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GPR method is perfectly suited for recognizing of sedimentary facies diversity in shallowly occurring sediments if there is a contrast of electrical properties between and/or within each layer. The article deals with the issue of the correlation between GPR surveys results and sedimentological analyses. As a result of this correlation a conceptual model of depositional systems of studied areas was developed. Studies were performed in two areas located in central Poland, where glacial deposits formed in the Middle Polish (Saalian) Glaciation are present. The study was based on 49 sediment samples and 21 GPR profiles. Analyses of litho facies as well as granulometric and mineralogical composition of deposits of collected samples were carried out, showing the diversity of glacial deposits in both study sites. During GPR measurements shielded antenna with a frequency of 500 MHz was used which allowed high-resolution mapping of the internal structure of deposits and to identify four characteristic radar facies. Correlation of GPR profiles with point, one-dimensional sedimentological studies allowed the unambiguous interpretation of the GPR image and draw conclusions about the formation environment of individual units. Geophysical and sedimentological data obtained during study provide a new and detailed insight into selected glacial deposits in central Poland.
W artykule omówiono zasady wykorzystania programów informatycznych w kształceniu studentów studiów licencjackich w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w uczelni niepublicznej. Scharakteryzowano dostępne systemy wspomagające ocenę ryzyka zawodowego.
The article discusses the principles of using IT programs in the education of undergraduate students in the field of occupational safety and health at a non-public university. The available systems supporting the assessment of occupational risk have been characterized.
W artykule przedstawiono studium przypadku oceny stateczności zbocza zlokalizowanego w południowej Polsce, w obszarze o skomplikowanej budowie geologicznej. Zaproponowano wieloetapową metodologię oceny stateczności zbocza. Zastosowane komplementarne techniki badawcze pozwoliły uzyskać dokładną i rzetelną ocenę stateczności analizowanego zbocza, a przedstawiona wieloetapowa procedura analizy uwarunkowań stateczności umożliwiła uwzględnienie różnych cech i mechanizmów destabilizujących stan równowagi, co pozwala na prognozowanie kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego.
The multistage methodology of the slope stability analysis, based on a case study, is presented in the paper. The study area is located in southern Poland, where geological conditions are complex. A numerous complementary research techniques that were applied provided reliable and exact assessment of equilibrium state of the slope. The results have shown that presented multistep procedure takes into account various destabilizing factors and therefore enables the prediction of the future spatial planning.
The article presents the usage of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) in ground recognition for linear constructions such as the Warsaw Southern Ring-Road. Measurements were performed in a gradient array, on five segments of the route, with previously researched geological conditions. Measurement method intended to probe the soil matrix on different depths. Therefore, the electrode array was set to 2 to 5 meters. The resulting image of resistivity differed in resolution. Resistivity images were correlated with geological data from boreholes in geology-engineering documentation and other widely available geological information from databases and literature. This allowed to limit ambiguity of interpretation of two-dimensional model of near surface soil matrix resistivity. Thereby, individual ranges of resistivity were assigned to geological content. The measurements allowed to identify geological horizontal variability. Electrical resistivity imaging research confirmed its utility in the recognition of spatial distribution of geological media in foundation soil. The analysis of completed surveys allowed to designate the following areas: locations where anthropogenic and organic soils occur, probable location of the edge of the upland on the eastern side of Vistula River and upper relief of local Neogene clays.
The article presents the attempt to systematize the problems of urban geology using the example of Warsaw agglomeration. The introduction discusses the available literature, both domestic and foreign. It was noted that many authors understand this concept in various ways, defining it differently. This is the result of diverse interests of researchers, whose common point is that their works and research were located in or associated with urban areas. It also presents, in general, the range of subjects and the set of tools related to Earth sciences, which help in solving research tasks. The article makes reference to the constraints associated with availability of the land and problems related to the applicability of methods. It presents the thesis stating that the needs of users of geoinformation in the urban environment are different from the current ones, which were mainly focused on natural resources, rather than on interaction or coexistence of natural resources and development. The recipients of geoinformation in the urban environment, in relation to the presented conceptual scheme, are mainly people or institutions that do not have an appropriate knowledge of geology. Hence, it is necessary to present geoinformation in a clear and accessible manner, as conclusions or guidelines for use. The examples presented in the article prove that geology of urban areas is now becoming a very important part of knowledge necessary for proper, sustainable development of our cities. Over the last few years a significant part of the population moved to urban areas. This trend is noticeable in Poland and around the world.
