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Artykuł opisuje próby zapewnienia zbilansowania mocowego i energetycznego analizowanego obszaru, podczas których przeprowadzono szereg symulacji dotyczących współpracy OZE przy ich różnych liczbach. W symulacjach rozważono dwa scenariusze. W pierwszym z nich dopuszczono możliwość współpracy obszaru z Operatorem Energetyki Zawodowej w celu sprzedaży nadwyżek wytwarzanej energii elektrycznej oraz zakupu jej w godzinach deficytu energetycznego. W drugim całość nadwyżek produkowanej energii była magazynowana w zasobnikach energii i wykorzystywana w godzinach, dla których pobór energii był większy od jej produkcji. Symulowane godzinowe dane o produkcji energii elektrycznej w OZE wyznaczano na podstawie warunków meteorologicznych.
This article describes the trials of providing the power and energy balancing of the studied area, during which a series of simulations concerning the cooperation of the RES, employing a different number of these sources, has been performed. Two options have been considered in the simulations. The first one contains the possibility of the cooperation between the studied area and a Commercial Operator in order to sell a surplus of produced electricity as well as its purchase in the hours of energy deficit. In the second option, all of the surplus of the produced power was stored in an energy storage and used during the scarcity of generated power. Simulated, hourly data of RES electric energy generation were determined on basis of meteorological conditions.
Content available remote Mesoscale Convective Systems monitoring on the basis of MSG data - case studies
Analysis described in the paper were made in the frame of the PROZA (Operational decisionmaking based on atmospheric conditions, project co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. One of its tasks was to develop an operational forecast system, which is going to support different economies branches like forestry or fruit farming by reducing the risk of economic decisions with taking into consideration weather conditions. The main purpose of the paper is to describe the method of the MCSs (Mesoscale Convective Systems) tracking on the basis of the MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) data. Until now several tests were performed. The Meteosat satellite images in selected spectral channels collected for Central Europe Region for May 2010 were used to detect and track cloud systems recognized as MCSs in Poland. The ISIS tracking method was applied here. First the cloud objects are defined using the temperature threshold and next the selected cells are tracked using principle of overlapping position on consecutive images. The main benefit of using a temperature threshold to define cells is its efficiency. During the tracking process the algorithm links the cells of the image at time t to the one of the following image at time t+dt that correspond to the same cloud system. Selected cases present phenomena, which appeared at the territory of Poland. They were compared to the weather radar data and UKMO UM (United Kingdom MetOffice Unified Model) forecasts. The paper presents analysis of exemplary MCSs in the context of near realtime prediction system development and proves that developed tool can be helpful in MCSs monitoring.
The GPS system can play an important role in activities related to the monitoring of climate. Long time series, coherent strategy, and very high quality of tropospheric parameter Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) estimated on the basis of GPS data analysis allows to investigate its usefulness for climate research as a direct GPS product. This paper presents results of analysis of 16-year time series derived from EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) reprocessing performed by the Military University of Technology. For 58 stations Lomb-Scargle periodograms were performed in order to obtain information about the oscillations in ZTD time series. Seasonal components and linear trend were estimated using Least Square Estimation (LSE) and Mann-Kendall trend test was used to confirm the presence of a linear trend designated by LSE method. In order to verify the impact of the length of time series on trend value, comparison between 16 and 18 years were performed.
Content available remote Po co projekt ASG+?
Content available LC phase bias investigation of ASG-EUPOS stations
Monitoring of permanent stations that make up the reference frame is an integral part of the geodesists work. Selection of reference stations is based on analysis of parameters characterizing them (hardware, coordinates’ stability, mounting, location). In this paper, we took into account phase residual as an indicator of unmodelled signal. Phase residuals were computed based on ASG-EUPOS and EPN observation processing. The results show the connection between the method of mounting the antenna and the residuals. We have reviewed multipath effect at ASG-EUPOS stations, and chosen those which are characterized by the highest value of phase residual. The results show that LC phase residual is a good factor to characterize site’s solutions’ reliability. For majority of sites RMS values were less than 10 mm. Modulations associated with multipath effect were observed for few ASG-EUPOS sites only. Phase residuals are distributed specifically for sites, which antennas are mounted on pillars (more common for EPN sites). For majority of analysed sites phase residual distribution was similar for different days and did not depend directly on atmosphere condition.
