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Content available Rola kamienia w przestrzeni miejskiej Pruszkowa
The geological heritage of Pruszków is absent in the inhabitants’ consciousness, even though it is within their reach. In addition to the short characteristics of geodiversity of the area, the paper also presents eight large boulders and other stone elements in the town. They have a great potential in playing cognitive, educational, cultural-historical, geo-conservative and aesthetic roles. These functions can be used in the development of urban geotourism and in shaping the town’s image in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
Osady piaszczysto-żwirowe pochodzące z transgresji stadiału młodszego zlodowacenia warty w ŁubienicySuperunkach zostały zbadane pod kątem składu petrograficznego frakcji średniożwirowej i grubożwirowej. Stwierdzono wyraźną przewagę skał krystalicznych, brak skał węglanowych oraz dziesięcioprocentowy udział piaskowców. Kwarc zmniejsza swój udział z około 9% we frakcji średniożwirowej do 0,6% we frakcji grubożwirowej. We frakcji 20–60 mm zidentyfikowano narzutniaki fennoskandzkie. Wśród nich były narzutniaki przewodnie z Wysp Alandzkich i sąsiadujących regionów Uppland i dna północnego Bałtyku oraz z obszaru południowo-wschodniej Szwecji (Småland). Wśród narzutniaków wskaźnikowych nie znaleziono ani jednego egzemplarza skały węglanowej.
Sandy and gravel deposits, originating from the ice sheet transgression during the younger stadial of the Warthanian glaciation in Łubienica-Superunki, have been examined in terms of petrographic composition of the middle-coarse gravel fraction and pebble fraction. The distinct predomination of crystalline rocks, no carbonate rocks and a 10% share of sandstones have been ascertained. Quartz has reduced its share from about 9% in the middle-coarse gravel fraction to 0.6% in pebble fraction. The Scandinavian erratics have been identified within the 20–60 mm fraction. Among them the indicator erratics from the Åland Islands, neighboring Uppland, North Baltic bottom and Småland have been found. There was no single carbonate rock found among the so called statistical erratics.
Content available Głazy narzutowe w żwirowni Łubienica-Superunki
Na przykładzie głazów narzutowych ze żwirowni Łubienica-Superunki zaprezentowano ich walory naukowe, edukacyjne, estetyczne oraz wartości kulturowe i konserwatorskie. Wskazano także potencjał geoturystyczny, jaki ukryty jest wśród dużych eratyków skandynawskich, znajdujących się na terenie Polski.
The scientific, educational, aesthetic, cultural and conservation values of erratic boulders have been presented on the example of boulders from the Łubienica-Superunki gravel pit. The potential of geotourism, which is hidden among Scandinavian boulders, is also indicated.
The major attraction of the Drawa National Park is its main river, the Drawa. However, the park includes also other georesources that have a large natural potential to become geovalues, received by tourists as its geoproducts. This may lead to develop geotourism, which is a tool of sustainable socio-economic development of the region. The article presents the erratic boulders, which are primarily the objects of geological heritage. Erratic material is also present in the cultural heritage of the region, e.g. in the churches, cobbled roads, hydraulic engineering constructions or as stone monuments, signposts, and forest departmental posts.
The article characterises 12 most precious erratic boulders ofWielkopolska in the aspects of their scientific, cultural, historical, educational and aesthetic values. They play an important role in the complex perception of geodiversity of the natural environment of the region. It is shown here that erratic boulders carry a geotouristic potential. The paper indicates how it can be utilised best.
A new petrographic garden was established in 2012 in Moryń, north-western Poland. Thirty five erratics, derived from adjacent till moraines, witness local geological heritage and form a new geotouristic attraction. Together with other geovalues of this region, the petrographic garden is a cornerstone of the Polish-German geopark “Glacial Land over the Odra River” (Ger. Geopark Eiszeitland am Oderrand).