The presented work was realized within the framework of the AQUILO project, aiming to create the base of knowledge for prospective future investments in offshore wind energy on the Baltic Sea. The presented part of the work is focused on the experimental validation of numerical method of evaluation of the wave-induced forces on the bottom-mounted support structure of the offshore wind turbine. The experimental setup and measurement equipment, including in-house developed 6-DOF (six freedom) dynamometer, are described. Comparison of performance of different methods of evaluation of wave loads for wide range of parameters is presented. The results of experiments and numerical analyses are consistent; the largest discrepancy occurred at lowest wave frequencies, i.e., largest wave lengths. This may result from increased relative error of measurements for long waves in a relatively short tank.
Prezentowana praca została wykonana w ramach projektu AQUILO, mającego na celu stworzenie bazy wiedzy dla przyszłych, potencjalnych inwestycji w energetykę wiatrową na akwenach Morza Bałtyckiego. W prezentowanej pracy wykonano empiryczną walidację numerycznej metody wyznaczania obciążeń falowych działających na konstrukcję wsporczą morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej. Przedstawiono i opisano fizyczny model doświadczalny oraz urządzenia pomiarowe, włącznie z wykonanym dla tego zadania dynamometrem o sześciu stopniach swobody (6 DOF). Zaprezentowano porównanie wyników obciążeń wywołanych falowaniem, otrzymanych różnymi metodami, dla szerokiego zakresu zmienności parametrów falowania. Wyniki uzyskane z przeprowadzonych doświadczeń oraz wyniki otrzymane z modelu numerycznego wykazują zadowalającą zgodność; największe rozbieżności wystąpiły dla częstotliwości najniższych, tj. dla fal najdłuższych. Przyczynę tych rozbieżności można tłumaczyć wzrostem względnego błędu pomiarowego dla bardzo długich fal w stosunkowo krótkim basenie.
Complex studies were carried out to recognize the fen structure and peat properties in the Całowanie Fen area, belonging to the Natura 2000 network. The studies were conducted in two study areas that differ significantly in terms of peat thickness. Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) was used to identify the properties of the peat and its substrate, such as thickness and electrical resistivity. Comparison of the field studies with the laboratory tests has shown that the ash content rises electrical resistivity in peat. In addition, the study has shown that the application of non-invasive geophysical methods in protected areas is justified. The fen, as a medium containing mostly water, was a proper test area for the ERI measurements.
The paper is aiming to determinate the extent of the northeastern arm of Kozłowicka buried valley on the grounds of own research by means of electrical resistivity tomography – ERT and available archival researches. On the Hydrogeological map of Poland, Żyrardów sheet (Felter and Nowicki, 1998a, b) Kozłowicka buried valley was differentiated as an individual hydrogeological unit. The results of the analysis show that the extent of the structure, defined by its upper boundary, differs significantly from the one suggested on the sheet of Hydrogeological map of Poland. Since there was no data available in the northeastern part of the discussed arm of Kozłowicka buried valley, the northern boundary was defined only based on available geoelectrical sounding profiles (Czerwińska, 1988; Topolewska, 2015). In order to confirm suggested solution, geoelectrical research by means of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was conducted. The measurements were performed along 3 profiles located in the area of interest. The authors would like to point out the need of the usage of ERT in mapping and studying buried structures that might be groundwater reservoirs. As a result, one obtains quasi-continuous image of electrical resistivity of the subsurface. Due to the contrast of electrical properties of sediments, it is possible to determine upper and bottom surfaces of electrical properties sediments, it is possible to determine upper and bottom surfaces of buried structures, formed within glacial deposits.
