Accidental damage to underwater cables caused by ship traffic seems to be a current problem. According to the statistics more than 44 percent of such damage is caused by fishing vessels. The reason for the next 14 percent is damage from ships’ anchors. The construction of the underwater installation risk model was based on the determination of the density of the traffic in the area where the installation is located. There are several models used to assess the risk of underwater cable damage requiring the implementation of data on the density of traffic of fishing vessels. For this purpose, they usually use AIS (Automatic Identification System) data or statistical data on traffic density in the areas called fishing squares. The aim of this article was to compare traffic data that was based on two independent systems AIS and VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) and verify the reliability of them. The research was carried out in the area of the Slupsk Bank where an underwater cable has been damaged several times. The authors have demonstrated the need to verify the data from both systems in order to obtain reliable information about fishing vessels.
The paper presents the use of the Fast-Time navigational simulator to verify the location of designed elements of navigational infrastructure in vicinity of a high traffic fairway. The aim of the study is to perform the analysis of navigational safety in vicinity of newly constructed quay placed to the east of the island Ostrow Brdowski. The Quay is intended handling of large steel structures. The Fast-Time simulation is performed to evaluate the safety of the navigation passage through the fairway along the quay for the future use of vessels which length may exceed 260 m. This kind of simulation method has been implemented to make a statistical analysis based on a large amount of data, the collection of which would be very expensive and time consuming using a Real-Time simulator.
W artykule przedstawione zostanie wykorzystanie symulatora nawigacyjnego typu Fast-Time w celu weryfikacji lokalizacji projektowanego nabrzeża w pobliżu uczęszczanego toru wodnego. Celem opracowania jest wykonanie analizy nawigacyjnej dla nowobudowanego nabrzeża na wschodniej części wyspy Ostrów Brdowski przeznaczonego do załadunku wielkogabarytowych konstrukcji stalowych. Zaprezentowano ocenę bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego przejścia przez tor wodny prowadzący wzdłuż nabrzeża, dla przyszłościowych jednostek o długości 260 m, wykonana metodą symulacyjną Fast-Time. W badaniu wykorzystano model czasu przyspieszonego ze względu na dużą ilość danych (przejazdów) potrzebnych do wykonania analizy statystycznej, użycie symulatora czasu rzeczywistego do uzyskania wystarczającej ilości danych byłoby zbyt drogie i zbyt kosztowne w czasie.
This paper discusses issues of the accidental anchor damage to offshore subsea pipeline as one of the most significant threat to underwater infrastructure. The density of vessel traffic over the pipeline between platform Baltic Beta and Wladyslawowo power plant has been analyzed. In order to determine the most common damages associated with heavy ship traffic, the authors used the risk model for underwater infrastructure. For this purpose ships anchor equipment has been categorized and as the results the criteria of damage to the pipeline have been discussed.
The paper discusses issues of the impact of traffic density of the vessels on the sea surface to offshore underwater pipelines. The risk includes vessel foundering, sinking, grounding, dropping and dragging anchors, trawling fishing gear. The density of merchant, offshore field support vessels and fishing vessels presented by this paper is base for build risk model for underwater infrastructures. As an example it has been analyzed ships traffic over underwater gas pipeline between platform Baltic Beta and Wladyslawowo power plant.
W artykule omówiono problematykę wpływu gęstości ruchu statków na bezpieczeństwo rurociągu podwodnego. Zagrożenia takiego rurociągu obejmują między innymi uderzenie, zaczepienie lub uszkodzenie bezpośrednio przez kadłub statku, jego kotwice, a także zaczepienie zestawem trałowym statku rybackiego. Analiza gęstości ruchu nad rurociągiem pozwala na budowę modelu ryzyka rurociągów osadzonych w dnie morskim oraz modelu zagrożenia dla rozbudowanej infrastruktury podwodnej. Jako poligon badawczy przyjęto rurociąg gazowy łączący platformę Baltic Beta i elektrownię Władysławowo.
Abstract This article presents the underlying concepts of a mathematical model optimizing the routes of vessels carrying dangerous goods proceeding in the vicinity of passenger ferries. The method is based on the estimated risk of collision between a chemical tanker and a passenger vessel. Risk assessment was performed using three models. The first model determines the distance of the passing ships on the selected area on the basis of the AIS data. The second one is a stochastic model of navigational safety assessment, which provides statistical data on the probability of collision between the two chosen types of vessels. The third model determines the consequences of collisions between passenger ships and chemical tankers. The study defines the scope of the parameters affecting the objective function of vessel route optimization and their importance in the optimization problem.
