Because of much more restricted norms about polluting gas emission in modern vehicles, there is a need to make better control of fuel combustion. The process of fuel combustion is controlled by electronic control unit (ECU). The unit is analysing signals from many sensors, and when the control unit is not able to correct mistakes in fuel combustion, it turn on a warning indicator light and alarming a driver that the emission of polluting gas is too high. The problem is, that the hole system is undependable. The level of complicated of the system is high. In military vehicles, suddenly lost of power of an engine, because of some little mistake in emission control system, in combat conditions could be very danger. Off course, some armoured vehicles has special program in ECU, but most of the military vehicles are built on civilian vehicles, without any changes. The paper show potentials danger in modern electronics controls units of engines. The authors has also practice not only in vehicles testing and service, but also in preparing sport vehicles for rally. The sports programs for ECU in rally vehicles, allows for example for drive with the full power of the engine, even if the temperature of the cooling system is very high, and in normal vehicles, the ECU would not allow to work in such a condition.
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This paper demonstrates a system for conducting modern distance examinations - as part of distance learning. E-matura includes several important features such as computer-aided mathematical analysis of graduate characteristics. Using the latest technology, the authors have created a rich interface - it allows the creation of e-examinations with questions that contain images, animation, video, sound recordings and open ended questions. The authors have also had to meet a challenge concerning the requirement for the examinations to be highly available.
Artykuł przedstawia system do prowadzenia nowoczesnego egzaminowania na odległość, który jest jednym z elementów e-learningu. E-matura zawiera ważne funkcjonalności, takie jak komputerowe wspomaganie diagnozy matematycznej absolwenta. Dzięki wykorzystaniu najnowszych technologii autorzy stworzyli nowoczesny interfejs, który pozwala na tworzenie e-egzaminów z pytaniami zawierającymi obrazy, animacje, filmy, nagrania dźwiękowe i otwarte pytania. Autorzy musieli również sprostać wyzwaniu zapewnienia wysokiej dostępności systemu.
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Dokonano analizy równań stanu złożonych z członu odpychania typu Carnahana i Starlinga i członu przyciągania w formie funkcji wymiernej drugiego stopnia. W wyniku wstępnej analizy wybrano trzy uogólnione równania stanu z dwoma parametrami (u, w) w członie przyciągania zależnymi od substancji. Współczynniki (u, w) wyznaczono dla 20 substancji przez aproksymację danych termodynamicznych w otoczeniu izotermy krytycznej. Przedstawiono sposób estymacji parametrów (u, w) substancji, dla których brak danych termodynamicznych w otoczeniu izotermy krytycznej. Stwierdzono liniowe zależności (u, w) oraz (Z[C], Z[C]^eos ) dla każdego z analizowanych równań. Dalsze testy obliczeniowe w obszarze linii przemiany fazowej paraciecz oraz izoterm P-V wykazały najlepsze rezultaty dla równania stanu oznaczonego symbolem CS3L2M0.
An analysis is presented of new equations of state composed of a repulsive term of the Carnahan - Starling type and an attractive term in the form of a rational quadratic function. Three generalized equations of state with two substance-dependent parameters (u, w) in the perturbation term were selected as a result of the preliminary analysis. The (u, w) coefficients were evaluated for 20 substances by an approximation from the reference thermodynamic data in the neighborhood of a critical isotherm. Linear relations (u, w) and (Z[C], Z[C]^eos ) were ascertained for each of the equations analyzed. Further computational tests performed on the lines of a vapour-liquid phase transition and on the isotherms revealed the best results for a CS3L2M0 equation, that is also numerically, stable. A method is also demonstrated for the estimation of the (u, w) parameters of the substances which lack thermodynamic data in the neighborhood of the critical isotherm.
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