The paper presents the results of numerical simulations of ship propeller operation bearing the name of Propeller Open Water (POW) Tests. The object of tests was a sample ship propeller (PPTC1), the geometrical and kinematic data of which are available, along with the results of model tests, on the official page of the research centre involved in the measurements. The research aimed at verifying the correctness of results of numerical simulations performed in the model and real scale. The results of numerical analyses performed in the model scale were confronted with those measured in the experiment. Then, making use of dimensionless coefficients which characterise propeller’s operation, the recorded model data were extrapolated to real conditions and compared with corresponding results of simulations. Both the numerical simulations and the experimental research were performed for the same propeller load states. The reported research is in line with other activities which aim at developing advanced numerical methods to.
7–8 kwietnia 2016 r. w Warszawie po raz drugi odbyło się Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Geointerdyscyplinarnych Metod Badawczych GeoSym 2016. Sympozjum zostało zorganizowane przez Wydział Geologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej Politechniki Warszawskiej oraz Wydział Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie w ramach obchodów jubileuszu 200-lecia Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Odmierzacze paliw ciekłych mierzą objętość paliwa w temperaturze pomiaru. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę wpływu przyjęcia stałej gęstości paliwa na dokładność przeliczania objętości paliwa wydanego w temperaturze pomiaru, na objętość tego paliwa przedstawianą w temperaturze bazowej (15°C).
The fuel dispensers measure the volume of liquid fuel in the measuring temperature. The article presents an analysis of the influence of the adoption constant fuel density on the accuracy of counting of the fuel volume dispensed in measurement temperature for the volume of fuel presented at the base temperature (15°C).
The paper deals with the propagation of shear horizontal (SH) waves in an nonhomogeneous elastic half-space composed of a layer whose shear modulus and mass density have a power dependence on the distance from the lower plane and the periodically stratified half-space. The equation which relates the wave speed to the wave-number and functions of the shear modulus and mass density is derived. The wave velocity is analyzed numerically. Especially, the influence of mechanical properties of the coating layer and the stratified foundation on the wave velocity is presented in the form of figures.
In the present paper, we introduce the notion of symmetrically porouscontinuous functions. We investigate some properties of symmetric porouscontinuity and its connections with the notion of porouscontinuity, studied by Borsík and Holos in [2]. We prove that there are 2c symmetrically porouscontinuous functions, which extends results of [1] concerning ρ-upper continuous functions.
Volatility of the economic environment makes it necessary, while taking a decision on constructing an offshore wind farm, erected and operated in the relatively distant future, to identify the factors that could significantly affect the profitability of such an investment. The objective of this paper is to discuss the selected variables affecting the rate of return for the investor (IRR) interested in investment in offshore wind power plant/farm (OWF) in the Polish economic zone in the southern Baltic Sea area (the Project). The study analysed different variables of the environment of an enterprise that would carry out the Project and their potential impact on the profitability of the investment. Considerations were preceded by a discussion of theoretical aspects of the structure and nature of impact of individual environmental factors, presented both in macro and micro perspective. As in Poland, no OWF has been errected yet; in this analysis, benchmarking data were employed characterising the conditions for the construction and operation of OWFs in other European countries and the world. The study also employed informations gathered in the project AQUILO (PBS1/A6/8/2012), supported by financial means from the National Research and Development Centre.
Zmienność otoczenia gospodarczego powoduje, że podejmując decyzję dotyczącą budowy morskiej farmy wiatrowej, która będzie wznoszona i eksploatowana w relatywnie odległej przyszłości, konieczne jest zidentyfikowanie czynników mogących znacząco wpływać na opłacalność takiej inwestycji. Celem opracowania jest omówienie wybranych zmiennych kształtujących stopę zwrotu dla inwestora (IRR) zainteresowanego budową morskiej elektrowni wiatrowej (MEW) w polskiej strefie ekonomicznej na obszarze południowego Bałtyku (dalej Projekt). W opracowaniu przeanalizowano różne zmienne otoczenia przedsiębiorstwa, które miałoby realizować taki Projekt oraz ich potencjalny wpływ na opłacalność inwestycji. Rozważania poprzedzono omówieniem teoretycznych aspektów dotyczących struktury i sposobu oddziaływania poszczególnych czynników otoczenia, prezentowanego zarówno w ujęciu makro jak i mikro. Ponieważ w Polsce nie oddano jeszcze do eksploatacji żadnej MEW, w toku analizy wykorzystano benchmarkowo dane charakteryzujące warunki budowy i eksploatacji MEW w innych krajach Europy i świata. W opracowaniu wykorzystano także informacje gromadzone w ramach projektu AQUILO (PBS1/A6/8/2012) realizowanego dzięki środkom finansowym z Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju.