The vessel traffic system (VTS) operator is an important role in the monitoring and supervision of maritime traffic. The main objectives of the VTS is to improve security in the coastal areas. VTS efficiency depends on the quality of the operators. Certain conditions of work should be provided if the system service is to be reliable as this facilitates proper and effective task performance. This article analyzes the factors affecting the performance quality of VTS operator’s. The aim of this study is to examine the methods that indicate negative factors affecting the efficiency of the VTS operator. The result of the study is primarily a reliability analysis of VTS, which underlines the importance of a thorough understanding of the factors associated with human reliability. These methods are crucial to determining VTS operator errors, and gaining an understanding of the consciousness of the operator’s actions in the workplace. Future negative factors can potentially be eliminated by answering questions about the guiding forces, actions and reactions of the operator to external stimuli in a specified scenario.
Computer simulation study of filling pores of mesoporous silica with magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles which are diffusing towards the silica surface from a water solution with a given pH was presented. Three different values of the pH of the solution were under consideration, pH = 4, 7, and 10. The size of nanoparticles was of the order of magnitude of the nanopore diameter. It was observed that in the case of a low concentration of magnetic nanoparticles in the water solution the process of filling the silica pores weakly depends on the pH of the solution. The value of pH becomes only relevant for large concentration of magnetic nanoparticles. In the simulation, a 2-state Potts model was used for preparing the silica matrix. Diffusion of magnetic nanoparticles was restricted to lattice sites only.
This paper presents assumptions and process of the forming of a risk assessment model for collision between a passenger ferry departing from or approaching port of Świnoujście and a chemical tanker carrying a dangerous cargo. In order to assess navigational safety on the basis of data obtained from AIS system, were prepared probabilistic domains of ships, which made it possible to estimate number of navigational incidents as well as their spatial distribution , that consequently allowed to determine potentially dangerous areas. The next phase was formulation of a simulative model intended for the calculating of probability of collision between the ferry and chemical tanker as well as the determining of characteristic scenarios for such collision. This paper presents also an analysis of consequences of the collision with taking into consideration a damage of cargo tanks.
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One of the most important concepts concerning the safety of navigation is the ship domain. The maritime domain is one of the oldest domains, which preceded the ones used in aviation, railway industry, chemical industry and medical. Through the concept of a ship domain is to be understood a certain area around the vessel, which the navigator wants to keep free of other fixed and moving objects. Navigational situation can be considered safe as long as no other ship neither any navigational obstacle would not exceed the area. In order to build and develop methods to assess the safety of the navigation, a ship probabilistic domains for three types of vessel encounter situations were determined based on the AIS traffic monitoring data. The aim of the paper is to present a method to identify navigational incidents on the basis of a probabilistic domain, which can be used to assess the safety of navigation and discovery places potentially dangerous for navigation in the selected areas of the Baltic Sea.
Jedną z ważniejszych koncepcji dotyczącej bezpieczeństwa nawigacji jest domena statku. Koncepcja morskiej domeny jest jedną z najstarszych domen, albowiem poprzedziła domeny stosowane w lotnictwie, branży kolejowej, przemyśle chemicznym oraz medycznym. Poprzez pojęcie domeny statku należy rozumieć pewien obszar wokół statku, który nawigator chciałby utrzymać wolnym od innych obiektów stałych i ruchomych. Sytuację nawigacyjną można uznać za bezpieczną tak długo, jak żaden inny statek lub przeszkoda nawigacyjna nie przekroczy tego obszaru. W celu budowy i rozwinięcia metody oceny bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego wyznaczono probabilistyczne domeny statku na podstawie danych z monitoringu AIS dla trzech typów sytuacji spotkaniowych między statkami. Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie metody identyfikacji incydentów nawigacyjnych na podstawie domeny probabilistycznej, która może posłużyć do oceny bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego oraz odnajdywania miejsc potencjalnie niebezpiecznych na wybranych obszarach Morza Bałtyckiego.