Glacial tills and fluvioglacial sediments deposited by the ice-sheet during the Pomeranian Stage (Weichselian) in northeast Germany have been examined in terms of the degree of abrasion, rounding and frosting of quartz grain surfaces in order to determine the conditions and processes that occurred in the alimentation environment of the fine-grained material, as well as during transport. Strata in the glaciomarginal zone and the hinterland of the Pomeranian Stage in the area represent diverse lithofacies, but have similar textural features. These features illustrate mainly that a high-energy aquatic environment had reacted with glacial deposits prior to their inclusion into the ice mass and deposited in the area covered by the Odra lobe. The lack of regional diversification in the character of quartz grain surfaces in glacial deposits between the German part of the Odra lobe and the remainder of the area analysed is recorded solely in the morphological dimension, i.e. the outlet fragment of the ice-front’s course, but not in textural features of the sediments.
Praca powstała w celu rozpoznania oraz oceny georóżnorodności i geoturystycznej atrakcyjności Drawieńskiego Parku ­Narodowego (DPN) i jego pojedynczych geostanowisk. Przeprowadzono analizę bonitacyjną obszaru podzielonego na pola podstawowe oraz geostanowisk. Kategorie waloryzacji obszaru obejmowały: rzeźbę terenu, występowanie obiektów kamiennych, wody powierzchniowe i źródła, szczególne walory biologiczne chronione prawem, dostępność dla turysty, wartości kulturowe i dodane. Geostanowiska poddano ocenie pod względem wartości geologicznych i geomorfologicznych (liczba podobnych obiektów, stopień przekształcenia, reprezentatywność, wartość edukacyjna), wartości dodanych (wartości kulturowe i estetyczne) oraz wartości użytkowych (dostępność, widoczność, stopień ochrony, baza turystyczna). Na tle 125 pól podstawowych o niskiej georóżnorodności (cenne walory dziedzictwa przyrodniczego i kulturowego występują pojedynczo, teren jest trudno dostępny i nie występują wartości dodane) wyróżniono 50 pól o umiarkowanej georóżnorodności. Pola te są położone w sposób nieciągły wzdłuż rzeki Drawy i Płocicznej. Największe ich zgrupowanie występuje w północno-zachodniej, północno-wschodniej i południowej części parku. Najczęściej oceniano je jako średnio atrakcyjne geoturystycznie, gdyż na takich polach interesującym obiektom hydrologicznym z reguły nie towarzyszą najbardziej atrakcyjne walory geomorfologiczne. Elementami zwiększającymi do pewnego stopnia różnorodność obszaru są tu geostanowiska, których głównymi walorami są obiekty dziedzictwa kulturowego i historycznego. Pozostałości dawnego przemysłu świadczą często, choć nie zawsze, o wykorzystywaniu naturalnego zróżnicowania obszaru DPN. Wykorzystywanie rzek, spadków terenu czy materiału skalnego pochodzącego z okolicznych pól sprawia, że stanowiska na pozór antropogeniczne stają się obiektami podkreślającymi i wydobywającymi dziedzictwo geologiczne i geomorfologiczne oraz ukazują zróżnicowanie przyrody nieożywionej. W parku tym szlaki turystyczne poprowadzono wyłącznie wzdłuż najciekawszych miejsc, co powoduje, że turyści nie mają możliwości dotarcia do innych obszarów. Dwa pola – R13 i R14 – odznaczają się dużą georóżnorodnością. Na ich terenie występują nie tylko najcenniejsze walory przyrodnicze, lecz także kulturowe. Zaliczają się do nich: duże, przekraczające 10 m, deniwelacje terenu, więcej niż trzy formy ukształtowania powierzchni terenu, odznaczająca się specjalnymi walorami sieć hydrologiczna oraz prawnie chronione walory biologiczne. Turysta zwiedzający wspomniane pola ma do dyspozycji szlak pieszy, kajakowy oraz konny, może też przemieszczać się szosą. Na obu polach podstawowych jest po kilka, cenionych przez turystów, obiektów paraturystycznych, które podnoszą atrakcyjność regionu, jak np. parkingi, punkty widokowe, pomniki przyrody, rezerwaty, stanowiska wędkarskie itp. Ten niewielki obszar 2 km2 jest bardzo atrakcyjny geoturystycznie, a przewidywany tu wzrost antropopresji wymaga opracowania odpowiednich działań w celu zachowania i ochrony dziedzictwa przyrody nieożywionej.