A newly recognized Mnin restraining stepover is identified in the Permo-Mesozoic cover of the western part of the Late Palaeozoic Holy Cross Mountains Fold Belt (Poland), within a fault pattern consisting of dextral strikeslip faults. The formation of a large contractional structure at the Late Cretaceous – Cenozoic transition displays the significant role of strike-slip faulting along the western border of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone, in the foreland of the Polish part of the Carpathian Orogen. Theoretical relationships between the maximum fault offsets/ mean step length, as well as between the maximum fault offsets/mean step width allowed the estimation of the values of possible offsets along the Snochowice and Mieczyn faults forming the Mnin stepover. The estimated values suggest displacements of as much as several tens of kilometres. The observed offset along the Tokarnia Fault and theoretical calculations suggest that the strike-slip faults west of the Late Palaeozoic Holy Cross Mountains Fold Belt belong to a large strike-slip fault system. We postulate that the observed significant refraction of the faults forming the anastomosing fault pattern is related also to the interaction of the NW-SE-striking faults formed along the western border of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone and the reactivated WNW-ESE-striking faults belonging to the fault systems of the northern margin of the Tethys Ocean.
W pracy przeanalizowano możliwość wykorzystania nowoczesnych metod geofizycznych W ocenie stanu technicznego wałów przeciwpowodziowych. Omówiono pokrótce podstawy teoretyczne pomiarów georadarowych, metody elektrooporowej oraz badań sejsmicznych. Zaprezentowano i przeanalizowano otrzymane wyniki pomiarów. Na podstawie zgromadzonych danych przeprowadzono obliczenia numeryczne rozpatrywanych przekrojów obwałowań w oprogramowaniu Z_Soil.PC, pod kątem zjawisk filtracyjnych i stateczności konstrukcji. We wnioskach końcowych podsumowano wady i zalety poszczególnych metod badawczych. Przedstawiono istniejące ograniczenia i możliwości zastosowania w praktyce.
The paper gives an example of using modern geophysical methods to evaluate the technical condition of levees. The theoretical bases of GPR measurements, electrical resistivity and seismic methods are briefly discussed. Test results for two embankments are presented. Based on the collected data, numerical calculations of the analyzed embankment sections were performed with the Z_SoiI.PC programme. The phenomena of filtration conditions and constructiori stability were examined. In the conclusions section, advantages and disadvantages of each method are given, along with existing limitations and possibilities of practical applicability.
The polymer-matrix composites have been applied to regeneration of machine elements since many years. Their proprieties as well as range of using are known generally. However, no exact comparative data about technological factors influence on the adhesive-bonded joints properties, especially the influence of surface preparation. Authors in view of the wide possibilities of the use of such composites in the repair of machinery and equipment, the issue of assessing the impact of technological factors on the properties of adhesive joints made in this work. In this paper was presented the results of adhesive-bonded joints researches depending on the preparation of adhesive material and the surface condition of jointed elements. The tests were selected most often used adhesive material. Based on these results it can be stated that the composition of the adhesive composition and condition of the surface preparation jointed elements have a significant influence on the properties of connections. It is noted considerable variation bonding strength between various variants of the state of the surface. The composition of the adhesive has a significant effect on the properties of the connection. Deficiency and excess hardener content in weight reduces the adhesive strength of the adhesive connection.