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W przedstawionej pracy wykorzystano nowe możliwości, jakie pojawiły się wraz z wprowadzeniem systemu automatycznej identyfikacji statków AIS. Jest to system, który umożliwia nie tylko monitoring ruchu statków, ale również badania nad podstawowymi procesami rządzącymi ruchem jednostek na danym akwenie. Badania autorów wskazują, iż analizując dane o pozycjach statków można wyznaczyć obszar domeny probabilistycznej wokół statku, której przekroczenie jest uważane za incydent nawigacyjny oraz sprawdzić zależności między wypadkami nawigacyjnymi a incydentami. Autorzy opierając się na teorii trójkąta Heinrich'a stwierdzili, iż znalezienie zależności między incydentami a wypadkami nawigacyjnymi umożliwia podjęcie oceny bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego na badanym akwenie. Wyznaczenie stosunku liczby incydentów do wypadków na badanym obszarze, ma na celu znalezienie miejsc potencjalnie niebezpiecznych. Zakładanym wynikiem pracy jest zwiększenie świadomości nawigatorów o miejscach potencjalnie niebezpiecznych, co może skutkować zmniejszeniem liczby wypadków na badanym obszarze Morza Bałtyckiego.
In the work the authors use new possibilities appeared with the implementation of the automatic identification system AIS. It is a system that allows not only the monitoring of maritime traffic, but also research into fundamental processes governing the movement of each vessel. The authors of the study indicate that by analyzing data on the positions of ships, you can designate an area of a probability domain around the ship, which the overrun is considered as a navigational incident and to examined the relationship between accidents and incidents. Based on the theory of the Heinrich's triangle it was assumed that finding the relationship between incidents and accidents allows you to take the assessment of navigational safety in the study area. The intended result of that work is to increase the awareness of the navigators of the potentially dangerous places for navigation, which may result in a reduction in the number of accidents in the Baltic Sea area.
The paper presents an analysis of the accident between a passenger ship moving on the route Swinoujscie Ystad with tanker carrying hazardous substances category X. In order to assess the safety of navigation in the study area the authors have developed a probabilistic domain, which aims to estimate the number of incidents of navigation on the basis of real data from AIS and to find potentially dangerous areas, where there is the highest number of incidents. Then the vessel traffic model was built and the model of navigational safety assessment to evaluate the probability of Ro-Pax Ferry-Chemical tanker collision. Finally the consequences assessment of collision between Ro-Pax and chemical tanker carrying ammonia was performed, taking into consideration ammonia release.
This paper presents simulation analysis of vessels approaching and vessels departuring from the port of Szczecin and Police focusing on the encounters between two vessels. The analysis parameters such as length and draft were examined. Particular attention was paid to the restricted sections of the seaway between Zalew Szczeciński and Basen Górniczy. The results of these simulation trials and the resulting analysis can be helpful while updating port regulations and for the assessment of the traffic density and the capacity of the waterway.
This paper presents a study of ships passing distances in coastal waters based on data from the AIS. Examinations are designed also to work towards the development of probabilistic domain that is an area in which the navigator is trying to keep free from other vessels. This article has been hypothesized for the distribution of ships passing distances from which you can build a probabilistic domain. The article summarizes the studies for three types of ships: tankers, passenger ships and cargo vessels and is comparing the shapes of domains for each of them in three situations: overtaking, crossing, vessels on the opposite courses. Studies were carried out in the Gulf of Pomerania.
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In this paper preliminary analysis of grounding incidents was presented for the future use in navigational safety management system development. The analysis is focused on the area of Pomeranian Bay. Grounding incidents model is created with use of AIS data. The distance of vessel from the dangerous depth and draught/depth ratio was considered as the main factors of navigational incident in presented model.
The paper presents investigations concerning the implementation of a prediction system based on hydrodynamic model, capable to find parameters of the simplified hydrodynamic Nomoto model (1st - order). Optimization of Nomoto model parameters is based on extrapolation of the position, using genetic algorithm and Newton's method.
W artykule przedstawiono badania nad wykonaniem systemu predykcji opartym na modelu hydrodynamicznym, zdolnym do znalezienia parametrów uproszczonego modelu hydrodynamicznego Nomoto pierwszego rzędu. Optymalizacja parametrów modelu Nomoto odbywa się na podstawie ekstrapolacji pozycji za pomocą algorytmu genetycznego oraz metody Newtona.
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