This article aims to identify and evaluate geodiversity as well as geotouristic attractiveness of the Drawa National Park (DPN), north-western Poland, including evaluation of individual geosites. As a consequence, the most precious geotouristic values of the DPN are presented. The ranking method of basic fields and geosites was used. Criteria of evaluation of the area included as follows: terrain relief, the presence of petrographic objects, hydrographic network, special biological values protected by the law, accessibility for tourists, and cultural and added values. Geosites were evaluated in terms of geological and geomorphological values, added values and practical values. The analysis indicates 125 basic fields of low geodiversity (valuable qualities of natural and cultural heritage occur singly, the area is difficult to access, and there are no added values). Fifty basic fields are indicated by moderate geodiversity. They are located along the Drawa and Płociczna rivers. These fields were also evaluated as moderately attractive. The interesting hydrographic objects are generally not accompanied by the most attractive geomorphological ones. The elements that increase to some extent the geodiversity of the area are geosites of precious technical-cultural and historical heritage. Two fields: R13 and R14 are characterized by high geodiversity, because the most precious natural values are accompanied by the cultural ones. The varied relief of diversified genesis has an easy access; the area shows special hydrographic and biological values. The added values, appreciated by tourists, are frequent. This small area of 2 km2 has a high geotouristic potential. Therefore, the predicted human impact in attractive or very attractive places requires an appropriate action to preserve and protect geomorphological/ inanimate heritage.
The petrographical features of the medium- and coarse-grained gravels (4-10 mm and 20-60 mm, respectively) of weathered and fresh (unweathered) deposits indicate, in combination with so-called indicator and statistical erratics, that two glacial lobes joined in the borderland of the Polish Lowlands and Uplands. Lower Palaeozoic limestones become less frequent in the finer gravel fraction, whereas crystalline rocks and flints become more frequent. The petrographical analysis of the coarser gravel fraction indicates that the ice sheet advanced from the NE to NNW (the Widawka lobe) and from the NE to ENE (the Rawka, Pilica and Luciąża lobes). The source areas of the gravel deposited by the Warthian ice sheet were magmatic and sedimentary areas of both the Baltic and the SE Sweden basins.
The collection of 20 erratics complements the exhibition of diverse forms of biotic and abiotic nature of the Wielkopolski National Park. Within the rocks there are examples of magmatic, sedimentary and metamorphic ones. The most interesting are indicator erratics, derived in known Scandinavian mother regions and transported onto Polish Lowland around 18,8 ka BP. The petrographic garden plays didactic and geotourist role and stays for a favourite weekend direction.
Content available Głaz św. Jadwigi
The biggest erratic block in Wielkopolska (St. Hedwig Rock) is located in situ is south-east part of the region. This indicator erratic, Smaland granite, was transported onto Polish Lowland around 18,8 ka BP. Because of its size the rock is protected by law. Although its scientific, didactic and geotouristic values have been described by the Polish Geological Institute as the highest, the inhabitants of adjacent cities have little awareness of natural heritage in the region.
