.
The study area covered 9.5 km2 of the upper Wołosatka catchment in the High Bieszczady Mts. The area is composed of flysch sediments of the Krosno beds, folded and transected by deep faults. Hydrochemical background has been defined with regard to stream and ground waters. The latter were represented by spring and swamp water. The hydrochemical background was assumed as a range between the 10th and 90th percentiles. The results demonstrate a moderate variability of the water chemical composition. Low mineralization and other parameters reflect both the origin of waters from current precipitation and their shallow circulation within the rocks.
Paper presents results of mapping of springs of the upper Wołosatka River catchment (Wysokie Bieszczady Mts. -Outer Carpathians). Springs were the most common outflow type in the area (52.55%). Outflow density in the area studied (8.32 km2) was equal 23.56 per km2, while spring rate was 12.4 per km2. Outflow discharges were low and very low- most springs belong to Meinzer classes VI-VIII. Only seven springs had discharges higher than 0.5 dm3/s, and three-over 1 dm3/s. The spatial outflow distribution strongly depends on geology, tectonics and river valley direction. High density of outflows was especially observed within the Bukowe Berdo anticline, where the Otryt sandstones are alternated by thin-bedded flysch of high shale content. All these layers dip down in the opposite direction to the slope, which creates numerous springs and other outflows. Furthermore, a spectacular spring line is visible in the field lying along the Halicz fault.
W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono w zwięzły sposób polskie mapy środowiska przyrodniczego, w drugiej zaś główne problemy związane z ich opracowaniem.
A rapid development of the process of mapping the natural environment started in Poland after the World War II. During the first period, which lasted until the late 1960s, the majority of ganeral maps were prepared at the scale of 1:300,000. This includes two series of geologic maps (A - superficial deposits and B - without quarternary deposits), two hydrogeologic series (A - subsurface water (first level), B - deep horizon water-bearings), soil map, geologic-energeering map, map of raw materials as well as the magnetic and gravimetric maps. At the same time, a series of detailed, 1:50,000-scale maps based on terrain research was initiated. The series included the following maps: geological, geomorphological and hydrographic. The oldest and most important of these three - the Detailed Geological Map of Poland has been published since 1954, and now covers over 40 per cent of the Polish territory. The hydrographic map is also continued (although intermittently) - it now covers 30 per cent of the country. The geomorphologic map was discontinued after a small number of sheets had been put out. During the second period (1970s and 1980s) the focus was on the preparation of general maps designed as synthetic sources of knowledge on the environment of Poland. This included the soil, hydrographic, geomorphologic and geological maps at 1:500,000. Finally, the third period started in 1990s. During this time three new series at 1: 50,000 were initiated - hydrogeological, ecological and geological-economical (with vital ecological contents). Also, the geological and hydrographic maps were continued. Two new versions of 1:200,000-scale geological maps appeared as well as the map of potential vegetation at 1: 300,000 (fig. 1). The current problems of the cartography of natural environment in Poland to the large extent result from the past. During the 45 years of the socialist economy numerous distorted base maps were used. As a result,topographic maps are distorted and not uniform. The attempts to improve their quality consist in the process of transferring the thematic contents to the correct topographic base. This process must be performed especially in the areas, for which digital databases are created. The general maps also have a differing and not always correct topographic base. This is a result of the lack of a general-reference map that would be reliable and easily-accessible. The lack of uniformity is also reflected by the different divisions into sheets used on maps (fig. 4). The out-dated maps should also be considedred to constitute a vital problem in environment cartography. This is especially true in the case of the 1:50,000-scale maps (the geologic map in particular). The maps in smaller scales do not need updating so often, both becouse of their scale and their character (synthesis). The loss of their actuality is more often the result of progress in the branch of science they refer to. Owing to the fact that over 20 years have passed since most of the 1:500,000-scale were published, it might be beneficial to prepare their new versions, which should however be preceded by a broad discussion on their concepts. Eventually, the computer technology used to prepare 1:50,000-scale maps since the mid 1990s presents certain problems. Apart from its numerous advantages, it also has some noticeable drawbacks, which can clearly be seen when the offset printing process is supplemented by plotting, which degrades the graphic form of maps.
W artykule omówiono założenia redakcyjne i opracowanie arkusza mapowego pt. Gospodarka polska w okresie przemian 1990-1996, wykonanego w konwencji "Atlasu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej".
The paper presents the process of elaboration of a map "Polish economy during the period of transformation 1990-1996", presenting the most important economic changes, stimulated by the Polish political system reforms of the late 1980s and 1990s. The map sheet contains a main map at a scale of 1:1 500 000 and two supplementary maps 1: 6 000 000. The main map entitled "Selected elements of economic changes" presents: 1. Foreign investments of over USD 1 bilion, showing the investor's country of origin; 2. Traffic of people and trucks on all border crossings, including their type and opening dates; 3. Unemployment rate for the district unemployment offices' areas of activity. 4. Number of state enterprises undergoing the privatization process; 5. Changes to the share of private firms in the total number of employees, 1990-1996. 6. Size of grounds taken over by the Treasury Agricultural Property Agency and directions of their distribution. 7. Share of the grounds sold and leased from the above mentioned Agency in the total privately owned farms. All maps are based on the data for December 31, 1996. The cartographic presentation of these issues depended to the great extent on the character and number of details of the available data. The ownership transformations, considered a crucial topic, had to be presented on supplementary maps at a scale of 1:6 000 000, due to the generality of statistical data which made it impossible to present these issues on the 1:1 500 000 scale map (the only available data pertained to 49 voivodeships). The map "Polish economy during the period of transformation" was prepared digitally. The Corel-Draw! software was used as a main program; both the base map and majority of thematic content elements have been drawn with the use of it. Also, Arc/Info and ArcView have been used. The map's graphic form follows the convention of the "Atlas of the Republic of Poland" published between 1993 and 1998. The described map was prepared at the Chair of Cartography, Warsaw University as a M. Sc. thesis.
W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie nawęglacza produkcji karjowej do wytwarzania żeliwa szarego i sferoidalnego, a szczególnie żeliwa wysokogatunkowego wytapianego w tyglowym piecu indukcyjnym.
In the article the application of the home-made carburizer for manufacturing grey cast iron, S.G. iron and specially high quality cast iron metled in crucible induction furnaces is presented.
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