Obtaining the reliable values of filtration – consolidation parameters depends on appropriate programming of load velocity. In the paper a critical assessment of the criteria for selecting the load velocity with regard to theoretical model of consolidation under constant rate of load (CRL) was presented. A key element of interpretation is to distinguish three stages of investigation: mobilization of pore pressure, steady phase and unsteady phase. Reliable values of filtration – consolidation parameters are obtained during steady phase, determined on the basis of dimensionless, standardized for CRL tests parameters: the pore pressure and relative time of consolidation CL (continuous loading). In order to assess trends in changes of filtration – consolidation properties of Krakowiec formation clays were chosen for investigations. The tests were performed on undisturbed samples and using soil pastes at different load velocities to propose method to choose appropriate test speed in CL tests.
Appropriate assessment of spatial variation of soil and hydrogeological conditions is a crucial issue in recognizing foundation soil. The best methods to achieve this goal are those that supply continuous rather than scattered data on soil medium variation. Electrical resistivity was measured with the resistivity cone penetration test (RCPT) and electrical resistance tomography (ERT) with electrodes spaced at 1 and 3 m in order to discriminate peat layers beneath low-resistivity clays. Soil conditions determined by drillings and ERT were not concordant, therefore resistivity modelling of the medium was conducted based on geological units determined by drillings and values of apparent resistivity obtained from RCPT. The strata thickness and electrode spacing is shown to have influence on resistivity imaging in complex soil conditions.
Metody geofizyczne wykorzystywane jako badania uzupełniające przy badaniu podłoża umożliwiają ocenę jakościową zmienności warunków gruntowych w strefie przypowierzchniowej. Informacje te są szczególnie istotne w monitoringu podłoża budowli hydrotechnicznych. W artykule przedstawiono badania geofizyczne wykonane w rejonie zapory ziemnej, mające na celu wskazanie miejsc rozluźnienia gruntów w obrębie zapory oraz określenie głębokości stropu gruntów spoistych występujących pod zaporą. Zastosowano metody: tomografii elektrooporowej (ERT), georadarową (GPR), sejsmiki refrakcyjnej, dające dwuwymiarowy obraz zmian fizycznych w ośrodku oraz sejsmikę fal powierzchniowych - Continuous Surface Wave System (CSWS), dzięki której otrzymano profil 1D parametrów sztywności ośrodka w punkcie pomiarowym. Opierając się na rezultatach badan ERT oraz sejsmice refrakcyjnej, odniesione do danych z wierceń, opracowano mapę powierzchni stropowej gruntów słabo przepuszczalnych. Anomalie uzyskane w wyniku interpretacji przeprowadzonych badań geofizycznych pozwoliły na oszacowanie stref rozluźnienia gruntu, które mogą być wywołane procesem sufozji. Zaobserwowane anomalie, na wybranych obszarach, zostały skorelowane z wierceniami oraz sondowaniami statycznymi (CPT), co pozwoliło na zrealizowanie postawionego celu oraz sformułowanie wniosku, że rozkład stref rozluźnienia gruntów oraz zwiększonego przepływu wód gruntowych stwarza zagrożenie dla stateczności korpusu zapory.
Geophysical methods used as a complementary survey in the investigation of substrate allow for a qualitative assessment of the lateral variability of ground conditions in the near surface zone. They can also permit evaluation of the vertical variation of ground conditions. Such information is particularly important in monitoring the substratum of hydrotechnical engineering constructions. This article presents the geophysical surveys carried out in the area of an earth dam in order to identify places of relaxation of soils within the dam, as well as to determine the depth of the roof of cohesive soils occurring under the dam. The following methods were used: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), seismic refraction (providing a two-dimensional image of the physical changes in the medium), and surface wave seismic - Continuous Surface Wave System (CSWS) used together with Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW). The last method made it possible to analyze the distribution of the stiffness parameters of the medium at the measuring point. Based on the results of ERT studies and seismic refraction, referring to drilling data, a map of the roof surface of cohesive soils was developed. Anomalies identified in the geophysical studies made it possible to estimate the relaxation zone of the soil that could be caused by a process of suffosion. The observed anomalies in selected areas were correlated with drilling and Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), which allowed the completion of the pursued objective and to draw conclusions for the whole dam.
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