Monitorowanie permanentnych stacji GPS/GNSS, które tworzą układ współrzędnych stanowi integralną część pracy geodetów. Wybór takich stacji bazuje na analizie parametrów, które charakteryzują jej jakość ( sprzęt, stabilność współrzędnych, lokalizacja i montaż anteny). W przedstawionej pracy przeanalizowano jeden z nich – odchyłki obserwacji fazowych. Wartości tych różnic obliczono dla stacji EPN oraz ASG-EUPOS z rozwiązań dobowych. Dla większości z analizowanych stacji średnia kwadratowa otrzymanych odchyłek nie przekraczała 10 mm. Wartość ta oraz sam rozkład odchyłek nie zmieniał się znacząco przy różnych warunkach atmosfery. Na podstawie otrzymanych odchyłek fazowych przeanalizowano wpływ wielotorowości na tych stacjach. Modulacje wartości odchyłek na niskich kątach elewacji, których jednym ze źródeł jest efekt wielotorowości otrzymano zaledwie na kilku stacjach ASG-EUPOS. Taka sytuacja miała miejsce głównie dla stacji, których anteny zamontowane są na słupach. Wyniki pokazały, że podejście wykorzystujące analizę odchyłek liniowej kombinacji obserwacji fazowych jest dobrą metodą do oceny pracy stacji.
Content available Introduction to joint analysis of SLR and GNSS data
The paper presents models, parameters and assumptions concerning Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data processing, which will be conducted in the frame of a project concerning comparison of the site coordinates determined using these two techniques. The analysis will be performed by two research units: the Space Research Center (Polish Academy of Science) and the Center of Applied Geomatics (Military University of Technology) and will take into account the data from all global stations adopting SLR and GNSS techniques that were operating in the same time (from 1996 to 2011). The main goal is to obtain exact coordinates and their changes in time (velocities) on the basis of both techniques and to compare the results. The stations’ coordinates will be determined for the common reference epoch - for the first day of each month. According to the recommendations of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), the same models and parameters from IERS Conventions 2010 will be used in both processing strategies (if possible). Monthly orbital arcs for laser observations will be created on the basis of solutions from several SLR sites providing best quality results and the highest number of observations. For GNSS coordinates determination of about 100 sites belonging to International GNSS Service (IGS) will be selected: 30 with local ties to SLR sites and others chosen on the basis of their localization and quality of time series.
Earth’s gravity field is one of three pillars of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). Gravity measurements are made using both classical methods by the means of ground measurement facilities (relative and absolute gravimetry) and methods based on the satellite techniques (SLR, missions CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE) or airborne gravimetry. The main objective of this GGOS pillar is to determine geoid’s shape, Earth’s static gravitational potential and temporal variations induced by solid Earth processes and mass transport in the global water cycle. The paper presents relationships between the main classes of diagrams of the Earth’s gravity field described using UML (Unified Modelling Language). Such description can be helpful in the analysis of the gravitational field pillar linkages with other pillars of GGOS. The main purpose of this paper is to give the full explanation of connections between all Earth’s gravity field GGOS components. Key words: Earth’s gravity field, UML, GGOS.
The IAG (International Association of Geodesy) Sub-Commission for the European reference frame (EUREF) passed a resolution recommending application of the ETRF2000 frame as national realizations of the ETRS89 reference system during the XXth EUREF Symposium in Gävle (Sweden) in 2010. The PL-ETRF2000 system is comprised of EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) sites. Their coordinates and their temporal changes (velocities) were accurately determined on the basis of long-term GNSS observations. The transfer of the PLETRF2000 system onto the territory of Poland is realized by the ASG-EUPOS (Active Geodetic Network – European Position Determination System) permanent sites network. The ASG-EUPOS tasks include also system maintenance by continuous or periodical control of the coordinates and velocities constancy. According to the current Regulation of the Ministry of Administration and Digitization concerning geodesic, gravimetric and magnetic warps, the accuracy of sites of the fundamental warp (EPN sites belonging to ASG-EUPOS) may not be worse than 0.01 m for horizontal position and 0.02 m for geodesic height. It results in the necessity to monitor the performance of the reference sites for proper maintenance of the reference system. A new team for modeling deformations in Europe was established within the EUREF Working Group (The EUREF Working Group on Deformation Models) during the EUREF 2012 Symposium in Paris. One of its tasks is taking geo-kinematic models into consideration for national realizations of the ETRS89 and maximum usage of knowledge concerning the velocity field. The paper deals with the problem of temporal validity of the catalogue coordinates and the necessity of periodical updating them on the basis of velocities derived from long-term observations. Although Poland is located in a tectonically calm area and the intraplate velocities are small, some of the EPN and ASG-EUPOS sites have significant velocities and are subject to vertical movements. Lack of periodical updating of the coordinates realizing the reference system will cause lack of fulfillment of the assumed accuracy criterion. Analysis of horizontal and vertical velocities of sites belonging to the fundamental warp lead to assumption that two sites will exceed horizontal criterion in a period of time shorter than 10 years counting from the reference epoch (i.e. from 2011.0): KATO horizontal coordinates should be updated in 2014 and GWWL in 2021. Mores sites will exceed vertical criterion: BOGI (2021), GWWL (2015), KATO (2019), SWKI (2019) and ZYWI (2021). The vertical component updating will require of course changes of the horizontal component (coordinates are determined in the Cartesian orthogonal XYZ coordinate system and then recalculated for the ellipsoidal coordinates). Besides periodical coordinates updating it is recommended to conduct repeated processing for the entire network according to the EUREF standards for taking the current GNSS observations into consideration.
