Safety in aviation has various connotations. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), it is a state in which the possibility of harm to people and property is minimised and maintained within a continuous process of identifying threats and managing safety risks at an acceptable level or below an acceptable level. Actions related to threat identification can be reactive, proactive, or predictive. Reactive actions aim to verify what happened, why, and how to prevent it from recurring. For this purpose, incidents that occurred in the past are analysed. By Polish law, the Commission for Investigating Aviation Accidents investigates accidents and serious incidents, while incidents mostly fall under the responsibility of the aviation organisation in which the incident occurred. Therefore, this article aims to identify threats causing incidents. Three thousand two hundred aviation incidents reported between 2017 and 2022 to the Civil Aviation Office as part of the mandatory and voluntary event reporting system were analysed. The identified causes, due to the diversity of their description, were divided into four groups. The first group consists of human factors, representing inadequate actions by pilots, crews, or individuals who caused a situation of danger. The second group comprises errors in the operation of technical objects, including aircraft. This group also includes situations where foreign objects violate airspace or minimum conditions are breached. The next group includes environmental causes such as wild animals, birds, and weather conditions. The last group consists of procedures related to flight phases.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) pose a threat to buildings and facilities important to the security of the state. As they are able to operate like individual aircraft, the number of ways they can be used for terrorist activity is practically unlimited. Anyone in charge of a facility that is crucial for the reliable functioning of a state is obliged to ensure an acceptable level of security. Since drones can be used to attack protected structures, they need to be protected by an anti-drone system. The paper proposes a method for assessing the effectiveness of systems for detecting and neutralising unmanned aerial vehicles. In order to suggest a new method for assessing the effectiveness of anti-drone systems, an analysis of the scientific literature and other documents describing existing anti-drone systems has been carried out. Attacks involving the use of drones, both in wartime and in incidents of terrorism, are also analysed and existing anti-drone solutions assessed. Because there are a variety of technical solutions for the detection and neutralisation of drones, and different location and weather conditions, a universal method is proposed based on probability calculations and neutralisation of drones, using mathematical formulas. This method allows for the effectiveness of the entire anti-drone system to be assessed on the basis of measuring the probability of detection and neutralisation of drones in real conditions. The proposed method allows the effectiveness of the currently existing anti-drone systems to be evaluated and for new methods for detecting and neutralising drones to be proposed. This method, based on mathematical calculations, enables software to be written for simulating anti-drone systems on computers and for the effectiveness of these systems to be confirmed before their construction in a protected facility.
The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of unmanned aerial vehicles as devices supporting the system of physical protection of critical infrastructure facilities using the example of a nuclear power plant. This paper contains information on the reasons for the construction of a nuclear power plant in the era of economic development of the Polish state. The legal requirements consisting of the analysis of the risk of terrorist threats for the facility was indicated. One of the sources of danger is unmanned aircraft or flying models increasingly used in the airspace. Furthermore, this paper presents legal rules and principles according to which missions of unmanned aerial vehicles or flying models are performed. The current regulations allow the use of unmanned aerial vehicles as devices supporting physical security systems at facilities. This study showed that although the use of unmanned aircraft for the purpose of increasing the security level of critical infrastructure facilities has some limitations, however, the possibilities arising from their usefulness are the decisive advantage of the need to implement drone technology in security.
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