Fennoscandinavian erratics found in the glacial deposits till and in the glaciofluvial sediments within the main limit of the Odra glacier lobe (NW Poland and NE Germany), have been examined in two fractions: of 4-10 mm and 2060 mm. The most numerous in the fraction of 4-10 mm are: crystalline rocks (Cr; 35-40%) originating in the Protero zoic Baltic Shield as well as Lower Palaeozoic limestones (LPL; 35-40%) - from the sedimentary sheet covering the Proterozoic Baltic Shield in the area of central Baltic Sea. Percentage of sandstones (S) amounts to 10-15%. The re maining rock types (several percent each) are: Palaeozoic shales (PS), the outcrops of which are localized in Scania (Skane) and on Bornholm, Cretaceous limestones (CL) and flintstones (F) originating from the western part of the southern Baltic Sea as well as quartz (Q), milk quartz (MQ) and isolated grains of Devonian dolomites (DD). From the analysis of indicator erratics, which was carried out in the 20-60 mm fraction, it appears that mainly the outcrops localized in Smaland (e.g. red and grey Viixjo granites, Paskallavik porphyries or Tessini and Kalmarsund sandstones) as well as in Scania (Hoor and Hardeberga sandstones) and Region Blekinge-Bornholm (e.g. Karlshamn and Halen granites as well as Nexo and Bavnodde sandstones) had been subjected to the glacial plucking. Theoretical boulder centres (TBC, German: TGZ das Theoretische Geschiebezentrum, Uittig 1958), which were calculated for 23 samples, are localized mostly in a small area in Smiiland, between 15°E-16°E and 56.5°N-58.5°N. Apart from indicator erratics the statistical ones are numerous, that are first of all grey and red Lower Palaeozoic limestones with their outcrops localized at the bottom of the central Baltic Sea. Taking into account the TBC values of indicator erratics as well as high percentage of statistical erratics it can be pronounced that the section of central and western Baltic Sea as well as the one of south-eastern Sweden had been subjected to the heaviest glacial plucking by that part of the Pleistocene ice-sheet which reached the studied area during the Pomeranian Phase.
W pracy omówiono kompleksową analizę petrograficzną osadów lodowcowych, obejmującą frakcję żwirów średnioziarnistych i gruboziarnistych. Podano cel i zakres badań oraz zaprezentowano znaczenie i rolę analiz petrograficznych. Przedstawiono zależność składu petrograficznego od frakcji osadu i jego genezy. Analizę petrograficzną omówiono w aspektach terenowym, laboratoryjnym i kameralnym. Podano również możliwości zastosowania analizy petrograficznej do celów litostratygraficznych oraz poznawczych w świetle analizy materiału kamiennego budującego obiekty dziedzictwa kulturowego.
The paper discusses a comprehensive Polish petrographic study of glacial sediments, including a fine and coarse gravel. The purpose and scope of research as well as the importance and role of the petrographic analysis is presented. The dependence of petrographic composition on the sediment fractions and its genesis is discussed. The petrographic analysis is discussed in the aspects of field, laboratory and intimate work. The paper provides the possibility of applying for the petrographic analysis due to lithostratigraphic purposes; it also shows how stone buildings of cultural heritage can be analysed in the light of the petrographic analysis.
Petrographical content of Pleistocene gravels (4–10 mm) derived from till and glaciofluvial deposits of Western Pomerania was studied. The coarse-grained gravels (20–60 mm) have been additionally investigated for indicator erratics. There are three dominant petrographical groups within the gravels regardless of genetic type of sediments: crystalline rocks, Lower Paleozoic limestones and sandstones. Indicator erratics indicate the most effective glacial erosion in south-eastern Sweden. Theoretical stone center is located at 57.7°N and 16°E, that is in Smĺland. Other regions where the ice sheet could have been nourished were located in Dalarna and Ĺland Islands. The most numerous erratics found in the glacial sediments are: Smĺland granites and quartz porphyries, Ĺland rapakivi granites and quartz porphyries, Bredvad porphyries, Venjan and Grönklitt porphyrites.
The conditions of glacigenic sedimentation during the Pomeranian Phase of the Weichselian Glaciation in northeastern Germany are reconstructed on the ba sis of the typical lithofacies successions and the depositional architecture of the distal and proximal parts of a sandur, as well as of those in the hinterland area of the glaciomarginal zone. The proximal parts of the sandur are characterized by the occurrence of boulders, pebbles and gravels, and horizontally stratified sands cut by large channel troughs in the upper parts. The occurrence of the channel structures indicates frequent torrential ablation floods. Horizontally and cross-stratified rhythms of sandy and gravelly lithofacies, indicating pulsatory ablation flows, are also frequent. The distal part of the sandur is dominated by horizontally stratified sands and sands with low- angle tabular cross-stratification. In the hinter land of the Pomeranian Glaciation, a thick layer of till is present, which locally is glaciotectonically deformed. Moraines left during glacial retreat, with gravity-redeposited till, are also present.
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