Content available remote Geokinematics in GGOS - different relations and dependences
The paper presents the preliminary results of the analysis of fundamental dependencies between different geodetic concepts related to the one of the GGOS (Global Geodetic Observation System) pillars called Geometry and Kinematics. These relationships are described using UML (Unified Modelling Language) – one of the graphical notations that can be used for information modelling. Concepts are represented as classes with their names, attributes, and different kinds of links between them. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the full description of connections between all GGOS components.
ASG-EUPOS is Polish GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Ground Based Augmentation System. The name stands for Active Geodetic Network European Position Determination System. It is multifunctional system of precise positioning consisting of more than 100 GNSS reference stations, which constitutes densification of global IGS (International GNSS Service) and regional EPN (European Permanent Network) GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) networks. Data collected on those stations are reference for many surveys (real time or postprocessing corrections - differential technology). ASGEUPOS will fulfill a role of main national geodetic frame and will enable conservation of ETRF (European Terrestrial Reference Frame) in Poland. That is one of the reasons why the system activity has to be monitored and controlled.
Content available remote Pierwsze opracowanie regionalne
Sieci referencyjne GNSS różnią się rozmiarami, liczbą stacji i przezaczeniem. Pierwsze stacje permanentne powstały jeszcze w latach 80. Odbiorniki GPS nie były wówczas doskonałe, złaszcza w zakresie układu śledzenia i anten odbiorczych. Współrzędne stacji uzyskiwane z obliczeń przez kilkanaście ostatnich lat zawierają wiele błędów systematycznych, które uniemożliwiają ich wspólną analizę. Jedynym rozwiązaniem jest wykonanie powtórnych obliczeń archiwalnych obserwacji zgodnie z obowiązującymi standardami i modelami. Przedsięwzięcie to jest obecnie realizowane przez IGS dla sieci globalnej. Równolegle dla sieci regionalnej EPN prace takie wykonał zespół z Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej (WAT) w Warszawie. W artykule przedstawiono ich metodologię oraz analizę wyników pod kątem poszukiwania błędów systematycznych nieuwzględnionych w obliczeniach.
GNSS reference networks differ in size, number of stations and thier use. First permanent stations were established in the 80's. GPS receivers were not perfect at that time (mainly due to tracking systems and antennas). Station coordinates - the result of many years of calculations, cantain a series of systematic errors. The only way to solve this problem was to reprocess archive data according to valid standards and models. Such undertaking is in progress for IGS right now. The Military University of Technol9ogy (Warsaw) performed test of such work for regional network EPN. This article presents methods and strategy of MUT's solution and its analysis in a context of searching of systematic errors that were not taken into consideration during calculations.
Content available remote Ciągłe przeliczanie
Content available remote ASG-EUPOS monitoring with reference to EPN
This paper concerns methods and results of processing of data collected by ASG-EUPOS (Active Geodetic Network - European Position Determination System) sites since the beginning of the system. The elaboration was made by Centre of Applied Geomatics from Military University of Technology and it was based on the experience gained during EPN (European Permanent Network) processing. Strategy was similar to strategy used by EPN Local Analysis Centers for European network elaborations and EPN test reprocessing (Kenyeres et al., 2008). As the outcome daily and weekly solutions (North, East, Up component for each station) were obtained. Basing on weekly solutions local velocities and vertical movements were determined. Preliminary tests of combining national and regional networks were also made and results were compared to official EPN solutions (differences below 1 cm). Daily solutions were analyzed in the context of stability and reliability basing on time series standard deviation.
W artykule opisano obszerny program modernizacji wszystkich trzech segmentów systemu GPS. Przedstawiono nowe elementy segmentu satelitarnego: nowe typy satelitów i nowe sygnały (nowe częstotliwości, nowe kody, sygnał cywilny i ich charakterystyki). W opisie uwzględniono również rozbudowę segmentu kontrolnego oraz nowe odbiorniki GPS.
The wide programme of modernization of all three segments of the GPS system is described in the paper. In the space segment there are discussed new types of satellites and new signals (new frequencies, new codes, civil signals and their characteristics). Extension of control segment and modern GPS receivers are also included.
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