Within the last few years diesel engines have strengthen their position and nowadays they become the power units which are also eagerly applied to passenger cars. Heavy and noisy self-ignition engines - emitting clouds of black smoke and having unfavourable ratio of mass versus offered power - fall into oblivion. Nevertheless low costs of used fuel have always been their positive feature. That was a decisive factor when applying those engines to commercial vehicles. Many years of research and development work have resulted in changing the image of diesel engine. Thanks to the development concerning electronics, computer systems, as well as their miniaturization it has become possible to precisely operate the engine and its equipment. WSW "ANDORIA" is familiar with those changes as it has been existing as the manufacturer of power units for commercial vehicles, working machines, as well as others. It is a challenge for us to follow those changes in order to meet clients' requirements. Within the 50-year operation the assortment of manufactured engines has changed. It was a vital breakthrough to acquire and launch in 1966 the production of the Leyland licensed diesel engines. The Leyland-family engines have been produced until now, however they have undergone many changes aiming at adjusting their parameters to contemporary requirements. Presently the 4CT90 j 4CT90 engine is the main product of Andoria - it is applied as the power unit in Lublin vehicles. That engine is equipped with either the inline injection pump made by Motorpal firm or the VE type rotary pump made by the BOSCH firm. In the EURO II version the engine is equipped with the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) governed by the operation electronic unit. Further work is continued in order to limit the emission and increase the power of our engines. Our superior target is to meet market requirements and produce power units with application features satisfying our client.
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