This work presents a new pedagogical approach in learning electronic engineering which includes the use of active and interactive learning techniques. Interactive tasks are developed with the basic aim to make it easier for students to acquire practical knowledge in the field of digital hardware design and design implementation in complex programmable logic circuits. The multimedia application with interactive tasks is mainly developed using Adobe Flash software. The paper describes the model and architecture of a multimedia environment for the realization of interactive tasks by Bayesian approach. The interactive tasks were designed in the academic year 2011, to support the implementation of teaching the subject Programmable logic devices in the Moodle environment. On the basis of surveys carried out at the end of the semester it can be seen that the students’ first experience is very positive.
W artykule przedstawiono nowy system interaktywnej nauki elektrotechniki. Wprowadzone zadania moją na celu przybliżenie studentom techniki programowania układów CPLD. Aplikacje multimedialne wykonano, korzystając z Adobe Flash. Opisane środowiska, wykonane zostało w oparciu o formułę Bayes’a.
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